Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 154 Rectify

Chapter 154

Half an hour later, Song Nan was already on his way home. The Duke's Mansion is not a good place to steal jade and fragrant. In case Zhang Lun bumped into him, he was afraid that he would immediately take a knife and split himself alive. Song Nan only told the little princess not to be too capricious and take good health, so he quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Riding on the horse, Song Nan had one more thing in his hand. It was an amber jade, trapped by a dragonfly and a mosquito. The pale yellow amber was crystal clear, and the insects inside were very vivid. This is the real amber. The fake amber made of polyester in later generations flooded the market, and there was really not much.

This is what the little princess heard that Song Nan was promoted to the position of Qianhu and specially took it off her neck. It was originally a tribute from Nanyang. The emperor rewarded the British Duke, who rewarded her again, and now it is in Song Nan's hands.

For the affection of the little princess, Song Nan was somewhat unprepared, and Song Nan did not want to think about what kind of development there would be in the future between the little princess. However, according to Song Nan's temper, the little princess is her lifesavior and deeply in love with herself. She will never return to be a turtle. If one day the small county If the Lord retreats, Song Nan will also do her as she wishes. In terms of the relationship with the little princess, Song Nan keeps a low-key response and is better to be in a passive position.

If Zhengnanfang has changed thousands of households, it is equivalent to changing the sky. A group of Jinyiwei hundreds of households who are close to Song Nan are naturally happy, and three or four hundred households who usually do not buy Song Nan's accounts immediately feel Alexander. They are anxiously waiting for Song Nan's statement and secretly make up their minds. Once Song Nan looks at them differently, they still It is better to transfer from this place.

In fact, Song Nan also began a major rectification of Zhengnanfang. For several hundred households and deputy thousands of households, Song Nan did not do anything. Although once the emperor and a courtier, some awkward guys need to be eliminated, it is often counterproductive if they are too hasty. However, any guy who is the deputy of hundreds of thousands of households has more or less two brushes. Song Nan didn't want to make internal turmoil at the beginning of taking office, forcing these guys to complain.

However, the rectification of the Jinyiwei Flag School is inevitable. In the thousands of government offices of Jinyiwei Zhengnanfang, with more than 200 troops, the number of them has reached nearly 1,000, of which more than 30% have nothing to do. There are also flag schools, although they are Jinyiwei, but they are no different from ruffians and hooligans. Do everything.

In the past, Peng Wanli turned a blind eye and indulged in incompetence, and Song Nan did not have so much power. Therefore, although Song Nan saw it, he did not care much about it. Now that Song Nan is in power, such a person will never be allowed to exist in Zhengnanfang.

A grand rectification was carried out in Zhengnanfang. Anyone who violated the regulations of Jinyiwei was warned and recorded, and if it was serious, it was directly cleared and dealt with. Within half a month, nearly 60 bad flag schools in the government was cleared.

I thought Song Nan was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be serious. Song Nan did not investigate the harm caused by their past actions, and clearly told these people not to blame the past, but if there is a disturbance and scolding mother unconvinced, it will be handled in accordance with the regulations. Those who should be sent to the prison and compensation should be compensated; The effect of this move is obvious. None of the more than 60 dismissed guys dared to scold and quarrel. They know their own affairs, and they also know that their affairs are not good.

Looking at the figures who were stripped of the brocade clothes and left, the others in the brocade guard were frightened, giving birth to a sense of rabbit death, and the atmosphere in the government was also extremely heavy.

However, Song Nan has a way to adjust this sadness. At a general meeting before the twelfth lunar month, Song Nan threw out the Supplement to the Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei Award and Punishment System. Under the general framework of the regulations established by the Jinyiwei Government, he set up many incentives and measures to clarify the boundaries of action.

Once the reward and punishment system was read, it caused a sensation among the flag schools. There are more than a dozen regulations for rewards. In terms of personal rewards: those who are effective in handling cases, have good reviews, are resourceful, and logistically organized, whether they go to the government office to sit down, listen to notes, fight events on the street, be dark, and calligraphers in the government office. The master of the house is all included. Not only set up monetary rewards, but also set up job rewards. If you do well, small officials such as Xiaoqi and General Flag will fall on their heads. Unlike before, promotion depends on relationships and qualifications, but those who have the ability to do well will be promoted.

In terms of collective rewards, Song Nan promised that all Jinyiweiqi schools and officials, large and small officials would pay full of salary. In the past, the salary was insufficient, and the difference between the salary and low salary was flat, and there was no difference between the seven hundred households of Jinyiwei.

The cheers of the flag schools were thunderous, which was a congested place in their hearts. They were not allowed to scrape the land on the street, and the money was unevenly distributed. It was inevitable that Song Nan's move hit the key point and suddenly opened up the hearts of everyone.

As for the punishment measures below, such as bullying the people, squeezing money and scraping the land, eating, drinking and gambling in violation of the regulations, it is not a problem for the flag schools. On the contrary, there is one thing that attracts everyone's attention, that is, Song Nan's requirement that Jinyiwei must have evidence to take people, and they can't get people as usual. There are a lot of false cases and wrong cases, which seem to be a great number of achievements, but in fact, they are very harmful.

Of course, in order to prevent subordinates from using this article as an excuse to be perfunctory, the regulations clearly stipulate that whenever a case occurs or a cable report comes in, they must go all out. If more than half of the cases are not solved, all 100 households will be fined, offset by 30% of the money, and the flag officials and 100 households will be investigated for responsibility, and even demoted. Cut the job.

This is so cruel that the flag schools have to work hard to do their job, otherwise the previous rewards will be missed.

In the official assignment, Song Nan has made a new move. The three square districts under the jurisdiction of Zhengnanfang will no longer randomly assign 100 households to do errands. The first 200 households are responsible for Zhengnanfang, the third 400 households are responsible for Zhengxifang, the fifth and sixth households are responsible for Zhengdongfang, and the 700 households still assist the officers of the five cities.

In this way, there is no reason to shirk the ball. Whoever has an accident will be responsible for it. If assistance is needed, it will be assisted by thousands of households, which is clear and clear.

Hundreds of households have nothing to say, but in fact, they are a little happy. In this way, the scope of their jurisdiction has been fixed, and the difficulty of doing things is relatively low. It is easier to find out the situation of the residents of the government offices and shops under its jurisdiction, and remember the streets of each alley. However, in terms of the distribution of affairs, the assignment of affairs such as the sit-down incident in the 100 households has fallen into the hands of 100 households, and the rights of 100 households seem to be greater than before.

Due to the reduction of manpower, the manpower of 100 households has been reduced. Song Nan was promoted from the rest of the army and more than 60 people who worked finely filled the gap. The soldiers from ruffians never expected that there was still today. They couldn't believe their ears. In a blink of an eye, they became high. The high-ranking brocade flag school, such things are simply unimaginable.

You should know that the entry of Jinyiwei needs to be selected. Although it comes from the people, it is often necessary to have no bad record in addition to Kong Wu's power. These military surpluses have not fooled around on the streets and have done some bad things more or less. The adults of thousands of households are not to blame the past, and also given such an opportunity. These more than 60 People can't wait to hold Song Nan's thigh and call him his father.

Song Nan just wants to send a signal that anyone who does a good job has a chance. No matter what his origin and past is, it can also be regarded as a starting point for the rest of the army. Of course, Song Nan has also studied the past of these people, and it's okay to do trivial matters. If there are guys with a little anger of the people, it is impossible to make a Jin in this life. In the guard.

There are more than 30 supplementary regulations, which consume a large number of brain cells of Song Nan, most of which are based on the experience of managing enterprises in later generations. Song Nan believes that the team managing enterprises has something in common with managing a government office, which is nothing more than rewarding and punishing to clearly mobilize enthusiasm, creativity and subjective initiative. According to the method of managing the manpower of enterprises in later generations, although it may be ahead, it will never go bad and will only become better.

The only problem is that Song Nan spends more than 7,000 taels of silver every year. If it is impossible to find Mou Bin, she can only carry it by herself. Fortunately, four first-class duck stores earn more than 8,000 taels of silver a month. For Song Nan, this little money is nothing. She can still resist it. Just think of it as investing in money for herself. Just seek capital.

Having made such a big move, Song Nan also had to discuss with Sun Xuan and Mou Bin. He personally wrote * to explain the reason and purpose of doing this, strongly adjusted the necessity of solemnity, linked it to the secret struggle of the East Factory, and especially emphasized that he should not always invest a penny in the government office. After a year of testing, he would take the initiative to withdraw it.

Moubin and Sun Xuan were surprised to receive Song Nan's report and couldn't help but have some expectations. Mou Bin naturally knew the erosion of the people in the Jinyiwei, but they could not treat it cruelly and could not find an effective way. Since Song Nan was willing to regard Zhengnanfang as an experimental field, why not let him go and scold him. .

The only thing that made Mou Bin unhappy was Song Nan's first and later. * When it was delivered, more than 60 Jinyiweiqi School had been removed from the roll, and Song Nan's supplementary regulations had also been publicly announced; but such unhappiness soon dissipated, * The last sentence made Mou Bin feel that if he did not agree, there seemed to be a chicken. Suspected of the intestines, the sentence is written as follows: The humble position will not apply for an allocation of one or two pieces of silver. All the additional expenses generated by the new regulations are all inferior positions by themselves and try to find a way to take care of themselves. They are willing to ask the command to give the inferior position a chance to work for the future of the Jinyiwei. The commander is far-sighted and should know that the humble position is not for his own selfishness. With a fair mind, I will definitely not blame you for doing it without authorization.

Mubin didn't expect that Jinyiwei could try his best to deal with the shortcomings of reform. Song Nan didn't want money as an officer. If he didn't give him this power, it would be a little unreasonable. In addition, Song Nan at least turned the situation with Dongchang after coming to Jinyiwei. From this point of view, it is also inconvenient for Mou Bin to refute Song Nan's face. .

(Thanks to the peach blossom brothers for their generous rewards, the monthly tickets and rewards of the choujiang01 brothers, and the monthly tickets of the 087 brothers. At the beginning of the month, a few brothers with monthly tickets came to raise morale.)