Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 126 Clues

Chapter 26

Song Nan is about to launch a counterattack. Like countless commercial battles in later generations, Song Nan has never been soft in this kind of struggle, not to mention facing an opponent who wants his own life, natural means must be more intense.

No one wants to tear his face with Dongchang, but since he has chosen to fight, Song Nan no longer has any worries. Compared with Mou Bin's gains and losses, Song Nan's burden is smaller and less lost, so he is more unscrupulous. Moreover, Song Nan also has an advantage that he knows who did it. Compared with looking for a needle in a haystack with pictures and cards some time ago, Song Nan's secret purposeful investigation is more effective.

The breakthrough point lies in the four-sea restaurant. Song Nan is not stupid enough to use the back he recognized before he was poisoned as a reason to directly find Luo Fang's unlucky. Although he fought for life and death, he will only defeat the enemy without hurting himself without hurting anything until he gets the hard evidence. The death of both sides is meaningless.

Although the four-sea restaurant in Cat's Ear Hutong has been reopened, there are few customers. After this disturbance, who would like to come to this place for dinner? Shopkeeper Xu forced himself to support the store, and he also knew in his heart that the restaurant would not open for a long time.

At noon, shopkeeper Xu was sitting behind the counter with his cheeks and frowning. The two clerks also sat bored in a corner and dozed off. The light and shadow at the door were dark, and four or five people came in. Manager Xu was overjoyed. When he saw the appearance of the people, his heart suddenly cooled down, and his hands and feet were not good. It was Song Nan and several flag schools.

"Soong... Song Qianhu, why are you here?" Manager Xu stammered.

"Why, are you not welcome?" Song Nan laughed and found a seat to sit down, and the flag school also found a seat to sit down.

"Welcome, Song Qianhu is welcome. Are you in good shape?"

Song Nan patted his chest and said, "I'm the immortal body of King Kong. How can a small trick kill me? Now I'm as strong as a cow."

Shopkeeper Xu smiled and said, "That's good, that's good, otherwise I can't feel at ease in my life. Hey, I didn't investigate for a while, taught the bad guys to sneak in, and almost sent Song Qianhu's life. It's a sin, a sin."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Don't care about it. It has nothing to do with you. It's because the enemy deliberately poisoned you and didn't do anything about your restaurant. Besides, you were caught in the government office and suffered a lot. At that time, I was poisoned and coma, otherwise I would not allow them to do this."

Shopkeeper Xu's eyes suddenly turned red, remembering the suffering of being caught in Jinyiwei Qianhu's government office in those days. The grievances in his heart could not be himself. Fortunately, he could still come out of his whole body, which was also a high incense burning in front of the Bodhisattva.

A handsome brocade guard sitting at Song Nan's table said, "What are you crying, you shopkeeper? We are here to eat, but we didn't come to see you cry. If you are unlucky, my Song Qianhu is unlucky than you. He almost died when he came to your restaurant to eat a fish. He didn't cry, but you cried.

Shopkeeper Xu quickly wiped his tears and arched his hand and said, "Yes, the little old man lost his temper. I hope he will forgive his sins. What will he eat today?"

Song Nan said, "Is there a big carp in the Yellow River? Give me a few more, and I don't believe it. I can't fall down if I can still eat it.

Shopkeeper Xu said repeatedly, "Yes, exactly three of them are kept in the water tank because they are not used by diners. They are fresh, but they are thin."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. As usual, one fish, one dish, and a bowl of rice wine; it's the same on their table. Add two more dishes to them. There are many people over there."

Shopkeeper Xu agreed and ordered the kitchen to cook quickly. After a while, the dishes came up. Song Nan stretched out his chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish and sent it to his mouth. He only frowned as soon as he tasted it.

"What's wrong? Is it different? Spit it out quickly." The flag school with a beautiful face beside him hurriedly said.

The flag correction was disguised by Ye Fanggu. Since Song Nan recovered, Ye Fanggu said that she wanted to protect Song Nan with her. Anyway, it was useless. Song Nan had to get a suit of clothes to bring her.

"Nothing, it's just not as delicious as before." Song Nan chewed and frowned and swallowed, and said to the Xu shopkeeper standing beside him, "Have you changed the cook in your kitchen? The fish is still the big carp of the Yellow River, but the method has changed, and it tastes bad.

Shopkeeper Xu apologized repeatedly and said, "I'm really sorry to teach Song Qianhu to eat it. Hey, there's nothing I can do. After this, the door of my four-sea restaurant is very easy, and Song Qianhu's group of guests came in three days. The original cook saw that my restaurant was hopeless and worried that I couldn't even pay for it, so he rolled it up. The bedding has left. Well, I temporarily called my wife and brother to take charge of the spoon, and my craftsmanship is not as good as before.

Song Nan nodded and said, "So that's it. I think your restaurant is really unsustainable. Long pain is better than short pain. Give up."

Shopkeeper Xu said, "It's easy to close the door, but how can a family be supported? And a few guys in this store, don't they have to have nothing to eat? Hey... I'm so worried."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "If you don't mind, there is a shortage of shopkeepers and manpower in my shop. If you close the shop and come to my shop to work, a few clerks will also bring them together. Anyway, there are a lot of people missing."

Shopkeeper Xu said hurriedly, "How does this make it? Doesn't this add burden to Song Qianhu?

Song Nan said, "It's not a burden. My shop also needs a shopkeeper like you. Besides, the fact that the Sihai Restaurant has become like this has also had something to do with me. You can consider it. If you are interested, you can go to the Yipin Duck Shop on Fork Street to find the shopkeeper Wei. He will naturally report it to me."

Shopkeeper Xu was shocked: "It turns out that the most popular duck is..."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, it's my private property. Think about it. Come to me at any time."

Shopkeeper Xu nodded repeatedly, and his heart was already willing. The restaurant store is also rented. Now there are no guests to eat at all, and he can't hold on at all. He not only doesn't make a pennie a day, but also loses a few taels of silver. The more he opens the more he opens, the more he loses money. Sooner or later, it will be difficult to continue. Song Nan doesn't say anything, he also has a good idea of closing the door. Head.

Ye Fanggu smiled secretly and dug out the whole team of the Sihai Restaurant. Song Nan is really good at taking advantage of loopholes. Shopkeeper Xu is old-fashioned and well-known. It is the most appropriate to be a shopkeeper, and it gives people the feeling that Song Nan has given them alms. Two.

Song Nan drank a few mouthfuls of rice wine, ate a few chopstick dishes, cut into the topic, and asked, "Shopkeeper Xu, on the day of the incident, how did you invite those two people into the store to be temporary clerks? Don't you have enough manpower?"

Shopkeeper Xu pointed to the two little guys standing by the counter and gritted his teeth and said, "It's not these two simple guys. They all had an accident that morning and stood up. I saw that I was about to be a guest but no one ran to greet them, so I temporarily caught two guys at the door to find short-time workers for help. Who would have expected that But he is a thief."

Song Nan waved to the two guys and asked, "What happened to you two that day?"

Two guys told Song Nan what had happened. Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you ask someone to come to the restaurant to ask for a fake?"

Shop partner Sun Xiaoer said, "The little man was injured on the way home the first night. At that time, she thought it was just a skin injury. She thought she could come to work the next morning, but she came home overnight and her joints were swollen and she couldn't get up. There was only a 70-old mother in the family, and she didn't know the way to the restaurant, so I can't come to take leave."

Song Nan nodded and said, "So that's it. Have you ever seen the people who attacked you at night?"

Sun Xiaoer shook his head and said, "I can't see the black light at all. When I walked behind the entrance of the alley, a brick came. When I was dizzy, I was surrounded by several people. I could only hold my head and be beaten. How can I see anyone?"

Song Nan waved his hand and asked him to retreat and asked another clerk. The clerk's name was Liu Fu. He was blocked in the yard and beaten when he got up the next morning to go to work.

"Why don't you ask someone to ask for leave?" Song Nan asked.

"The little man lived alone. He was broken two ribs that day, and he was hit by a few sticks on his leg. Even the door of the house crawled in, and there was no way to fake it. If the shopkeeper hadn't found someone to call Lang Zhong for the family, I'm afraid no one would know it at home."

"So that's it. You were attacked in the early morning. Have you ever seen the appearance of those people?"

"Those people wear masks and look scary. They can't help but fight. The villains don't know who they are at all and insist that I owe them gambling debts... It's really unlucky."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Shopkeeper Xu, after dinner, I'm going to ask these two guys to take us to the place of the fight. I don't know if it will affect your business?"

Shopkeeper Xu hurriedly said, "Song Qianhu can speak naturally. Anyway, there are no guests. Where is the business? I'm not going to open the door tomorrow. After settling the house, I will go to Song Qianhu's shop to have a look."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Okay, thank you very much. You two guys don't have to worry about making a living. Follow Shopkeeper Xu to be a clerk in my shop. The monthly wages of two taels of silver are higher than here."

The two guys were happy to go out and nodded and agreed. They also knew that the restaurant was unsustainable and worried about having nowhere to make a living. At this moment, they were happy to solve the problem and the service was more attentive.