Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 121 Danger

Chapter 121

All day, Song Nan was unconscious. The poison eroded his life, and his pulse was weaker than an hour. Song's mother had fainted several times. Every time she woke up, she cried bitterly and fainted again when she saw Song Nan's dying life.

Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli also cried bitterly. Lang Zhong changed several times and almost invited all the famous doctors who could be hired by Beijing, but the result was still disappointing. No one was sure that they could cure the poison.

Ye Fanggu was almost desperate, and her heart was like a knife. When she sat under the lamp at night, she suddenly rushed to the yard with a dagger as if she was crazy. Lu Qingli was shocked and hurried to follow to see what was going on. She was afraid that her cousin would do something unusual, but she saw Ye Fanggu took a short sword at the two lush peony trees in the yard. Suddenly, he cut and dug randomly, and in an instant, he cut down two flower trees to the ground.

"Cousin, what are you doing?" Lu Qingli asked with tears in her eyes.

Ye Fanggu turned around sadly and said, "Qingli, I harmed Mr. Song. The Taoist priest on that day made it very clear that the peony flowers in this house had grievances and needed to be eradicated. That day, the prince said that because I liked these two peony flowers so that the Taoist priest was nonsense and kept it. Now it seems that this is a disaster. Ah, my ignorance made Mr. Song's life hang on the line. If the prince can't get better, I... my life will also die for him. |

Lu Qingli was shocked and remembered what happened that day. He also agreed that the man was a big liar. Sure enough, Brother Song suffered a disaster. This must be a mistake of disrespecting ghosts and gods. He did not answer at the moment. He took the dagger and cut them randomly, cut the branches and leaves to pieces, and cried, "I also have a share. I blame me... Whoo-woo."

The two sisters cried with their heads in their arms. The shocked people stood on the stage and watched the two sisters secretly wipe their tears. When bad things came, people were always prone to think nonsense. The two sisters attributed Song Nan's disaster to their ignorance on that day, and also found an outlet for emotional catharsis. In the face of the imminent death of their beloved, there was nothing they could do. Naturally, it is human nature to blame itself.

Now, all the famous doctors in the capital have been invited. After Mou Bin learned that Song Nan's life was difficult to save, he was helpless. He tried his best to listen to fate, and he did his best for Song Nan. If Song Nan died, Wei Li naturally comforted his family and tried his best to avenge him. In the final analysis, Song Nan was just a subordinate of his subordinates. He was a capable person, but it did not make Mou Bin very depressed.

The next morning, the sun rose, and the Song family's new house was dead. Everyone stood in the yard of the inner house with sorrow and waited for the last moment. Everyone knew that according to Song Nan's current appearance, it could not be today.

In the open space outside the house, a carriage slowly came. Someone in the car asked the surrounding people about the location of the Song family's new house. The neighbors knew that this family was a thousand households of Jinyiwei as early as the Song family moved in, and naturally instructed the people on the car.

The carriage came to the door of Song's house. A white-faced middle-aged man came down from the car and patted the door ring and shouted in, "Do you dare to ask Song Nan's son Song's house?"

The servant of the house opened the door, and the man introduced himself: "Mr. Song has a relationship with my master. My master invited Mr. Song to have a talk."

The servant said sadly, "Guest, please come back. I'm afraid Mr. Song can't go to the meeting."

The middle-aged man was shocked and said, "What's wrong?"

The servant told Song Nan's situation. The middle-aged man was stunned. After the servant closed the door, the middle-aged man stood for a long time and quickly returned to his carriage and urged the driver to catch the car quickly and went straight to the inner city of the palace.

In the study of the prince of the East Palace, Zhu Houzhao listened to Liu Jin's report in surprise and said repeatedly, "How is this possible? Will you be poisoned if you eat fish in a restaurant? So many diners are poisoned by him?

Liu Jin said, "Your Highness, it is obviously poisoned by Song Qianhu's enemies."

Zhu Houzhao said, "Is it the revenge of those people who helped us last time and offended those things in Dongchang?"

Liu Jin quickly whispered, "Prince, don't mention this matter. Can you still take care of yourself?"

Zhu Houzhao walked a few steps with his hands and said, "No, I'm going to see him. He sincerely helped us that day. I think he is a friend worth making. At this time, his life is imminent, how can he ignore it?"

Liu Jin smiled bitterly. The prince was born in the deep palace and had never seen any outsiders. When he saw a Song Nan treating him sincerely, he regarded him as a friend.

"Your Highness, can't you leave the palace at this time? Have we all agreed to let Song Nan come into the palace with a waist card to see you? It's much safer than you rush out of the palace. Now Song Nan's life is on the eve, and you can't solve the problem even if you go there. In case the people of the East Factory find it, it will be another trouble."

Zhu Houzhao said urgently, "What should I do? We can't just watch it. Xiao Jinzi, how can't you do it? Find a way."

Liu Jin sighed, "What can I do, a little eunuch?" Hey, life and death are up to heaven. Song Nan is this life, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Zhu Houzhao stamped his feet, and Zhang Yong, who was beside him, suddenly said, "Your Highness, why don't you send the imperial doctor to help Song Nan see the disease? The good men of the Ming Dynasty are all in our palace. Maybe the doctors who can't solve Song Nan's poison."

Zhu Houzhao said happily, "Yes, yes, yes, this is a good idea, Xiao Yongzi, you are still a brain. Take my hand and go to the Imperial Hospital to ask the best imperial doctor to see Song Nan. By the way, take some detoxifying pills in the East Palace to see if they can work."

Zhang Yong agreed and turned around and hurried away. Liu Jin was annoyed. Why didn't he think of this method?

Zhang Yong quickly rushed to the imperial hospital outside the gate. The imperial hospital is not in the imperial city. As long as the prince does not go out of the palace, it is not very difficult for the eunuch to go out of the palace. When he arrived at the imperial hospital, Zhang Yong couldn't help but pull the most sophisticated hospital to judge Zhao. Zhao Tai doctor still needs to be questioned. Zhang Yong's hand to the prince After showing it to him, Dr. Zhao took the medicine box and took the little apprentice out with Zhang Yong without saying a word.


Not long after Liu Jin left Song's house, Song's house ushered in a second group of visitors. It was the little father-in-law and the little princess brothers and sisters who heard the news. The little princess only heard the discussion of the urban management team members when she went to the urban management brigade this morning. The little princess who learned the news quickly rushed to the horse, but met the little father-in-law halfway. Only then did the two brothers and sisters come together.

The servant of the Song family led the little father-in-law and the little princess to the back hall. At a glance, Song Nan lay upright**, with a blue face and a blue face, breathing as if nothing had happened. The little princess's tears fell down and lay on the edge of the bed and stroked Song Nan's face and shouted.

"Red dog, how did you become like this? Wake up, I won't annoy you anymore."

Ye Fanggu, Lu Qingli and others burst into tears. Thinking about it, the little princess did not go too far with Song Nan. On the contrary, she was a little mean to the little princess that day. Now that Song Nan has become like this, everything is no longer important.

Zhang Lun asked the situation in detail and knew that Song Nan was poisoned and difficult to solve, so he thought for a moment, "Sister, is the old doctor Li who lives in our temple still in the house?"

The little princess wiped her tears and said, "I don't know. I haven't seen him for a long time. Doesn't he go out for a trip every summer and autumn?"

Zhang Lun said, "Sister, if he is here, Song Nan may be able to save him. His ability is not known to others. If it hadn't been for the old man, he would have been too lazy to enter our father-in-law's mansion."

The little princess suddenly jumped up and said, "Yes, I'm going to find him. It's almost November. I should have come back long ago."

Zhang Lun said, "I'm afraid it's not easy to invite him unless the old man speaks."

The little princess wiped her tears with the back of her hand and said, "He dares not come. I pulled out all his beard."

After saying that, he bent down and said to Song Nan, who was in a coma, "Red Dog, you have to hold on. I'll ask a famous doctor for you." Turning around and rushing out, there was a hissing horse and the sound of whip outside, and the little princess whipped the horse and rushed back home.

Zhang Lun stamped his feet and couldn't catch up. This doctor Li had a bad temper. If he didn't want to come, it would be a bad thing.

At that time, Zhao Dezhang, the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital, followed Zhang Yong to Song's house. In the face of the sudden arrival of the imperial doctor, the Song family did not know what to do. Fortunately, although Aunt Ye Fang was heartbroken, she also knew Zhang Yong who accompanied the imperial doctor. She understood that the prince who was rescued that day had received the news that he had sent the imperial doctor to save people. At present, Song The fire of hope that had disappeared from the family was rekindled again.

According to the instructions of the imperial doctor, everyone carried Song Nan to the sunshine in the hospital. Dr. Zhao personally took off Song Nan's clothes, leaving only trousers. After hearing and asking questions, he sat on the chair next to Song Nan and closed his eyes and thought hard. Obviously, he had encountered a problem.

Everyone did not dare to disturb. Looking at Song Nan and Dr. Zhao in the yard from afar, they secretly prayed to heaven for mercy, hoping that Dr. Zhao could come up with a countermeasure.

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