Attacking Fox

Chapter 209 to find you

Feidian slept for nearly an hour or two before he woke up. He opened his eyes and found that Yin Sheng was not lying beside him. He got up in a panic and looked for him and found that he was sitting in front of the desk not far away to read the memorials.

It suddenly occurred to him that Yin Sheng might not have had a good rest for a long time in order to entertain the Southern Barbarian King these days.

Feidian thought for a moment, turned over and got out of bed, walked to Yin Sheng, leaned against the table seemingly casually, opened his mouth casually, and said to him, "Give me your hand."

Yin Sheng just reviewed very attentively and did not hear the footsteps of Feidian at all. Now he heard his voice and suddenly looked up. His eyes were still a little confused. Suddenly, Feidian seemed to see Xiao Yin Sheng ten years ago through his eyes.

"Why are you awake now?" Yin Sheng came to his senses and asked with concern.

Feidian did not answer him. He bent down, grabbed his hand holding the cinnabar pen, clasped his fingers together, and said to him, "If it hadn't been for the sound of the flute controlling monsters and the miasma rushing to the sky today, I really couldn't have found you. You might have really died there."

Yin Sheng gently rubbed the back of his hand and said, "Isn't it okay? Don't worry, I have a big life and I can't die."

Feidian looked at him without blinking and said, "But I will worry."

A burst of sweetness rose in Yin Sheng's heart. After thinking about it, he asked, "Is there any way to let you know where I am all the time, so that you won't worry about it?"

"This is exactly what I want to do," Feidian said. "I want to plant a grain of spiritual sand in your body, which is separated from my spiritual body, so that I can find you no matter where you are in the future."

As he spoke, a white light came from the joint palms, and the temperature of the other party was like magma, as if to melt each other's palms.

It was a little hot and painful. Yin Sheng couldn't help frown slightly. Feidian found Yin Sheng's expression and immediately pressed his other hand on his eyebrows, gently smoothing his eyebrows, and suddenly a cool feeling hit his whole body. But the palm of the hand is still unbearable.

"You are a human, and your body will naturally reject my spiritual sand, but ten years ago, I gave you all my spiritual power. According to reason, you can rely on my spiritual power to accommodate this spiritual sand..."

It seemed that the whole hand reached into the fire. Yin Sheng seemed to feel that his skin had been melted, and even smelled a barbecue, although his palm seemed to be no different from usual.

The ears can also hear the sound of flying electricity, but it took a long time to realize what he meant. He nodded to Feidian and said, "I will accept it."

After a long time, Yin Sheng felt the heat of his palm spreading, attacking the whole arm, and then to the bones of his limbs. He felt like he was in the fire, and sweat dripping down. He really felt like he would be hot to death the next moment.

"Feidian..." Yin Sheng called Feidian's name impatiently and looked up and kissed his lips in the posture of Feidian slightly lowering. Even if it's only fire that burns himself, not *, he still needs a deserted fox to clear the heat.

I don't know how long it took before the heat receded. Yin Sheng let go of the flying electricity and turned his palm to look at it without any change. Moreover, now he can't imagine the feeling of being in the fire at the beginning... Perhaps because he was a little unconscious after being burned, he actually felt that everything just now was blurred like a dream.

Yin Sheng smiled and asked, "So, where can you find me in the future?"

"No, when you are in danger and want me to save you, I will feel the call of Lingsha in your body and go to save you." Feidian replied, "Normally, I can't find you."

"Well..." Yin Sheng nodded and asked again, "by the way, before you killed all the goblins, didn't the human-faced snake-body goblin say who instructed them to attack us? Do you know?"

Feidian hesitated for a moment and shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yin Sheng narrowed his eyes and thought that if Feidian did not know who this person was, he would never kill the goblin. He must know it, and he is also a person who is closely related to himself and cannot be said.

However, since Feidian didn't want to say anything, Yin Sheng didn't ask any more questions. He smiled at Feidian and said, "I still have some memorials to review. Do you want to sleep for a while?"

"No," Feidian shook his head and said to him, "I want to meet the Southern Barbarian King."

"Now?" Yin Sheng asked.

"Yes." Feidian nodded.

"It's not good now. The Southern Barbarian King and Princess should have slept, or tomorrow?"

"The one who won't sleep..." Feidian smiled and said, "Go ahead and I'll go back. If they really fall asleep, I won't disturb them."

Yin Sheng thought about it and then nodded.

Feidian left the bedroom, and Yin Sheng read a memorial again. Suddenly, he didn't seem to tell Feidian which palace they lived in. Can he... find it?


I guess it's ugly now. The ethereal sound of the flute is no longer there, but the mirror should still be there.

Before looking for Yin Sheng again, the queen came to tell him that Yin Sheng went to the entrance of the imperial city to find Jing Yuanyin. So Feidian also walked towards the imperial city and saw Jing Yuan standing with a sword in his arms, which was no less than usual.

He had already keenly realized that someone was leaning this way. Jing Yuan turned around and saw that it was Feidian, so he didn't go to catch him. After Feidian approached, he asked, "It's so late, don't you sleep?"

Feidian shook his head, "What about you? Don't you sleep at this late hour?"

Jing Yuan smiled faintly, "This is the duty of being a bodyguard around your majesty."

Feidian nodded, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What, can't you say what you want to say?"

"It's not..." Feidian shook his head and said, "Just like ten years ago, you believed in me according to your own judgment, and I also believed in you. Even if everything is pointed at you, even if your ability is indeed doubtful, even if you are really...really..."

"Really what?"

Feidian narrowed his eyes and said, "The demon bone enters the body."

"The demon bone enters the body?" The smile on Jing Yuanyin's face was removed, and he didn't seem to understand what Feidian was saying, "What is a demon bone?"

"Since that trip to Zhaoyao Mountain, I have known your identity, and you must also know it. You are not a human, but you are not a goblin, but now you are full of demonic spirit. You have... become a goblin. The sound of Feidian is cold, and he can only retain the last little trust for such Jing Yuanyin.

Jing Yuanyin began to recall all the strange things in the past two days. The feeling of being invaded by the goblin was like a dream. The words of the carp spirit and the fire god Nanbarians looked at his eyes. Everything told him that something unusual had happened to him.

Maybe... I really became a goblin without knowing it?

"I don't quite understand what you mean..." Jing Yuan hesitated for a moment and said so.

"Not long ago, Your Majesty was attacked by a group of goblins. I saved him. As a result, another group of goblins followed the bedroom in an attempt to harm your majesty."

"Your Majesty..." Jing Yuanyin heard that Yin Sheng was attacked and immediately panicked, but soon he reacted... With this fox demon in front of him, how could your majesty be injured?

"Those goblins said that you were the mastermind behind accusing them of attacking Your Majesty."

Feidian's voice did not have a trace of emotion. He said to Jing Yuanyin. Jing Yuanyin listened and frowned slightly, "Do you also believe it?"

"It is because I don't believe that my words were not heard by your majesty," Feidian said, "but you do emit the spiritual light of goblins outward, and it is not as pure as ordinary goblins, but the spiritual light of a variety of tiny and fragmented goblins combined together to form a messy but extremely powerful spiritual light. "

Jing Yuan thought for a moment and asked, "Is it the same as Fu Li's inspiration?"

Feidian nodded gently.

"But I'm different from him..." Jing Yuan said in a low voice, "I will never... won't..."

"You can explain it to me." Feidian interrupted him.

"I..." Jing Yuan shook his head and said, "There is nothing to explain. I will solve this matter to prove my innocence."

Feidian didn't force anything. He was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you know where the Southern Barbarian King is now? I'm going to see him."

"Oc, I'll take you there." Jing Yuan smiled faintly.

When the two arrived at the palace where the Southern Barbarian King and the Princess lived, they heard a harmonious shout from afar. Jing Yuanyin said awkwardly, "I'll go back first, yourself..."

Feidian didn't feel anything wrong and nodded to Jingyuan.

He did not feel rude at all. When Jing Yuanyin walked through the door, he saw that the Southern Barbarian King was tied to a chair by his princess, and his clothes were untidy.

The two of them found someone coming in and quickly looked back. The Southern Barbarian Princess immediately pulled out a whip and shouted, "Bold! How dare you break into the palace without permission!"

Feidian looked at her, then at the Southern Barbarian King, and politely replied, "I was originally a goblin raised by Yin Sheng, and I originally lived in the palace."

The Southern Barbarian King broke away from the rope and put on his clothes, grabbed the Southern Barbarian Princess and said to her, "We also heard that Yin Sheng raised a goblin concubine in the harem. Is this it?"

As soon as the Southern Barbarian Princess heard this, she looked at Feidian carefully and nodded, "Look at the appearance, that's right."

He put away the whip and asked, "What's the matter at this late hour?"

Feidian lowered his eyebrows slightly, then smiled and asked, "Seeing the inspiration of the princess's expansion, the princess is the V ofhuo shen."

"What about it?" The princess raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Is that carp essence really awesome? And let the two of you come to the State of Li thousands of miles apart after so many years. Feidian said, "Please tell me the truth, because I released the fish essence."

"Yin Sheng didn't blame you for releasing the carp essence?" The princess praised, "He really loves you. But he doesn't know..."

The princess looked up and down and narrowed her eyes, showing a dangerous look.