Attacking Fox

Chapter 221 The End of the World

Three days later, Yin Sheng, who recovered his energy, sat in the center of the hall as usual and listened to what the ministers below said.

He was really sleepy, because after the red sound left three days ago, he locked him and Feidian in the room, so he took this opportunity to stay awake for three days... cough. Fortunately, food and water were stored in the bedroom in a crystal box full of ice, so that they would not starve or die of thirst.

At that time, Yin Sheng looked at the food and estimated that he could stay for about 15 days. Just as Yin Sheng was planning to be a mediocre monarch for 15 days, his virtuous queen came to open the door for them and said to him, "Your Majesty, it's time to go to court."

The weather is not very good today. It is gloomy and a little sultry early in the morning, but the weather is also common in summer, but it is just a prelude to the storm.

Yin Sheng dozed off with his eyes open and was about to fall asleep vaguely. Suddenly, there was a deafening thunder outside. Yin Sheng sat up straight, and then realized that he seemed to be a little out of shape. He pretended to be good at Feng Ling, who was saying underneath, "What Feng Qing said makes sense, so do as Feng Qing said."

Feng Ling was stunned and then replied, "Yes, I take the order."

"So what else do you have to do?"

Yin Sheng asked again, and there was a moment of silence. Yin Sheng thought that everything was okay, so he motioned his father-in-law around him to announce his retreat. At this moment, there was a thunder outside, which was more urgent. The lightning made the gray sky suddenly light up, as if the dark clouds had been torn apart.

The light of the lightning was simply bright as never before, so dazzling that Yin Sheng couldn't narrow his eyes slightly. As soon as the thunder stopped, the wind suddenly hit, and the lightning and thunder continued.

This is summer. Thunder is normal, lightning is normal, and storm is normal. But why do you always feel that something is so abnormal? Where the hell...

Yin Sheng held his chin, and the ministers below had already chatted.

Thunder, lightning, thunder, lightning...

That's right! Yin Sheng suddenly woke up, and he knew what was wrong! Usually, I saw lightning before I heard the thunder, but today I heard the thunder first!

Yin Sheng suddenly patted the dragon-shaped handle on the dragon chair and said to the ministers, "Go out and have a look."

With that, he took the lead outside the hall. The wind outside was as fierce as a knife. Yin Sheng only stepped out of one foot and shrank back.

He frowned and looked at the tree uprooted by the wind outside and said to the minister behind him, "This wind has become a disaster, and the people are in danger. Come up with a countermeasure in a fragrance, otherwise you will get out of the Jinluan Hall now."

The ministers didn't dare to say a word of anger. Looking outside, many people's roofs have been overturned into the air, so people... I hope they can be smarter, hide low, and don't be blown away by the wind.

"Your Majesty, my guests watched the stars last night and did not notice such a sudden change today!" After arching his hand, he said to Yin Sheng.

"Go back and drive him away. What's the use of such a person?" Yin Sheng said to him.

Fu Wan was a little helpless. He looked at Feng Lingzhi. Feng Lingzhi shook his head at him and said to Yin Sheng, "I want to go out now and take people to the East City to have a look..."

"Fengqing is desperate?" Yin Sheng glanced at him and said, "The people are in trouble, and I am also very anxious, but at this time, we must calm down. If even you officials or widows are in a mess, who else can the people rely on?"

"Your Majesty said..." Feng Ling nodded, secretly looked at Yin Sheng's side face, and sighed in his heart that Mount Tai collapsed in front without changing his face. His Majesty was really steady.

But no one knows that Yin Sheng is about to burn as if he put his heart on a hot pot at this moment.

After a minute, Yin Sheng began to wonder why Feidian didn't come to him at the first time in this sudden change? He looked around, and there was no flying figure.

Whless, he said to himself that if this is a small matter, he can completely solve it. If this is a dangerous big event, he can't let Feidian be hurt by himself.

"Why, can't you think of a good idea?" Yin Sheng turned around and asked the ministers behind him.

The ministers looked at each other in consters. Xu Chang is in the mainland and has never seen such a strong wind, so Xu Chang's officials have never thought about how to deal with such a sudden incident. Isn't it difficult for them to come up with a solution within a stick of incense now?

Yin Sheng frowned and was about to say something when the wind outside suddenly stopped, and the surroundings seemed to be suddenly deaf.

He stared at the outside in disbelief. Sure enough, the wind stopped and the trees flying in the air fell down, wishing not to hit people.

"The wind has stopped..." After a long time, Yin Sheng muttered to himself, and the ministers also suddenly woke up and sighed. They all said to Yin Sheng, "Your Majesty Hongfu Qitian, bless me."

Yin Sheng was too lazy to pay attention to them. He walked out of the hall and looked at the still gray sky. There was no lightning and thunder, and the sky was as dark as the dawn.

He held his chin and thought, and suddenly there was a strong premonition of danger. Just as he was about to return to the hall, before he could step forward, a big and amazing stone flew over from nowhere and hit the top of the Jinluan Hall. With a "bang" smashed a big hole in the hall and hit it straight on the dragon chair.

Yin Sheng looked there with lingering heart. Fortunately, he left, otherwise he would have to become meat mud.

"Your Majesty..." Feng Ling was well uttered, but he couldn't say anything.

"It's a disaster that can't be avoided." Yin Sheng became more and more calm. "After a series of changes, there must be more dangerous things to happen next. Now retreat from the court. Go back and find a place to hide."

Ministers, look at me, I look at you, silently for a moment, kneel down together, and said to Yin Sheng, "I am willing to coexist with your majesty!"

"Is that so..." Yin Sheng raised the corners of his mouth, "Don't regret it."

As soon as the words fell, another round of change came. Countless fireballs fell from the sky, and the thing hit immediately turned into powder, and the fireball turned red and flowed like magma.

How can you sit and wait for death?

Yin Sheng turned around and walked in the direction of the dragon chair, thinking carefully every step. Finally, before he walked to the smashed and deformed dragon chair, he reached out and pulled out the knife fairy under the chair and asked him, "I didn't break you."

Feng Ling looked at Yin Sheng's figure silently and waited for the next battle. Suddenly, his ears hurt and he noticed that someone was twisting his ear, and the gesture was extremely familiar.

He turned his head in horror, and it was his wife who bent!

"You, you...why are you here?" Feng Ling asked in surprise, this is above the court, in the palace, how can he be a woman...

"Don't forget that I am a god! Why don't you come home with me and stay here and wait to die in such a dangerous way!" Bend said angrily.

Feng Lingzhi blinked his eyes, "Your Majesty is still..."

"Your Majesty will protect himself. Come with me!" With that, Feng Lingzhi disappeared in front of everyone. At the last minute of disappearing, Feng Lingzhi suddenly found that he had said so much to his wife, but none of the ministers around him had found her existence?!

Fu Wan also looked solemnly at Yin Sheng, who greeted him with weapons, waiting for the next battle, but Fu Lang beside him suddenly said to him, "Father, some people say that the eighth brother is not dead yet. He is back!"

Fu Wan looked at Fu Lang in surprise and said angrily, "What are you talking about! Li'er is still in Miaojiang!"

"It's true, father, do you want to go home and have a look..." Fu Lang looked serious, paused and said, "And I heard... this mutation is exactly the curse he caused!"

After looking at him in disbelief, when the dead insect suddenly appeared in his heart for some reason, he looked at Yin Sheng, then looked at Fu Lang, and shook his sleeves and said, "Let's go back!"

He left, but he found that no one asked him why he had left, and he didn't even notice him.

Yin Sheng wiped the knife, turned around and saw the ministers in front of him talking to themselves. After saying that, they all turned around and left the Golden Hall. He was so scared that he almost threw the knife fairy to the ground.

He hurried down, walked to a minister who had not left yet, and asked him, "Why have they all left?"

But the minister didn't seem to hear what he said. He looked at somewhere and said to himself, "Okay...Madam, I'm wrong. I'll go back now."

After saying that, he also left.

What kind of ecstasy did you get? Seeing something important, people said something important to them, so they all left with them?

Where did the ecstasy come from? Why didn't he meet Yin Sheng? Or did you win this spell but didn't find it yourself?

Yin Sheng was thinking that Feidian suddenly ran out from the back of the hall and called him behind him, "Yin Sheng!"

Yin Sheng immediately turned around and found that Feidian was already in the form of a fox demon, guessing that he should have used his mana just now. He said to Feidian, "Here you are."

"It's dangerous here! Let's wait to hide." Feidian shouted very urgently.

Yin Sheng frowned, "What's the danger? Where to hide?"

"Here! This world!" Feidian came to him and said to him, "Hide and hide in another space. You know I can do it."

Yin Sheng stretched out his hand and stroked his head and pinched his ear. "No, my people are here, my country is here, and my mission I can't escape from is here."

"But you will die!" Feidian frowned and held the wrist of Yin Sheng's other hand.

Yin Sheng didn't say anything, moved down the palm of his head, came to his tail and played with his tail.

"Are you scared?" Yin Sheng asked.

"I'm afraid you'll die!" Flying electricity came back.

"Oh..." Yin Sheng nodded, suddenly raised his hand holding the knife and hit the top of the head of the flying electricity. The fox in front of him immediately divided into two halves and soon turned into a thick pool of magma like the red ** flowing outside.

"There is no response to pinch your ears and touch your tail," Yin Sheng raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. "How dare you come and pretend to be my fox."


In the harem, the Southern Barbarian Princess stood in the imperial garden according to her hair, looked at the fireballs falling from the sky, and said to the Southern Barbarian king in the pavilion behind her, "What kind of mutation is this? Why didn't I find anything?"

The Southern Barbarian King shook his head, "I don't know. There is no warning. Since the golden carp stole the heavenly book, the development of things has long been beyond our control!"