Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 289 One Request

It is not easy to prepare what more than 30,000 troops need in five days, but Xia Hanqiu did not mean to intervene at all. After the matter was spread out, he only focused on the mess he was responsible for and discussed some details with Fu Yingying. Every time someone took his own matter to ask for an idea. Seeing her like this, he stopped thinking. He turned back to the house and gritted his teeth.

In fact, Xia Hanqiu doesn't dare to let go.

Get the latest data from the exchange. In addition to the manpower in her hand, there are more than 33,800 soldiers, all of whom can't go on an expedition. Huiting is a base camp, and people must be left to defend. The real troops will not exceed 20,000 people.

But from the beginning, she told them 30,000 people.

Her idea is very simple. The difference of 10,000 leaves a lot of room, even if they make a mistake, she just needs to pay attention to it secretly.

But if she intervenes in everything and the problem will be solved by her, then they will only rely on her day by day. In the end, this will have to be her speech hall, which is contrary to her will.

forced them to come to her this time, and they won't just come to her if anything happens in the future, which is also a good start.

She was sure, but Fu Yingying didn't know that she was not in a hurry to leave after discussing the matter on this day. Seeing that her identity had changed, other people's attitudes towards her had changed, but she herself did not change at all. The person asked, "Are you really relieved to let them get their own ideas?"

"If you don't let them make the decision now, I just want them to make the decision in the future." Xia Hanqiu looked up and saw Yingying's worried face and couldn't help laughing. "Don't think so much. They are not as useless as you think. No one wants to work hard for a long time and still can't do anything well."

"I'm afraid of making mistakes. It's not that I don't believe them. It's just that they are such a big event for the first time. Even if there are mistakes and omissions, it's justifiable, but some things can't be wrong."

"I know it in my heart."

Looking at her like this, Fu Yingying has a bottom in her heart, so she doesn't ask more questions. In terms of giving, they can't add up to Qiu, and Qiu Dang won't ruin her own affairs.

The government office is divided into two. The east wing is occupied by men, and the west wing is naturally occupied by women. The two ear rooms of the seven main rooms are also divided into two, but the lobby in the middle is the place for discussion.

On this day, it was led by Duan Ziyi, and Xia Hanqiu informed that about 40 people gathered in the lobby. In this way, the scene of men and women gathering was only when they were with their families. At this time, the people on both sides were inevitably a little uncomfortable.

Of course, there are exceptions for Duan Ziyi and Xia Hanqiu, who are at the top.

The first person to break the silence was Duan Baiyu, who sat under Duan Ziyi and the rest of the people.

"Tomorrow is the day of sending troops. This time, the troops will be led by Gu himself and assisted by Mu Qing. As for the arrangement of the rest of the generals, General Mu Qing will be in charge of it. I hope that General Mu Qing can do more work and put the right person in the right place."

Mu Qing got up and did not have any disrespectful because he was young.

Duan Baiyu nodded slightly and continued, "Aunches are responsible for all the backups. I know that you have doubts in your hearts, and there are also advices to me, but you can trust your aunt. When you are alone, just do your own things well. Don't think about what you shouldn't move. Whoever is disrespectful to

Even when he rarely smiles at outsiders on weekdays, it is the first time to speak harshly like now. Not only the new and old ministers are surprised, but also Duan Ziyi raised their eyebrows.

"If anyone can't trust your aunt... General Mu, you can talk to everyone about things and calm everyone's hearts."

"Yes, Your Highness." Mu Qing got up again, and his beard made him look more resolute. "Salt vegetable rations, horses and forage, military doctors, supplies and so on, such as craftsmen, grain, carriages, horses, pot tents, sabers and spears and so on. Even when I served in the State of Yan, it was still too late. I

Not only was the man's side stunned by the delicacy of the princess's affairs, but also a group of women looked at each other a few times, and their hearts were full of shock. They also had a sense of communication with each other. Not to say that they were completely clear about what everyone had done, they generally knew it, but now one by , I didn't buy it. The princess didn't care about it, but she had been secretly paying attention to it. Did she make up everything they didn't expect?

Duan Baiyu motioned Mu Qing to sit down, coughed gently, and said, "Are you still not convinced?"

Zheng Duoxin stood up and bowed his hand and said, "I have never dissued the princess. I have asked myself to go to war with the army. Please allow me."

Duan Baiyu shook his head and vetoed, "There has been news back from Bajing City. I'm not worried that I won't be able to take it down. The world is very big. Zheng Qing doesn't have to worry about not having a chance to play in the future."

Zheng Duoxin was not dissatisfied. He sat down and went back. He used these words to prove that he trusted the princess and did not have to play.

"I'm not alone. I hope everyone will pay more attention to being careful of the trick of mantis catching cicadas and yellow finch behind, and ask the uncle to make a decision on everything."

Duan Ziyi was just offered to sit high but did not speak. It was his uncle and nephew who agreed in private. His words were very clear. Duan Baiyu did not need an ancestor to suppress him, and he did not have that interest, so now he just pressed him and secretly contributed. Duan Baiyu came forward with all the things on the surface.

Duan Baiyu knew his uncle's intentions, was secretly grateful, and gave him all his strength.

"Do you have any questions?"

The woman's whispered in twos and threes seemed to be still under discussion. Someone in the group of men over there said, "I don't believe in the princess, but I have always been heavy on the defense of men and women. I stay behind. In case of trouble, it is inevitable that there is a need to be transferred to discuss. It If you don't know this, the princess can take it into consideration.

This is what she needs to answer. Xia Hanqiu said slowly, "You haven't entered our house, so you may not know what's going on inside. I arranged two people in one room, each with a maid and an assistant. Even if one party goes out to do business, there will be at least more than three people in the room, which is old I can't make sense."

So that's it. The man suddenly knew it, but Duan Ziyi looked sideways at Qiu Er. Unexpectedly, she just said a few words.

Xia Hanqiu gently raised her eyebrows and lowered her head to drink the medicinal tea specially developed for her by Xuan Group. It's good for her to do her own thing. When one day everything becomes a matter of course, it's better than saying a hundred and a thousand cruel words.

Now she has the name of the princess and there is no need to compete with others. On the contrary, it gives a bad impression. She doesn't do business at a loss.

"Where are your ladies? Do you have something to say?

Wu Linlang was pushed out as a representative, "I only have one small request."

"Please say it."

Wu Linlang looked at the princess, picked up a little more courage from her smile, and gradually became less nervous. "Although we are daughters, we think that we haven't had a day in the past two years, and even the scholars don't give in much. Of course, this is not to show their achievements, but to tell you that for the sake of We have made a lot of efforts to do what we have done. We don't want to fight for a moment, but to be as useful as you. Your Highness, our request is: Please don't look at us with that kind of distrust. I'm sorry for our efforts."

The room was silent for a moment, and Xia Hanqiu did not expect Linlang to say such a thing, but she was very happy. If she dared to say it, it was already a great progress.

After daring to say it, she dares to do it. She does not want to change the overall situation overnight. It is already a great thing to benefit the next generation.

Duan Baiyu broke the silence with a soft cough, "I have never underestimated you. Your efforts are alone to know that one day, your wishes will be fulfilled."

"Thank you for trusting me. Your Highness, just don't worry. We will deliver everything we need in front of us to the soldiers on time, and we will never make mistakes."

With such a word of comfort, Duan Baiyu couldn't help but look at the woman who was talking. He had a good memory. He still remembers the appearance of the other party when he first met him two years ago. His facial features were beautiful, that is, a good-looking lady, but now, the heroism between her eyebrows adds a lot of It looks more heroic and valiant, but it looks younger than two years ago.

Even other women have also changed a lot. They are still soft, but they are more strong.

Auncle is really the most able to change people. These people are like this, uncle is like this, and so is he.

"If there is nothing else, go to work separately."

The crowd got up at the same time and responded together. The man went to the next room to the left, where there was a huge sand table, and there was only one thing in the whole room.

The women turned to the right and gathered in Xia Hanqiu's room.

"All right, don't look at me with such mixed eyes. Just say what you want to say."

The first one who couldn't help it was Zhu Jialian, "Princess, you didn't care about us, right?"

"I don't care when you pass." Xia Hanqiu put away the things on the table, "If you don't go this time, you will have to rely on me for everything in the future. If I don't force you, can you move your feet?"

Zhu Jialian stopped talking.

Yan Shengnan covered his mouth and smiled, "I said that you are worried for nothing. Princess, you don't know that they haven't slept well these days. They are afraid that something will go wrong. They come earlier in the morning and later in the evening. Fortunately, it is convenient for them at home now, otherwise they will have to eat a lot of

Unexpectedly, Xia Hanqiu nodded immediately, "I also know that your husband picks you up early and late every day. Although everyone is tired these days, they must be very sweet in their hearts."

One sentence teased everyone, and Tong Qianqian retorted, "If you want to deliver early and pick up late, who can't wait for the prince? The prince is living like a day every day. It's hard to say what the person in my family has."

Originally, there were still sweet people in their hearts who were silent when they heard this. Yes, the prince treated the princess the same, and the man in their family suddenly changed his attitude, probably because he saw the benefits. RS