Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 202 Dead!

Wu Qun's face was pale and his body trembled. At this time, he didn't care about the dragon vein. He just wanted to live. Only when he lived can he have everything. When he died, he could still grab that position with the living man!

He has to live, he must live!

If he dies here, you don't have to think about how happy his good brothers will laugh!

How can you make them happy? Don't think about it!

A crazy light flashed in his eyes, and Wu Qun suddenly pushed away the bodyguard and rushed this way. "I'm the fourth prince of the State of Wu. Let's talk about a deal."

Duan Ziyi was not surprised by his identity. Only the prince had the confidence not to care how many people died like this, because in their eyes, the whole country was theirs and could be at their disposal.

"In front of them?"

Looking in the direction pointed by Duan Ziyi, it was the bodyguards he gave up. One by one, his face was full of unwillingness. Wu Qun was suddenly disgusted and unwilling? What's the unwillingness? He is the prince of the State of Wu. They are the guards who protect him. Isn't it reasonable to work hard for him?

Unexpectedly, if he can go back safely, let's see how he can take good care of their small family!

"Why not?"

Xia Hanqiu was really disgusted to look at him, so he simply turned his back.

Duan Ziyi put his hands behind his back and held Qiu Er's hand hanging on one side accurately. He gently rubbed her palm with his thumb to comfort her, and asked faintly, "What price are you going to exchange for your life?"

"I'm the prince of the State of Wu. Do you know my identity and are you going to kill me?" Wu Qun's eyes were wide open and he looked at Duan Ziyi in disbelief, "There is no benefit to the State of Wu."

"This place used to belong to the State of Liang, but now it is also the State of Yan. Why did you, a prince of the State of Wu, come here? Besides, if you say you are the prince of the State of Wu, I have to believe it?" Duan Ziyi sneered, "You've always said that I'm an incomceptable person. When did I admit it?"

"Aren't you an incompetent person?" Wu Qun felt that things were slipping more and more in his unfavorable direction. "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Why should I tell you about your chips?" Duan Ziyi did not regard Wu Qun as an opponent at this time. Although such a person was raised by the palace with dirty water and selfishness, he was vicious and vicious, but he suffered losses innately and was not smart enough.

But he would not underestimate Wu Qun because he was not smart enough. He was afraid of the hidden weapon he threw out at that time.

Moreover, he is worried that he still has the last foundation to protect himself!

Wu Qun was so angry. He was so old that he was underestimated for the first time. Even if he was still young and his mother had no power, he had never suffered such a big loss. This person, how dared to despise him so much!

As long as he can go back safely, as long as he can go back safely...

But at this time, he can only put up with it!

"I have a lot of chips. Since you say you are not an incompetent person, it's better. Tell me what you want? What is the purpose you want to achieve? Or you can do whatever you want, and I can make you do what you want.

"The fourth prince of the State of Wu, do you think I need to borrow your power? Who is at a disadvantage at the moment?

"It's me." Wu Qun raised his head high and looked arrogant, "But I have the whole State of Wu behind me. What's the terrible about the moment's disadvantage? No matter how powerful you are, you are just a force, but I am the prince of a country. I can do what you may not be able to do. Maybe I can do what you can't do. Why do you have to offend me and the State of Wu?

"Oh?!" Duan Ziyi continued to say without trace, "As the fourth prince said, Wu Guoguo attacked Yan because of your army? Are you so important to the State of Wu?

"That's natural. My mother's concubine is my father's favorite noble concubine. If I am killed, my mother will definitely not give up. Instead of not dying at that time, how about we turn war into jade and silk?"

"Innocent!" Duan Ziyi said coldly, "If the king of a country is at the mercy of a harem woman, the State of Wu is not far from the subjugation of the country. As far as I know, the King of Wu is not such a confused person. Besides, you are not the only prince in the State of Wu. To the emperor, a son can

"You..." Wu Qun's anger aggravated his breath, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out. He must kill this man. He must try his best to calm himself down. Wu Qun continued to talk about his important points. "My ancestral family has real power. My uncle is a general. If I have something to do, I will definitely not Go, I will definitely thank you again. Even my family will miss you.

"I remember that the State of Wu has appointed a prince." Duan Ziyi smiled so warmly, "Listen to what you said, it seems that you and your family have different intentions."

Wu Qun is just not smart enough. He is very familiar with what he says and can't say clearly. At this time, he will continue to answer this stubble, but turn the topic back to the beginning. "I don't care who you are, as long as you can let me go. Everything is easy to say."

"I have nothing to say to you. For me, it is in my best interest to kill you, Jiang Nian."

Before Wu Qun could react, he felt that his chest was cold. He looked down and saw that there was a short blade that had not reached the handle, "You really killed me..."

muttering, Wu Qun's body fell down, and his eyes and face were full of disbelief. He didn't understand why he knew his identity, and the other party still wanted to kill him.

Isn't it possible to get greater benefits by keeping him?


With this question, Wu Qun gradually lost consciousness, his eyes were wide open, and he didn't close it until he died.

Receiving the master's signal, Zi Shuangzi and Zi Ye Shuangshuang changed their position, so that the princess could not see even a little.

Xia Hanqiu knew what had happened, but as long as he thought of the pictures he had seen with his own eyes, he could not afford to have any pity. Such a person was still alive in the family standing at the peak of his power. Before, he didn't know how many little girls had abused to death in his hands, so he regarded it as...

Duan Ziyi did not let go of his hand, and his eyes fell on the two bodyguards opposite him who had not moved.

Their performance was too much... Peaceful, he could only think of this word to describe their look at this time, as if it was not their master who had just died in front of them, and he had no intention to protect the Lord at all.

Duan Ziyi doesn't like such a bodyguard, and there is no room for such people around him.

"Don't avenge your master?"

"He can't live, and we can't live. Anyway, he's going to die. Why revenge?" Zhihuan looked at the people who lay on the ground and could no longer move, with hatred in his eyes. "Among the people he abandoned by him before, there is my own brother. He is the Lord and I am the servant. I can't do it. It's okay to die here, lest I really break my heart in the future."

The plain words are all desolate. As a servant, if he can't meet a good master, his life is as cheap as grass. If he still misses a little old feelings, he will take care of his family, but it is his kindness for people like Wu Qun not to bring them disaster.

Jiang Tao and others couldn't help looking at their master. Fortunately, they had a good life.

"We are from the State of Wu, and we can't betray the country even if we are abandoned by the master, but I still want to remind you that although the State of Wu has established a crown prince, the queen died early. It is the mother and noble concubine of the fourth prince who is in power in the palace. In addition, the foreign relatives I'm afraid you won't give up. You can take care of yourself.

After saying that, Zhihuan looked sideways at the last companion and smiled faintly, "Linzi, I'll go first. In the next life, we will be brothers again."

The man known as Linzi still had no time to reply. Zhihuan picked up his knife and scratched his neck. He moved neatly and did not hesitate at all. It was like... as determined to treat the enemy.

"Zhihuan!" Lin Zi looked sad, and his eyes swept over the brothers on the ground, full of death!

Duan Ziyi knows that this person will not live alone.

Watching him in silence and slapped his own spiritual cover. Duan Ziyi didn't say anything to stop him. They died generously, and he had a little respect for them. If they wanted to live, he would not look at them more.

Wu Qun has a group of good subordinates, but unfortunately, he was ruined by him.

"Du Zhong, Ge Mu is not here. Please check it out."

Du Zhong agreed and walked to Wu Qun. After checking all his methods, he nodded to Duan Ziyi, "I'm so dead."

When Du Zhong checked one by one, Cheng Jun was back. Xia Hanqiu didn't see the person he wanted to see the most until she saw the last person. He hurriedly called Ge Mu over, "Didn't you find my master?"

Ge Mu shook his head, "No, princess, don't worry. We are worried about the loss here, and we didn't look for it on a large scale. The Taoist priest Wuwei must be waiting for us somewhere on the mountain."

No matter how much comforting the words were, he couldn't appease Xia Hanqiu's anxious heart. He nodded randomly and walked to the second brother.

"Second brother, doesn't Wuweiguan have a set of secret codes or something like that?"

Chen Chen smiled bitterly, "Wuweiguan has a method specially responsible for transmitting information, which is the responsibility of the ground group, but this time the master went up the mountain without the people of the ground group to follow. It has always been safe for the master to come and go on this road so many times. Unexpectedly, I was careless that there was a

Looking at the second brother who blamed himself and regretted, Xia Hanqiu couldn't say anything. She has been thinking about it like this for less than a year. The second brother and the third brother have grown up with the master since childhood, and they will not be in a better mood than her now.

Du Zhong also came over, and the pain of broken bones made him look bad. "Now the enemy, except for the second brother, send his hands to the master."

Chen Chen nodded and looked at Duan Ziyi, who walked to his little sister. "Fourth prince, I have to borrow some manpower from you."

"I've already ordered it to go down." Duan Ziyi grabbed Qiuer's shoulder and said, "I'll take Qiuer to the upper house first. Du Zhong was injured and went there together. If anything happens, you can find Jiang Tao."

Chen Chen's eyes showed a trace of gratitude and arched his hand to him and quickly left.

At this time, finding a master is the most important thing. RS