Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 128 Gamble

Chapter 1 28

The casino was extremely lively. Thirty or 40 people gathered at the edge of seven or eight large tables. Although it was winter, it was hot. The smell of sweat mixed with the smell of fox pierced people's nostrils. There were also the rise of gamblers playing, undressing their clothes and bare their bellies, picking their nostrils, and shouting without scruples. It was a group of demons. Picture.

Song Nan frowned and looked at Ye Fang's reaction. Unexpectedly, Ye Fang's face was as usual without disgust, and her expression seemed to be commonplace. Song Nan understood when she thought that Ye Fanggu took Lu Qingli to wander after the murderer for three years. What kind of scene she hadn't seen and what kind of character she had never seen. Naturally, she looked at each other. The previous situation was unmoved.

She dares to disguise her with Lu Qingli to assassinate the real murderer, and how could she care about the unbridled situation of the gamblers in this casino?

The two stood aside and glanced at the whole audience. The gamblers were having fun. No one noticed that they came in. Song Nan was slightly relieved that there was a fan of Dongchang or someone he knew gambling in it. Today, I didn't expect to meet the owner here, and it didn't explain anything. The only purpose was to ask the gambler about the situation that night and find out which group of people were gambling here that night, but there must be no result if you ask directly. You need to think about some ideas.

"Are you two coming to my Hongyun Casino for the first time?" There was a hoarse voice behind him. Song Nan and Aunt Ye Fang were shocked. When they looked back, they saw a thin black man standing in front of him, looking up and down at themselves.

"Who are you?" Song Nan asked.

"I am the shopkeeper of this Hongyun gambling house. My friends looked up to it and gave me a nickname called 'Black Tiger'. It seems that it's really the first time for you two to come." Black tiger holds boxing.

Song Nan held his fist and saluted, "It turned out to be the black tiger shopkeeper."

Ye Fanggu ignored the black tiger, only looking at the smoky crowd, as if she was eager to try.

"You two don't play with two hands?" The black tiger asked.

Song Nan said, "My young master doesn't like crowded people. Besides, there is no place. It's all full."

The black tiger smiled and waved his hand. The two men went to the right and stretched out their hands to pull out several gamblers lying on the side of the door. Several gamblers shouted repeatedly, "What are you doing? What are you doing? You haven't caught yet."

Black Tiger said loudly, "Some people, please give me a seat."

Saren gamblers were in high spirits and said angrily, "Why?"

The black tiger stared and said, "With your tiger master's fist, get out of here. Are you a man? It's also embarrassing to dominate the seat."

A gambler shouted, "The gambling table is big or small, and there is a rule that small money is not allowed at any time?"

The black tiger waved his hand, and a account room beside him came over with the account book. The black tiger turned over and said, "I know several people. The usury I borrowed in the casino should be repaid. You are Wu Xiaoqi, right? The profit is eight taels of silver in total. Bring it."

Wu Xiaoqi was dumbfounded and said with a smile, "Master Hu, why should I do this? Didn't I agree on a few days of grace?"

The black tiger scolded: "I told you to give you a crooked seat. What else can I give you? Don't you return the money? If you don't pay it back, you will chop three fingers to pay off the debt. Are you going to pay back the silver or chop your fingers?

Wu Xiaoqi was scared to death and dared not speak. A gambler beside him hurriedly said, "Master Hu, why? They are all acquaintances. Isn't it too much to do this?"

Black Tiger turned his head and looked at him and said sharply, "Zhou Dakang, who wants you to talk about it? Your usury will also be due. At that time, it will be the same end."

Zhou Dakang was so scared that he took a step back and said, "What are you doing to scare people? These days, your hands are hot, and you will soon win back five taels of silver. Don't be so unrighteous."

The black tiger spat and said, "If you want me to be righteous, don't talk about it. Get out of here. Didn't you see the big customer coming? They brought hundreds of taels of silver. They have the ability to win more, but first make room for me.

The gamblers' eyes fell on Song Nan and Ye Fanggu. It was like an old cat saw a big fish and a vicious dog saw fat meat. It turned out that a big head came to the door after making trouble for a long time. There were many strange gamblers in the Hongyun gambling house. Which one was not cleaned and slipped away by the search. As soon as they met strange gamblers, people lived here. The gamblers are against each other and vow to give up the money they will win in the future. This is an opportunity for everyone to make money.

"Oh, it turned out that a stranger came to play, and Master Hu didn't say it earlier. As soon as I said, I had already dodged away, and I didn't need you to say hello."

"Yes, yes, what do you say? Get out of the way. The person who comes is a guest. We have to be at home."

"Yes, yes, give up your seat."

The gamblers talked and quickly gave up a vacant seat, and the other table gamblers stopped to gather together when they heard the arrival of strangers.

The Black Tiger looked at Song Nan and said, "Two masters, play with both hands. The seat is open for you."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Thank you very much. It's really home. Young master, please sit down."

Ye Fang said lightly, "We are going to sit at the village gate."

The black tiger was stunned and said, "Zhuangmen? That's the banker's seat. Are you going to sit in the bank?

Aunt Ye Fang said, "Naturally, I have to sit in the village. I never gamble and never be idle."

The black tiger laughed and said, "It's so bold, but once you sit in the banker, the guests in our room can make money to gamble. Have you brought enough money?"

As soon as Ye Fanggu waved her hand, Song Nan threw the bulging money bag in her hand on the table. There was a click, and the mouth of the bag cracked, revealing the white silver dollars.

"Here are 100 taels of silver. If it's not enough, there are still 1,000 taels of silver tickets from Huitong Qianzhuang here. Is it enough?" Song Nan smiled and took out a pile of silver tickets from his arms and raised them.

The gamblers' eyes were straight. They wished they could reach out and grab the silver and silver tickets in their arms and run away, but they also knew that if they did so, they would be beaten half to death immediately. Not to mention that the black tiger would not spare themselves, the gamblers present would never spare themselves.

The black tiger was secretly shocked, and at the same time secretly happy. Tonight, he met a big fish, whether he was a young man or a veteran, and entered the Hongyun gambling house. Unless he didn't want to, he would ask them to make their pockets face the sky. After tonight, the huge sum of money of more than 1,000 taels of silver will be in the bag. The gamblers here is not much capital, at most It's great to win a hundred taels.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be a big deal, but I'm out of my mind. I'm afraid that our Hongyun gambling house hasn't met a big customer for a month or two. OK, I'll play more tonight. You do a lot of guests can gamble, but I'm afraid that the two of them are too small but not be satisfied. In order to make you two happy, I will bet on behalf of the gambling house, so as to avoid two days. Later, it was said that our Hongyun gambling house could not gamble a lot of money. The black tiger laughed.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "What are you waiting for? Why don't you change your chips? How can everyone play with a table together? I think how about we put the tables together and gamble on a big table?

The black tiger laughed loudly and waved his hand, "Change chips, set the table, and have some fun tonight."

The four square tables were put together into a large square table, and the bench was placed. Song Nan and Ye Fanggu stood in the position of the banker. The black tiger ordered someone to make a pot of tea and put it aside. Song Nan did not dared to drink tea indiscriminately and ignored it.

The black tiger sat at the gate, surrounded by five or six brothers. There were several gamblers who seemed to be a little powerful sitting at the upper and lower doors, and the rest of them surrounded the table in all directions.

"What are your names?" The black tiger smiled.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Song Cai, this is my young master Song Qian."

Black Tiger laughed and said, "Good name, how can we gamble?"

The gamblers almost died of joy. One of these two Kaizi is called sending money and the other is called sending money. Isn't this a name to send money to spend? All gamblers like to ask for a lottery, and now they are all energetic and roll their sleeves to prepare for a big fight.

Song Nan said, "How do you want to play? What gambling methods do you have here?

The black tiger said, "It's a simple way to bet on the size of the sieve, and there are other cards nine, guess points, and horse hanging."

Before Song Nan said anything, Ye Fanggu said lightly, "The card nine is good. The rest is boring."

Black Tiger was in the middle of his pregnancy. He also wanted to say that it was the best way to play cards nine, because it was the best way to play a thousand. If he was lucky, it would be fine. If he was unlucky, how could he have to go out Lao Qian to empty the pockets of the two people.

"Okay, the master is free. You said that card nine is card nine. Come on, take my treasured ivory card nine."

Someone quickly went to get a pair of ivory cards and two dice, and brought a large bowl to make it easy to throw the sieve. Aunt Ye Fang reached out and grabbed the dice. A pair of people looked at Ye Fang's face slightly nervously, but saw Ye Fanggu said, "This dice is very good, and then put it on the table in front of her."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Who doesn't know that Master Hu's ivory card is unfavorable as soon as it comes out, because these two dice are filled with mercury. The young master of Song Qian's method of measuring the dice is strange, and he can't figure out the difference between the dice at all. Instead, he praises that the dice is good. Obviously, it is Two chicks.

Everyone was determined. As Ye Fanggu shuffled the cards and cut them, everyone handed out the chips in their hands, and the chips lined up along the table, which was spectacular.