Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 180 marriage 1

This person, even if he hasn't seen Duan Ziyi for more than ten years, still remembers it. In those years, he never did anything. He was the one who came up with the idea. The person who was most happy to do it was Sun Yu Changgong, the Yu, the parent in front of him.

He remembers that he is only two years older than himself, and now he doesn't look decadent.

"Complaining me?"

Yu Changgong shook his head repeatedly, "In fact, we all know that you don't like that position. Otherwise, you can't leave as soon as you can. No matter how bad it is, it will be disturbed. However, you can't simply cut off the contact. In those years, we thought that you were given by the emperor..." "If I don't want to, who can clean it up?" Duan Ziyi sat down first, signaling everyone to sit at will, and the maid did not dare to serve tea until this time.

"Are you going to stay here for a long time?"

Everyone looked at me, I saw you, or Yu Changgong said, "Your Majesty, today is your great day. Can we talk about this another day?"

Duan Ziyi shook his head, "I don't need you to talk about it in detail. Only by saying your plans can I make arrangements. Now Huiting is not a stable place, and there are enemies ten miles outside the city."

Yu Changgong's eyes suddenly lit up, "Your Majesty, are you going to do a big fight?"

"The hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers of the State of Liang have been defeated. What should I do to do a big game?" Duan Ziyi didn't see their disappointment. He didn't let go of the previous question and said, "Tell me your plans."

"Your Majesty, we are ready for the whole family to move to the pavilion. Anyway, we can't keep it. If you don't do it, the destruction of the State of Liang will be a fore conclusion. It's the same everywhere."

"The State of Liang is the person who provoked disputes. It must be defeated to divert the attention of other countries. Otherwise, all the firepower will be concentrated against the State of Liang. With the national strength of the State of Liang, even the State of Yan can't eat it. If it is attacked by the South, it will not be defeated. Do you Dreaming! If you lose, you can't avoid the struggle for interests together with the war. After many years of stability, I don't know how many people are waiting for this opportunity. The war will not calm down so easily. The defeat of the State of Liang is just the beginning.

Listen to words, Yu Changgong leaned forward, and his voice was excited, "Does the prince mean that the defeat of the State of Liang is what you want to see? What's the name of a word? Yes, don't break, don't stand. Is that what you plan to do?

Duan Ziyi looked at him with a smile, "Your brain is not broken yet."

Yu Changgong immediately regained the feeling of that year, if he hadn't been older. Some movements are not easy to do. He wanted to rub his hands and raised his eyebrows at the others, incomparably with honor, "How about it? The prince is still the same as the prince in those years, right?! If anyone dares to say that the prince is soft in front of me in the future, I will still beat him with soft bones.


Yu Changgong's body stiffened, and he didn't dare to look at him and didn't dare to offend him. But he is the most admired person.

Someone smiled and solved Duan Ziyi's puzzle. "In the years when you disappeared in Nanling, some people were bold and said something unpleasant. The long bow beat people so much that they still have one shoulder high and one shoulder low when walking. After seeing him for many years, he still took a detour. If the Yu family had something. That guy must be the first to fall into the well.

Even with Duan Ziyi's heart, a warm feeling rises when he hears that someone defends himself like this when he doesn't know. In those years, he was not very special to anyone, let alone how good he was, but these people thought so much about him and said that there was no fluctuation in his I don't believe it.

But he also knew that these words were deliberately said by the man and listened to him. He wanted to say that among the people who had harmed him together in those years, the one who left the deepest impression on him was Zheng Duoxin. He was the same as his name, and his heart was not ordinary.

Every time he comes up with an idea and is strengthened by him, the power can be doubled.

But even if he knew that he was deliberately, he couldn't think he didn't hear it.

The coldness on my face finally faded, against the red, looking incredibly soft, "Let's not talk about this today. I'm going to pick up the bride. If you are willing to go..."

"Yes, of course we do." Yu Changgong took the lead in standing up and said, "I'm here today to congratulate you. Just tell me what you want us to do."

"It's not necessary to do anything, but if you don't like the bride's origin to speak disrespectful to her, don't blame me for not thinking about the past, or put away all that thought to me, or leave now. I still remember the previous incense love in my heart."

Duan Ziyi straightened his sleeves. After saying these words, he didn't look at their faces and walked straight to the gate. Nothing is important to welcome the bride today.

He has been waiting for a long time.

Yu Changgong followed without thinking about it. Zheng Duoxin stood up and followed without hurry, without any hesitation.

Fu Rui walked slowly for a few steps. When he couldn't see the prince, he stopped and turned around and said to the crowd who got up and was ready to keep up: "Remember what I said before. I won't call you all the way to harm you. The prince will never give people a second chance. You... think clearly."

Duan Ziyi had no other relatives except his nephew. If it had been before, his relatives had withered, and he was full of confidence to take his nephew to welcome him, but now there are a group of more people following him, and he is still a little more happy.

Especially these people, who used to be old, came on such an important day, and he read it well.

Wuwei and Xia Yusheng, who are the big knives and golden horses of their mother's family, occupy the main position one left and one right.

Duan Ziyi, who saw Long Xinghu stepping in, his eyes were full of a teasing smile, "Come on, in exchange, come and see the salute. Old man, I haven't received your gift for more than ten years. Today is a chance."

Duan Ziyi's face remained unchanged. With a generous homage to the end, he announced the relationship between Wuwei and Qiu'er's master, which had not been made public. "Before, we didn't worship you because we were talking about our peers. Now you are Qiu'er's master, even if you are my elder,

Then you should try to kneel down! The idea of doing nothing can only be thought in his mind. He knows too well that Duan Ziyi, a person who doesn't even worship heaven and earth, has given him enough face in the end.

"In other way, I'm not threatening you. The concept of incomprehensive is not as weak as you think. If you lose Qiu'er, the whole concept of incomprehensive will not let you go.

"There won't be that day. As long as you protect Qiu'er, it's enough." Duan Ziyi raised his chin slightly and said with full confidence. He was really confident that he would not fail the rest of the world.

He can't afford it, and he can't bear it.

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family are all here, but Ke and Fu Yingying don't know whether they deliberately care about Duan Ziyi's identity or something else. It didn't appear here.

Duan Ziyi first bowed deeply to Xia Wei, "Mother-in-law."

"Hey, hey!" Obviously, she wanted to laugh, and she was really happy, but her tears slipped down. She never dreamed that there would be such a day in her life!

"Hold Qiu'er well. It's not easy for her to get through these years. I can't give it to her. If you have never given it to her, you should give it to her so that she can live safely for the rest of her life.

"Yes. Keep your son-in-law in mind.

is followed by Xia Cong.

Xia Cong has not recovered from the fact that Qiu Er is actually a disciple of the Taoist priest. Although his identity was not clear, he must have been worshipped by Duan Ziyi. If it hadn't been for the little brother sitting next to him coughing to remind him, he would have almost stood up.

"Please get up quickly." Forcing himself to calm down, Xia Cong tried to make himself laugh so tightly, "Tell Qiuer well. Although his uncle didn't have much ability, he also protected her.

"I will treat Qiuer like a treasure."

Finally, Xia Jing.

The two were very close friends, but now they have become nephews. Thinking of his identity, Xia Jing has the heart to ask him not to call himself.

On the contrary, Duan Ziyi will be very open-minded now. After the salute, he said to his uncle cheerfully, completely following Xia Hanqiu's name.

Xia Jing answered vaguely. I won't say anything else. I believe in Qiuer's vision, and I can trust you.

Duan Ziyi arched his hand with gratitude, and he also didn't talk nonsense.

The two of them don't need these.

"Let's pick up the bride. Don't miss the good time. I'll go there first to see how the preparations are going."

As a woman's elder here, he has to go to the man's house to be the host. He is really busy and happy.

Duan Ziyi arched his hands to the crowd in the room, and strode to Qiu'er's boudoir without leading the way.

Xia Hanqiu's boudoir is in the yard where Xia Wei lives next to the main house. He went there more than once. He was very familiar with it.

The people who followed behind to welcome their relatives were all around the door. At this time, they all looked at Wuwei who followed the prince. After a while, they couldn't digest that they saw Wuwei Taoist priest here, and the prince's princess seemed to be a disciple of Wuwei Taoist priest!

Female disciple! How special it is to become a female disciple of the incomist priest!

There is nothing about the incomerable Taoist in the message Fu Rui gave them! There is no such thing as the identity of the princess!

Everyone who reacted stared at Fu Rui. Fu Rui quickly followed the prince and thought to himself, if I told you that the Taoist priest was also here, how would I know whether you came for the prince or for the Taoist priest? How can the prince be sure of your loyalty?

Of course I can't tell you!

Now that you know that it's the right time, even for the identity of Hanqiu, you dare not look down on her! Of course, he will never talk about the identity of Hanqiu's prophet. Even his wife, he has never told him.

There are some things that are not a blessing to know.

"Be careful that they will clean it up together." Previously, Duan Ziyi saw that Fu Rui was afraid to tell them his whereabouts. He didn't say anything else that he shouldn't have said, otherwise they wouldn't have had this expression.

"Weichen has not made any other progress over the years, but the skin is much thicker and can withstand it." Fu Rui smiled and showed the lines in the corners of his eyes, which was really happy. "I'm not afraid to tell you. Weichen only sent news to Yu Changgong, and I didn't expect to come to many people. They really moved the whole family. Weichen looked back on that year. Except for a few who didn't come, everyone else came, At my age, I believe in you as much as I did in those years. Your Majesty, you have always been the backbone of this group. Even if you have been away for more than ten years, you have not changed. We all believe that even if the State of Liang is gone, you can't be wrong with you.


The third update, please pink, kiss everyone. RY