Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 54 Unloverless

Chapter 53

Song Nan pulled the two back home quickly and entered the yard behind, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's nonsense! The city is full of your pictures and graphics, so you swagger out of the city? Song Nan is really popular.

Ye Fanggu didn't say a word and bit her lips tightly. Lu Qingli whispered, "Brother Song, don't be angry. We are wrong."

Song Nan said, "Even if you can't stay with me, you should say goodbye when you leave, so that I can arrange for you to leave the city. What is this?"

A burst of sadness in Aunt Ye Fang's heart for no reason rushed into the room and lay down on ** and cried bitterly; Lu Qingli took Song Nan's arm and said, "Brother Song, it's all my fault, I..."

Song Nan said, "It's none of your business. I know it must be your cousin who insists on leaving."

Lu Qingli said, "Brother Song, don't blame your cousin. My cousin has not wanted to bother others since she was a child. We have been with you for so long and it's time to leave."

Song Nan looked at Lu Qingli and said, "When did I dislike that you stayed too long? We are also friends, aren't we? What if you are caught by the government this time?

Lu Qingli whispered, "Actually... I don't want to go, but I can't help but listen to my cousin."

Song Nan sighed and knew that Aunt Ye Fang's insistence on leaving must have something to do with yesterday. It seems that she has to talk to her well. Even if she has no intention of leaving, she can't take such a risk of leaving.

Song Nan said warmly, "Qingli, I'm not angry with you. I didn't have a good attitude just now. Don't be surprised. I'll persuade your cousin that you go back to your room and rest first. You must have been very scared just now. Go and drink some hot tea and let Ping'er talk with you."

Qingli smiled and said, "I'm really scared, but as soon as Brother Song appeared, I was not afraid at all."

Song Nan squeezed her little hand silently and turned to walk to Aunt Ye Fang's room. Lu Qingli stood there for a long time and sighed and said to herself, "Do you think I'm a child? I have already seen my cousin's thoughts.

In the house, Aunt Ye Fang lay on the quilt and cried. She cried. She cried that her life was drifting, that her loving parents were inexplicably killed, crying that her peaceful life had turned into a bubble, and that her Shaohua had passed away. Many things could no longer be made choices. She, who never shed tears, cried in the dark, and tears made half wet the pillow. .

"Have you cried enough?" Song Nan's voice sounded behind him.

Aunt Ye Fang's body trembled and still lay on ** crying.

"I know that I offended you yesterday, and I apologize to you; I thought you also had a good impression on me, but I didn't expect that you would be wrong if you were affectionate." Song Nan said in a low way.

Ye Fanggu stopped crying and lay there quietly listening to Song Nan.

"Even if you don't want to accept me, you won't leave. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about Qingli. Although you have only stayed in my house for a month and a half, how does my Song family treat you? From my mother to Ping'er Daniel, they all treated your sisters sincerely and left without saying a word. It's too unhuman.

"I know that it's my recklessness that caused you to leave without saying goodbye. If you feel that you can't face me, I will move to the barracks for a few days. When I'm on duty at the Dongcheng Gate, I will ask Daniel to hire a car to take you out of the city. Even if you are patient, please be patient for a few days, okay?"

Song Nan's mood is obviously not good, and his voice sounds quite tired. Song Nan is indeed tired. Since he came to this era, he has not stopped. Since the design of Wang Dan, every step has been exhausted and consumed a lot of energy. Now he is entangled with Ye Fanggu's affairs. , quite a little hard-hearted.

Ye Fanggu did not respond, and Song Nan couldn't continue. She sighed and said, "If you don't say anything, I will acquiesce. I will pack up my things and live in the barracks. You and Qingli will wait patiently for a few days."

Song Nan turned around and walked out, and Ye Fanggu suddenly got up and said, "This is your home. Where are you going? Didn't you mean to embarrass me? What right do I have to prevent you from living in your own house?

Song Nan turned around and said, "I have nothing to do with you. I volunteer to live outside."

Ye Fanggu said, "Don't you want to see our two sisters anymore? Do we both hate you so much?"

Song Nan was stunned and said, "This... Obviously, you don't want to be with me. Why do you bite back?"

Ye Fanggu tilted her head stubbornly and said, "It's you. When did I say I didn't want to live with you? You are trying to find a reason for yourself."

Song Nan smiled bitterly and said, "This is really wronged. What do you want me to do?"

Ye Fang's face turned slightly red, wiped the corners of her eyes and said, "I don't know. I'm confused."

Song Nan slowly came forward and said, "Don't worry, I just happened to save you, and I didn't ask you to promise anything. I can roughly guess the reason why you don't want to accept me. It must be that I'm not your partner in your mind. It's my delusion."

Aunt Ye Fang said anly, "You know it's not like this, why do you deliberately say such a thing?"

Song Nan opened his eyes wide and said, "So, you also like me?"

Ye Fanggu blushed and said, "Who likes you? I'm so ashamed."

Song Nan said, "Tell me what you think."

Ye Fanggu hesitated for a moment and made up her mind to say, "I'm older than you, and I'm sure I can't have any result with you. Besides, Qingli likes you, how can I compete with her? That's why."

Song Nan laughed and said, "What do you think I am? Is it a funny trick? Send it back and there if people like it?"

Aunt Ye Fang sneered and said, "I didn't say that. You are the general flag officer of Weizhou, and you are an indomitable man. How can it be a small trick?"

Song Nan said with a serious face, "Let me tell you, what is the pleasure of men and women? That is the intention of Lang's concubine, and both sides must have love to be happy. If one side has no intention, that is unlove, and the joy of mutual pleasure will be much less; I like you, and at the same time, I hope you like me, otherwise it will be boring; what you said about the age gap is not a barrier for me, and what you say with Qingli It's even nonsense to rob a man. You set up obstacles for yourself.

Ye Fanggu shook her head and said, "Maybe you are telling the truth, but I can't care about other people's eyes. Ling Tang won't agree with you to ask me. Qingli will also be sad, so I can't do this. I can't be too selfish."

Song Nan said, "I will explain it clearly. My mother loves me the most and may make sense."

Ye Fanggu said, "It's impossible. I, a woman born in a cold, has a murder case. Ling Tang doesn't know this. If I had known, I'm afraid I would have asked you to chase us out."

Song Nan frowned and said, "From a long-term perspective, there will always be a way."

Ye Fanggu was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "I have a solution. I don't know if you can accept it."

Song Nan said, "What's the solution?"

Ye Fanggu said, "I just want to ask you, do you really like me?"

Song Nan said, "You can cut open my heart with a knife and you will know."

Ye Fanggu sneered and said, "I'm not a butcher. I'm not good at killing pigs and sheep."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Then I can't prove it."

Aunt Ye Fang closed her smile and said quietly, "I can stay with you, but you need to promise me a condition."

Song Nanxi said, "What are the conditions?"

Ye Fanggu looked at Song Nan's handsome face, boldly stretched out her hand to touch Song Nan's cheek, and whispered, "I can accompany you for a lifetime, but I can't marry you at present. I don't want to make you sad because of this matter, and I don't want you to be blamed behind your back every day. Maybe one day I will ask you to marry me."

Song Nan frowned and said, "How can that happen? Isn't this too unfair to you?"

Aunt Ye Fang said, "I didn't plan to marry again. There is nothing unfair. In addition, you have to promise me that if you don't hate Qingli, I will marry Qingli. I want Qingli to be happy all my life. She is so pitiful."

Song Nan was stunned and whispered, "Why are you suffering?"

Aunt Ye Fang smiled and said, "It's a great luxury for me to have a stable home. I can see that the prince is a person to rely on. I don't want to live a wandering life in the world. It's not bad to stay with you as a small bodyguard; can you promise me?"

Song Nan gently hugged Aunt Ye's body and stared at her eyes and said, "Of course I can't ask for it, but it's better to let nature take its course. Although I have a good impression on her, her mind is not good. Maybe she will fall in love with others when she meets a better son than me. Let's not make the decision for her, such as If she insists on following me, of course I won't refuse.

Aunt Ye Fang sneered and said, "Our sisters want to follow you. Why do you seem to have suffered a great grievance?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Is that right? Then I'll take advantage of it first."

After saying that, she leaned over her mouth to kiss Ye Fanggu's red lips. Ye Fanggu said with a straight face, "Have you forgotten my big slap?"

Song Nan did not answer, and her lips were close until she grasped the two red lips tightly, and she didn't see a big slap on her face.

The two hugged tightly and kissed each other forgetfully. All their unhappiness and resentment disappeared in the hot kiss.