Jinwu Zhudao

Chapter 102 Shicheng's Past

I don't know how long it took, a satisfied moan came out, and Lu Chong opened his eyes flushed and looked excited.

If someone can see the meridians in Lu Chong's body at this moment, they will find that there are some lines of sword shadows on his meridians. The spiritual power flows in the meridians, like a sharp sword that has not yet come out of its sheath. The sharpness converge, but when it comes out of the sheath, it must pierce the sky.

The Tiandao wheel shook, but you appeared in front of Lu Chong's eyes, full of horror, and his little hand trembled and pointed to Lu Chong:

"You, you..."

Lu Chong grinned, slapped him, laughed and scolded:

"What are you talking about?"

Kuching swallowed his saliva and said in shock:

"You have been refined?"

Lu Chong raised his head proudly and his eyes were full of pride, but Qing did not have any objection to this. Although he was born not long ago, in fact, his history is enough to make Lu Chong worship him. In his impression, a rookie who is new to kendo can use his young sword gas to refine the heart of the world...< /P>

Lu Chong took a long breath, his fingers bent slightly, and with a slight flick, a sword gas gushed out, penetrating the formation and shooting through the mountain. I don't know how far he has gone.

Lu Chong was shocked. It seemed that he could try to take the route of kendo. To be honest, Lu Chong still has a trace of longing for Jianxiu. His long hair is floating, his white clothes are like snow, and a sword comes from the west and he is flying outside the sky.

This kind of scene was very eager when Lu Chong was young. Now, it seems that you can try it. Thinking of this, Lu Chong laughed a few times.

But Qing heard Lu Chong's laughter and felt creepy. He quickly got into the heavenly wheel. Lu Chong ignored him and took out the last yellow package.

The purple wooden box and the black wooden box gave Lu Chong a big surprise. What kind of things will be in this yellow package? Lu Chong is looking forward to it.

He raised his hand to untie the package, and the layers of satin slowly loosened. Lu Chong looked at the things in front of him and was quite speechless. What appeared in front of him was not a shocking secret treasure, nor a panacea or skill, but a black beard...

Lu Chong looked at the black beard and sighed. It seemed that several people in this sword hall came to carry out some kind of secret mission. He didn't know the task, and this thing was useless at all.

At this time, Lu Chong was shocked and picked up his black beard. A sword spirit spontaneously shot out, scratching a deep bone scar on Lu Chong's finger, and golden blood flowed out.

Lu Chong was shocked and put down his black beard. He raised his injured finger in a daze and sucked it in his mouth. When he put it down, the wound had recovered, but Lu Chong's eyes looking at the black beard completely changed.


Yes, it's a surprise. Lu Chong can be sure that there must be an inevitable connection between this black beard and the black beast transformed by the stone city, and maybe he can get a great opportunity.

That day, I saw that those people were dressed in extraordinary clothes. I wanted to grab something casually and exchange them to raise funds for Kunlun. I didn't expect that I did get such an opportunity now. It seems that my luck is really good.

Lu Chong grinned. Although his luck still reached the legendary emperor, it was also very good. It is said that some people had a great opportunity in ancient times. When he was born, the sky was auspicious, the dragons and phoenixes were auspicious, and his life was smooth. He belonged to the lord who could sit down and sit down to a secret treasure after a rest after walking.

It is a tragedy to fight with that kind of human enemy. If you fight against it, you will be afraid that the inexplicable spiritual power will flow back and the meridians will be broken and die.

Lu Chong did not expect to have that kind of good luck. It's good to do this now. Unfortunately, when the realm is low, the enemy has not been hindered by spiritual power, but now it is useless.

The people who fight against Lu Chong are basically monks who are in charge of their fate. They control their own fate. The so-called God-given luck has not had a great impact on them. What's more, although Lu Chong's luck is amazing in the Fusang plane, it is not worth mentioning in the central world.

After a long time, Lu Chong stood up, moved his body, put his black beard into the heavenly wheel, removed the array, and left the mountain.

Looking at the long-lost sun, Lu Chong took a deep breath, felt the warmth of the sun, grinned, and flew away in the direction of Shicheng.

There are more people in Shicheng. Lu Chong estimated that he had been practicing for about half a month. Many major forces in Yunzhou have arrived here. One by one, their cultivation is amazing, and they dare not look directly at them.

Although Lu Chong's previous identity and status were remarkable, there were not many people in Shicheng who had really seen Lu Chong, but vaguely heard of such a person, so when Lu Chong came to Shicheng in a different direction, there was no surprise at all.

Lu Chong was naturally happy to see this. He turned his eyes and thought for a moment, grinned, looked around, found a direction, and flew over.

A middle-aged monk in ordinary clothes stood there with a sad face, looking at Shicheng and sighing. At this time, a voice sounded in his ear:

"Brother, Shicheng has come out of treasure. This is a great joy. Why do you sigh?"

The middle-aged man looked back doubtfully, but saw a handsome teenager looking at himself as if asking, looking at the young man's kind face. The middle-aged monk had a good impression and explained

"Little brother, you don't understand. I am the aborigines of this stone city. For me, I don't care if this stone city can't produce treasure. I just want to live in peace."

The handsome teenager is naturally Lu Chong. Hearing the words, he nodded and asked again:

"Brother, what is the origin of this stone city before? It looks quite old."

As soon as this came out, the middle-aged monk straightened his chest and said proudly:

"In this land of Yunzhou, there are thousands of cities, but in ancient times, this stone city is definitely ranked in the top ten. We now call this city Stone City, but in fact, a long time ago, he had a very domineering name, Sword Emperor City!"

When Lu Chong heard the words, a trace of light flashed in his eyes. The middle-aged monk continued to say:

"According to the classics, many cities in the five prefectures of the human race were used to suppress the power of demons or witches in ancient times. They cultivated themselves one by one. The predecessors of the human race sacrificed cities one by one, suppressed them, absorbed the essence of their cultivation, and then turned them into a terrible inheritance, which was passed down to powerful people. Ethnic group.

In that era, Jianhuang City had a remarkable and powerful inheritance, which can be called the strongest kendo inheritance in Yunzhou. Even in the five states of the human race, it also ranked in the top three. At that time, there were countless masters in Jianhuang City. It is said that the moat array of Jianhuang City at that time was jointly manipulated by the 300 monks of the Holy Land. It can easily erase the strong people of the big realm.

Lu Chong was shocked. Now a monk of the Great Holy Land is enough for him to worship, and this moth array needs to be manipulated by the monks of the 300 Holy Land. Just a blow to wipe out the strong man of the Great Land is enough to be fascinating.

Thinking of this, Lu Chong looked at the slightly dilapidated stone city, and his thoughts seemed to have already returned to the glorious era of stone city swords. Countless flying swords flew in the air, and the monks held swords and swept across the sky. Under a blow, the sky and the earth collapsed.

After a long time, Lu Chong slowly withdrew his mind and looked at the middle-aged man who was also trapped in memories. Lu Chong felt a little funny and coughed gently. The middle-aged man woke up and smiled embarrassedly. After a long time, he slowly continued to say:

"Later, I don't know why the sworddo inheritance of the Sword Emperor City was cut off. At that time, the chaos of the demons and the witches was basically removed, and there was inevitably a struggle within the human race. The Sword Emperor City lost his inheritance and was naturally targeted by the rest of the forces. Before long, in the internal and external troubles, the Sword Emperor City lost his past. Glory.

It is said that when the last city owner of the Sword Emperor died, the whole Sword Emperor City was mourning. The three characters of the Sword Emperor City on the gate tower have changed and turned into a burial sword city!"

Lu Chong was surprised. When he was about to continue to ask, he saw that the middle-aged monk grew up and looked at the direction of Shicheng in a daze. Lu Chong was puzzled and turned his head, but he was also stunned.

Not only the two of them, but also hundreds of thousands of monks outside Shicheng were stunned.

Shicheng's sword kept ringing, and hundreds of millions of flying swords suddenly appeared in the void, operating according to strange traces, emitting terrible fluctuations. On the gate, the three characters of the burial sword city suddenly appeared, as if telling the glory and sadness of the past.

What shocked everyone more was that there was a faint voice in Shicheng, and a swordsman suddenly appeared in the void, dancing with his swords in the air. With the first place, he naturally had the second and third place.

Slowly, countless swords floated over the stone city, freely dancing the long sword and attracting the wind and clouds.

The sword imperial city that shocked an era, at this moment, seems to be back...