Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 185 Inside the Lord

No one in the Xia family expected that the two of them would come to comfort them the next day after they got married.

Xia Wei got up and greeted her in a dazzment. Seeing that her daughter looked good and her eyebrows stretched out, she was immediately relieved.

Duan Ziyi bowed and said hello, "Mother-in-law."

"Oh, I didn't have an easy day yesterday. Why didn't I sleep a little more?"

"I can't sleep." Xia Hanqiu held her mother's hand and greeted the two elders with him, "Grandpa, grandma, did you sleep well last night?"

Duan Ziyi called people together.

Xia Yusheng whispered, and then returned to his usual tone, "It's all good. There is no shortage of capable people in our family, and our subordinates are also very capable. We haven't been able to help much. How can we sleep well?"

The two came unexpectedly, and there was no one to prepare here. Ke talked with him first, and then made an excuse to leave. When he came back, he handed over the prepared red envelopes to everyone one by one and laughed, "Uncle has no relatives here. Since the rules have been messed for a long time, let's add more confusion."

Everyone in the room couldn't help laughing. If they want to talk about bad rules, they have never seen this pair worse, much more than the rules they follow.

Xia Yusheng didn't dare to call the prince's honor. He waved to his granddaughter and handed over the red seal, "Your aunt has a good idea. If you don't have a husband's family, our mother's family will give you the same. Put it away."

The old lady also handed over the one in her hand, "Other people's marriage to the daughter is to reduce the number of people, and our family's marriage to the daughter is to add the family. It's very good. This red seal should be given, the eldest daughter-in-law, if it's too stingy, you have

Ke covered his mouth and smiled, "You and Dad are the biggest. You can't be stingy with Hanqiu."

Xia Hanqiu felt a faint warmth in her heart. Whether it's her aunt or grandmother, it is inevitable that she will have a little calculation in her heart, but if you want to say that they don't treat themselves well, you can't say it. With their relationship, it's not much that you can do this.

She remembers this good.

Take everything in other people's hands. After Xia Hanqiu returned to the exchange, he gave it all to him. "My husband's daughter-in-law gave it. It's my mother's family. You have to keep it."

Duan Ziyi smiled and put it away without saying a word. The longer he got along with him, the more he could understand why Qiu Er was close to the Xia family. Although the son of this family was also selfish, his family affection was indeed heavy.

promised to come over for lunch together, and the two went home again, and they had to say no way to Wuwei.

Seeing the two people, Wuwei smiled and said, "Looking from afar, it's really a pair of people."

"Isn't it right to look closely?" Duan Ziyi subconsciously picked out the faults in his words. The two had been quarreling for more than ten years and asked him to change his attitude at once, but he really couldn't turn around.

But Wuwei obviously didn't care, and still stabbed back, "Whoever gets married with Han Qiu will be a pair of people in my eyes."

Duan Ziyi's teeth were itchy and panicked. If Qiu Er hadn't been here, he would have really wanted to fight with him. Anyway, he would not have been his opponent.

Xia Hanqiu personally made two cups of tea for the two people. The word appeared in the cup, one cup is still a word, but one cup is not so clear, and it can still be seen as a word of longevity.

A few days ago, I was uneasy and couldn't write it out. I simply picked up the tea skills that I haven't practiced for a long time. Now she only knows these two words. There are few strokes, and I can write very well. There are many strokes of longevity characters, and it will be pasted into a ball in a

It was the first time I saw Wuwei. I was surprised to see it for a while. It was not until the words were gone that I took it up and took two sips and didn't ask anything.

"Have you been to the opposite side?"

"Um, let's go there for lunch at noon. Master, you can go with me."

"I won't go. Instead, it makes everyone uncomfortable. The house outside the city is almost built. I have to go and have a look. The people of Yan can't find that place."

Duan Ziyi interrupted and said, "After the Yan army approached, I asked the people on the mountain to withdraw. The follow-up has not been finished yet. I'm afraid it's a little reluctant to live."

"It's okay. I'm not going to move there now. The situation in Huiting City is unknown, and I'm not at ease when I leave." Wuwei looked at him, "Yesterday, those people came from above? I heard that they all plan to camp in Huiting?

"Um, I had some friendship many years ago."

"That's good. I always thought you were too weak before, and finally there were a few more helpers."

"Master, do you think it's possible to let women do their part!"

"Oh? What are you going to ask a woman to do? For people to mend and wash?

"These things can be done by people." Xia Hanqiu glanced at the master angrily and looked at Duan Ziyi, "I'm not mature enough to think about it. Please help me with the staff."

Duan Ziyi sat upright, "Say it."

After a moment of silence, he organized the language in his heart. Xia Hanqiu said, "When Bai Yu rises, he must fight the frame. Women can't control external affairs, but the logistics, women can contribute."

"Speak in more detail."

Xia Hanqiu thought for a moment and said, "A family is basically a male protagonist and a female protagonist. Men are fighting outside. It is not easy for a woman to manage a family. It is necessary to stabilize the relationship between each room, manage the shop books, and socialize with the wives of each house. If there is anything in the family, it is also Row, let a party not go wrong, earn face for your husband... Amplify these things, isn't it just logistics? Why can't women do it?"

Wuwei nodded thoughtfully, "It's really reasonable for you to say that, but you know, what you're talking about is just a house, and the so-called logistics is related to major events in the world. Not to mention that women can't do it, how many people dare? Not everyone dares to think and do like you. Didn't you go through so many things to this day? In my opinion, it's not so much that women can't do it, let's not say whether women have the courage to do it.

"I have to try to know. I don't believe that women are really not as good as men. They will be as despised by men for generations." You should know that in her last life, women can support half of the sky!

"Speak with mercy, the two people in front of you are also men!" He has no choice but to have little contact with his women. When did he despise him? At most, it's just a light look!

Speaking of this, it should be that the fourth prince had a greater sense of feelings. Wuwei looked at Duan Ziyi with bad intentions, "In other words, what do you think?"

Duan Ziyi didn't see his intention and nodded very seriously. "If you think about it carefully, the example of Qiu'er's fight is really like that. If you take care of a small family well, you may not be able to manage a family well. No one is born to know everything. If you don't know how to teach, you You don't know many people, let alone the nature of others. How should you choose then?

"Isn't there still time now? I can pick it slowly. If I can't, there is still Yingying. It's right to ask her about Huiting City.

This is also a convenience. Duan Ziyi nodded secretly. Everyone must have selfishness, but I'm afraid there are few things that Fu Yingying likes. At that time, he will think about it again. Maybe it's really okay.

He doesn't lack the manpower that he can handle, and he can reach ten to one hundred, but he can rush forward and let them take care of those details. I'm afraid they are really not as good as those careful women.

"What do you think? Is it feasible?"

"It's feasible. I believe that women do some things better than men, but have you ever thought about it. Women are not born as ambitious as men. For them, husbands and children are more important than everything. They can do anything for their children. I'm afraid there will be a lot of problems. If you look for an unmarried woman, If you want to get married, the problem is still there.

"I have thought about it. I will analyze the pros and cons for them. Everyone is not as good as I have. I have the right to speak, which is far more confident than relying on a man's mouth. As long as people with a little brain can weigh it clearly, I will not ask them to be selfless. As long as it is Is there a saying that if the water is clear, there will be no fish? One reason."

Wowei smiled, "It seems that you have thought about it clearly."

"No, I just had this idea before. I've been thinking more these days. I just want to see if a woman can do it, can still show a man's superiority, and whether a cheap woman can still be so righteous."

Wuwei laughed at Duan Ziyi, "In other ways, remember, this is all that Hanqiu can't tolerate. Don't make her taboo."

"You don't need to remind me. I know her better than Qiu'er." Duan Ziyi was unmoved at all. He liked such an energetic Qiuer and such an unconvinced Qiuer.

Such Qiuer can enter his eyes and occupy his heart. There is never a shortage of thoughtless women like wooden people. Why has he ever stayed for them?

Xia Hanqiu smiled. If she hadn't known that she would not be disgusted with her because of her extreme thoughts, how could she have been so bold?

Her confidence is based on the support of the exchange.

Wuwei was gratified in his heart, and suddenly he understood why this prophet was a woman. In this world, I don't know what it would be like if a woman came out.

Women may not really be as good as men. As long as they are given a chance, they may do better than men.

Is it that the man in power knows this, so he has never given women a chance for generations, and even trampled them into the mud?

Wuwei pinched his eyebrows. He must have been influenced by Hanqiu's words before he was thinking nonsense!

"You don't have to worry about picking people. I will send someone to screen them and find out their basic character, and then you can choose from them. A few days ago, I received a letter from Mr. Yang. He is sorry that he didn't catch up with us to get married. There is something to do with him in Nanling. When he He knows people, he is no worse than me.

"Also, after all, I have limited experience. In addition to the advantages brought to me by my talent, I can distinguish between goodwill and malice, and I can never talk about people."

"There is self-knowledge." Wuwei smiled. He did not remind his little disciple. At the beginning of this idea in her mind, she had already embarked on her path, unlike other prophets, which was exclusive to her.

He is looking forward to the day when she shines. RS