Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 169 State of affairs

Xia Hanqiu has always known that Fu Rui is a capable official, and there are also a group of officials under his hand, but there are some things that can't be done well if she tries her best. Just like the slaughter of the city she predicted, it is still hanging in her heart from time to time now. She is afraid that it is irreversible to

After pressing back to the bottom of his heart, Xia Hanqiu said, "The four groups of Wuweiguan Tiandi Xuanhuang have sent people to the place where the disaster is serious. Anyway, no one knows who they are. Since the people don't want to leave, let them be villains. However, please ask the Lord Fucheng to ask the people below There was a conflict.

Fu Rui was surprised and happy. Can the four princesses support the unwatched people?

"Haanqiu, just say, how can I cooperate."

"The people don't want to leave home, but compared with their lives, it is not so difficult to accept leaving home. Those who are soft and afraid of the hard, those who are afraid of the horizontal, and those who are afraid of their lives can always make them afraid. As long as the Lord Fu City tells his subordinates not to intervene in such a thing

In fact, it is very easy for people who know the inside story to find out from the crowd. No matter what clothes they wear, the edges of their collars and sleeves are two wavy lines. If you want to recognize people, it is not wrong to admit them here, but inaction has never thought of exposing people. Naturally, there is no need to Know it.

Fu Rui immediately called the housekeeper to order a few words. His voice was not small. Xia Hanqiu listened clearly and did not interrupt.

"Why didn't the fourth prince come?" After the business talk, Fu Rui asked the doubts he had since he saw Han Qiu. Both of them have always appeared in front of him before.

"In exchange for Wanjia Village, he doesn't believe that he can't get through with his ability."

"..." Xia Hanqiu had the courage to say so. Fu Rui didn't have it. His fear of the fourth prince was still in Shangdu, not only he, but also in the years when the fourth prince became famous. All the nobles who have stayed on the top should have the same mentality as him. Such a person is arrogant, but it is difficult to be annoying, because he is strong enough.

At that time, he was obviously a little big, and he was more than twice as big as him, but he was unconsciously guided by him and acted according to his wishes. Some of them were not convinced afterwards, but next time, it will still be like this.

In those years, I don't know how many fans the fourth princes have. He has long been a little thoughtful about that position. Even now he only needs to show up and shout, and many people will respond. Those people in those years. Either he is in a high position like him, or he is playing outside. Speaking of which, it's time for him to contact some people.

Not to mention how much Fu Rui did secretly later, and not to say how many nobles came out of Huiting City soon, now. But they were all tossed by the unstoppable rain.

Duan Ziyi came back wet again, and his body was stained with a lot of mud. The upper of the shoes were covered with mud. Except for the night when I first saw it, this was the first time that Xia Hanqiu saw him in a mess.

Duan Ziyi himself was also a little shameless. He hurriedly left Jiabao and went back to his room to freshen up.

Leave Xia Hanqiu there to think about how it's okay.

When it appeared in front of her again, he couldn't wait to ask, "Have you crossed the mudslide?"

"No, I have tried several times, but it doesn't work. There is no place to settle down. The range of mudslides is very large, and the speed of flowing down from above is very fast. With my skills, if Huai Peng hadn't lost something in the air to lend me power in the last attempt, I would have been rushed into

Xia Hanqiu's face changed, and she blurted out the words of blame, "Do you think a family treasure is not enough for me to worry about? Do you have to explain it to me?"

Duan Ziyi has never been said this in his life. As soon as the words come to his ears, he was stunned.

As soon as he said it, Xia Hanqiu actually regretted it, but... It was probably too urgent. At that time, his mind was empty, and he didn't know how to say it.

In that case, you will be unhappy.

He turned his back and thought about what his mother had said. Xia Hanqiu cheered himself up. A word of sorry came to his mouth, and his body was put into a warm and familiar embrace.

"Qiu'er, you are worried about me."

Xia Hanqiu squeezed his lips and told himself not to always hide his thoughts. He nodded slightly and admitted, "Naturally, Jiabao is my younger brother. I'm worried about him. You are my fiance. If you have something, I will only be more anxious."

The tone paused, and Xia Hanqiu's voice was a little lower. "In other words, I'm talking too much. Don't be angry..."

"How can I be angry and happy!" Duan Ziyi hugged her tighter. She was tall and petite, and fit as if she were born. "In your nature, who are you talking to? If it weren't for the hurry, how could you blurt out such words, so Qiu'er, you really care about me.

So sure... Xia Hanqiu stopped talking, just like the last layer of fig leaf was torn off. She didn't even have a place to hide. She just thought about how to make herself more natural, and she couldn't care about talking.

The old monk Mingde usually guards the door. If he doesn't listen, he doesn't look at it. When someone approaches, he looks at it very sensitively.

His eyes were very sharp, and Chen Chen could see at a glance that he was an old man with high kung fu.

"Is the little sister available?"

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Chen."

The two people inside heard the movement and quickly separated. Xia Hanqiu lowered her head and straightened her clothes. She didn't look at the burning eyes. She took a few steps out and took a few deep breaths and said in a loud voice, "Second brother, please come in."

When Chen Chen came in, he only felt that the two seemed to be more sticky. Others didn't feel it. With the mentality that as long as the little sister was happy, he could do whatever he wanted. Chen Chen didn't see the sticky eyes of the fourth prince and said, "Your Majesty, I want to cooperate with you."

Duan Ziyi finally gave him a wink, "What's the matter?"

"I have passed the mudslide. With the strength of the two of us, we may not be able to work together."

"Jiang Tao and Peng Jiang tried and didn't go."

"We are both better than them anyway. How can we know if we don't try?" Chen Chen took a look at the little sister and said, "The baby is fine, but if he is injured, there is neither a doctor nor medicine over there. If there is something..."

" OK, when are you going?" As soon as he saw Qiuer's face change, Duan Ziyi responded.

Chen Chen smiled, and he knew that he could do it. The fourth prince was not good, but he was very good to his little sister. "Now."

"Second brother, I just came back from there..."

"It's okay, Qiu'er. There's still time to come back." Duan Ziyi smiled at Xia Hanqiu soothingly, "I'm used to running outside. It's nothing to run around here. I'll have dinner when I come back."

Chen Chen shook the burden in his hand. "I have prepared some urgent needs. The most drugs are the most. I hope I don't use them."

"Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Xia Hanqiu stopped the two people who turned around and wanted to leave. "If you see Jiabao, you can teach him how to deal with such a situation. After a long time, there is no reason to suffer, but you don't make any progress."

"I wrote it down. Don't look down on Jiabao. That boy has been very fierce recently, which makes the others work harder." Chen Chen and Zhang Jiabao walked together all the way, and witnessed his experience and metamorphosis all the way. Now he is closer to him than others.

No wonder he is so careful now.

Xia Hanqiu sent people out of the house, and he was even more worried.

But she doesn't have much time to frown. More than a few young people have redoubled their efforts recently, even she is not right.

Since the prophet is a burden that she can't get rid of, she can only try her best to make the burden lighter so as not to overwhelm her.

In addition to what she learned from the master, she also tried to look through her memory and record what she thought was suitable for the current situation. Maybe she couldn't use it for a while, but she would definitely use it in the future.

Prepared, she now deeply understands this sentence.

Let's talk about Duan Ziyi and Chen Chen, who are speeding in the rain.

When the two of them arrived in front of the mudslide, they were so wet that there was no dry silk.

"Why is it raining heavily again? It's still endless." No matter how happy Chen Chen was, he couldn't help complaining at this time. If the rain stopped, I don't know how simple it would be.

Jiang Tao and Wuweiguan greeted each other, wearing thick rain gear, and their bodies were not very wet, but they felt sulky.

Several of them have simply lost their robes and only wear hats.

Duan Ziyi didn't talk nonsense. He motioned everyone to step back and said to Chen Chen, "Are you going or me going?"

"I'll go there."

Duan Ziyi nodded, "I'm half a breath later than you. You borrow it. If you don't borrow it, return it and try again."

"All right." Both of them took off their rain gear. Chen Chen tied the package tightly to his back and nod to Duan Ziyi.

The two of them move almost at the same time, and only those with extremely sharp eyes can see that the slightly easy movement should be slowed down by half a beat.

First time, failed.

The second time, it still failed.

The third time...

After several adjustments, the two finally grasped the best point.

"If it doesn't work this time, you have to take a break."

Duan Ziyi nod his head slightly and wiped his face to prevent the rain from covering his sight. "If it's over, how do you come over?"

"If I can't come, I can't come for the time being." Chen Chen also wiped his face and turned around and told his men, "Be careful. If you need anything important, I will write a stone on oil paper and throw it over, and I will write the distance clearly. You can figure it out and find a way to get it for me."


After being told, the two looked at each other and said, "Get up!"

It's done!

Duan Ziyi, who was borrowed, retreated a little awkwardly and almost fell less than half a step away from the mudslide. Jiang Tao quickly stepped forward to help people back.

"Master, are you all right?"

Duan Ziyi shook his head and didn't reveal the details in the first half of his hand.

Chen Chen, who fell on the opposite side, was also uncomfortable. Compared with Duan Ziyi, who fell half a step outside the mudslide, he was even worse. Fortunately, the impact on the edge was not so great. He was staggered down a few steps and quickly stood firm and got out of the mudslide.

Looking at the mudslide rushing down with lingering fear, Chen Chen took a long breath and finally came over, but as soon as he turned his head, he was stunned. RY