Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 38 Saving

(Old and young men, please collect it)

The room was dark. Song Nan opened his eyes and looked into the darkness. With the help of the faint light shining behind him, Song Nan could not see anything. The room still maintained the pattern of opening a small hotel. Tables, chairs and benches were neatly arranged in the hall, and the counter on the left were placed with various jars, which used to be full of It's all kinds of drinks.

Song Nan listened attentively, and there was no sound in the room. He groped around the store to make sure that there was no one in the store, so he walked to the counter. Song Nan remembered that there was a staircase behind the counter leading to the upstairs, and the upstairs was the place where people lived.

The wooden stairs rattled, and no matter how light the noise was, Song Nan simply no longer forced herself not to make a sound, because if Fanggu and Lu Qingli were upstairs, she would have known that someone was coming upstairs.

At the end of the stairs is a small platform. The two rooms, one left and one right, are facing the entrance of the stairs. Song Nan thought about it and pushed open the door on the right. In the dark, her nose suddenly smelled a burning smell of candles extinguished, and then the wind sounded in front of her, as if something had hit her head-on.

At the moment when he smelled the scorching smell, Song Nan had already copied the knife and scabbard in his hand. Hearing the sound of the wind, Song Nan waved the scabbard in front of him without thinking, and quickly retreated. When the harsh sound of the handover of the blade sounded, he jumped up a few Mars, and Song Nan almost couldn't even grasp the scabbard; Mars flashed No, in the glimmer of this moment, Song Nan saw a dark shadow bullying her to attack again.

Song Nan did not know martial arts, and his body was not flexible and strong enough. Although he has been exercising diligently since crossing, he is still very early to practice the same tendons and agility as future generations. Judging from the sound and strength of this blow just now, the strength of the other party is not small, and he is holding an iron or sword in his hand. This kind of blade, the other party can't avoid this second blow at all.

The wind was galling and hit hard. Song Nan was in a hurry and shouted, "Auntie Fang, stop it's me. I'm Song Nan."

There was a dead silence, and a woman's voice came from the opposite side of the dark and said doubtfully, "Are you Mr. Song?"

Song Nan's voice was delicate and familiar, and she said quickly, "Are you a Qingli girl? I'm Song Nan."

The man on the opposite side took out the fire fold and blew the fire. A beautiful face appeared in the firelight and saw the foreground objects. Song Nan also took a cold breath. A short knife was hanging above his head. If he hadn't shouted in time, the matter might have become a ghost under the knife.

Lu Qingli looked both panicked and a little excited and asked warily, "What are you doing?"

Song Nan put the knife and scabbard on the ground, raised his hand to indicate that he had no malice, and whispered, "After lighting the candle, who is injured? Are you or Aunt Fang? Where is she?"

Lu Qingli said nervously, "How do you know we are injured? Are you here to get us?

Song Nan stretched out her hand and pushed away the blade on her forehead and whispered, "After receiving this thing, I have no malice. If there is malice, I won't come alone."

Lu Qingli took a breath, put the knife into the sheath, raised the fire fold and went into the room and lit the candle on the table. The light was on. Song Nan saw a man lying full of blood in Dongshou's ** at a glance. She hurried forward to check. She saw Fanggu's eyes closed and lay straight like white paper**, and her clothes were full of blood.

"This is a disaster." Song Nan smashed his mouth.

Lu Qingli couldn't stand it any longer. Her mouth was shrive and tears fell straight down. She lay beside her aunt and shouted repeatedly, "Cousin, cousin, wake up."

Song Nan carefully checked the wound. There was only one wound on Fang's body. Above the chest under the shoulder socket, the wound penetrated several points, which was likely to hurt the blood vessels, otherwise she would not bleed all the way.

"Song, save your cousin. If you save her, I will surrender to the government. We did the murder of Yihongyuan." Lu Qingli said with a crying voice.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Now is not the time to say this. We have traced this far along the blood stains. If it hadn't been for what you did and deliberately opened up the officers and soldiers who came together, you would be finished. As for why you want to kill people and what your origin is, you have to tell me in the future. What you have to do now is to save people quickly. The injury of my cousin is very serious, and the clues you left are obvious. In a short time, people from the government or brocade guards will come to get out of here quickly.

Lu Qingli nodded with tears and said, "Listen to Mr. Song's arrangement, but where to go?"

Song Nan bit her lower lip and thought about it, "It's about to be dawn, and there is nowhere to go for a while. At dawn, the government office and Jinyiwei will definitely search the whole city. My house on North Street is not far from here, and it will only be three streets north. Go to my place for the time being. This injury must be dealt with quickly, otherwise Aunt Fang's life will be worried. "

Lu Qingli was moved to tears. She lifted her skirt and wanted to kneel down for Song Nan. Song Nan pulled her up and said, "Don't dawdling. The wound is still bleeding. You can't leave traces for them. I wrapped Aunt Fang's back with sheets. You clean up and we will leave immediately."

Lu Qingli nodded and agreed, casually took some clothes and wrapped a package on her back. Song Nan had firmly wrapped half of Fang's blood body with sheets to prevent blood from dripping. When wrapping the wound, Fanggu woke up in pain, looked at Song Nan, and fainted again.

After packing up, Song Nan held her aunt wrapped like a big rice dumplings in her arms and walked downstairs and walked along the weed path to avoid footsteps downstairs. Fortunately, the weather was cold and the sky was dark. She rushed to the outside of her house on North Street before the last darkness of dawn. Uncle Zhong opened the door saw Song at a glance. Nan came in with a big package and was followed by a little girl who was shocked. Song Nan also had no time to explain. He repeatedly ordered to close the door and go straight to his room with his aunt in his arms.

The movement woke up the Song family. When Li Daniel and Pinger and the little sister of the Li family were about to get up, they came to ask what had happened. Song Nan repeatedly ordered to get hot water and untie the sheets anxiously. The sheets were already stained with a large area of blood, and everyone was shocked.

Song Nan frowned and said, "The wound is still bleeding. Sooner or later, you will die. You have to stop the bleeding quickly."

Li Daniu said, "I'll go to the pharmacy on the street to get medicine."

Song Nan nodded but immediately shook her head and said, "Don't go. The pharmacy hasn't opened early in the morning, and it's too late to talk about it. By the way, don't say anything about this. No one can say it."

Li Daniel said, "But what about this girl's injury?"

Song Nan looked up and thought for a moment, and ordered a series of instructions: "You quickly get some soft cloth strips, cotton wool, your mother's incense burner and the jar of uneaten honey in the kitchen. Go quickly."

Everyone was busy preparing. Song Nan began to check the wound, and did not avoid the suspicion of men and women. She cut the clothes near the wound with scissors and asked Lu Qingli to dip a cloth towel in hot water to wipe around the wound. She saw a long and narrow wound on the snow-white satin-like chest muscle as red. The blood was shocking, and a trace of blood flowed out of the wound. The amount was not much. It may be because it had flowed for too long and too much blood flow on the body.

Song Nan knows that now is the best time to stop bleeding. In this way, the aorta should not be injured, otherwise the blood will dry up early. It should have hurt the large capillaries and the wound is too deep, resulting in continuous blood flow.

Ping'er, Da Niu and others took what Song Nan wanted. Song Nan hesitated and said to Lu Qingli, "Miss Qingli, I don't mean to be rude to your cousin, but if you don't stop the bleeding now, your cousin will shed all her blood and die."

Lu Qingli said, "Mr. Song, do whatever you want, as long as you save your cousin's life."

Song Nan nodded and motioned everyone to leave the room. She only left Lu Qingli to help in the room. Then she reached out and picked up the scissors, cut all the clothes on Fang's upper body, and took off her naked, leaving only her shirt. Lu Qingli blushed and wiped Fang's body with a hot towel, and said gently, "Cousin, it's really I'm sorry, Mr. Song didn't mean to do it. I hope you won't be surprised.

Song Nan's mouth was dry, and the two round and upturned two beautiful balls after taking off her coat were beautiful and cute. Although she tried not to look at it, I'm afraid that a pair of red pills trembled will be unforgettable in her life.

Song Nan calmed down and scolded himself secretly. At this time, there could be no distractions, so he concentrated on pouring honey into a paste and densely applied to the wound with the old incense ash in the incense burner, then blocked the wound with cotton wool, and then picked up Fang's upper body and wrapped it firmly around her lower arm with a long cloth. After wrapping it, Song Nan I couldn't help but look at my aunt's chest, and almost spit out a nosebleed. Although the cloth tied most of it, two red beans were exposed in the cracks, which was simply more tempting and criminal than the island country bound love films that I had observed in later generations.

Song Nan didn't dare to look much. She asked Lu Qingli find clothes to put on for Fanggu. She leaned Fanggu on the head of the bed with a soft pillow to keep her heart position lower than the wound. Then she waited for a cup of tea to see that the wound was not bleeding, so she took a long breath. Later Song Nan liked mountaineering and hiking and knew how to stop bleeding urgently. Ash, soil and other things can be used for hemostasis. Although fragrant ash blended with honey has no healing effect, it has a miraculous effect on hemostasis. Fortunately, these two things are readily available these days.

"I'll get a few bowls of light salt water. You must find a way to let her drink it. If you lose too much blood, you must rely on water replenishment, otherwise you will still die." Song Nan said to Lu Qingli.

After all, this is the technologically backward Ming Dynasty, and the blood type of the body he possessed is not known. In later generations, Song Nan will not hesitate to carry out simple blood transfusions in emergency situations, because the blood type of the following generations is type O blood, commonly known as the universal blood transfusion, and will not be discharged as long as there are no special circumstances. Rebuke.

Lu Qingli also doesn't understand why salt boiled water can make up for blood loss, but at this moment, she obeyed Song Nan's words as the imperial edict. Not to mention salted water, even if Song Nan asked her to feed her cousin to drink horse urine, she did not hesitate to implement it.

Two large bowls of hot light salt water poured into the belly. After a while, Fanggu's snow-white face had a little blood. Song Nan put on the artery of her neck and could feel that the pulse had slightly changed. Finally, she breathed a sigh of relief. If nothing unexpected, Fanggu's life is It was saved; Song Nan felt that her body was sweaty and cold. When she walked out of the room, it was already the morning when the morning sun rose.

Xiaopinger burned a large bucket of water and asked Song Nan to take a hot bath. Song Nan took a comfortable bath, and the steaming drowsiness hit her. She hurriedly wiped her body and got into Li Da Niu's room and fell asleep.