Beautiful fragrance

Chapter 312 Enmity goes with the wind

Now is not the time to talk. Chen Chen also wanted to go to the master's place. He looked at Xia Hanqiu like a warning and left quickly.

Xia Hanqiu was not in a good state at this time. He could still hold on just now. When the second brother left, he was discouraged. He bent down and lay on his knees exhausted.

"Telling you to be stubborn!" Fu Yingying gritted her teeth angrily. After being angry, she couldn't help but care, "Is there anything wrong with your stomach?"

"It's okay." Xia Hanqiu barely raised her body, revealing that she had just been pressed and didn't move. "It's protecting me and my child."

"Then you have to stop tossing around, or no one can protect you."

"I know." Xia Hanqiu smiled bitterly. Next, even if the sky was about to collapse, she would not prophesy again. In this day and two nights, her spiritual strength had been exhausted. The prophecy just now was already reckless. If it hadn't been for her help, I'm afraid she would have fallen halfway.

Although he knew that the enemy had come to the reinforcements again, Xia Hanqiu was no longer so worried. Without a general, no matter how many people there were on the other side, they could only be a plate of scattered sand, and there were also people on his side to help. No one took advantage of the tired soldiers, but at least it was not as large

She doesn't need to arrange troops, so she just needs to wait quietly next.

"Autumn, Qi Zhensheng is coming." Fu Yingying saw the man she had met in a blink of an eye. Because of Qiu, she was impressed by him, but this time it's different from usual. Her mood as an outsider is a little complicated. I really don't know how the two people who already have grudges should face it on such an occasion.

With the help of Qi Zhensheng, the pavilion may not be unable to hold it. But in the end, he came, which greatly reduced the pressure on Huiting. Anyway, as the person with the highest status of Huiting now, Qiu Du owes him a big favor.

Xia Hanqiu turned her head and looked at the sight of the man walking up here. She vaguely felt that the other party's hurry was not fake.

But she doesn't want to regard it as a concern. There is no need to be more involved between them. It's good to use interests as a bridge.

I'm going to get up. Qi Zhensheng opened his mouth. You sit down, including... The fourth princess doesn't need to be polite."

His eyes swept over Hanqiu's stomach, and Qi Zhensheng changed his name with interest. He personally led the troops to reinforce the pavilion. One of the reasons, of course, is that the two sides combine to make two benefits. If there is no pavilion in front of you. It was too easy for the State of Fujian to deal with him, but he knew in his heart that Hanqiu did not hesitate after receiving the letter. Another reason for the immediate deployment of troops.

Probably people are born cheap in their bones. When they could easily get it, they didn't see it. When they missed it, they put the other party in their hearts, and no one can replace it.

When he saw a fiery red cloak and a cold man in a troubled tower, he felt that he was about to stop breathing.

She is pregnant, she is over 20 years old, she is a woman... But she abruptly supported all this, even if she looked tired and would fall down at any time.

On this tower, she is like a red plum standing proudly in the snow, not swaying, but also beautiful!

So when he saw that she wanted to stand up and meet her, he subconsciously accelerated his pace so that she wouldn't force herself.

Xia Hanqiu just paused and sat down again, "Thank you, Qicheng, for your forgiveness. I'm really a little weak."

The owner of Qi City pulled away the relationship between the two. Although this is the case, Qi Zhensheng's heart is still a little astringent. Fortunately, he has been in a high position for a long time, and it is still easy to hide the idea in his heart.

"Fortunately, I'm not late. I heard that the other party has another 15,000 reinforcements?"

"Yes, I take the liberty to ask, how many people did the Lord of Qi City bring here?"

"Six thousand people, except that it is safe to lean against the pavilion in the east, and the other three sides are adjacent to the city of Fujian. I dare not transfer too many troops to avoid being held up by others."

Six thousand people were already more than she expected. Xia Hanqiu nod slightly, "I'm afraid I'll have to help the Lord of Qi at that time."

"It's natural. I'm here for reinforcements. I'm very happy to help... Huiting."

Xia Hanqiu didn't seem to feel his pause and looked at the people behind him, "Ma Ming, why didn't the master come over?"

"Send to the master, the old master has taken people to reinforce the North Gate."

Watcher, old watcher, Qi Zhensheng has a faint guess in his heart, but this guess is really surprising. Does Hanqiu master the whole concept of incomprehension? And the Taoist priest Wuwei came forward to defend the city for her in person. What on earth is... What's going on?

If Han Qiu could have the support of the incompetence in those years, how would the Zhang family have dared to treat her like that? He...

It seems that everything has changed since Hanqiu left Zhang's house, including fate!

At this time, the enemy outside the city wall was slowly retreating. Compared with the momentum when he came, he left countless corpses and retreated in confusion.

There are countless corpses floating in the moat. Some of the fire has been extinguished, and some continue to burn. The whole air is floating with the smell of fire, oil and coke, which makes Xia Hanqiu want to vomit.

Resisting the feeling of nausea, Xia Hanqiu forgot the Qi Zhensheng standing aside. He thought about the situation of the pavilion at this time. The east, west and south were safe, and the north must not take long to clear the enemy. The next thing to face was the 15,000 reinforcements in Lanshi City.

An hour ago, with another 15,000 reinforcements from the enemy, Huiting will definitely make it worse and may not be able to defend it. But now, she absolutely believes that Yu Changgong will not let Huiting lose.

"Lan Yu, go and ask how the fire oil is doing."


"Lan Die, go to Uncle Ming and ask the people he will help in the future to get together. If they can still hold on, they will all go to the south to prepare for the next fierce battle. Let the people in the hermit department explore where the people who have just retreated have gone, and find out whether it is really retreating or it is possible


"Master Qi, the next battlefield will be in the south. I'm sorry to trouble you."

This drove him away. Qi Zhensheng raised his hand and said, "I'll take 6,000 people to General Yu."

"Thank you very much."

The two words behind him made Qi Zhensheng pause. Time seemed to be still. After a few breaths, the picture came to life again. He turned around and looked back at the former eldest sister of the Zhang family, the fourth princess now, "I just hope you don't hate me anymore."

The atmosphere was a little stagnant. No one thought that at this time, he would say this in this high tower. On the contrary, Xia Hanqiu seemed to be talking about other people's affairs indifferently. "I don't remember what happened before."

Is this a reconciliation? Fu Yingying looked at Qi Zhensheng's back, even if she was curious, she didn't ask much.

After all, now one is a married man, and the other has become a princess. One person is in trouble and the other comes to help. I don't know how to calculate a bad debt at all!

Xia Hanqiu seemed to see the doubts in her heart. With her strength, she got up and said, "If you don't love, you don't hate it. Naturally, you won't remember those unimportant things. Go back, you don't need me here."

Her feet can't be lifted up like lead. If possible, Xia Hanqiu really wants people to lift it down. Don't take another step, but there are still many people coming and going on the tower, and some people are coming at her. Even if her feet are chained, she has to walk down this road.

Even if you stagger!

Where several people have passed, everyone gave way, for fear of bumping into the princess who was still not stable, and Wu Linlang and others could not hide their worries! It's impossible for others not to know them. The princess has been in good health since last night. What's more, she is still pregnant, so don't have anything to do with her.

Walking to the top of the stairs, Xia Hanqiu took a light breath, turned around and glanced at the people with different contents in his eyes. He raised his voice and said, "Tonight, you have protected your city and the small family. I won't say those empty words. When Liang Guo has survived the most difficult two years, I will exempt everyone from

There are people who live in the fields, and there are also small merchants who do small businesses to support their families. Hearing this news, they are very happy. Three years of taxes, this is not a small amount! Before they came, they never thought that they could get this benefit.

"Thank you, princess, my princess."

Xia Hanqiu smiled reluctantly and turned around and left.

The people don't need her to be more friendly to the people, and the practical benefits are better than anything else.

The snow on the stairs turned into water, because many people walked and it did not turn into ice. Although I was sweating on my back, it was good to walk steadily.

After getting into the carriage, the thick curtain blocked everyone's sight. Xia Hanqiu finally didn't have to hold it like that. She fell in the soft quilt and stopped moving.

Fu Yingying followed the carriage and was about to order the car to drive back to the government office. The curtain behind her was hit again. Zishuang didn't know where to get a Tang woman and handed it over. "Mrs. Uncle, you put this on the princess, and I also put two in the quilt."

Fu Yingying quickly took it over, helped the person up and sat down, and took Mrs. Tang from the quilt before shaking off the quilt and covering Xia Hanqiu.

Fu Yingying sat next to her and buried herself in. The two leaned side by side and relied on each other. After blowing the cold wind on the tower for so long, her body had been frozen for a long time, and she could not recover for a while.

"It's been a long night." Xia Hanqiu closed her eyes and gently touched her stomach and muttered to herself.

"I never felt so hard all night, but I finally got through it." Speaking of this, Fu Yingying was very angry. She not only designed her to drive her home, but also let people buckle her at home. When she thought about it, she was so angry that she couldn't bear to have an attack, and she was suffocated with internal injury.

How can she blame a person who is single-minded in defending herself?

"Are you sleepy? You sleep, and I'll call you when you arrive.

"It's more tiring to wake up. Let's go back to the government first, by the way." Xia Hanqiu suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Have you seen Jiabao and Chen's cousin?"

"I didn't see Jiabao. I saw your cousin. He was not hurt." Looking at her eyebrows, Fu Yingying knew that she was worried again. She pulled the quilt up and said, "Who doesn't know that you want to have two younger brothers? If Jiabao really had something to do, someone would have reported it to you. If there is no news, it's good news. Don't think about it, let your brain rest." ( To be continued...) RT