Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 022 Jiabao

As soon as Ru Niang came in, she quickly explained, "The old slave saw that the family had just cut down several large bamboos, so I asked the master's family to help make a few bamboo tubes to load water, so that they could be used on the road."

Zhang Hanqiu nod slightly, "Let's go."

The carriage was for people to rest on the roadside, and stopped by the old pavilion that had existed for many years.

Holding Ajiu's hand out of the car, Zhang Hanqiu saw that the three of them did not kneel as humbly as the slaves she had ever seen, but bowed and stood aside.

It's like... When nothing can be kept, I still want to keep the last dignity!

Through the three people, Zhang Hanqiu thought of himself.

Wasn't she forced to save nothing?

What's worse than them is that even her dignity has been trampled by those people. If she doesn't rise up against the extremes and get her dignity back, she will be trampled on by them for the rest of her life.

If she wants to use people, why must she be groveling? It's good to have a little dignity.

Your mother watched her young lady's eyes settled down in a trance, and her eyes were full of relief. Her young lady adapted well.

After leaving the Zhang family, the young lady was no longer a noble. She was worried all the way that the young lady would not be able to put on the shelf and care about those faces. Fortunately, her young lady was smarter than she thought.

"Ajiu, divide the food into one point and eat some. It doesn't matter after eating. Just make up for it on the way."


The three people standing looked at each other with a slightly bitter smile. They seemed to have followed a good master.

Although the master is a little smaller, he is still a woman.

Compared with those nobles who don't regard slaves as human beings, the heroine is also very good.

A Jiu took out the two cakes close to him. The taste of the cake with body temperature was only a little worse. Zhang Hanqiu tried to swallow them in one bite.

The Zhang family has never deducted her from eating, and she has really not suffered much in this regard. But since she made a decision, she is ready to suffer.

Compared with psychological suffering, this is nothing.

After eating, Zhang Hanqiu looked at the three people. "I only have one requirement for you, that is loyalty. If you think you can't do it, you will leave when you arrive at Huiting City. I promise that I will never report to the official to arrest you, just take it as a silver that hired you to escort us all the way."

The three of them looked at each other and only felt that their throats were tight. Such a good opportunity was put in front of them, and they couldn't help but be moved...

But thinking of the slave mark on their foreheads, the three of them could only smile bitterly, touched their foreheads and said, "With this thing, where can we go?" The young lady admitted that the three of us are also willing to confess. We are willing to offer our loyalty to the young lady, but the three of us still have a wish. When it comes to need, I hope the young lady can allow us to leave for a period of time. Miss, don't worry, we will definitely come back.

Zhang Hanqiu looked leisurely at the swaying woods outside the pavilion. "At that time, maybe I don't need you anymore. What if I can't come back? People's hearts can't be forced. This is my..." The experience I have learned in two lifetimes.

Looking down and silent for a while, Zhang Hanqiu got up and said, "Let's go."


It was a pleasure to walk here, but the Zhang family was in chaos at this time.

Zhang Ze, who has always been graceful, loosened his crown, and he didn't know that a few strands of hair fell off. He smashed everything that could be smashed in the hall. His eyes were red and he roared breathlessly, "Zhang Hanqiu, Zhang Hanqiu!"

It's rare for Wu not to go forward to talk softly.

She is dying of anger.

A room full of dowry was burned, and the Zhang family was burned for one-third. If it was just like this, she could swallow the anger.

But through her fever, the rumors outside have become more and more unpleasant. The sister and her sister's fiance have committed adultery and forced her sister to give in. The fire Zhang Hanqiu wanted to burn herself, but she was saved by the master. On the surface, her stepmother is very good to her stepdaughter, but in fact, she Heart-to-heart...

She worked hard for more than ten years, and a fire was completely burned down.

No, you can't just forget it!

Looking at her husband, Wu's eyes blinked, and her eyes were immediately wet and full of tears. "Sir, when is it difficult for me to treat her? Listen to what the concubine is said outside. Even if she has anger and resentment in her heart, why don't you just sprinkle it at home? She let go of the fire, but have you ever thought about the consequences? Now the Zhang family has become a joke in Wuyang City.

In the end, tears rolled down, with a pale face, looking particularly pitiful.

Zhang Zetian has always eaten Wu's style, and he hates Zhang Hanqiu even more.

But when I thought that I hadn't been able to find anyone since the incident happened, I admired the eldest daughter who had never even had a few doors.

Since he found that she was missing last night, he scattered all the people in the house and asked the night patrolman. That is, the beggar in the corner woke up and asked, but he didn't get any news.

It's like the man disappeared out of thin air.

When it was dawn, he went outside to decorate it. Last night, the gate of Chencheng was closed long ago, and she couldn't run out, thinking that as long as people were still in the city, she couldn't run away.

But until now, there is still no news.

Zhang Zetian strived to be competitive all his life, but in the end, he fell into the hands of his unsto-looked daughter. It's really good!

"Sir, what do you think you can do? If the Qiao'er is like that outside, if the Qi family..."

"The Qi family dare not go back on their word." Zhang Zetian stroked his forehead and looked irritable. "Instead of thinking about this, you might as well think about what Xia Wei will do."

Wu's face turned whiter. Yes, without Zhang Hanqiu, how can they hold Xia Wei in their hands again?

What if she is sad and insists on making things so that everyone doesn't have a good life?

Her current identity is that they can't move. She also has a son. She should be only two or three years younger than Jiabao. If she is in a dilemma with Jiabao in the future, how can Jiabao be an opponent?

Speaking of which, "Where's Jiabao? Didn't you say you wouldn't let him go to school today? Why haven't you seen anyone?

Zhang Zetian was stunned and looked at the waiter in the room, "Have you seen the third prince?"

The people in the room looked at each other and shook their heads.

Seeing that Zhang Zetian was about to have an attack, a maid came in from the house and replied tremblingly, "Sir, I saw the third prince sitting in the yard earlier."

Wu Shi quickly got up and said, "There is a broken wall there. What can I see..."

"Stop." Zhang Zetian looked at his wife who was confused as soon as he met a big event. "Jiabao has always had a good relationship with Qiu'er. If such a thing happens, don't you let him go with his nature. Do you want him to hate you?"

"How can he hate me? Everything I do is for his good."

"Then you asked me if you did what I wanted?" Zhang Jiabao came in from the outside, and the childishness on his face seemed to fade overnight. His eyes were red and swollen and looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were cold.

"Home treasure!"

"Did I say that I was going to force my elder sister away? Did I say that I want everything from my eldest sister? Did I say that I don't want my elder sister to live comfortably? I said, is it not good for you to be like this to your elder sister?"

The ten-year-old child can't say anything more unpleasant, but he is so sad. His family, his own father, mother and sister joined hands to force the eldest sister to the mirror, and finally forced her away. So many people in the Zhang family have not found it. He doesn't even know if the eldest sister is safe now.

Wu covered his chest and opened his mouth several times, but he couldn't say a word.

Who is she for? Who is everything she does for?

" Jiabao, why do you talk to your mother?" Zhang Zetian helped his wife sit down with an ugly expression.

Zhang Jiabao's fists were so tight that he wanted to pinch out the water. Finally, he simply turned his head and didn't look at the two people in front of him. As he walked out, he said, "From today on, I will live in the school. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me."

The school can indeed live in people, but how can it be compared with the family? Wu was so anxious that she burst into tears and grabbed her husband's skirt and begged, "Sir, please let Jiabao stay, let him stay..."

Zhang Zetian patted her on the shoulder and saw her son leave until he never saw him again before lowering his head to comfort his wife. "The baby is ten years old. You can't raise him as a child anymore. It's okay to let him go out. If Qiu'er's departure can make the baby grow up, the Zhang family


"That's it. Later, you send someone to send him some daily necessities. Except for his personal shove, don't follow him. If he can't suffer, he will naturally come back."

Wu bit his lip and curled the beginning, and tears fell straight down like broken beads.

Zhang Zetian couldn't suppress his temper. He shook his hand and sat back and said in a low voice, "Is it time to worry about such a small thing? You don't even think about how we should deal with it if Xia Wei really tried her best to investigate.

Wu Shi silently wiped her tears and did not dare to show her temper again. "This is Zhang Hanqiu who set fire to her away, and it's not that we set fire to force her to leave. If Xia Wei investigates her like this, her current identity is different from the past. Her son is her guarantee and her weakness. For the sake of I'm more worried that she will make things difficult for Jiabao in the future. After all, Jiabao will go on an official career in the future, and it is impossible to avoid it with her son..."

Zhang Zetian nodded, "What you said makes sense. She can only question a few questions at most, and she has to say that the city owner allows her to go out. I was blindfolded and actually felt that she was threatening. Once a woman is tied up, even if she hates me, she can't do anything unless her son can take office There is more than one son, and there is also a legitimate eldest son on it. What is she? It's been a long time. Just wait and see.

Wu nodded repeatedly and secretly decided that when he saw Jiabao next time, he must make good friends with the direct son of the city owner.

"Where's Qiaoer? Do you finally know how to restrain this mess?

How dare Wu still speak for her daughter, "I'm doing embroidery work in the house, and I haven't gone out today."

"I was scared back by the gossip when I went out." Zhang Zetian snorted coldly, "Didn't you say that you had an appointment with the Qi family today to discuss the marriage of the two families? Why didn't people come?"

"I pushed the time back for two days. It's really not suitable for the Zhang family to see guests like this. At that time, you were mobilizing people to find the elder sister, so you didn't come to disturb you."

"You can't push back." Zhang Zetian objected without thinking about it. "It's easy to change after a long time. Change the time to tomorrow."

"Yes, I'm going to the Qi family in person."