Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 69 Tour

Chapter 69

The teams went out of the government office one after another to inspect the workshop. Song Nan also cleaned up and took two small flags and 20 lieutenants out of the government office to the market.

Out of the alley, I turned a few corners and went to Qingshi Street, but I saw that there were many shops on both sides of the street, and the people in the market were bustling with their shoulders. Song Nan secretly smacked that Zhengnanfang was only one of the eight outer cities that were already so prosperous. If it was the inner city, it would not be prosperous enough to make people stunned their destination. Step.

The group walked slowly along the street. When the people on the road saw this group of people in brocade and guards, they dared not block their way. Song Nan walked all the way to observe the surrounding environment. Although the street was bustling and dense, the street was not neat and beautiful. Every time they passed the roadside, you could see piles of garbage on both sides. The gutter is also smelly and full of all kinds of dark things.

Song Nanxin said: No wonder that Jinyiwei is required to assist the soldiers and horses of the five cities and the imperial history of the city to manage the market. This is still the result of participating in the management. If there is no manpower of Jinyiwei, it will be more dirty and unpleasant.

Huang Hui, the accompanying flag, just got Song Nan's ten taels of silver. He had a good impression of Song Nan. Seeing Song Nan frown at the garbage and sewage in the market, he hurriedly said, "Song Baihu, we are really too few people to care about many things. The people naturally promised not to dump sewage in front of us, but we twisted him. We still throw around. We only have more than 100 people in total, and we can't control the fights on the street. Naturally, we can't do nothing about these.

Song Nan asked, "How many people have been arranged by the soldiers and horses in the five cities within our jurisdiction?"

Huang Hui said, "There are about 50 or 60 people, and there is nothing they can do. The inner city is more important to them. We have discussed it. Before the arrival of the imperial history of the city patrol, we will take a unified action to clean it up on a large scale. In short, don't let the imperial history of the city patrol can't pass."

Song Nan was speechless. In ancient and modern times, she was similar in dealing with this matter. When the inspector came, she made an assault and let it go at other times. However, listening to Huang Hui's words, it was also helpless. There was not enough manpower and the people's awareness was not high. This matter was really difficult to do.

"Are there many fights in the jurisdiction? The people will not make trouble." Song Nan asked.

Huang Hui said, "Of course, the people will not make trouble, mainly a group of hoodlums on the street. There are ruffians and idle people in several large square areas under the jurisdiction of Zhengnanfang, which not only disturb the people, but also often make trouble between themselves. Just a few days ago, a group of Zhengdongfang and Zhengnanfang were on the street on Yongdingmen Street. The fight injured more than a dozen people, and the scene was chaotic.

Song Nan frowned and said, "So arrogant? This is at the foot of the emperor. Is there no one to deal with the ruffians on the street?

Huang Hui laughed and said, "Song Baihu, what can we do with this person? As soon as we arrived, they disappeared. Usually, this group of people are very powerful, and the people dare not report the news to us, so there is nothing we can do.

Song Nan said, "So what do you usually do on the street? Isn't it useless to control the dirty streets and the fights of idle men?

Huang Hui laughed and said, "I understand Song Baihu's mood, isn't it because there are too few people to control it? We can only deal with one by one. Besides, our inspection in the market is a kind of deterrent to those people. Even if they are fooling, there is a limit. They also know that beyond this limit forces us to be fierce, and they don't have a good life.

Song Nan sighed, "It seems that our role is limited to this."

Huang Hui comforted and said, "Song Baihu, we all know about these things. Don't worry, as long as things are out of control, absolutely no one will blame you. We just need to make sure that there is no big trouble in the area under the jurisdiction of thousands of households in Zhengnanfang. I saw that Song Baihu was good, and also gave a heartfelt advice. These ruffians on the street are *. Not to mention that we can't control it, even if we can manage it, we should also weigh ourselves.

Song Nanqi said, "It's strange that there are still people who are * for these ruffians? Official or businessman?"

Huang Hui shook his head and said, "In the future, hundreds of households naturally know that it is inconvenient for my subordinates to say it. It's not that they don't want to say it, but that these things are private rumors, and there is no evidence. It's not good to spread the news randomly."

Since Huang Hui doesn't want to say anything, Song Nan doesn't want to force people to make things difficult. He will have to wander on the street in the future. Sooner or later, he will know these things, and he will not be in a hurry.

Everyone walked around the block of Zhengnanfang along the cobweb-like streets and alleys. Suddenly, there was an open ground in front of them. From a distance, a high platform stood in the distance. There were fewer and fewer residential shops in front of them, and the trees on both sides of the road looked quite cool.

When Song Nan wanted to move forward, Huang Hui hurriedly said, "Song Baihu, let's go east. We can't go ahead."

Song Nanqi said, "Isn't this the jurisdiction of our Zhengnanfang?"

Huang Hui said, "Naturally, the high platform and several palaces in front of us are the mountains and rivers, which are also under the jurisdiction of our Zhengnan Square."

Song Nan pointed to the wide road leading to the shade and said, "Just walk along the road, and don't go to the mountain and river altar. Isn't there another team of our brothers there?"

Huang Hui waved his hand and said, "You can't go here. In front of it is the outer city mansion of the British Duke. This road leads to the Duke's mansion. The Duke's mansion has its own guard patrol. Why do we have to go so much?"

Song Nan suddenly remembered what Fang Datong said to him on the way to the capital. Fang Datong did mention that there was a government under the jurisdiction of Zhengnanfang, and reminded himself not to offend the people of the British government.

Song Nan turned from a good stream to the east, and then went to Yongdingmen Street. Looking at the wide street with green bricks, Song Nan secretly praised the grandeur of the capital, and the straight street extended north to Zhengyang Gate. Song Nan knew that the end of this road was the inner imperial city, which was the current emperor. The place where Hongzhi lives.


At noon, everyone casually looked for a restaurant for lunch. A large group of brocade guards came and scared the diners away. The restaurant shopkeepers thought they were unlucky as soon as they appeared. Today's business was in vain.

Everyone ordered two tables of dishes. In view of Song Nan's presence and being embarrassed to drink, they pulled a few bowls of rice one by one, and the dishes were also eaten up. The shopkeeper hid behind the counter and cursed speechlessly.

After eating, someone shouted, "Accounting." Everyone wiped their mouths, picked their teeth and raised their feet and left; Song Nan frowned and asked, "Will you leave after eating without paying?"

Huang Hui was stunned and said with a smile, "Didn't you say bookkeeping?"

Song Nan walked to the counter with a green face and arched his hand and said, "Shopkeeper, where is our Jinyiwei's bookkeeping book?"

The shopkeeper was stunned and said repeatedly, "It's okay. The official came to the shop to eat and drink for the shopkeeper..."

Song Nan spread out his hand and said, "Let me have a look at the account book."

The shopkeeper lingered for a long time before saying, "There is no bookkeeping, no book."

Song Nan said, "Don't be afraid, I'm their leader. I just want to know if it's a matter of accounting for them to patrol the street and eat, and if anyone comes to settle the bill afterwards."

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Master, we don't need to keep accounts. How can we be so stingy when the military men come to dinner?"

Song Nan sank his face and said, "You don't want to tell the truth. If that's the case, I will bring my 100 people to you for dinner every day from tomorrow. Anyway, you don't care."

The shopkeeper wanted to cry without tears and said repeatedly, "Then my shop won't close down."

Song Nan said, "So tell me, do they often do this? How much money do they owe you?"

The shopkeeper was forced to grit his teeth and said, "It's not every day. I come here occasionally. It's about 20 times a year. I don't owe much money, a total of more than a dozen taels of silver."

Song Nan sighed, "Do you still have more than a dozen taels of silver in your small business? Oh, it's really speechless."

Song Nan waved to Li Daniu, took out 20 taels of silver from his package and put it on the counter and said, "The shopkeeper, this is the money they owe for the meal. I will pay for them. In the future, if any Jinyi guards enter the store and don't pay for dinner, you must go to the government to tell me; I know you are afraid of offending them, but I tell you, I'm their leader, and I can't afford to provoke it even more. If you hide it and don't say anything, I'll close your shop. Remember my name, I'm Song Nan and Song Baihu from Zhengnanfang Jinyiweiya, remember?"

The shopkeeper nodded repeatedly and said, "The villain remembered it, and he must do it."

Song Nan waved to those dull guys and said, "Why don't you come to apologize? You are the people who disturb the people. It's really humiliating to say it. I won't investigate this matter today, but if this happens again in the future, whoever does it will get out of here."

Huang Hui and others hurried forward and bowed their hands to apologize. The old shopkeeper had not received such treatment and was incoherent with excitement. It was not until Song Nan and others left and looked at the 20 taels of silver on the counter that they believed that they were not dreaming.

"Soong Nan? ...There are also reasonable people in the Jinyiwei? The old man can't be fooled by you and will never touch the mold. It's hard for these people to return to find trouble. These 20 taels of silver can't be moved. If they go back to find trouble, just return them all."