Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 195 Slap in the face

"It's rare for my aunt to remember me."

"Of course, I remember that I asked Ping'er to send a congratulatory gift when you got married. I think the eldest sister must be doing well now." Luo Shi didn't seem to care about being neglected at all, and still smiled as gently as water. "It's just that I haven't figured out my aunt so far. Why did our Fu family's elder sister marry into a merchant's family? Although the high family married the daughter-in-law and the low family married the daughter, the eldest sister of our family also married too low.

"Marry a daughter-in-law from a high school!" Fu Yingying looked at the little Luo beside Luo with a smile and turned her head and asked her mother with a smile, "When will Gaomen marry a daughter-in-law in the Fu family?"

Little Luo's eyes suddenly splashed, and she lowered her head as if she had been bullied. Fu Yingying swore that her good sister-in-law had not learned this trick before Luo Shi returned.

How many days is it? You can learn really fast.

Luo Shi's smile froze on her face. She wanted to embarrass Fu Yingying. By the way, she took Ke's face and didn't want to lift a stone and hit her own foot.

She just married a cheap businessman's family and became a cheap businesswoman. She is the mother of the only son of the Fu family. How dare she choke with her?

Luo Shi squeezed his mouth and smiled with a deep meaning, "I think my uncle must be an excellent person, otherwise how can we fall in love with our eldest sister? It is said that the Xia family is a rich family, but... The Xia family is the eldest son who takes over the family business. Isn't the uncle suffer a loss?"

In just a few words, there is more than one thing to choose!

Mrs. Fu's anger starts from the heart. This woman really doesn't know whether to live or die!

When I was about to settle the new and old accounts together, I heard my daughter's crisp voice, "My aunt's heart is too much. Could it be that the rules of my family have changed since I got married?"

She looked coldly at Xiao Luo Shi, who dared not look up. If it hadn't been for her broken mouth, how could Luo Shi have known this after returning home for just two days, and what she knew was the scale and half claw that Xiao Luo Shi knew. It was not allowed for her not to think of her. Fu's parents's

My thoughts turned quickly, but the sarcastic words did not stop. "Is my aunt thinking that my husband and I must have been taught privately first, and I fell in love with my husband to persuade my parents to find ways to get married. Otherwise, how could the Fu family get married with the merchants? Does my sister-in-law think so?"

Xiao Luo hurriedly looked up and smiled reluctantly, "How can Yingying say that, as if I, as a sister-in-law, don't like you."

"It's just that I'm not happy with my opinion. I'm not happy with my family. It seems that I forgot what I said to my sister-in-law before. It's okay to forget it. You'd better be like this. I won't be too soft-hearted no matter how my brother treats you in the future."

Little Luo's face turned white. She is not a bold person, but some things are too much to want to get, and some people are too much to possess. Hearing this, her cousin forgot how many pounds she has.

Even now, she also regrets it.

No matter how low Fu Yingying's marriage is, she has always been the eldest sister spoiled and protected by the Fu family, that is, her husband. It is far better to treat her than to herself.

Even if she wants to do something, she wants to push the little sister-in-law far away. If she doesn't dare to shout in front of her, she will have to wait. When she has a child and stands firm in the Fu family, when her mother-in-law has a weakness, and when her cousin is spoiled again... In short,

Now, she figured it out.

She figured it out, but Da Luo couldn't get out of the horn. She heard Fu Yingying's words and laughed, "Sister's words are terrible. What does Yan'er say is your sister-in-law? Why does her aunt feel like you are threatening her when she listen to this?"

"I just threatened her. What can my aunt do with me?" Fu Yingying got up and walked in front of her. She couldn't stand her smiling face. It was disgusting, but she still thought that she was unparalleled in the world and was confident from time to time, "What can auntie do with me? Huh? Just like crying to my father many years ago and telling my mother that I gave you rules in private and couldn't tolerate you, I also went to complain to my father? But - what can you say? Why don't we take a bet? In Dad's heart, it's your concubine who has no wind and wants to stir up three feet of waves to make people tired of life, or is my daughter important?

No matter how much Luo Shi could pretend, he couldn't stop smiling after being slapped in the face like this. He suddenly burst into tears and turned his head to look at Mrs. Fu, "Madam, how dare I think like this? The elder sister's words are too much to kill. No matter how bad my concubine is, she is also the master's house person and the elder sister's elder. If outsiders know that she is so disrespectful, even the Xia family may not be happy.

After watching this play, Xia Hanqiu has a little admiration for Luo. How thick the skin is to be so self-considered. I don't know how disgusting her words are. Contrary to her weak appearance, this woman has a strong heart.

It's a pity that she is too bad-hearted, and she is too ignorant, otherwise she can use it for her. Xia Hanqiu thinks leisurely.

Mrs. Fu also smiled angrily, "As long as you and your good daughter-in-law don't go out to talk nonsense, how can these words spread? If you feel so uncomfortable, just go and cry to the master.

Looking at her expression, Mrs. Fu knew that she would definitely go. Maybe she said this just to have a chance to appear in front of the master. It's really stupid. She doesn't look at how old she is. No matter how old she plays these tricks, she is not afraid of being laughed at.

She is willing to lose face. She doesn't accompany her, but she is really tired of having these things around her. Taking this opportunity, she simply said, "I'll make it clear today. I'm not ashamed of you for letting you live a luxurious life outside these years, or I'm afraid that the master will be unhappy. I'm just Your son, it's not good for you, but Ping'er didn't make a wrong step. She has always respected me like a biological mother. I don't want to add obstacles to his heart. If you still have this son in your heart, you can live a peaceful life for me. Don't disturb the peace in the house again, otherwise don't blame

A trace of disapprosure flashed on Luo's face. Mrs. Fu saw it clearly and turned her head to ask the maid, "Whose wife and concubine have been making a lot of trouble recently?"

"If you go back to your wife, it should be the Liu family."

It's really eye-opening. Among the nobles left in the city, Mrs. Liu has the best relationship with her. In the boudoir, she is handkerchiefs. "I'll take you to see how other people's women toss their concubines, and then use your brain to think about it. What's

Fu Yingying curled her lips and said, "Mom, you just care too much about the feelings of your father and brother. Some people may not take it to heart even if they go to see it. It's better to let her feel it for herself, otherwise they will think you are scaring her!"

Mrs. Fu was not present when Mrs. Luo was not present. "My mother disdained to to tosss when she was young. When she was old, she didn't want to toss around. Your father was such a concubine. I'm sorry if I was tossed again. I didn

Xia Hanqiu lowered her head to hide the smile in her eyes. Mrs. Fu looked at the fierce wind, but in fact, she was a person who took great care of everything. With her confidence, if she really wanted to clean up Luo Shi, there was nothing wrong with Luo Shi as early as many years ago, but she had endured it all the time. Unfortunately There is no way.

Fu Yingying was not so reserved and laughed presumptuously.

She hates this person so much that she can't stand it as long as she thinks of the smell of the same place she breathes.

Luo Shi's face turned blue and red, silent for a moment, and he didn't know whether he was angry or ashamed.

Just then, the maid came in and said, "Madam, I'm here to comfort you."

She came to clean up the mess for her mother. Mrs. Fu suddenly felt particularly boring. After all, it was not her own child. If it was her own child, she would come to support herself. "Let him come in."

Fu Zheping is five years older than Fu Yingying. He is a person who doesn't talk much but has good ability.

From a very young age, he knew that his position at home was very embarrassing. His mother was a concubine, or a concubine with no ambition but no brain.

If the aunt is a bad woman, he still has a position to do something if he can't tolerate them, but the situation is the opposite, and it is his mother who is pressing step by step.

He always thought that the aunt would give in because she had no son's lack of confidence, but later he gradually grew up, and he realized that it was not the case. The aunt just didn't want to be restless in the house and let her father have worries.

These are things that my mother can't think of in her life. She can only think of the things under her eyes.

To say something disrespectful, he has lived a very stable life these years when his mother is not in the house. Although the aunt can't compare with him, she is absolutely not bad. I don't know how many children from concubines envy him with envy.

But his stability was still ruined in his mother's hands. His father and aunt didn't expect that his mother would set such a marriage for him because of selfishness. Unless he really didn't recognize that mother, he could only marry.

So he gritted his teeth and married, and then made the family restless again.

But he is not his father. His father can't see the back house. He has a deep understanding of it since he was a child, so he spoiled his concubine's room and deliberately prevented his wife from getting pregnant, so that she has no extra mind to tosss others.

But he doesn't have children. Not every woman can be like a mother. He doesn't want his children to suffer.

Later, somehow Yingying, who had always been unable to like her, also opened her two times. She had a lot of peace, and he even planned to let her give birth to her son.

But at this time, the meeting was changed, and my mother came back, and the family was restless again. Luo Yan also thought about it.

Seeing that the aunt was teamed up with them, he knew that he could no longer stand it.

Coincidentally, Yingying got the news and came back. Thinking of the tricks his mother used, he was so ashamed that he didn't know how to see his sister.

In his heart, more than 20 years of kindness is no lighter than birth grace, and the aunt has given him far more than her own mother.

How can the heart not be biased?

Mrs. Fu couldn't help raising her eyebrows when she looked at the people who came in.

"The son says no to his mother."

"Concubine Yang said no to his wife." RS