Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 144 Midnight

Things have been settled. Xia Hanqiu didn't have to worry about what she needed to prepare for the trip, so she went to Xia's house.

"Zhang Zetian is dead?" Xia Yusheng was stunned at first and immediately laughed happily, "It's good to die, it's good to die. I've done so many bad things, this is retribution."

Xia Cong also felt that Zhang Zetian had died well in his heart, but although he saw that there was no grief on his nephew's face, he was not happy. He quickly coughed and took over the words, "The people of the Zhang family came to pick up Zhang Jiabao, right? Hanqiu, the Xia family doesn't go to pay tribute. Do you think you need to prepare a sacrifice for Zhang Jiabao to bring back to make a show?

"What does it look like? He is a great nobleman of the Zhang family, and I, the Xia family, don't have to climb high. After saying that, Xia Yusheng looked at his granddaughter, "Mother Qiu, what do you think?"

"I'm going to Wuyang."

As soon as this was said, the Xia family was silent. They only thought that Han Qiu still cared about Zhang Zetian's father.

"The Zhang family has nothing to do with me for a long time. I didn't want to go, but the Taoist priest said that I had to go for the cause and effect, so I had to go."

As soon as they heard that it was the meaning of the Taoist priest, the Xia family couldn't say anything.

Xia Jing knew that the master never said anything, so he said, "Qiu'er, I'll go with you."

"No, uncle, do you think I'm still the Zhang Hanqiu who can bully everyone before?" Xia Hanqiu looked pale on his face. In those years in Wuyang, he was really not happy. "You have only been married for a few days. Stay at home with your aunt. There will be many things to do in the future, and there will be as much time to stay together as now."

Fu Yingying glanced at her, "Your little uncle and I just got up for a lifetime. The days in the future are still very long. Why don't you care about these days? I can rest assured that my husband will accompany you. I have seen Zhang Qiao'er's virtue. You are not a person who loves to argue about the length of your

"The Taoist priest Wuwei sent someone else to go with me, and I will go with him. I can't suffer losses. Why in your eyes, I must be the one who suffered losses?" Xia Hanqiu was helpless. It seemed that everyone had this attitude. Does she look so soft and easy to bully?

Even if it was before, now, she is no longer the Zhang Hanqiu who swallowed her teeth.

"In this case, the Xia family should also prepare a sacrifice." Xia Yusheng made a final, and the others naturally had no objection. Ke Shi hurriedly got up to prepare.

Xia Cong asked, "When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Do you want to go too?"

"No, it's not appropriate for him to go." She had no choice but to go. How could she let Nian'er kill his parents' enemies?

"Be careful. Those people are not kind to you. Come back as soon as the matter is over. I think it's too risky for you to go to Wuyang. It's hard to get out of there, and now I have to go back..."

Xia Cong shook his head. If the Taoist priest didn't say he wanted to go, he would not agree with the first one.

In the evening, Xia Hanqiu was sleepless after tossing and turning for a long time. Finally, he simply sat up, held the soft choo-choo in his arms and stroked his hair, and his eyes fell on the virtual place and walked away.

When her biological father passed away, she did not feel sad. When she heard the news, she was just shocked by the accident and thought: Ah, dead! There is nothing else.

But why is this all in my mind?

Obviously, I don't care much about it!

I haven't been sleepy for a long time. Xia Hanqiu simply didn't sleep and put on his clothes and got up.

"Miss, do you want to get up at night?" Ruyue, who had not completely subsided, quickly got up and asked.

"I can't sleep. Go out for a walk."

Where did you go this night? Ruyue muttered in her heart. She quickly packed herself up, took a cloak and put it on the young lady's shoulder, and then walked out of the door.

"It's raining again!" The ground is not completely wet, and the sound of rain has not been heard in the house. The rain should have just rained. Since the heavy rain, the rain has stopped, and the rain has more time to stop in a day.

"Miss, it's cold at night, so don't go out." Ruyue gently dissuaded her. The young lady is usually very good at serving, and she is never harsh on her subordinates, but they are most afraid of the young lady's stubbornness. Once the young lady is stubborn and wants to do something, no one can stop her. Fortunately, there are not many times like this.

But at this time, Ruyue vaguely felt that the young lady could not be persuaded.

Sure enough, Xia Hanqiu shook her head as soon as she heard it, "I have something to do with the master. Don't wake up the others. Just let me go."

"..." Ruyue didn't know what to say. She couldn't say anything during the day. It was too inappropriate to find someone at this time, but watching the young lady raise her feet and leave, she had to quickly pick up with the lantern.

The house that opened up several large houses was very large. Fortunately, it didn't take long to go anywhere through the mobile game gallery. After a while, Xia Hanqiu came to the yard of Wuwei.

The door is open.

There was a voice of incompatriates from the room, "What are you doing standing outside? Come in quickly."

Xia Hanqiu had a smile in her eyes. When she went in and saw that it was there, the smile was even more obvious, "Why did you come here?"

"I'm afraid no one in the world knows you better than that." Looking at the care of Han Qiu with his own eyes, he has to sigh for his incomerence. Once a ruthless person uses affection, it is as deep as Xu.

Xia Hanqiu naturally sat next to Changezhi and looked over in surprise when she heard the words, "Do you know I will come over?"

"I only know that you will definitely not be able to sleep. If you can't sleep, you will think nonsense, and then you will think of what Wuwei said during the day today. You want to find an answer and know what taboos you have. Now it seems that I guessed right."

I really know her. Xia Hanqiu opened her mouth and closed it again. She didn't know what to say.

If she didn't care too much about her, if she hadn't understood her carefully, how could she have guessed her mind so thoroughly that she could get this person in her life? Xia Hanqiu was really favored by God.

"All right, all right, don't stimulate me, a lonely old man, here at night." Wuwei poured a cup of tea for each of them, and did not make a sloppy eye, and frankly relieved Xia Hanqiu's puzzle.

"The prophet does not say that he wants to be pure and flawless, but he must not distort his mind. If he is contaminated with too many evils and loses his ability, he will be one of them. In serious cases, he will be punished by heaven. It is not that the previous prophets have not had a tragic end. Even if It's too big. If you don't have these constraints, you can use all your skills to help you, and even help yourself achieve everything. The consequences are unimaginable.

Wuwei stopped and gave her an example, "Just like me, in my current position, if I climb high, how many people do you think will respond? The power of the concept of nothingness is not small. It is difficult to use divination, medical skills and other means to gather people's hands. What's the difficulty in achieving a great thing, but it is necessary to achieve a great thing. I don't know how many people have died for it in the open and secretly. If every prophet is like this, what Those who speak have great ability. Some prophets may only predict a few times in their lives. Those who really have great ability must be born at the right time. For example, you, Hanqiu, you have to identify with your identity and don't resist. This is your life. There is no change. Why struggle to make yourself more uncomfortable.

Xia Hanqiu wanted to say that she was not struggling, but...

She is indeed resisting her identity. She doesn't want to predict or be led by the nose, even if this person is empty.

Every time the evil thoughts that follow the prophecy make her sick and vomit. The skills she practice are usually useful, but the moment of prophecy is useless.

She doesn't know if every prophet is willing to play this role. At least, she is not so willing.

"Haanqiu, don't resist it. When you get used to it, you will feel that it's not as bad as you think. No matter how strong people's will is, it't be better than God's will. Don't embarrass yourself."

After a long silence, Xia Hanqiu said, "I will try my best."

"That's right." Wuwei was also relieved. At first, he thought that Han Qiu would accept the identity that everyone wanted. At that time, her performance was indeed the same, and she didn't even need him to say much to calmly accept it. But after a long time, he found that the seemingly talkative person was secretly stubborn.

Fortunately, now she has finally got her promise. Han Qiu is more committed than a man. As long as she agrees, she will definitely do it.

"Don't be careless when you go to Wuyang this time. Qi Zhensheng is not simple and scheming. I know what you want to do. Don't think it's easy to kill him. He can't die when he shouldn't die. And you are one with Hanqiu now. Your luck affects each other. Don't Qiu will bear the consequences.

Duan Ziyi suddenly felt that his hands and feet were bound. "I can't watch people bully me and fight back."

"How many people have such a good fortune as Qi Zhensheng? Not everyone can have an impact on Hanqiu. As long as you follow the trend, what can't you do? Have you really become a saint over the years? Han Qiu, do you understand what I'm saying?

"Although what you said is inconsistent, I should have understood that if you forcibly change the fate of a lucky person, it will have a great impact on me. If I want to do something, I must take advantage of the situation. Is that what it means?"

"Yes, roughly like this. What you should pay attention to is that when you figure it out, you will know that your shackles are not as big as you think, right?"

People are really invincible. They can even get the loopholes in this regard, but fortunately, otherwise who would have been able to stand it? Xia Hanqiu nodded.

"If you understand, go back and have a rest. It's getting late. You'll have to go far away tomorrow."

"Yes, Master, you should also rest early."

"This hour can't go anywhere earlier. Walking around, I can't stand the toss of an old bone."

The two were almost kicked out. Xia Hanqiu gathered his cloak and muttered, "I'm dizzy. The master said a lot. In fact, he turned the corner to let us not move. Is that man's fortune really so strong?"

"I don't know if it's so strong, but I didn't succeed in making people's hands twice, and I couldn't do it under some unexpected circumstances. He himself didn't know at all. I believe in in incomerable words. That man is really lucky."

Xia Hanqiu looked at the change in a squint. It turned out that the change had been tried a long time ago. Is it possible that such a bad thing like Qi Zhensheng is still favored by heaven?!

Or was he born to overcome her? RS