Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 116 Liangzi

Chapter 16

Dongchang Ti's cavalry and secret agents were almost busy all afternoon, but they got nothing. Originally, it was an excellent credit, but the meat in his mouth flew with wings. Not to mention how depressed Luo Fang was.

In order to chase and block the carriages and horses of His Royal Highness, seven or eight people in the squares were mobilized, which made the movement not small. After it was empty, he naturally complained. Luo Fang had to apologize to the leaders of the east factory of other workshops in a low voice. She said a basket of good words and got more than a dozen taels of money for tea. The other fans who just sent away left.

Luo Fang hated it. The culprit of today's incident was Song Nan. If he hadn't taken it, how could there have been so many mistakes? After thinking about it, Luo Fang decided to visit Fan Heng and explain the matter. At the same time, she asked Fan Heng to allow herself to take action against Song Nan. This person was really too inconvenient.

Fan Heng has been serving in the palace until he came out of the palace in the evening. His residence in the imperial city was in the inner office of the East Factory. It was late today, so he did not plan to go back to the outside house. Fan Heng stepped into the brightly lit office hall and found Luo Fang sitting at the table in a daze.

Luo Fang saw Fan Heng rush forward to salute, bowed and smiled, "The governor is back. Your subordinates are waiting for you."

Fan Heng waved his hand and sat down on the chair slightly tiredly. He casually took off his hat and put it on the table. He straightened his legs and hummed with satisfaction. A servant hurriedly picked up the tea. Fan Heng took a sip of hot tea and sighed contented, then turned his head and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Luo Fang knelt on the ground and lowered her head and said, "The governor is working hard. I shouldn't have bothered you with this matter, but I'm really not upset about what I didn't say. Zhengnanfang can't stay."

Fan Heng frowned and said, "Get up. I want you to work in Zhengnanfang instead of Tian Gui, just to value that you are more capable than Tian Gui's stupid talent. How can you stay for only two days? Is Zhengnanfang a Longtan Tiger Cave?"

Luo Fang sighed, "Originally, if something could be done today, the governor would be happy. Unfortunately, the subordinate was a poor move in chess and was disturbed and the matter was ruined. He had the trust of the governor and asked to be demoted from Zhengnanfang."

Fan Heng said, "What's the matter? You made it clear. I was so tired that I stood with the emperor for a day. My ankles and necks were sore and my waist hurt so much. I listened to Li Dongyang and other old people talking endlessly. It was easy to come back to take a breath, and you didn't let me be clean."

Luo Fang knelt down a few steps and whispered, "If it hadn't been for this matter, how dare you come to disturb me? Today in Zhengnanfang, guess who we saw?"

Fan Heng tilted his head with the lid of the tea cup and asked, "Who?"

Luo Fang said, "Your Highness."

Fan Hengteng sat up and frowned, "Do you really see the prince?"

Luo Fang said, "It's true that the prince was secretly sneaking out of the palace to go shopping with Liu Jin and Zhang Yong beside him, and was found by one of our spy."

Fan Heng said, "How do you know that he sneaked out of the palace?"

Luo Fang said, "Isn't this clear? Liu Jin's boy's eyes are sharp, and he smells a spy and quickly took the prince to hide. Isn't this to cover up? Just now, when you didn't come back, I went to the palace to inquire. The prince didn't mention the departure from the palace to the Ministry of Internal Affairs at all. The prince was sneaking out of the palace to play without the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the emperor.

Fan Heng looked excited and said, "Okay, this is a good thing. The governor is dissatisfied with the guys around the prince. He thought he was serving the crown prince, so he didn't pay attention to us and made our rumors. This time, they encouraged the prince to go out of the palace to have fun. The blame can't run away; did you expose their identity on the spot? Did Liu Jin and Zhang Yong pick it up?

Luo Fang sighed and sat on the ground.

Fan Heng was stunned and said, "What?"

Luo Fang cried and took people to search after meeting the prince. Then she talked about the matter that was blocked by Song Nan. She gritted her teeth and said, "It's not Song Nan's obstruction. This job has been done properly, but now, after working for a long time, the prince and Liu Jin and Zhang Yong have already returned to the palace, and we haven't even taken a picture. , I can't talk about it at all."

Fan Hengqi kicked over the stool, reached out and swept it, swept the tea cup on the table to the ground, and fell to pieces.

"It's Song Nan again. It's really abominable. It's really annoying to fight against our east factory several times."

Several fans in the hall are silent and dare not come out. The governor's thunderous anger must not be provoked at this time. Even if he accidentally farted at this time, he would be worried about his life.

Luo Fang said carefully, "Also, Song Nan was not hurt at all. Mou Bin was cheating the governor that day. He wanted to wrestle with our east factory. The governor, we can't be timid about this. For more than ten years, our east factory has been forced them to raise their heads. Jinyiwei wanted to turn over. It's not possible to ride on our heads."

Fan Heng slapped the table and scolded, "Don't think, can Moubin turn against the sky with him? He was obedient before. Since the incident happened in Zhengnanfang, he has become more and more arrogant. Tomorrow I will add a pole to him in front of the emperor to make him comfortable.

Luo Fang kowtowed and said, "Lord, I'm afraid the emperor will not easily make a statement. I have to say that the culprit of the current situation is Song Nan, which has damaged the governor's major event. How can the governor allow him to be free? His subordinates think that such people should be killed as an example."

Fan Heng was stunned and said, "You mean..." He stretched out his hand and made a head-killing posture.

Luo Fang whispered, "That's what I think. You think the whole Jinyiwei government is ready to move now. It's not because Song Nan provoked the trouble. The governor looked at the face of the factory guard family and did not delve into it. Those guys in the Jinyiwei government office thought we were weak; as long as this boy was killed, even if he was half Disabled, smart people will know that they are afraid. Does Mou Bin dare to be arrogant again?

Fan Heng frowned and said, "However, after all, Song Nan is a member of Jinyiwei, and he is a deputy thousand households. If something happens to him, Mou Bin will be the first to suspect us. I'm afraid he will strictly investigate this matter at that time..."

Luo Fang said, "As long as your hands and feet are clean and there are no traces, are you afraid that he will investigate? If the governor rest assured his subordinates, he will do it in person, and he will definitely leave no trace of Song Nan's death silently.

Fan Heng gritted his teeth and nodded slowly and said, "Well, I didn't misread you. You are more capable than Tiangui, but you must leave no trace; only you and I know about this matter, and something happened..."

Luo Fang said, "No, only the subordinate knows about this matter. If Song Nan is still alive within a few months, or his hands and feet are not clean to cause trouble, he will ask the governor to send some living money to his mother during the New Year's holiday, and his subordinates will thank the governor for his great kindness."

Luo Fang's meaning is obvious. If he can't kill Song Nan, or if he shows his horse's feet, he will kill himself for Fan Heng, which means that this matter will never be involved in Fan Heng.

How could Fan Heng not hear what he meant? He patted Luo Fang on the shoulder and sighed, "Okay, I believe you will succeed."

Luo Fang said, "Thank you for your trust."

Fan Heng waved his hand and said loudly, "Come on, the government will set up wine, and the governor and Luo Baihu will have a drink."

Luo Fang was stunned and said, "Luo Baihu?"

Fan Heng laughed and said, "From now on, you are 100 households in my Dongchang. After your errands are done, the manpower of Zhengxifang, Zhengnanfang, Zhengdongfang and Xuannanfang will be assigned to you."

Luo Fang's face was surprised. As soon as she stood up, she knelt down involuntarily, kowtowed more than a dozen times, and thanked the governor for his kindness and promotion.


Song Nan hired a carriage to rush back to Zhengnanfang and went to the government office first. The four flag schools that visited Zhengxifang were still waiting for Song Nan to come back to report the news. The four brocade guards in the Song family's shop's clerk's clothes and Song Nan's cotton gowns were squeezed in the carriage. Not long after they arrived in Zhengxifang, the carriage was immediately targeted. He didn't dare to do it immediately. He waited until more than 20 people gathered to block the carriage at the secluded alley.

The result was naturally a big joke. The four people held out the waist card of the brocade guard and affirmed that it was the brocade guard disguised to do business. The people were stunned and were at a loss, but the four people did not let go. They insisted on revealing their identity to the identity of the outside, and followed them to the Zhengnanfang government office to explain the reason why the identity was leaked. , which made the fans annoyed.

Fortunately, Song Nan told them to accept it as soon as they saw it was good. If they were angry, they might really suffer losses. After a while of entanglement, the four people scolded and drilled back into the car and turned around, and the people of the East Factory soon understood that this was Song Nan's trick. When they wanted to find their bad luck again, they had already followed Zhengxifang. I took a round and returned to the government.

Song Nan laughed. This afternoon, walking the dog was both tense and exciting, which was comparable to a police film. At present, she comforted the four people and told them not to say much. She took a few taels of silver for several people to drink, and arranged someone to go to the warehouse to get four new sets of brocade and helmets and sent them to the four people before leaving contented.

When I got home, it was already dark. From afar, I saw Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli standing at the door under the red lantern at the gate of the yard.

Song Nan's heart was hot and hurriedly waved his hand to greet him. The two sisters came forward. Despite the opposition of the two women, Song Nan reached out and hugged them left and right, hugged their shoulders and entered the door.