Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 152 Conditions

Chapter hundred and fifty2

Song Nan also risked his life. The British public's attitude angered him. Although he had the intention to make friends with Zhang Lun, most of the reason was that he wanted to make a difference in Zhengnanfang, let alone deliberately provoke the little princess to attract Zhang Lun. At first, he not only did not have any affection for the little princess, but thought that this woman was tricky. It's unreasonable and messy, which is exactly the type I hate most. Although she is beautiful, beauty is not the only criterion for Song Nan to choose a spouse.

"You are the Duke of England. For the Ming Dynasty, you and your government are the mainstay. For the people, you are even higher nobles, and you are unattainable. Because of this, you are qualified to be proud. However, there are always some people in the world who don't bend down as much as you want to meet powerful people, and they don't want to cling to you as much as you think. Song Nan said quietly.

Zhang Lun scolded, "What are you talking about?"

Zhang Mao waved his hand and said, "Let him say it."

Song Nangong arched his hand and said, "Although I was born in poverty, I have only studied for a few years, but I know that relying on others is not as good as relying on myself, and I will not rely on nepotism to ascend to ascend to the throne. Those are all castles in the air. In the end, it depends on my own ability in the world. I am still a little anger. So your idea doesn't apply to me at all. You have to think that I'm deliberately attached to the Duke's Mansion, and I don't want to argue more. The clear self-turbid people are turbid. I'm going to say goodbye.

Song Nan arched his hand to salute, turned around and left. Zhang Mao shouted, "Hold, do you want to leave if you don't speak clearly? So I wronged you?"

Song Nan turned around and said, "The prince made his own judgment, and I don't care much about whether he was wronged or not."

Zhang Mao sneered and said, "How arrogant! So domineering! You are still the position of thousands of Jinyiwei. If you are raised to a high position, isn't the world not in your eyes?

Song Nan said tit-for-tat: "That's the view of the prince. Maybe in the prince's opinion, this is arrogant. In the eyes of a gentleman, the world is full of gentlemen. Isn't it true that I, Song Nan, am such an invincible person?

Zhang Mao laughed angrily: "You mean I'm an arrogant person, and I'm also an arrogant person?"

Song Nan said horizontally, "I'm afraid so. As far as the prince's indiscriminate accusations against me today, I have to put down my respect for the prince, because the rising people also have dignity, and I can't allow dignity to be trampled on."

Zhang Lun was so scared that his face turned pale. From childhood to his childhood, it seemed that no one had ever contradicted his grandfather so much. Even the cabinet members, the bosses of the inner court, and the elders of Xun Qi talked to his grandfather softly and respectfully. Song Nan contradicted him so much that Grandpa would definitely not forgive him.

Originally, Zhang Lun did not have a particularly bad impression of Song Nan. On the contrary, before the entanglement between the little princess and Song Nan, Zhang Lun had a good impression on Song Nan. Although their status was too different, Zhang Lun felt that Song Nan was a person who could make friends with. Even later, Zhang Lu did not intend to severely punish Song Nan, but intended to It's just that the capital is not allowed to harass the little princess.

But today, Song Nan bumped down like this, and even with the prince's attendant*, I'm afraid Grandpa will not spare him. He knows Grandpa's methods. The reason why he is important in the court is not just because of the title of British Duke, but mostly from Grandpa's means, which is the real deterrent. Force.

"Soong Nan, you can't stop talking. You are too presumptuous." Zhang Lun shouted angrily and bowed to Zhang Mao and said, "Grandpa, don't look like him. This guy drank wine and said nonsense. He has the right to fart."

Zhang Mao's face was dull, waved his hand to stop Zhang Lun's words, and stared at Song Nan's eyes fiercely and said, "This is how you look at me?"

Song Nan thought that it would be difficult to escape today, so she simply said: "Those who are in high positions are flattered every day. In the clouds and fog every day, they don't know what kind of person they are. I don't think the Duke wants to be that kind of person."

Zhang Mao made a strange laugh from his throat, which made Song Nan's hair stand on end, but when he saw Zhang Mao slowly get up, he walked to Song Nan and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Song Nan swallowed and spit, "Naturally afraid of death."

Zhang Mao burst out laughing and said, "I, when you are still a man of iron cast copper, it turns out that you are also afraid of death after talking for a long time, do you know? I'm not afraid of death. Thirty years ago, I was stationed outside Juyong Pass, and I dared not enter with 6,000 yuan of the Gaoyan tribe forced by 800 horses. I was hit by seven arrows on my body to guard the pass of the Great Wall of Yongguan. Can you do it? At Dushikou, the enemy attacked Xuanfu. I led 3,000 teams to stop the enemy brigade's heavy and burned countless grain and grass, so that the Tarts returned without success. Can you do it? I disdains to tell you these old things, but my reputation cannot be despised by others. The prestige of our government cannot be doubted by others. You ignorant boy, don't know the depth of heaven and earth. Can you still point fingers at me? Can a savage keep the stability of the country? Is the country of Daming as stable as Mount Tai by you speculators?

Song Nan laughed and said, "The bravery of the Duke is naturally admirable, but he is not the person you mentioned. The Duke should know why I was transferred to the capital. Outside Weizhou City, I also led a hundred-person team to defeat more than 700 Tasars. Although it can't be compared with the great achievements of the Duke, it is not a Coward."

"I forgot that you also made military achievements. It's good. In this case, why are you afraid of death?"

Song Nan said, "The ants still live secretly, and it depends on how they die. For example, nowadays, they are inexplicably called to be reprimanded by the prince and offended the prince. They may die suddenly for no reason. Naturally, I don't want this kind of death."

Zhang Mao swore his lips and said, "Yes, after today, I want you to die ugly, and no one will regret it for you. You have a hard time, what can you come up with to get out?"

Song Nan has a feeling that a mouse is being teased by a cat. Zhang Mao is like a cat that catches a mouse. Before eating himself, he has to increase his psychological pressure and flirt with himself, which is completely an attitude of looking down on himself.

Song Nan took a breath and said quietly, "I can't help it. The prince covers the sky with one hand and wants me to die. Naturally, there is nothing I can do."

"Are you afraid?" Zhang Mao said proudly.

"I'm afraid, I'm only 17 years old, so naturally I don't want to die like this."

"Okay, since there is nothing you can do, I have a way to spare your life. Do you want to hear it?" Zhang Mao said with a smile.

Song Nan said, "Naturally I want to hear it."

Zhang Mao said to his heart's content, "It's amazing. You can bend and stretch. I've never heard your heroic words just now."

Song Nan remained silent. He only wanted to know what the real purpose of Zhang Mao called him today, so he endured the mockery but did not refute it.

"I can spare you for being disrespectful today and help you. Don't you want to be promoted? No problem. It shouldn't take much effort to help anyone. You don't have to do anything shocking. In doing so, you may naturally be promoted, but there may also be no place to die. In a word, you will have a bright future.

Zhang Mao looked up at the white clouds floating in the sky outside the eaves, looking leisurely.

"What are the conditions?" Song Nan said quietly.

"Smart, you are the boldest and smartest person I have ever seen. Maybe you really rely on your real ability to get from a civilian to today's status."

Song Nan ignored Zhang Mao's ruthless ridiculence and looked at a cluster of bamboo in the flower pot next to him, counting the thin and dense fluffy branches, with a calm expression.

When the two looked up and down, they did not move, just like two wax statues.

"There is only one condition." Zhang Mao said, "Tell your son in person that you just use her to get on the big ship of our government to seek a future, not really like her and leave her."

Zhang Mao's old voice passed in the air, and Song Nan suddenly realized that it was still this matter, but Zhang Mao could completely kick himself out of the capital, or find a way to kill himself, but why did he come to negotiate terms with him? This is quite a fun place.

Of course, Song Nan did not know that his other 'prince servant' status saved him, otherwise Zhang Mao would have taken action long ago. Moreover, there was also an internal cause in the prince's mansion, which was the attitude of the little princess. Zhang Mao had intended to marry the little princess to Xu Yande, the son of the prince, but the little princess's temper became the biggest problem. If she insists on making trouble, forcing her to die, or making a big quarrel, won't this marriage become a joke? Although Xu Guangzuo is willing to marry Zhang Mao, the first thing Zhang Mao should do is to suppress the little princess and prevent her from making a fool of herself in the Xu family, otherwise it will be a disgrace to the two families.

The problem is that the little princess ate a weight and became heartbroken. After being banned, she went on a hunger strike for a few days, which made her unkempt. Zhang Mao was also very distressed. After all, this is her favorite granddaughter. How could she watch her die of hunger strike? Zhang Lun and Liu's good persuasion, although the little princess began to eat, but Without saying anything all day, she looked like a dementia. A lively and beautiful girl became like this. Zhang Lun, as a brother, naturally couldn't sit idly by, so he asked Zhang Mao to find a way.

Zhang Mao thought about it and felt that it was necessary to be a bell person. The root of this matter came from Song Nan's charm. This guy didn't know what means to make the little princess die. The only thing that could relieve the little princess was to let Song Nan tell her in person that he did not love her, but used her. In this way, the little princess also died. .

This is the real reason why Zhang Mao condescened and called Song Nan to knock and intimidate him. Otherwise, with Zhang Mao's respect, how could he be willing to see this small household in brocade guards?

(Kneeling for collection! Kneel down and ask for collection! Kneel down and ask for collection!)