Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 79 Torture

Chapter 79

The 'bang' sound was harsh, and seven or eight flag schools took out a lot of torture tools from the warehouse and threw them on the ground. There were all kinds of strange shapes, rusty and fishy on them. Almost every piece of torture tools had black spots, which were dried up blood stains.

Zheng Da and several strong flag schools took off their coats and bare arms, revealing their shiny pimples. They arched their hands to Song Nan and said, "Song Baihu, we're going to do it."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Five people take turns to greet each other. They just confess. If they don't recruit, they will pass the torture tools. I'd like to see who is hard."

Zheng Da laughed and said, "I haven't seen anyone who can persist through it, and I also want to see if there is such a person in the world."

The eight local ruffians are all pale except Qiu Wu. Although they have not really been tortured by Jinyiwei, the poison of Jinyiwei is well known all over the world. Usually, everyone likes to talk about it, but they don't expect to experience it themselves today.

"Who is a mother's soft bone? I vowed to kill his whole family, and they all survived. Tomorrow, the boss will come to save us. At that time, these 100 households will kowtow to us and plead guilty." Qiu Wu shouted coldly.

The ruffians swallowed and stared at the torture tools and fell into a dilemma.

Song Nan sneered and shouted, "Let's start."

Zheng Da stretched out his hand, grabbed a row of wooden sticks in thin iron bars, and said to Song Nan, "Song Baihu, let's pick them up sticks first according to the rules. This is an appetizer."

Song Nan has seen a stick, which is found in the Weizhou military camp, which is used to deal with soldiers and captured prisoners who do not obey military discipline. This kind of torture tool is also common.

The fingers and feet of the ruffians on the stick became tighter and tighter, making a creaking sound. Several ruffians screamed in pain, and their hands and feet changed from red to purple. With the increase of strength, their skin burst, and they suddenly cried.

Zheng Da shouted, "No one confessed? If you recruit it, you will be free from the pain of skin and flesh.

The ruffians were taken by the power of Qiu Wu. Although they were so painful that they wanted to die, they still gritted their teeth and held back. The limbs and fingers were about to be cut off, and no one spoke.

As soon as Zheng Da waved his hand, the firing flag schools loosened the ropes, and the room was full of wailing. The ruffians were glad that these guys were no longer working hard, otherwise their bones would be broken.

"Change your finger nail!" Zheng Da shouted.

A small wooden box was turned out of the pile of torture tools. After the small box was opened, it was filled with square iron braces more than an inch long, as thick as a toothpick.

Several flag schools turned out a few small hammers, skillfully set up a ruffian to drag it to a table, and spread his palms flat on the table. The ruffian looked pale and loudly begged for mercy. Zheng Da held the hammer and said, "Do you want to move or not?"

The ruffian turned his head and bumped into Qiu Wu's gloomy eyes. He was so scared that he closed his mouth.

Zheng Da said, "That's going to offend."

Reached out and twisted a thin iron brave and pointed it at the concave behind the nail cover of his middle finger. His hand hammered down, which was extremely clean and neat. A long scream resounded through the night sky. The ruffian's middle finger was nailed through the table, and black blood quickly gushed out and flowed a large pool on the table.

Song Nan almost vomited and quickly got up to stop it. This punishment of washing extinguished human nature. Even if the hatred should be thousands of knives, Song Nan did not want to witness these scenes.

Before Song Nan's words could speak, he heard Qiu Wu scream, "I've recruited, I've recruited, don't torture me, you guys."

Zheng Da was stunned and said, "Damn it, is this a trick? I have just started. According to the rules, I have to pour three pots of boiling water and wash it until I see the bones. You coward, can't stand it like this?

Song Nan shouted, "Zheng Zongqi, he has promised to confess. There is no need to say more. Qiu Wu, hurry up and confess. I'll order someone to treat you."

A vicious flame spewed out of Qiu Wu's eyes. If his eyes could kill people, Song Nan and Jinyiwei present would have died dozens of times. Even if he had amazing endurance, he could not defeat Jin Yiwei's torture. Eighteen kinds of punishments were only *, and he completely collapsed.

Qiu Wu confessed all the crimes and colluded with Han Zongqi to cover up his crimes in the square. Not only were there arson, robbery, **, fighting and other cases, but also two murder cases were confessed.

In addition, there are many women who have been abducted and sold here in the two brothels in Zhengdongfang. Most of the merchants in Zhengdongfang are forced to pay protection fees. In short, they don't know if they don't listen to them. They are shocked when they hear it. They usually look at the room calmly, but they don't expect that they are darkly covered with blood and tears. Qiu Wuyi gangs actually run rampant. At this point, this has a lot to do with Han Zongqi's deliberate cover-up and assistance.

At this time, Qiu Wu also admitted that he and Han General Flag had made an appointment with Zheng Da to make trouble to drive away Song Nan; more than a dozen large pieces of paper were recorded, and Sun San and Qin Si wrote their hands sour, and finally asked Qiu Wu to sign.

After some busy work, Song Nan was also dizzy. Seeing that the sky outside was slightly bright and it was almost dawning, she remembered that Aunt Ye Fang didn't know where she was. She quickly got up and went out of the lobby and came to the courtyard. Ye Fanggu, dressed in men's clothes, sat on the stone mill in the corner of the yard and didn't know what she was thinking.

Song Nan walked over gently and found that Ye Fang's face was full of tears. She was immediately shocked and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ye Fanggu quickly stretched out her sleeves to wipe her tears and reluctantly smiled, "It's nothing." |

Song Nan said, "No, there must be something hidden from me."

Ye Fanggu took a look at Song Nan and sighed, "I just heard the sound of you extracting confessions with torture, and I remembered the situation when my father and Mr. Xu were framed and captured in the brocade guard. They... They were also tortured all over and died after coming out. I... I can think of the sound of punishment in the room. Dad suffered that day.

Song Nan was stunned and blamed himself, "It's all my fault. I didn't consider your feelings, and I can't help it. These outlaws are very hard-mouthed. Now they have confessed. They are all evil things that poison the people. If I don't use means, they will never confess."

Ye Fanggu whispered, "I know, I understand, it's just that I'm embarrassed."

Song Nan said, "I promise you that I don't need these poisonous means in the future, and I feel very uncomfortable."

Ye Fanggu nodded and said, "I'm also trying to remind you that others will eventually be punished. Don't get used to it, otherwise people will become vicious and insensitive."

Song Nan nodded and said, "What you remind me is that it's dawn. Go home and have a rest. I still have a lot of things to do here."

Aunt Ye Fang said, "I'll keep it. In case something else happens, it can also help."

Song Nan smiled and said, "No, things are basically under control. Besides, your face is crying, and you can see at a glance that you are a disguised person. Let's go back."

Ye Fanggu was shocked and stretched out her hand to touch her face. Suddenly, the yellow foundation in her face must have been unsightly. She quickly covered her face with her hand and didn't even have time to greet her, and she fled like flying.