Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 56 The Rabbit Meets the Tiger

Jiang Bin's head is as big as a fight. Now he is in charge of Weizhou. He has been comfortable for less than two months, and the Tartans have come to add obstacles again. Zhou Yuan, a magistrate of Weizhou, is also depressed and dying. Although military affairs are not his business, it is his business for the people to be arrested. Those family members come to the government office every day to kneel down and make noise. He, as a parent and official, can't sit still. Let it be.

Zhou Yuan hurried to visit Jiang Bin and asked Jiang Bin to find a way to save the captive people. At the same time, he asked to withdraw the people who were building a fortress to avoid making mistakes.

How can Jiang Bin agree with his suggestion? If people want to be saved, the fortress will also be built, otherwise the defense in the north of Weizhou will become hollow. The Tasan soldiers will not be buffered by the fortress, and the large fields on both sides of the Huhe River in the north will not be cultivated. Now the military grain is collected on the spot. Is it possible to let the soldiers and civilians of Weizhou Wei gnaw the mud and drink the wind?

Jiang Bin immediately summoned thousands of households and generals to discuss countermeasures, and finally decided to pull most of the troops of Weizhouwei out of the city to protect the construction of the fortress. At the same time, he sent to find out the number of soldiers and horses of the zars, where they were stationed, where the kidnapped people were imprisoned, and then planed how to save them.

More than 6,000 soldiers and horses, half of whom are responsible for the safety of the reconstruction site of the fortress, and the other half are patrolling the wide ground at the northernmost end of Weizhou to prevent the attack of the Taran soldiers and collect intelligence.

Jiang Bin originally wanted Song Nan to stay in the city to guard the city, but Song Nan did not want to engage in specialization. He was really respected in the barracks but could not rely on Jiang Bin's protection. Most of them still depended on his real skills. Together with the war, he huddled in the city and was pointed to the backbone of the battalion general behind his back and said strange words. That was unbearable.

Jiang Bin couldn't resist Song Nan and had to let Song Nan take his men out of the city. Since he did not engage in specialization, everything followed the rules. Because Ma Ming's northern Qianhu was familiar with the northern environment, he was sent to the north of the Black Mountain Fort and divided into eight teams within dozens of miles to patrol and investigate. Song Nan led his soldiers in Montenegro. Patrol 30 miles to the northwest of the fort.

Because of the actual combat against the enemy, Song Nan dares not take it lightly. It's not a joke to fight with the Tartar soldiers. It's just a fight, and there is no luck. Song Nan has to mobilize all the military knowledge that can be recalled by future generations and rely on his experienced veterans to discuss together.

The place where Song Nan is stationed is called the Sancha River, but it does not live up to its name. There is only a shallow river two feet wide flowing from west to east. On both sides of it, there are two dry valleys stretching from the mountains in the north. Perhaps this is the origin of the place name.

In view of camping, Song Nan decided to camp near the hills on the north of Sancha River. On the one hand, he climbed high and can see the distance, and on the other hand, he also saved the construction of another high platform for the beacon of informing news. At the top of the hill, he only needs to use a large stone to climb a square round fire pit at the top of the hill. , piled with pine needles and dead leaves, covered with branches and fresh leaves and green grass, which can be lit at any time.

Some people suggested that General Song Nan's camp should be set up on the top of the hill, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, Song Nan thought that it was also easy to be counter-reconnaissance by Tatari, so he ordered people to build a simple shelter with trees along the slope on the back of the hillside, covered with soil and leaves. From a distance, there was no clue. Everyone flattered and praised Nan. There are many ways to adapt to local conditions.

Song Nan didn't pay attention to it either. He just focused on coming up with the best way for the current situation. This was the first time he led troops alone. Although there were friendly troops stationed dozens of miles around, Song Nan had seen fighting with the Tarans, the war horses roaring, and galloping for half an hour. Within Chen, a small-scale battle will end, and at that time, the friendly army may still be on the way, so Song Nan believes that he can't rely on assistance, and everything depends on himself.

Because the main task is to warn when the Tatrons go south, there are only about a dozen horses in their 100-person team, which can only be stationed here, and only a dozen of them have been sent to explore around. In addition to talking, chatting and eating, the rest of the people can only be wide-eyed.

In order to change this jobless situation, Song Nan ordered the soldiers to dig pits on the road under the mountain. Although he did not know whether the Tatars would go south from the Trident River, there was no inevitable certainty about this kind of waiting for rabbits, but at least it was better than drowsy on the hillside.

In three days, the idle bird pain soldiers dug thousands of traps on the flat road at the foot of the mountain. To the east is the tangled stone ground of barren grass. Not to mention the sword, it is not suitable for the horse team to walk. Therefore, Song Nan ordered people to stop digging, and ordered people to cut rough branches and plant them in the pit, and weave grass mats with long grass. Cover and cover with soil.

The soldiers didn't say anything on the surface, but muttered secretly that Master Nan had nothing to do. What's the use of digging these many pits? Do the soldiers really pass by from here? Even if you pass by here, dozens of pits are enough. How many soldiers and horses will it take for thousands of traps? When we 100 people saw so many people, they hadn't fled without a trace. Did they still go up and fight desperately?

Song Nan also didn't expect anything, but it was just a kind of exercise for the soldiers to move their bodies. Later, Song Nan was also boring and created a pit as a work of art. A man made the trap he dug slippery with a soldier's blade, making it as if he wanted to live in.

In a few days, there was not even a ghost. The cavalry sentinels who went out to inquire every day also brought any useful information, but the pit played a role. The wild wolves and robes accidentally entered it at night and were caught by more than a dozen. Instead, they brought a few rich barbecues to everyone. The soldiers said in their hearts, "It can be regarded as Song Baihu's face, otherwise it would be ridiculous to spread the story.

In the morning, Song Nan climbed out of the grass nest and practiced yoga on a flat ground on the hillside. Seeing that the sky was gloomy, it seemed to rain. Suddenly, he remembered that there was no drainage ditch in the grass nest camp on the hillside. I was afraid that it would become a water mouse when it rained, so he stopped and prepared to ask people to dig the ditch. Suddenly, on the top of the mountain Several soldiers in charge of the lookout rushed down and shouted, "Master Nan! Where is Nan Ye? There is a situation."

Song Nan quickly greeted them, followed several soldiers to climb to the top of the slope, and looked in the direction of their fingers. Under the gloomy sky in the west, a black smoke rose to the sky. That was a signal of the agreed enemy's attack, because the clouds were all over the sky, and the contrast was not very clear. It would be difficult to detect if it hadn't been for the ground at a high place.

"The west is Zhao Baihu's place, Brother Nan, what should we do? Do you want to help?" Li Daniel faced a real battle for the first time, with some panic and some eagerness.

Song Nan frowned and thought, "To the west of Zhao Baihu is the 300 people led by Ma Qianhu. That is the most well-prepared place. If the number of Taran soldiers is not large, they will definitely not be able to escape. Let's rush there immediately to help kill the enemy."

The crowd quickly packed up and set out. The team under the mountain drove west without walking two or three miles. Suddenly, they saw the smoke and dust in front of them, and their feet were shaking. It seemed that a large group of cavalry rushed this way.

Song Nan hurriedly ordered to return to the hillside to hide and see who was coming; after a while, the dark cavalry came to the foot of the mountain, and everyone poked their heads out among the grass and trees and suddenly took a breath of cool air.

My mother! Everyone's hearts made the same exclamation. There were six or seven hundred tartar soldiers on the hillside, followed by a long list of blood-stained Ming soldiers and hundreds of people.

Song Nan took a breath of cold air. These guys must have successfully attacked a construction site for the construction of a fortress, otherwise where did these people come from? A sharp-eyed guard saw a Ming army officer who was tied behind the horse and stumbled and scolded in the crowd. It was Zhao Baihu stationed in the west.

Everyone looked at Song Nan together. What should I do? There are so many Taran soldiers that they don't win at all, but they watch the Tarate soldiers pass by here and capture the people and the Weizhou guards?

Song Nan is thinking about another problem in his mind. Every fortress construction site is guarded by soldiers. The darts attacked the construction site and fled back. It is impossible for the defenders in other places not to know, but they may not be able to keep up and are chasing behind. Zhao Baihu's reason for fighting with him is probably to delay the time and make Jiang Bin morelv. The team caught up with the Tahs; all they had to do was to appear, hold back the Tahs and wait for Jiang Bin to arrive, just like Zhao Baihu's choice.

Looking at the direction of the Tatars going east along the Sancha River, it can be seen that the Tatars must have broken through the defense line from the west. The attacked construction site is most likely to be the Huaishu Fort in the west. However, after the attack was successful, it was discovered by the Weizhou army. The beacon must have notified the soldiers and horses in the north. The Tatars understood this and chose to go west, but they I don't know, there are also several hundred troops stationed here in the northwest; in order to prevent them from being caught by the Ming army, they will keep running west.

Song Nan has no choice. It seems wise to choose not to appear, but she will be dealt with by military law afterwards. Even if Jiang Bin does not blame, Song Nan will never make this choice. How can he tolerate the Taran soldiers fleeing in front of the Ming officers and soldiers and the people?

"Prepare to light the beacon." Song Nan calmly ordered.

The general flag and several small flags under them looked solemn. They knew that Song Baihu was going to work hard. Since this, it was useless to be afraid and could only fight for his life.

Two soldiers quickly rushed up the hillside from the forest and lit a beacon. The dead leaves and dry wood were on fire quickly. When they met the wet branches and leaves covering it, a black smoke suddenly rose and went straight to the sky.