Attacking Fox

Chapter 216 Blood Flows into a River

The smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger. The little goblin in Feidian's hand trembled like a sieve, waiting for the only eye to look at Feidian. I don't know when he will let himself go.

"Where does the smell of blood come from?" Feidian frowned and asked the little demon in his hand.

"Go down from here. A few days ago, the Demon King brought a new human to raise demon bones."

New human? Yin Sheng looked at the flying electricity and asked, "Is it a mirror?"

Feidian nodded, "* is inseparable from ten."

"I, I have finished everything I know, please let me go..." Tears oozed from the corners of the sarcoma demon's eyes, and Feidian looked at it, as if he was still thinking about what to ask.

"Fox, let it go." Yin Sheng held the hand holding the flying electricity, the flying electric hand released, and the sarcoma demon fell to the ground with a crack, turning into a pool of thick green water and slipped away.

Feidian smiled at Yin Sheng, "Didn't you say it's disgusting? I'm about to kill it."

Yin Sheng blinked his eyes and said, "Isn't the meatballs cute... Does it look like the green ball you ate during the Qingming Festival that are moldy?"

Feidian couldn't help laughing and said, "You are an emperor, have you ever seen the moldy green ball?"

Yin Sheng was shaken by the smile on the corners of his eyes and was stunned for a while before answering, "It's very boring to be an emperor. Sometimes you have to find some other fun and hide things under the bed and take them out after eating for a month to see what it looks like, which is also one of the emperor's pleasures."

Feidian was silent. He finally hid his smile and asked, "Hey! Hello, my brother's whereabouts are still unknown. Is it really good for you to tell me your fun here?

Yin Sheng scratched his head with embarrassment, "Okay, let's go to him."

"Hmm." Feidian nodded and took the lead to walk further down the little goblin said.

This place is getting more and more dilapidated, and the smell of rotten wood penetrates into the nose, making the flying electricity uncomfortable. The light is getting darker and darker, and Yin Sheng, who can't see the road, can only hold the hand of Feidian firmly.

The strong smell of blood made them have the illusion of being soaked in the blood jar. I don't know how long it took, the babbling wood under their feet suddenly turned into solid stone soil, and the light gradually appeared. Yin Sheng's eyes adapted to the light and could see the surroundings clearly.

Sure enough, the wood that may collapse at any time just now has turned into stone. This place is a bit like the underground gathering place of the Huilong religion, but it is not there.

Feidian frowned, took a deep breath, and then pointed to the left direction, "The smell of blood came from there."

Yin Sheng nodded and walked to the source of the taste. Soon, a stone gate appeared in front of him. Yin Sheng walked in without hesitation, but the flying electricity paused, thought for a moment, and followed in.

As soon as he got inside, the stone door behind him closed with a bang. As the stone door fell, the light seemed to be cut off, as black as Yin Sheng's eyes.

Feidian walked to the stone gate, reached out and knocked on the door, turned to Yin Sheng and said, "It seems that I can't get out."

"Can't get out?" Yin Sheng couldn't see it, so he could only listen to the voice and walk to him.

"No, I can go in and out without hindrance, but you can't get out." Feidian said indifferently.

"Don't scare me, there will always be a way." Yin Sheng said, "Fox, can you light a fire? It's so dark that it makes me so annoying."

The flying electricity waved casually, and a trace of open fire ignited on the fingertips. Then I saw several extinguished bright lights on the surrounding walls, and I lit them all by the way.

"Ah..." When the light appeared, Yin Sheng couldn't help exclaiming when he saw what was right in front of him.

Feidian saw his exclaim and quickly turned his head to look, "What..."

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't say a word, because they all saw that the water tank in front of him... was exactly the same as the water tank in the yard of Wanhua Pavilion, and even the blood water full of the tank was exactly the same, sitting inside Jing Yuanyin with his eyes closed.

He is so motionless, soaking in blood.

"Mirror!" Yin Sheng shouted his name, but Jing Yuanyin did not react at all. Yin Sheng hurried forward to wake him up, but Feidian grabbed him.

"Don't go there!"

As soon as Feidian's words fell, countless sarcoma little demons came out of the jar. The green demons with blood were extremely disgusting gray-green. Those little demons surged more and more, and in an instant they spread over the whole ground, but these little demons were still drilling out of the cylinder.

"Now, do you still think it's cute?" Feidian frowned and couldn't help asking.

"..." Yin Sheng stretched out his hand and patted the goblins that climbed on him. "Let's think of a way to solve them."

Each sarcoma demon makes a "la la la..." sound, as if singing a song that makes them very happy. They don't seem to be very aggressive, but the number and color, as well as the blood stains they bring out of the cylinder make them very disgusting.

The electric white shirt had been printed with some blood stains. He frowned, held Yin Sheng's hand tightly, and suddenly emitted a chilly cold light all over his body. He opened his mouth indifferently without a wave, but coldly penetrated people, "Get back."

As soon as this word came out, those sarcoma demons suddenly calmed down. They looked at each other and looked at each other. Soon they shouted again and climbed to Feidian and Yin Sheng.

"Are you disobedient..." Feidian said lightly, and the inspiration suddenly appeared, and the fluffy fox's tail and ears suddenly appeared, and the emerald eyes flashed coldly. However, for a moment, the ice spreading outward with flying electricity as the center sealed all the sarcoma demons.

Feidian raised his leg and stepped on the ice cubes and walked to the jar where Jing Yuanyin was located. Yin Sheng suddenly reached out and took his hand, "Hey, fox!"

"What's wrong?" Feidian turned around in surprise, but saw Yin Sheng's lower body sealed in the ice with those goblins...

For forgetting that Yin Sheng was stupid made him a little embarrassed. He brushed the ice by Yin Sheng's leg with his right hand. The ice cracked, and the flying electricity reached out and pulled him to the ice.

The two walked to Jing Yuanyin's side, and the blood in the jar was also frozen, otherwise there would be goblins crawling out of it.

"Mirror, wake up..." Yin Sheng reached out and pushed Jingyuan's hidden shoulder, but he didn't react.

Feidian attached his hand to the ice and said to Yin Sheng, "The blood inside is still hot."

"Hot? But what does hot mean?

"Humans who bring stool and use blood to nourish the demon bones of Jingyuan... or goblins, not long after they die, otherwise the blood will cool down."

"Use blood to feed him?"

"If you guess correctly, there should be any way to let blood flow into this tank continuously. I don't know how to raise demon bones, but Jingyuan received such treatment. I think this is also the way to raise demon bones." Flying electricity analysis.

Yin Sheng nodded, "Where is the blood injected?" Such a jar of blood... How many people have to die..."

Seeing the worry on Yin Sheng's face, Feidian quickly pressed the palm of his hand and comforted him, "It's not necessarily human blood. Maybe it's the blood of the goblin. We have to find a way to inject blood and cut it off it. Maybe this will Jing Yuanyin wake up."

Yin Sheng listened, looked around, and finally cast his eyes under the cylinder. "The cylinder is here. There is no mechanism that can inject blood in the exposed place. Will it be at the bottom of the cylinder?"

Feidian thought for a moment and reached out and patted the surface of the cylinder with spiritual force. This was enough to collapse the tall building, but the cylinder did not respond at all.

"Very strong cylinder?" Yin Sheng asked uncertainly.

"Maybe it's a cylinder protected by the boundary..." Feidian said, pulling Yin Sheng back two steps. The ice where he had just stood broke apart and disappeared with the frozen goblin.

Feidian stretched out his right hand, and the figure of the knife fairy gradually appeared in his hand. He waved the knife with spiritual power on the ground, which cracked a big opening. Yin Sheng stretched out his head and saw many wriggling transparent pipes similar to human blood vessels, transporting blood to the tank!

"This..." Yin Sheng looked at the wriggling blood vessels in surprise and asked Feidian, "Do you want to cut them off?"

Feidian was stunned, waved a knife with his backhand, and cut off several blood vessels. The blood in the pipe suddenly sprayed out, and the water surface of the frozen blood in the tank gradually dropped, and Jingyuan was red! The naked body was exposed.

"Mirror..." Yin Sheng shouted softly, and Feidian looked along his eyes and saw that the other end of the blood vessels did not stop at the bottom of the cylinder, but directly inserted! Enter the mirror Yuanyin's body!

The pipe outside was cut off by flying electricity, and the blood began to seep out from Jing Yuanyin's body. Jing Yuanyin's skin color gradually turned pale. It was not until it showed a skin color like a corpse that the flying electricity reacted and quickly applied magic. The water in the air immediately formed ice around Jing Yuanyin and sealed the flow of Jing Yuanyin. Flowing blood.

Even if he is a magic weapon and not a human being, he can't let his spirit lose blood so much, and he will die soon. Now Jing Yuanyin has no reaction. Because he is sealed by the ice, even his breathing and heartbeat have stopped, but at least when the flying electricity removes the ice, he can still live.

"Fox, what's the matter with him?" Yin Sheng pointed to Jingyuan's strange body and asked.

"I don't know..." Feidian shook his head and said to Yin Sheng, "All I know is that his blood will flow out after cutting off the blood vessels. I didn't expect it just now, so I'm freezing his blood now so that he won't lose too much blood to die."

Yin Sheng took a deep breath and muttered, "Will the mirror die? He is not..."

"If the treasure has an entity, there will be life, and all living things will die." Feidian's expression was serious, but his eyes were taken away from Jing Yuanyin's body and looked elsewhere.

Yin Sheng looked at Feidian sideways. Because of the use of force just now, his ears and tail were still exposed, and his whole body was perfect and flawless.

But he is also a living entity.

Everything that has life will die.