Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 157 Family

The rain, which has been very mild, suddenly became heavy.

Even if the carriage was on the rain gear, it would float in from time to time. Duan Ziyi, the farmer's house where he lived when he arrived, decided not to go forward and avoid this time.

The farmer welcomed the arrival of this group. Although he was a nobleman and had some airs to make him afraid to approach, the young lady in white was very talkative and did not embarrass them at all. When she left, she gave them a lot of money, which was enough to cover the more than they worked day and night for a year.

took the initiative to take out the best things at home, and then burned a lot of hot water without asking. The enthusiastic appearance made Xia Hanqiu's troubles caused by the rain to dissipate a lot.

"That's because you are generous. You can't buy everything with money, but you can buy most of it."

Xia Hanqiu suddenly remembered a sentence she had heard in her previous life, 'Money is not omnipotent, but it is impossible without money', which is so similar to this sentence.

I don't know if my parents and brothers are doing well now. I should still miss her.

If she can, she really hopes to be their daughter for the rest of her life and give them the end of their old age, instead of sending black-haired people who make them sad.

"That little silver is nothing to us. It will have a great effect on the common people. If you dig food in the soil, you can't earn one or two in a month. If you help others in the city, you may be able to earn two or two taels." Duan Ziyi pushed the tea in front of her, accidentally touched her cold hand, and hurriedly held it to the palm of her hand, "Cold?"

"It's not cold. A woman is a vagina, and her vitality is insufficient. If the weather changes a lot, her hands and feet will be cold."

"Go back and let Germ do it for you."

Xia Hanqiu did not object. He told Duan Ziyi about the little guy who helped him escape from Wuyang City four years ago, "I'm afraid he will know who I am when I go back to the city, and I don't know if he regrets it."

"As long as you are not caught, there is nothing to regret. The money you gave is enough to frighten him."

In this way, it seems to be the same. As long as there is no danger, compared with the benefits of immediate ability, nothing else is there.

The sky seems to have been stabbed into a hole, and the rain is getting heavier and heavier. With lightning and thunder, the sky and the earth seem to fall into the doomsday.

This kind of rain has not stopped for four consecutive days, and the group of them are trapped in the farmhouse and can't move.

Standing in front of the door and sighing, Xia Hanqiu muttered to himself, "Compaed with the rain in the past few days, the previous rains were simply funny."

Duan Ziyi couldn't help laughing. Knowing that Qiuer was upset when she thought of the flood that she had said inadvertently, she followed her words and said, "Fortunately, it doesn't rain like this every day, otherwise it will be okay."

Yes, Xia Hanqiu thought so, "Why don't we go back in the rain?"

"No, the rain gear can't last so long." Duan Ziyi categorically refused. Although it is a little dilapidated, it can at least be sheltered from the wind and rain. If the carriage is broken on the road, there is no place to hide.

Hearing the footsteps, it seemed that Chen Chen was coming. Duan Ziyi took the opportunity to turn the topic, "Chen Chen is here. Is there anything to do with you?"

Looking along his line of sight, Xia Hanqiu raised her feet to cross the threshold to meet people. She was pulled and said, "It will be wet."

At this time, Chen Chen had already walked over and said, "They are all our own people. Instead of keeping those etiquette and rules, little sister, it's better for you to take care of yourself not to get sick than anything else."

It's hard for Xia Hanqiu to say that he is used to it. For more than ten years, being cautious and cautious can't be changed overnight.

He squeezed his hair and smiled shyly, turned around and walked in, "Second brother, come in and talk."

Xia Hanqiu lived in the best house in the farmhouse. Under the supervision of Duan Ziyi, Ziye Zishuang cleaned it up well. Although it was still simple, it was much better than other places.

Chen Chen has not suffered much in life since he entered the door of Wuwei, but he has never been coquettish, and it will be over with patience.

But he has been living all the time, and he is a little reluctant.

"Let's find a way to go back, Fourth Prince. I don't know if you have received the news. On the day of our return, one of your large teams arrived at the pavilion."

Of course, Duan Ziyi received the message and asked him why he said this with his eyes.

When the maid put the tea in front of her, Chen Chen said again, "You should not forget that October 12 is the day of the next appointment."

"Naturally, I haven't forgotten."

"It's not okay to be stuck here all the time." Chen Chen didn't say that he couldn't stay here at all. He just talked about this, "You have to prepare for it. Even the little sister has to make some preparations?" Count the days, there are only a few days left.

It's the end of September now, and there are really only a few days left. Duan Ziyi looked at Qiuer, who looked at him, and nodded, "I'll figure it out."

In the end, Duan Ziyi came up with the idea to send his subordinates out. I don't know where to get a large number of banana leaves, which were spread layer by layer on the top of the carriage and firmly fixed. Duan Ziyi went to the carriage to try it in person, and saw that there was no more rain to look in before

It's just that the inevitable speed is much slower. I went back on the road early in the morning and didn't get to the outside of Huiting City until the evening.

Jiang Tao didn't know how to negotiate, and the closed gate actually opened again.

Xia Hanqiu didn't ask.

"It's really strange. I lived in Wuyang for 13 years. When I left, I only felt relieved. I only stayed in the pavilion for four years, but when I saw the gate, I finally came back."

"What's wrong? Isn't the pavilion our home in the future?" Duan Ziyi answered warmly, "After leaving the palace, I have been to many places, that is, Nanling. I don't have a sense of identity with where my fiefdom is located. Now after listening to you, I also think I'm back."

Looking at Qiu'er with a relaxed expression with a smile, Duan Ziyi's eyes were gentle, "Qiu'er, we're home."

Xia Hanqiu couldn't control the joy in her heart and nodded, "Well, I'm going home."

The carriage drove straight into the front yard.

As soon as he got out of the carriage, Xia Hanqiu saw Nian'er running, followed by Xia De, followed by Duan Baiyu, who tried to make himself look like he didn't run.


"I'm back. Are you all right?"

"Good, everything is fine at home, nothing happens." Guo Nian'an was not surprised to see Zhang Jiabao coming out of another carriage, and he laughed loudly, "I knew you still had to come."

Zhang Jiabao, who was still uneasy, was stunned when he heard the words, and finally had a little smile on his thin face.

"The old slave says no to the master."

"Free gift." The person who didn't come for a long time finally arrived. Duan Ziyi was also in a good mood. He turned his head to introduce Qiu Er, "This is Mingde, the old man in front of my mother. He has been following me since I left the palace. Mingde, this is my fiancee. In the future, her words are the same as

"Yes, the old slave has known it from Mr. Yang." Mingde turned to give a salute to Xia Hanqiu, "The old slave has seen Miss Xia."

"The housekeeper is free of charge." Xia Hanqiu helped her with half a hand after receiving his courtesy, and didn't ask for it at all, which made Mingde look up to her for the first time.

"Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow. Qiuer, I'll take you back to the house first. I haven't slept well these days. Have a good rest for a night."

"Um." Xia Hanqiu turned around and waved to Jiabao. When Jiabao stood beside him, he said to a few little ones, "Nian'er, Bai Yu, Jiabao hasn't had a hard time these days. You have to take good care of him."

"I will." This is Guo Nian'an's straightforward reaction.

Duan Baiyu didn't say anything, just nodded, but Xia De could see that the expression on his face was rare and relaxed in the past few days.

Isn't that the case in his heart?

The prince and cousin are not here. The house is equivalent to the absence of the master. For the little prince and cousin, there are no elders. Generally speaking, they should be relieved and open to play. But on the contrary, the silence in the house makes them feel uncomfortable, the master is gone, and they can't do anything.

Except for going to Wuwei Taoist priest every afternoon, I didn't go out for half a step.

I don't know if my cousin would be angry if she knew that she hadn't gone to school these days when she was away.

Guo Nian was also a little guilty. He secretly glanced at his sister and pulled Zhang Jiabao to leave quickly.

He was very happy when his sister came back, but he was worried at the thought of his progress these days, but he was always happier.

I have nothing to say all night.

The next day, it was dawn, and Xia Hanqiu woke up.

Familiar roof, familiar atmosphere, familiar quilt pattern, familiar white ball on the edge of the pillow...

"Miss, are you awake?"

There are also familiar people.

Xia Hanqiu's eyes and eyebrows were full of soft smiles. He picked up and rubbed him. He felt that he was also rubbing her back, and his smile was even more.

"Your mother, why are you here? How many of them?"

Your mother raised the mantle and saw that the young lady was full of energy. She was not in a bad mood because she went back to Zhang's house. After a long time, her heart was completely relieved.

"The old slave has prepared breakfast. It's almost time to come over. They are busy outside."

Put the sleeping choo back gently, Xia Hanqiu lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and let your mother wait on her to clean.

For so many years, Ru Niang has never been away from her for so long. She knows that Ru Niang misses her.

Pushing the door out, the maids stood outside the door to ask for their best. They all looked relaxed. Xia Hanqiu was stunned at first and immediately understood.

It turned out that after the past few years, she was relied on by so many people. So many people were happy because of her existence and happy because of her return. Even if this feeling was given to her by servants, she was still happy.

But soon, she knew that it was not just a subordinate.

She went to the dining room with the person waiting outside and found that the two of them were the latest to come today.


Three juniors, including Duan Baiyu, saluted. Nian'er's happiness was all on his face, and the young man's exquisite face looked particularly bright because he was in a good mood.

Xia Hanqiu received the salute and asked the three of them to stand aside first. He came forward to salute the master and the three brothers and an uncle.

Wuwei was also very happy to see the little apprentice. "Just come back. Just look at your look and you know that everything is fine. Sit down quickly. If you have anything to say, let's talk about breakfast. I'm hungry."

"Yes." RS