Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 44 People are eager to live by themselves

The three lived together to discuss this matter. Jiang Bin and Fang Datong were a little panicked after listening to Song Nan's analysis. Both of them were a little upset. One was furious because they were tossed around by a trira horse outside the city for a few days without a result, and the other was assassinated by the general flag officer and a flag school. He was denounced as incompetent by thousands of households of Jinyiwei in Datong, and now it is even worse to hear such news.

"Shit, old son of a bitch, this is a stone under the well. Taking advantage of the chaos, he stabbed me in the back and made me angry. I took someone to kill his whole family." Jiang Bin cursed angrily and kicked over a stool.

Fang Datong also scolded, "I knew that this matter would not be settled so easily. I shouldn't have boarded your thief ship at the beginning. Damn, it's over now. I'm sleepy at home and abroad. What do you think I should do?"

Jiang Bin scolded angrily, "Now that these are used by birds, why don't you say such things when you mother's money?"

Fang Datong said, "Silver is silver. Can you buy your life?"

Jiang Bin stared and wanted to scold. Song Nan buttoned the table with his knuckles and frowned, "Is it useful for you to blame each other like this? Things are not out of control. Wang Dan hasn't taken action yet. You have made trouble by yourself. It's so boring.

Jiang Bin and Fang Datong stared at each other and turned to Song Nan and said, "Do you have any countermeasures?"

Song Nan walked two steps and slowly said, "If Wang Dan is in trouble, he must find an opportunity to attack Jiang Qianhu. Fang Baihu is safe at present, and Wang Dan has no ability to make trouble you."

Fang Datong was happy to hear this and said, "Well, how can the old man take me? I can't be controlled by him."

Jiang Bin said angrily, "Then you don't care? I went to prison and was the first to confess your son of a bitch. See if you can run away.

Fang Daqi scolded, and Song Nan also shook his head secretly. Such an alliance is too loose, and Jiang Bin is too unscattered. These words are harmful to the overall situation and can only make Fang Datong more angry.

"It's better to say less about this. I estimate that Wang Dan can only find the fault of Jiang Qianhu from the unfavorable defense. If Jiang Qianhu can reverse the current unfavorable situation and give a heavy blow to the Taran horse to save the decadent situation, Wang Dan's plan will be ruined."

"It's light. I took my brothers to work for three or four days and didn't even touch the shadow of the tars. The tartars are all cavalry, but most of us are infantry, and we can't touch them at all." Jiang Bin said angrily.

Song Nan said, "There must be a way, but it is also a passive response. After the crisis at this time, Wang Dan will have other tricks, but we can only deal with them passively. Therefore, there is a way to deal with them, and it can't be used. We still need to solve Wang Dan first."

Fang Datong nodded and said, "What is said is that the old dog will never give up, but how to deal with him?"

Jiang Bin said, "Let's just do it endlessly. Let's let those two Tak prisoners write a confession, so the trick is repeated."

Fang Datong was surprised and said, "Aren't those two prisoners slaughtered? Where did it come from again?"

Jiang Bin said proudly, "Are you dumbfounded? This is called leaving a backhand. You are full of tricks, but you don't even understand this. The two Tartars who died are fake. We have already guarded against the old dog's move and keep the back hand."

Fang Datong wanted to laugh and curse. He was kept in the dark by these two guys and took his heart for a long time. These two guys are really nothing.

"No, this method can no longer threaten Wang Dan." Song Nan shook his head.

Jiang Fang and the two of them were surprised together: "Why?"

Song Nan said, "I didn't understand until now that Wang Dan was actually afraid that we would frame him for colluding with the Tatan. What he was most afraid of was that the court sent someone to find out other things. Even you and I think it was ridiculous to collude with the Tatan. How could the court believe it? But once someone comes, he will find out that Wang Dan has embezzled the army's land and eat it. Empty pay and other bad deeds are the worst; that's why Wang Dan will be cruel and return the occupied military land. If I think it's good, he will definitely plug the loopholes in other aspects. If we repeat our old tricks, he will definitely let us report it. At that time, we will be embarrassed.

Jiang Bin patted his forehead and said, "Yes, the old dog recruited more than 1,000 exiles from Datong Mansion a year ago, and the number of prisoners sent to join the army was full. At that time, I thought the old dog was for the defense of Weizhou. When you said this, it seems that he was to fill the empty army. This dog is really insidious. "

Song Nan sighed, "Why didn't you say this earlier? Hey, it's really a fire before you went to dig a well. What should I say about you?"

Jiang Bin lowered his head like a child who made a mistake and secretly blamed himself for being too **. If he had told Song Nan earlier, he would have had a way to deal with it.

Song Nan said, "If you want to do this, you have to force Wang Dan away. Jiang Qianhu, I will ask you, if he fails in defense, is he responsible?"

Jiang Bin was stunned and said, "For example, it is not only Jiang Bin's responsibility to do bad defense, and he feels that he can't get rid of it. However, as long as the city of Weizhou is safe and sound, he can rest assured; Weizhou has more than 6,000 soldiers and horses, and with these 6,000 soldiers and horses, the old dog will stay comfortably in this position until he dies."

Song Nan punched his palm and said, "Okay, Wang Dan must rely on the sufficient soldiers and horses in Weizhou and lose outside the city, but Weizhou is absolutely not at all right, so he doesn't care. Not only doesn't want to meet the soldiers, but he takes the opportunity to deal with you; in this case, we will give him a big game, which scared him to pee in his pants."

Jiang Fang and the two stretched out their necks and said in unison, "What should I do?"

Song Nan said, "Will people like him fight with the Tahs?"

Jiang Bin said, "Bullshit, does he dare to work hard? He doesn't even know how to fight, if it weren't for me..."

Song Nan waved his hand to interrupt Jiang Bin's boasting and smiled, "That's easy to do. I said that there are few people in the world who are both greedy, lustful and wise and martial arts. Wang Dan doesn't seem to be such a person."

Jiang Bin said, "Wondness and martial arts? This word describes that he is really ruined. If he is wise and martial, how can he do our way?

Song Nan laughed and said, "That's because we are more wise and magical than him. Don't talk about gossip. Didn't he sell his field, make up his soldiers, and get a good one? It's like making a roll. Let's just get him out of here and don't even have to pack his luggage.

Jiang Bin and Fang Datong complained, "Don't tell me what to do."

Song Nan said, "First of all, Jiang Qianhu is needed to stabilize the situation outside the city to avoid the deterioration of the situation, which triggered the direct intervention of Shanxi Metropolitan Division. To put it bluntly, it is necessary to leave Wang Dan with time to get out of trouble."

Jiang Bin said, "What kind of bird's method is this? It's not difficult to stabilize the situation. I just can't catch the main force of the Tatars and annihilate it; but what's the use of this? Wang Dan gave me an order to defeat a large share of the Tata riders and rebuild the destroyed fortress.

Song Nan said, "I want you to do this without causing Shanxi Dusi to intervene. I don't want you to obey Wang Dan's orders. After the situation stabilizes, we will be like this. Let's give Wang Dan a psychological war. Guess what will happen to Wang Dan?"

Song Nan smiled and told the plan. Jiang Bin and Fang Datong became more and more shocked. Looking at Song Nan's eyes as if they had seen a ghost, both of them thought that fortunately, this boy was not a friend or an enemy. Such a sinister idea could come up with him. He thought about the plan carefully. As long as it was realistic, Wang Dan would be scared by urine. Come out, it's strange not to run.

Song Nan patted Jiang Bin on the shoulder and said, "Jianhu, I'm sorry for being a brother. I'm afraid I'll wrong you this time. The candidates need to be properly arranged, but they can't be leaked. You must choose someone who is absolutely loyal to you to do this matter. You must not be careless."

Jiang Bin's throat was dry and he was still immersed in surprise at the plan. After a long time, he swallowed and spit and said, "No... it doesn't matter, I can't think of this strategy in my life. I really want to see how your mother's brain is."


On the third day of February, Jiang Bin led 1,100 soldiers and horses from the headquarters to the north of Weizhou to encircle and suppress the soldiers again. In order to show his importance to this matter, Wang Dan specially transferred 500 new recruits to Jiang Bin for command.

Wang Dan is very clear. If Jiang Bin is given 5,000 people, Jiang Bin may not be able to get the tail hair of the Tasar. What is ridiculous is that Jiang Bin actually boasted that this battle will break the Tasars. Otherwise, what if? The shrewd Wang Dan keenly grasped the shortcomings of Jiang Bin's words without going through his brain and grabbed them in front of a group of generals. Jiang Bin's words did not let go, and Jiang Bin also foolishly issued a military order.

After Jiang Bin led the troops out of the city, Wang Dan almost choked to death with a smile. Jiang Bin was finished. Originally, he wanted to seize his unfavorable battle handle and dismissed him. This time, he even saved his dismissal. If he couldn't break a large number of Tarot cavalry within half a month, he would have an excuse to directly wipe it off. What a lot of hatred!

"Call you to blackmail me and get an evidence witness of the enemy, which scared me to sweat all over. This time, I dispersed the field and made up the number of troops. Although I lost a lot of money, it was easy all over; if you blackmail me for money and didn't take me seriously, I will kill you; that Fang Datong also It's hard to protect myself. After cleaning up Jiang Bin, I have to find a way to make the case of the assassination of Fang Datong's assassination for him. Fang Datong will be punished for losing his official position to relieve my hatred!" Wang Dan sat alone in the flower hall, holding the blue and white porcelain cup, and the wrinkles on his old face smiled into ** petals.