Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 92 Urban Management

Chapter 92

That night, the three people were intertwined. Zhang Lun's drinking was average, but the princess was good. In addition, the previous holiday with Song Nan was more or less depressed, so she forced Song Nan to drink one cup after another. Not to mention getting Song Nan drunk, even she herself was drunk.

The entourage of the British Mansion came to check for too long. He saw that the princess was still holding Song Nan's neck in one hand and holding the handle of the wine pot in the other hand to maintain the posture of pouring wine, but his drunken cheeks were red on Song Nan's chest, and Song Nan had already leaned his head against the back of the chair and fell asleep drunk.

The guards of the British mansion sent the drunken Song Nan back to Song's house. The people of the Song family had been waiting anxiously. After listening to the guard's words, they knew that it was the young father-in-law and the little princess of the British mansion who invited Song Nan to the banquet tonight. Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli wiped Song Nan's head and helped him to the room in the east wing room and took off their clothes. The two women found the jade bracelet in Song Nan's arms and suddenly became suspicious.

Both of them knew the goods and knew the precious jade bracelet. Song Nan came from this precious jade bracelet. Almost as soon as they guessed, they knew that the little father-in-law was invited and the little princess was accompanied. After that, Song Nan had an extra jade bracelet in her arms. They contacted each other a little and suddenly thought together.

As the saying goes, caring is chaotic. The two sisters looked at each other and suddenly felt uncomfortable. After Song Nan fell asleep, the two sisters had their own thoughts and couldn't sleep. They didn't know what it was like.


Zhang Lun did his work vigorously. The next day, he led the soldiers of the five cities to start cleaning up the idlers and evil forces in the workshop. The princess also gathered Yan San and Ma Degang cadres in the square under the jurisdiction of Zhengnanfang and asked them to provide clues to clean up the ruffians in other areas.

But there is a connection between all the ruffians who wander in the streets. As the saying goes, 'shrimps have a shrimp road, and turtles have turtles'. There is always some connection between these guys. The princess first explained that she would set up a law enforcement team, and then rewarded Ma Degang, who was quite complaining, and Ma Degang suddenly felt that he resisted. There was no hope, so under the guidance of clues, a clean-up campaign against the ruffians in the city unfolded vigorously.

Suddenly, the chickens and dogs in the major districts jumped, and some of the villains who were in the case fled and arrested, and their subordinates followed the idle men and ruffians also caught no less than 700 or eight hundred. According to the principle of 'removing evil and saving small misdencies', most of the idle men and gangsters were treated with leniency, on the condition that they joined the newly established civil maintenance meeting, association Help with the hygiene and order management of the workshop.

After nearly ten days of tossing and turning, 518 people were finally selected as the team. Song Nan naturally named the upcoming organization 'urban management brigade', which sounded domineering, and then drew up 18 rules and regulations to clarify powers, responsibilities and punishments.

The little father-in-law found more than ten mu of wasteland in Nancheng, built houses to level several mu of vacant land, built a compound, and purchased a batch of equipment for training.

Everything was ready to stop. On July 18, the little father-in-law Zhang Lun and Song Nan personally came to the station of the urban management brigade. The firecrackers crackled, the gongs and drums were clicked, and the plaque of the urban management brigade written by the young father-in-law was hung. This was the first urban management brigade in the Ming Dynasty.

Five18 urban management team members are a brigade, under the jurisdiction of the princess, and the princess is the captain, but Zhang Lu understands that his sister has a way to make trouble, and Song Nan needs to come forward to really coordinate and command, so he insists on Song Nan to be the deputy captain. Of course, Song Nan will not refuse. Maybe the team that he set up with so much money may be the team that will make a fortune in the future. Naturally, he can't be released to outsiders at will, so he is happy to take office. Princess Yu is also very happy. Song Nan lives under herself and just satisfies her vanity. This guy has never given himself a good face. This time, he is not a good one. Your own subordinates.

The five squadron captains are five gangster leaders on the street. Yan San, Ma Degang, Hou Zhongcai of Mingyufang, Qin Laoba of Chongjiaofang and Zhao Sigou of Nanxunfang were all gangster leaders, but none of them had much bad deeds. They served as the captains of five squadrons in the east, west, north and south, according to the 100 households in the Ming army. Salary for the specifications of the job. In addition, each squadron sets up five teams, each with a small captain to receive salary according to the treatment of the small flag officer, and ordinary urban management members receive salary according to ordinary soldiers.

After a few days of intensive training, led by the soldiers of the five cities, Song Nan led the 700 households and more than 500 urban management team members to start the market cleaning in the capital from south to north. For a time, slogans flew all over the sky, cattle and carts ran everywhere, piles of garbage withered branches, mud in the gutter, and cattle and horse manure on the road. It was cleared, and a garbage collection station was set up at the corner of each street, and another 50 people were hired to cooperate with the garbage transfer personnel of the five cities to clean up regularly.

Zhang Lun is very good at it. If it doesn't rain, he brought the water dragon team in charge of fighting the fire in the capital to wash the streets day and night with water dragons. After the hot seven-day cleaning, the major squares in the capital have a new look: the old and dusty streets have been washed, and the flowing water on both sides of the street are bright and dark ditches. It was clean. Three bags of responsibility were set up in front of the door of each shop, a simple bamboo basket was placed to hold garbage, hundreds of uninhabited old and dangerous houses were demolished according to Song Nan's order, and large tanks full of emergency water were placed in dense shops.

Zhang Lun really admires Song Nan. This guy's ideas are endless, but every suggestion makes sense. For example, the idea of the "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system is wonderful. The shops facing the street are required to assume the responsibility for the three tasks of greening, sanitation and order in front of the door. In the name of the five cities' soldiers and horses, each office and shops are required to designate a responsible person responsible for this matter. In the future, if there is a dirty situation in front of the door, they will directly find the responsible person, which will share the tedious responsibilities. It eases the affairs of the soldiers and horses in the five cities, and at the same time, the effect is good.

For example, a health evaluation is held every quarter, and the so-called mobile red flag is set up. Each street alley won the first place. The soldiers of the five cities beat the gongs and drums to send the red flag to the door, hang it on the linters as a reward, and those who receive the mobile red flag three consecutive times will be given monetary rewards, etc.

Although these measures were regarded as a laughing stock of some senior officials, the ordinary people clapped their hands and welcomed them.

With the normalization of the urban management brigade to assist the patrol of soldiers and horses in the five cities, many vendors and individuals who violate the regulations were arrested during the day and night, and after public criticism, the results of a month's hard work have been gradually consolidated; the people are gradually used to walking on the clear streets and smelling a little garbage corruption. The smell will frown, and everyone will spontaneously begin to maintain this hard-won clean environment.

On the first day of September, the emperor's promise to patrol the city was finally fulfilled. Accompanied by cabinet scholars, two princes, eunuchs, admiral of Dongchang and Jinyiwei commanders and other bigwigs, Emperor Hongzhi took an afternoon to start from the left of the imperial city of the inner city. , inspect the major square districts of the capital.

The golden wind is sas, the sky is blue and the clouds are blue. Zhu Youxuan, the emperor of Hongzhi, looked at the neat streets and alleys of the capital with great joy, and praised Zhang Lun, the five-city soldiers beside him, and praised Zhang Lun for his literary and martial arts. Whether he was able to govern the regimental battalion or lead the five city soldiers and horses.

Zhang Mao, the British Duke, was very happy. It was not easy for his eldest grandson to finally do a beautiful job and give himself a long face. It was not easy to be praised by the emperor in front of the cabinet and many noble relatives.

Zhang Lun's face was full of red light. Before that, he never expected that he would also be praised by the emperor in the embarrassing position of the five cities. In his idea, national affairs are nothing more than military and political affairs, and nothing is more important than these two things. In his two positions, what he values most is Admiral Fen. In the regular military position of the military camp, the old man got a part-time commander of the five cities, but he was still unwilling to.

Who would have expected that he had spent a lot of effort in the fight camp and didn't get much credit, but he achieved great success in this part-time job.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to get the praise of Emperor Hongzhi. The emperor is deep and calm, happy and angry, and his life is thrifty, and he rarely praises the ministers and generals. According to the old man, in the past year, except for the great victory in Weizhou, the prince's departure from the cabinet to study, and the relief in Jiangxi, the emperor has made the emperor happy. In addition to the praise, that is today's thing.

I didn't expect that the emperor was so concerned about the cleanliness of the streets in the capital. It was really unpredictable and confusing.

In sighing, Zhang Lun remembered a person, who was Song Nan; Zhang Lun understood that without Song Nan's efforts to help him complete this matter, this glory would not fall on him. Whether it was funded to establish an urban management team or various subsequent measures, he could not think of any one he wanted to break his head. This boy is extremely shrewd. Although as a small hundred households, it is understandable to be abusing himself, but he can't help but repay his dedication. The so-called impoing and disrespectful is that he doesn't come and go. Today's opportunity is really not to say a few words for him.

Zhang Lun pointed out the various measures in the market to explain for the emperor and the bigwigs, and handed over the words. When he happened to arrive at Yongdingmen Street, Zhengnanfang, Fan Heng, the admiral of Dongchang, said, "There are so many ideas. After the real general, there is no mediocrity."

When everyone agreed, Zhang Lun said, "Actually, this is not my own idea. Speaking of which, a hundred households in Jinyiwei Qianhu in Zhengnanfang helped me a lot. He helped me with a lot of ideas about the management of Beijing streets."

Fan Heng was shocked. It was originally a casual flattery, but he didn't expect to involve a hundred households of Jinyiwei. The emperor is so happy about this matter. Isn't it obvious that he will give credit to Jinyiwei? Fan Heng almost slapped his mouth depressedly and hurriedly peeked at the emperor sitting on the horse. Fortunately, the emperor was staring at a slogan on the street that said, 'The capital is my home, and the hygiene depends on everyone', and he didn't seem to hear it.

Fan Heng was secretly relieved, but Mou Bin's voice sounded behind him. Fan Heng understood that this credit was a gift.

How sharp Mou Bin's eyes and ears were. Zhang Lun's words almost made a sound. He didn't expect that this credit still had Jinyiwei's share. The emperor didn't hear it. No matter what, he had to take over the words.

"Chief Zhang, are you talking about a hundred households in Jinyiweiyamen, Zhengnanfang?"

"Yes? Look at these handwritten banners, it's all his idea, and it's also his idea to plant vegetation on the flat ground over there.

Hongzhi heard it clearly this time and asked curiously, "There are still such thoughtful talents in Jinyiwei. Zhang Lun, who is he?"