Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 96 Steady

More than four months after entering the capital, Song Nan was promoted from the low-ranking 700 households to the deputy thousand households, and also the 200th largest household with the authority and responsibility. He was responsible for the investigation and spies in the jurisdiction. The rapid speed of his rise made officials at all levels in the Jinyiwei Office of Zhengnanfang stunned.

Some people envy, some people envy and resent it. Those who have only been in charge of 100 households or deputy thousand households for more than ten years are indescribably depressed.

How can I solve this depression? The only thing is to curse secretly.

Many people don't understand that the 100 households of the 700 households have always had little status in the government office. They are nicknamed the 100 households patrolling the city. When discussing the government office, Song Nan's position was at the end and could only sit in the corner. When everyone spoke, he could not intervene. But it was this "hunding households patrol" that made people laugh and despise, but suddenly exerted his strength, like sitting on his buttocks on the second kick. After a sound, he rushed to the sky and was out of reach from then on.

The shrewd people began to secretly sort out what Song Nan had done since he entered Zhengnanfang. Then, they came to an amazing conclusion that under their own eyes, this teenager did something that many people dared not do without saying anything, and his means were also thunderous.

Originally, Zheng Da and Han Gui, the two general flags of the 700 households, one was stubborn and difficult to train, and the other was quite a very difficult figure. Song Nan's new appointment subdued Zheng Da in a few days, and Han Gui, who was exquisite on all sides, was also caught dead. Finally, he died under the scolding of Peng Qianhu. At that time, he didn't know anything at that time. Now when I think about it Song Nan's tricks are really terrible.

If Han Gui's death is self-inflicted by handing over the banditry, and it is logical for Song Nan to grab his handle and knock him down, the next boy's behavior is beyond everyone's imagination.

The little princess of the British Mansion in the jurisdiction of Zhengnanfang is a troublemaker. Since the little princess likes to act as the boss on the street, the ruffians in Zhengnanfang have had a *. How can the hundreds of households working in Zhengnanfang all day not know this? The little princess must not be offended. I know it clearly, so as long as the ruffians don't make too much trouble, everyone will close one eye to avoid angering the wayward and unruly female demon.

Song Nan broke these rules, cleaned up the ruffians on the street, did not hesitate to offend the little princess face to face, and even used the people's suppressed psychology to incite the gathered ruffians to weave the gathered ruffians together when she made a crime in the government.

Several hundred households who participated in the incident on that day regretted that they were too impulsive and thought that they would usher in revenge. However, in fact, even if the little father-in-law personally came to the government to plead, he was finally settled by Song Nan. Instead, he made friends with the little father-in-law Zhang Lun. What's more annoying is that he cleaned up the block. The garbage actually made a great contribution, which caused Commander Mou to personally come to Zhengnanfang to announce the appointment, which was a unique thing.

You know, not to mention the appointment of a district deputy Qianhu, even the appointment of Peng Qianhu was just issued by the Zhenfu Department* and sent personnel to read it. Even Xiao Lang did not come, let alone Mou Bin came to announce it in person.

All this makes these old fried dough sticks who think they have figured out the rules of officialdom puzzled.

Peng Wanli thought about it and was more convinced that there must be some connection between Song Nan and the bigwigs above. From the arrangement of Song Nan as one hundred households, the upper level has planned everything for Song Nan's promotion today, although Song Nan asked himself if there was a connection between him and Xiao Lang. Secondly, Peng Wanli is more willing to regard this kind of behavior as a cover-up.

Anyway, the power pattern in Zhengnanfang Jinyiweiya has changed greatly since Song Nan took office as deputy thousand households. A few days later, Song Nan made several simple changes. Hou Dabiao of the 100 households remained in the original position, while Meng Jin of 100 households in 200 households was Zheng, who was newly promoted to the 700 households. At the same time, after a two-day selection, 53 flag schools were selected from the 700 households to be transferred to the first 200 households, and more than 40 flag schools of the first 200 households were transferred to the 700 households.

People with bright eyes can see that Song Nan is openly cultivating his own team. Needless to say, Zheng Da has become Song Nan's confidant. In several conflicts between Song Nan and the little princess, Zheng Da hugged Song Nan's thigh and brainlessly played the role of a pawn, which has proved his loyalty.

And Hou Dabiao of the 100th household has always had a good impression on Song Nan. When the little princess led people to make a scene at the government office of Zhengnanfang, he was the first to speak out in support of Song Nan. Although there was not much friendship between Song Nan and him, he did not touch him this time, which was a reward.

As for Meng Jin of 200 households, I'm afraid that he never thought that Song Nan would ride on his head. In the past few months, he has ridiculed Song Nan the most. It is not surprising that he was transferred to 700 households. Many people are even happy for him, because if he is not transferred but under Song Nan. If he works, Song Nan can rectify him at any time, and his life will be even worse.

From Zheng Da's promotion to a series of personnel changes, Peng Wanli showed a silent attitude, just one sentence, 'As long as the appointment is agreed by the Zhenfu Department, there is no objection to the proposal of Song Vice Qianhu.'

Peng Wanli adopted an extremely stable method to verify Song Nan's position in the upper mind of Jinyiwei, so as to determine the way to get along with Song Nan in the future. When Zhenfusi approved these changes without exception, Peng Wanli was glad that he was not rashly pointing fingers.

Zhengnanfang Qianhu Institute has experienced an earthquake. Song Nan acted in a high-profile manner after taking office as deputy Qianhu. Many people saw it, but chose to be silent. Some of them are silently looking forward to something happening, and there are also different factions in Jinyiwei. The young deputy Qianhu seems to be extremely beautiful, but they don't know his behavior. It will definitely stir the nerves of some people in the unknown corner; but some people choose to get closer to Song Nan. They expect that, like Zheng Da, as long as they stand in the right queue, the job of hundreds of households that have been struggling for several years will fall to their heads.

Following the right person and standing in line is not only luck, but also a kind of mystery and knowledge.

Song Nan completed the scheduling of his subordinates in one breath. He didn't want to see the situation when he first came to the Jinyiwei Yamen. The two general flags did not buy their own accounts, which made the situation of embarrassing.

This time is different from the past. Mou Bin came to announce his tenure in person. Of course, he would take advantage of this shareholder's wind to take advantage of the fact that everyone was still dizzy. Although it was later learned that Mou Bin was accompanying the emperor to patrol to Zhengnanfang, and then came here to promote himself, and It's not special to give yourself face, but Song Nan can't control these. It's smart to act according to the situation.

There are 169 people under the jurisdiction of the first 200 households. Of the two hundred households, Zheng Da is certainly determined to himself. Hou Dabiao also secretly found Song Nan to show his feelings. Song Nan listed it on the inspection list. All the guarantees in his mouth are not credible. Only his actions in case of trouble can make Song Nan really decide to be able to Don't trust this person.

The internal structure of the two hundred households has also been dispersed, and the personnel transferred from the 700 households have been filled in, and two general flags and three small flags have been replaced. In fact, almost the whole team is the team of the 700 households. What Song Nan wants is the people below, who are as unstable as his deputy thousands of households. The key.

After a storm, it takes a quiet time to regain vitality, and the panic of people's hearts can be seen on everyone's faces. Therefore, after completing these transfers and appointments, Song Nan immediately chose to observe quietly and did not make any actions to let these people adapt to their new identity, and also adapt to it. New responsibilities.

After making up for the relationship between Jinyiwei and Dongchang, Song Nan found that he was too naive. On that day, he boasted in front of Mou Bin that he wanted to fight for his face and that he wanted to make the Fanzi of Dongchang have no foothold in Zhengnanfang.

The relationship between Dongchang and Jinyiwei is complex and entangled. Fan Heng, the eunuch of the inner court, is in charge of the East Factory, but a large part of his subordinate officials and Tiqi are selected from Jinyiwei. The two can be said to be closely related, and there are many overlapping responsibilities. According to the rules, the prisoners arrested by Dongchang were interrogated and convicted It will be handed over to Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town, which looks like a merged department.

However, the contradiction between the two has a long history. The Dongchang, which is in charge of the inner court, is based on the interior and has the right to directly talk about affairs, while Jinyiwei has to have a report, which seems to be a great difference from the affinity. The east factory does not refuse to be under the jurisdiction of the workshop, and the officers are all over the neighborhoods of the capital, and the seizure and spies are not restricted by regions and rules, and Jinyiwei is relatively limited.

Judging from last year's file, the Dongchang, which was recorded in the Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei Yamen, arrested as many as 519 prisoners in a year, ranging from officials to merchants to peddlers to pawns. Jinyiwei himself only captured more than 100 people a year, most of which are trivial matters. Dongchang arrested various crimes of conspiracy, disrespect, corruption and other crimes listed. It is no wonder that Mou Bin will feel disrespectful and far from the case handling rate and the rate of major cases.

Of course, Song Nan will not believe that the people taken by Dongchang are those who really want to rebel. I'm afraid that most of them are framed and fabricated for merit. Song Nan is interested in how Dongchang can make such a big move with such a small number of people.

In the public room of the second head of the west, Song Nan convened the hundreds of households and flag officials for the first time to inquire about the situation of spying intelligence and detection in the jurisdiction. There is no doubt that Hou Dabiao, who has been working for four years of investigation and spying.

"Song Qianhu, we usually go out as a group of three people, wandering in casual clothes and other places such as restaurants, teas, listening to street rumors and records, and then sending people to investigate them after screening. After obtaining evidence, we can go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to get a driving sticker to plead people; because the manpower is not available Many, the brothers can only be divided into more than 40 groups, taking turns to spy on night and day. Most of the information obtained is rumors, and there is not much really useful. Hou Dabiao is calm and speaks in a good way.

Song Nan said, "Why have the fans of Dongchang handled so many cases a year, and they are all big cases?"

Hou Dabiao said angrily, "Bah, those dogs are also called handling cases? There is no dirty word to handle cases. We have seen a lot of their methods. They are all dirty methods.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I know that Dongchang's handling of cases is different from ours. As far as I know, they don't have many people. Even if it's a wrong case, they need to be the head. Where did they get the information?"

Hou Dabiao said, "Isn't it simple? Eggless dogs bought the clerks of teahouses, drove carts, sold vegetables, and even the bitches in brothels to provide them with information. Anyway, they were rich, but when they heard an out of line, they immediately went to catch people. A few days ago, three people gathered to drink in the residential house under the Wuli Bridge in Zhengxifang. After getting drunk, they scolded a few words 'Life is difficult'. , who was reported by the shopkeeper of the hotel, and the three were arrested by the servants, all of whom were convicted of slandering the court. Do you think this is also a case? It's ridiculous."

Song Nan nodded slowly and said, "So that's it. So what's wrong with the fall of some officials?"

Hou Dabiao said, "Buy up domestic slaves. Officials say inappropriate words at home, or even if they complain casually. Once they know that these bribed domestic slaves are reported, they naturally can't get rid of their affairs. Moreover, these eggless dogs still like to try a small case bigger and bigger, and settle the appalling crime, but those who do not plead guilty will be punished. Who can stand it?"

Song Nan said in astonishment, "Isn't the power of interrogation belongs to my Jinyi Weibei Town Fusi?"

Hou Dabiao said, "I didn't send it to Zhenfusi, so I have confirmed the confession. The evidence in black and white is conclusive, and Zhenfusi just went through the scene."

Song Nan is speechless. No wonder Dongchang has solved so many cases, and these means are used for feelings. I'm afraid that there are enough injustices. Compared with Jinyiwei's wolves and tigers, Dongchang is even more ruthless.

(Thank you for the reward of the lost book friends in Carthage, and the monthly ticket of Brother Peach Blossom and the leisure ronin brothers. Although the results of this book are not good, with your support, I will try my best to write more wonderfully. This chapter has a lot of words, just think it is for you.)