Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 76 Experiment

Chapter 76

After a day of preparation, the Song family's roast duck plan was officially launched. The yard was full of various raw materials purchased by Lu Qingli and Pinger: more than a dozen plucked fat ducks, several large jars of sauces and seasonings, a large round oven, and a large pile of fruit tree firewood collected.

Lu Qingli's * sleeves showed two white arms, which were busy cleaning up the ducks according to the steps written by Song Nan. Ping'er and Li Xiaomei were helping. Song's mother stood aside as supervisors for them. Uncle Zhong held an axe to help split the whole firewood into small pieces, and the whole family was busy.

The duck emptied his stomach, watered his whole body with boiling water, and then put on the sugar water made from maltose and put it on the wooden shelf in the yard to dry. A few hours later, the oven began to ignite and preheat. After being filled with water, the duck became round and fat. After applying the last layer of sesame oil, in the eyes of everyone expected, five or six A fat duck was sent to the oven.

When it was dark, Song Nan and others returned home and smelled the fragrance in their yard from afar. When they entered the yard, they saw that everyone in the family were about to open the oven and take out the roast duck. Lu Qingli saw Song Nan's return, she immediately rushed over and shouted excitedly, "Brother Song, I've been waiting to taste our roasted duck. I've been busy all day. "

Song Nan looked at the black and gray marks on her pink cheeks and smiled, "Okay, try your craft, but this is a roast duck, not a roast man. Look at your black gray face and hot sweat, and you have turned into a big roasting person."

Lu Qingli wiped the black dust on her face at will and instantly became a big face, but she unconsciously dragged Song Nan's arm in and laughed, "Oh, I don't care. Let's see how the duck is first."

Aunt Ye Fang, who followed Song Nan, said an anguishly, "There are no rules, and you won't let go."

Lu Qingli spit out her tongue and ignored it at all. She pulled Song Nan to the yard. Song Nan took off her official uniform, rolled up her sleeves and said, "Okay, it's time to witness the miracle. Let's try it."

Everyone spread the tablecloth on the big table in the hall, set up the dishes, and prepared the seasonings, green onions, shredded radish, noodles, etc. according to Song Nan's requirements. Uncle Zhong smiled and said, "Open the oven."

The door of the stove opened, and a fragrance rushed to my nose. Several greasy roast ducks in the stove were golden. Uncle Zhong forked out one with an iron fork and held it to the table with a plate. Lu Qingli reached out and wanted to catch the duck meat. Song Nan quickly stopped her and said, "Pay attention to how to eat."

Lu Qingli shrank her hand, and Song Nan smiled and said, "Mom, Uncle Zhong, sit down. I'll serve you this meal. The duck meat should be cut into bones and cut into strips to wrap it in the skin. I'll do this job."

After saying that, he picked up the knife and slowly cut the abdomen of the roast duck, began to carefully remove the skeleton, and then cut the duck meat into long strips. Everyone divided it on the plate. He put down the knife and laughed, "Follow me."

Duck meat, shredded radish, green onion strips, and sauce were placed on the thin skin. Song Nan gently rolled up the skin with chopsticks, brought it to her mouth, and took a gentle bite, and chewed it slowly.

Everyone stared at Song Nan's expression. Lu Qingli asked, "Brother Song, how does it taste?"

Song Nan's facial expression became extremely embarrassed from expectation. With a pooh, he spit out the food in his mouth into the scum bucket beside him, frowned and said, "What... is this baked?"

Everyone was stunned. Lu Qingli reached out and grabbed Song Nan's bite of the duck roll and bit it fiercely. After chewing it several times, he spit into the slag bucket and stretched out her tongue and said, "Bah, it's so bad. It smells like smoke paste. Ping'er quickly bring me some water to rinse my mouth."

Everyone was looking forward to turning into a bubble. They thought the roast duck must be delicious, but after a busy day, the roast duck could not be eaten. Everyone also tasted a little and spit into the slag bucket one after another. The smell of smoke is too heavy to swallow. The roast duck slowly said that it was sold for money and gave it to the beggars at the door. I'm afraid they won't eat either.

Song Nan frowned and came to the yard and stared at several jujube-red roast ducks hanging in the stove. The color and appearance of the roast duck were very much different from the roast ducks of later generations. Why did it taste so bad?

Song Nan thought for a moment, turned around the oven a few times, turned her head and asked, "Are you baking with the oven door closed?"

Lu Qingli said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Song Nan said, "I guess the smell of smoke in the duck meat is that the smoke has penetrated in. Look, the chimney of this oven is so small that even if the smoke is small, it is endless. In addition, look at those ducks. The back is already yellow and black, but the chest and abdomen are still light yellow, which is caused by uneven firepower. I want to try again, as I said this time.

Everyone was speechless and had already been a little discouraged. Seeing Song Nan so persistent and serious, they were embarrassed to beat him. Fortunately, all the dried ducks did not enter the furnace. Uncle Zhong ran to the wooden shelf to bring one, but he saw Song Nan asking the big cow to knock out more than a dozen holes on the iron sheet at the top of the stove with long iron nail. Come on.

After the duck entered the oven, Song Nan asked Uncle Zhong to control the amount of firewood and slowly bake it on low heat. At the same time, he opened the door and kept flipping the duck body with an iron fork, and the faint smoke came out of the chimney and the hole at the top of the oven.

After half an hour, the duck's body gradually became jujube red. Song Nan shouted and picked out the roast duck with an iron fork and said, "Okay."

Everyone looked at the duck on the iron fork in Song Nan's hand and compared it with the duck just roasted on the plate. They couldn't see anything strange at all, and they muttered a little.

Song Nan came to the house with a hot roast duck, put it on the cutting board and gently cut a small strip with a knife to wrap the dough and seasoning. He raised it with chopsticks and said, "Who will taste it?"

Lu Qingli waved his hand repeatedly and said, "I won't eat." The smell of smoke just now has not dissipated. It's disgusting. Lu Qingli doesn't want to do it again.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Who dares to come?"

Song's mother smiled and said, "Let me eat it. Nan'er's hand-made roast duck is delicious no matter how bad it is."

Song Nan rolled his eyes and said, "It's better for my son to come by himself. I don't want you to suffer. In fact, I don't have much confidence."

Ye Fanggu picked up her chopsticks and picked up the duck roll in Song Nan's hand and said, "Let me do it. I have confidence in Mr. Song."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's hard work, don't force it."

Ye Fanggu smiled and sent the duck roll to her mouth. Mansi took a bite in an orderly manner. Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Fanggu's small cherry mouth. Ye Fanggu felt embarrassed to hear this, so she quickly reached out to cover her mouth and slowly chewed it.

Everyone stared at Ye Fanggu's reaction and saw Ye Fanggu's frown. Song Nan sighed in her heart: "It's over, the roast duck plan failed. After all, I took it for granted too much. How can the famous dishes of future generations be copied so easily?"

Song Nan silently picked up the scum bucket and sent it to Aunt Ye Fang to welcome the painful vomiting. Suddenly, Ye Fang heard it exclaimed: "It's so delicious! It's so delicious!"

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong, but when they saw that Ye Fanggu took another bite quickly, chewed it quickly, and there was a satisfied admiration. With three bites and two mouthfuls, a duck roll disappeared. Everyone looked at Ye Fanggu stupidly. Ye Fanggu stretched out her chopsticks and said, "I still want to roll another piece for me."

Song Nan was stunned and quickly cut off a piece of duck meat to help her roll it up. She watched her eat three or two mouthfuls without the image of a lady, and then stretched out her chopsticks again.

Lu Qingli blinked and asked, "Cousin, you're not slandering me, are you? Just like last time he lied to me to eat spicy oil, he said it was delicious, but I didn't eat spicy food for three days.

Ye Fanggu had no time to answer at all and urged Song Nan to make another piece. Song Nan wrapped two rolls of duck meat rolls as quickly as possible. One was given to Ye Fanggu, and the other was sent to her mouth. She only chewed a few times. Suddenly, she felt that her mouth was crispy and delicious. She suddenly raised the impression of eating Beijing roast duck in future generations, but she felt that the two were almost the same. Suddenly, he shouted, "It's cool!"

Song Nan also said it was delicious, and everyone also believed it. Pinger, Li Xiaomei and Daniel also quickly reached out. Song Nan quickly cut off several pieces of duck meat, wrapped several of them and sent them to everyone. Everyone picked them up and sent them to their mouths.

Lu Qingli shouted to herself, "Ping'er, don't believe them. My cousin and Brother Song wear a pair of trousers. They must be partners to fool us."

Song Nan picked up one and sent it to Song's mother. Song's mother opened her mouth and bit it. Li Daniu and Ping'er over there were already amazed; Lu Qingli stared at her big eyes and said, "Is it really so delicious?"

Song's mother laughed and said, "Stupid girl, if you hesitate, it will be gone. It's really delicious. Look at them, a duck is almost a bone."

Lu Qingli rushed forward with her teeth and claws and shouted, "I'll try it, I'll try it." Reaching out and holding a duck roll in Song Nan's hand and sending it to his mouth, he chewed it a few times and suddenly shouted, "You guys are good or bad. Such a delicious roast duck is not left for me. Oh, my God, the duck is about to become a skeleton. I still want to eat it. Don't allow you to do it."

Lu Qingli reached out and brought the remaining half of the duck to the plate in front of him. The little hand quickly tore the duck meat and wrapped a plug in the mouth like lightning. Everyone laughed.

Ye Fanggu took out a handkerchief and wiped her mouth and hands. She looked at Song Nan and said, "Congratulations, this roast duck tastes very good. I'm afraid the whole Ming Dynasty doesn't have such a delicious roast duck. Your plan has succeeded."

Song Nan wiped her hand on the cloth towel and said, "It should be said that it was a preliminary success. Now the problem has been found. The smoke will be dissipated, and you have to keep turning it over to take care of it. Pay attention to the heat. In fact, it is very simple. Add a few more smoke outlets, and install a row of rotating handles that can be turned over at any time. This delicious roast duck comes out. "

Ye Fanggu said, "Such a delicious duck must have a loud name. What do you think it should be called?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "How about calling mouth-watering duck?" The meaning of greedy people drooling.

Ye Fanggu covered her mouth and smiled and said, "This name is disgusting. I think it's called Yipin Duck. It not only describes the first-class taste of roast duck, but also asks for a kiss, which means that you can be promoted and make a fortune after eating Yipin Duck."

Song Nan applauded and smiled, "A good name is called Yipin Duck."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and there was a big cow's pleading in their ears: "Qingli girl, give me a piece, please."

"If you don't give it, it's not much. You want it, Pinger wants it, and your little sister also wants it. How can there be so much?"
