Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 210 Orphan

After tearing the seal, the silk show with a little scribled handwriting came into his eyes. It can be seen that Wu's heart was not at ease at that time, and even angry. Maybe the hand holding the pen was shaking.

"Including autumn:

It's not too difficult to write these two words, but I haven't called you like this in my life. You must hate me very much. It must be true. I have made your mother so much land and made you homeless. Now I think about it, it's your courage to save you. Look at the current Zhang Qiaoer, our mother and daughter But it's such a wolf ambition. I hurt you, but he hurt the whole Zhang family.

I can't say sorry to you, and the kindness and resentment between us can't be eliminated with a word of apology. Naturally, I don't have the face to tell you to entrust, but now, the only person I can ask is you. God really won't forgive anyone. Like the master, like me, Zhang Qiaoer will definitely be May Qi Zhensheng be no exception. He is the one who deserves a thousand knives.

On that day, he came to see me and said that as long as I gave him the batch of gold that the master had hidden at that time, he would stop and would never do anything to Jiabao again. If I didn't agree, he would ask someone to come to the pavilion to send a letter to Jiabao, saying that I was critically ill, and He said that I didn't know anything about gold at all. He didn't believe it and only gave me a day to think about it.

I really don't know where those gold masters put them, but I know that this batch of gold exists. Sister, you are very good at it. You might as well look for it. I'd rather have you to get it than make it cheaper.

I saw a doctor a few days ago, and I didn't have many good days to live, so how about using my life for a free life? Without me, he would not be in a dilemma between us. Without me, he can do things without any fetters. Without me, you can have no scruples when you make arrangements for him as the eldest sister. I just regret that I can't see him again before I die.

But I'm not worried. You, who were so weak in those years, have now become his biggest reliance. When I'm still here, you can put aside our kindness and grievances for him. I'm not here. With your unwillingness to be more calculating, you will only feel more distressed for his loss of his father and mother

People are about to die, and their words are also good. You may not believe what you say now, but when you were young, I treated you with a little sincerity, but when you grow up and look more and more like your mother, I can't tolerate you more and more. For you, I am a bad person who destroys the relationship between your parents, It's the intervention between me and my cousin. I hate your mother. I can only watch my beloved marry others but can't do anything. I remember it all my life.

If there is a next life, if we can still meet, no matter what our identity and position we are at that time, I will treat you wholeheartedly to thank you for your kindness to your family treasure in this life.

Wu Pei Niang, a unique pen.

After reading the ten lines at a glance, Xia Hanqiu threw the paper away and couldn't tell what it was like.

It seems that no matter how much hatred there is, it is also because this short letter drifted away with the wind. On the contrary, the memory of her childhood gushed out, as if to prove Wu's words. The scenes are full of the good treatment of Wu when she first had memories.

Maybe it's because of guilt, or maybe it's because she hasn't been annoying since she was a child. In the years from the age of three to five or six, Wu's treatment was indeed no different from Zhang Qiaoer. She said that she had treated her with a little sincerity, which was the time.

She is a believer.

Because she remembers things early, she remembers what happened many years ago.

People can lie, but they can't remember.

The body was embraced by the warm embrace, and the warm breath exhaled in his ear, "Is it uncomfortable?"

"It's not uncomfortable, but I just think of something. People are really equal only in the face of death. Even if you are in great power, even if you have been invincible, no one can escape at the damn time."

He was still stubborn, and Duan Ziyi turned to the topic, "Have you had a rest? After a rest, it's time to go to the Xia family to give peace to my mother-in-law. It's been half a month since I left. Knowing that you're back, I'm afraid my mother-in-law has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"It's time to go." Xia Hanqiu didn't plan to change her clothes, so she went out of the door in a light cloth. Even after getting married, she was already a princess in the eyes of a discerning person. When she went out, she would wear white clothes with better material for the sake of taking care of her identity. But at home, she still wears cloth clothes more often. When After the weather gradually warmed up, the cloth clothes were the coolest.

In exchange, she also wanted to dress the same as her and was rejected by her. They are husband and wife, and husband and wife should accommodate each other, but this matter is not necessary. In exchange for the momentum, no one dares to look down on him even if he doesn't wear it.

Of course, now you can see that he is the only one he doesn't wear.

Thinking of this, the appearance of a change of ** appeared in my mind, and my face secretly turned red.

Worried about being seen by the people around him, he quickly turned his head aside and pretended to be looking at the garden on the right side of the corridor.

Xia Wei was relieved and scolded when she saw the two of them coming in. "It's been half a month since I went out. Fortunately, my uncle also knew how to send someone to send me a letter, otherwise I didn't know that you would have gone to the mountain."

"I was in a hurry at that time, and I didn't expect to stay on the mountain for a long time." Xia Hanqiu's words brought some shame. At that time, she really didn't expect this.

Shuangshuang asked the old man. Xia Yusheng said, "Your uncle's mouth is as tight as anything, and he can't ask anything. However, his face is full of worry and can't be hidden. Even the third daughter-in-law is tired. Didn't your uncle come back with him?"

"My uncle has rarely been on the mountain recently, and the master sent him out to be busy." Sitting next to Yingying, when he saw that he was sitting on the other side, he explained to his uncle at ease, "I left in a hurry before because the master was injured. My uncle has been learning art from the master for many years, and his feelings are naturally deeper than mine, but I can't talk about the master's affairs, so I can only do it

This was originally for the people in the room. Xia Hanqiu did not suppress her voice. At the end, she whispered to Fu Yingying, "When the sky falls, there are still tall people. Don't pay attention to the things outside and raise the fetus at ease. These days on the mountain, I have known a lot of wild vegetables under the guidance It's very refreshing and delicious. I forgot to take it when I was in a hurry to go down the mountain. I'll send it to you when it is delivered.

Fu Yingying clenched her hand and said, "I'm careful. It happens that the food doesn't smell so good recently."

Ke Shi laughed directly when he heard the words, "The situation of sister-in-law is really interesting. Other people's reaction was three months ago. It will be fine after that. Like me, I have to eat four or five meals a day, and three of them are like this. It's good for my sister-in Three months have passed, but she has reacted.

This made the old lady laugh, which made Fu Yingying laugh with embarrassment.

"How is your master?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, the master is fine."

Seeing that Qiu Yan didn't want to say more, Xia Yusheng didn't ask any more questions. As long as people were fine, no one would dislike such as Wuwei Taoist. The Xia family had the current situation that he had never thought about. Once he had it, he didn't want to lose it again.

However, he also saw through it. No more thought, no more greed is the foundation to keep all this. Girl Qiu is an affectionate person. As long as the Xia family doesn't do anything wrong to her, she will never treat the Xia family lightly.

"Did you go down the mountain for the people from Wuyang? But what happened?"

The door is facing the door, and some things can't be hidden. Xia Hanqiu doesn't want to hide this. She has some other ideas in her mind.

"It was the Zhang family who reported the funeral. Wu Shi, he died." The words were said to everyone, but the person Xia Hanqiu saw was her mother.

After Xia Wei was stunned, her face looked like crying and laughing, and tears rolled down one by one like broken beads.

I'm sorry that all of her people are dead, but she is still alive. She has a pair of the most competitive children in the world. After all, she laughed to the end!

Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, if I knew that you existed at that time, how could I nod that? Why do you only hate me, but don't blame Zhang Zetian who caused all this?

Obviously, he ruined you and me! If you say you are innocent, why am I not innocent?

Xia Hanqiu came forward and held her mother in her arms and stroked her back. Her heart was sore that she couldn't say a word of comfort.

Ke Shi sat next to Xia Wei. At this time, she sighed and said in a light tone, "Don't cry. People have died for a hundred times. No matter how big the hatred is, it should be put down. The good days are still ahead. In the future, we will live a relaxed life."

Fu Yingying echoed, "Sister-in-law is right, aunt, the past is over, don't think about it anymore."

No matter who persuaded, Xia Wei's tears just couldn't stop. She cried happily, as if she was going to drown those pasts with tears, but she knew that no matter how many tears could not be washed, let alone let time go back and let her go back to before she was not hurt.

For a moment, the whole room could only hear a breath and a suppressed cry.

After a long time, it seemed that she finally felt that she had cried enough. Xia Wei choked and gently pushed her daughter away a little, but she did not let go of her hand. She pulled her daughter to sit beside her side. Her hair was messy, and her clothes were messy. At this time, she only felt relaxed, and the things on her heart seemed

The old lady wiped the corners of her eyes and her face was full of joy. "Good and evil will be repaid in the end. It's not that the time has not come, but now the time has come, and it's revenge for Weier."

Xia Yusheng coughed gently to remind his old wife not to talk nonsense. Girl Qiu has always loved Zhang Jiabao very much. Besides, she is a person who has something to do with her after all. It's good to think about these words in her heart. There is no need to say them.

The old lady was a little stunned, and she also thought of this layer.

PS: The following chapter is a very realistic lyrics. The first time I saw it was a few years ago, I couldn't help bursting into tears in front of outsiders. Now I still feel my eyes wet, but I can't help listening to it. I don't know if anyone knows whose song this is. If someone is my favorite, I will Once. RS