Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 49 Night Attack on Mustang Slope

The matter of Wang Dan's trip to Datong Mansion to move rescue soldiers was completely in the eyes of Jinyiwei. As soon as Wang Dan left, Fang Datong took people to the east gate of the city. The defenders at the east gate had received orders not to allow idle people to enter and exit the city gate, but Jinyiwei was not idle people. Fang Datong took more than 20 Jinyiwei lieutenants on a tall horse. This style alone is not comparable to the soldiers of local guards such as Weizhouwei. The gatekeepers and soldiers at the gate were soon scolded by Fang Datong and opened the door obediently.

Two hours later, Fang Datong arrived at Jiang Bin's camp 30 miles away. Jiang Bin and Song Nan were already fully armed waiting for his arrival in the tent. Seeing Fang Datong, Song Nan's first sentence asked, "Has Wang Dan left?"

Fang Datong said, "Can I come if he doesn't leave?" I went to Datong overnight."

Song Nan slapped excitedly and said, "Okay, the old dog is over. Seeing Datong's general soldier crying, Wang Bing will definitely not stand by. Now there is a good show."

Jiang Bin said, "Brother Song, what should we do now? Everything went according to your plan. Brother, I beat my heart. Don't really think that I defected to the enemy, and it's over.

Song Nan smiled and said, "You know you are afraid, but it's too late. At present, the beautiful woman has taken off her trousers. What are you afraid of? Now is the time to show their ability. I have ordered the free of the zar soldiers caught a few days ago. Now Ma Baihu is following behind their buttocks with a group of people. Not surprisingly, these zar soldiers will take us to their camp. Jiang Qianhu, you can fight a war. Can our 6,000 troops kill those hundreds of zars? If the cavalry eats it, it depends on your ability.

Jiang Bin said, "I'm worried about the fraud of the Ttar soldiers. In case we can't find the place of the barracks, we won't have time to toss around."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't worry, they have nowhere to go in the ice and snow. Besides, I deliberately let the guard soldiers relax their vigilance and allow them to escape. They will not have any doubts. It's not too late to raise the soldiers quickly, drive away Wang Dan, and let Jiang Qianhu to get promoted and get rich."

Jiang Bin had no more words and immediately issued an order, ordering hundreds of general flags and small flags to come to the camp to raise the account, and quickly assigned orders to make some weapons, supplies and food. When the sky was slightly bright, the army pulled out of the camp and set out and went north.

Along the way, dozens of sentries searched for the marks left by Ma Ming. Song Nan asked Ma Ming to bring a lot of beans to feed the horse, dyed them red with juice, left marks on the way, and marched north all the way. At the end of the afternoon, the army joined Ma Ming and others in a small mountain pass more than 90 miles away from Weizhou. .

This mountain is called Wild Horse Slope, and on the other side of the mountain is a small city called Yuanyang. This is the junction of the three defense areas of Huai'anwei, Datongfu Tianchengwei and Weizhouwei. Tens further north is the boundary controlled by Tatar. There are mountains on both sides of this narrow passage, making Xuanfu and Datong two side towns. The defenders couldn't take care of this place, and that's why the Tarans rode along this channel to attack Weizhou south without worrying about being caught by Huai'anwei and Tianchengwei on both sides.

Ma Ming reported: "Lord Qianhu, we followed the Taran soldiers all the way here. It has been found that Yuanyang Town on the other side of the Mustangpo is the military camp where the Tarans attacked this time. We dare not go any further, so we have to wait here for the arrival of the army of Lord Qianhu."

Jiang Bin nodded and said, "Have you ever been noticed?"

Ma Ming said, "I will never. More than 30 brothers who followed me all walked and fell three or four miles behind them. One of my brothers was once a hunter and was good at tracking. If this is found, I don't believe it."

Jiang Bin laughed and said, "Well, these talents are useful. After this battle, we will promote him as a small flag."

Ma Ming said, "Thank you for his humble position first."

Jiang Bin said, "No more nonsense. You lead the way and find a favorable position. Let's see first."

Ma Ming nodded and agreed, and took Jiang Bin, Song Nan and others to climb to the top of the north slope and look north on the edge of the dense pine forest. The wild horse slope is flat in the sunset. The mountains on both sides in the distance are faintly like two arms surrounding the place north of Yuanyang into a corridor, just five or six miles below the wild horse slope. A temporary barracks of Zi was built on a flat wasteland. From afar, the figure shook the war horses and hissed and it was very lively.

Jiang Bin frowned and said, "The darman is not a rice bucket. The surrounding area is flat, which is conducive to the attack of the sarman cavalry. There are six gates in this barracks. Once there is a fight, the darman cavalry can come out of six doors, and they can't be trapped at all."

Ma Ming said, "We can attack at night. The only thing to worry about is a circle of sentry towers outside the camp. There must be lights shining on the windlights at night. I'm afraid that we will be found as soon as we get out of the mountain pass. With the strength of our army, it will take at least a quarter of an hour to reach the Tartar barracks, and the Tartar soldiers will have enough time to deal with it."

Jiang Bin nodded and said, "That's right. It's difficult to win if you can't attack them unprepared. Once the cavalry let them charge, our 6,000 soldiers are really hard."

Song Nan listened to the two's answers and looked at the pattern at the foot of the mountain and was also thinking actively. Although he knew nothing about the war, he still understood what Jiang Bin and others said. It was nothing more than that the strength was not enough to deal with hundreds of cavalry. If the Taran knew in advance that he was ready to face the enemy, seven or eight hundred cavalry would charge and step Soldiers are not opponents at all.

Everyone looked at the foot of the mountain silently and was thinking about how to deal with it. Song Nan said, "Eqianhu, I don't know whether to say it or not."

Jiang Bin said, "Brother, let me say it if you have anything to say."

Song Nan said, "The Tatans rode to destroy my fortress and keep waiting for the opportunity to attack. As the garrison of Weizhou, is our task to hit the territory of Tatar and flatten them?"

Jiang Bin smiled and said, "Brother, let's laugh... How can we soldiers do such a big thing? It is to take defending the border town as the first priority."

Song Nan said, "That's not the end, that is to say, the purpose of our coming here this time is not to annihilate the Tatrons, but to defeat the Tatari soldiers, drive them out, and restore the defense system of the fortress in northern Weizhou, so that the Tats dare not attack again."

Jiang Bin said, "Yes, if you can do this, you have completed the task, which can be regarded as a victory."

Song Nan said, "The Tsar does not know how many people we have come. We can take advantage of this. The night attack is beneficial to me. The light is unknown. The Tsars cannot fully exert their advantages, and we can bluff so that the Tari soldiers do not know how many people we have come, so that they can lose the courage to fight. He will definitely choose to retreat. As long as he escapes, he will win this battle.

Jiang Bin said, "How to bluff?"

Song Nan smiled, pulled down a few pine branches from the pine tree, grabbed a handful of dead vines and casually wrapped them into a three-headed fork and said, "Look at this."

Everyone was stunned and said, "What is this?"

Song Nan said, "With this, our 6,000 people will triple. If the Tarats dare to fight, it's really a bunch of hammers."

Fang Datong suddenly understood and shouted, "You mean to use this as a torch? Let the tari think of a soldier as three soldiers? Good boy, this method is good enough."

Song Nan smiled and said, "This is called virtual truth. Soldiers are not tired of fraud. I haven't read military books. The famous generals in ancient times are more damaged than my strategy. It's not shameful at all."

Fang Da woke up the dreamer with the same words, and several hundred households around him cheered repeatedly. They all raised their fingers to praise Master Nan, and there were many wizards of soldiers.

Jiang Bin shouted, "What a soldier is not tired of cheating. I didn't expect that Brother Song had another way to fight against the war. It really makes us who fight every day ashamed. This method is very good, but it's just a pity."

Song Nan said, "If there are any mistakes, don't laugh at Jiang Qianhu. After all, I'm a lay person, and you'd better take the big idea."

Jiang Bin said, "There are no mistakes. Three times the suspected soldiers are nearly 5,000 soldiers and horses. I'm afraid that the courage of the Taran is about to break. As soon as they look at it, they are afraid that they will run away. We can't catch up. Isn't it in vain? Anyway, you have to cut off one hundred and eighty heads back to be a victory.

Ma Ming said, "Lord Qianhu, if Zhao Baihu and I take people to touch the back and ambushed on the roadside to cover up."

Jiang Bin thought for a moment and said, "Well, I will transfer a hundred soldiers to you. You should bring more bows and arrows and don't meet them. You only shoot cold guns with cold arrows on both sides. Once the tartars escape, we will quickly approach the front and measure what they dare not do to you."

Everyone discussed and led people to prepare. The sky was getting dark. While chewing dry food, the soldiers cut down pine branches on the slopes on both sides to make trident torches, while Ma Ming and another hundred households surnamed Zhao took 200 archers and 100 * soldiers along the mountains and forests on both sides to lurk for six or seven miles, waiting for dark. Move to the ambush on the avenue behind the barracks.

Song Nan experienced the ancient war for the first time. Although she has seen it many times on movies and TV, they are all products of Yi**. This time, it is a real knife*, and she is a little nervous and looking forward to it.

Jiang Bin told him, "Don't rush forward later, just stay behind and watch the bustle. The arrows don't have eyes. The arrows of the soldiers are very accurate."

Song Nanxin said, "I won't kill me, but there is no need to hide in the end. I always have to see this battle. I will follow Jiang Bin's buttocks later. There should be no danger."

Fang Datong was also very nervous, but seeing Song Nan's appearance as if nothing had happened, which stimulated his arrogance. He whispered to more than 30 Jinyi guards who accompanied him, "When the Tart escapes and chases them, you can all fight for me for the face. We have horses, cut off a few more heads, and our Weizhou Jinyi guard government is also standing. Great work."

The captains beat drums in their hearts and usually show off their power in the city. It's the first time to kill the enemy on the battlefield. It's not against the unarmed people, but a group of murderous Taran soldiers. After a while, they have to pray for the Bodhisattva's blessing.