Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 162 Warning

(Today's third update, there is another update in the evening, kneel down and ask for collection.) Chapter 162

"Zong Shidu, do you know that you have offended people?" Zhang Yongshen whispered mysteriously.

Song Nan was stunned and smiled, "There are many people who have offended me. Who does Grandpa Zhang mean?"

Zhang Yong said seriously, "Don't joke. Our family knows that you are very happy to fight with the people of Dongchang outside. They have poisoned you. Don't you know that you have enemies? But this time you offended the people around the prince.

Song Nan was surprised and said, "The people around the prince? Is there anything out of the question? There are not many times to come down to the Wenhua Hall. It's just every once in threes and five times. Who can offend?

Zhang Yong said, "Let the prince regard Song Shidu as his confidant every once in three or five times. If you come every day, why don't you let everyone talk to the prince's side?"

Song Nan said in astonishment, "Are you saying that the prince is good to me and causes everyone's uneasiness?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said, "I don't know whether Song Shidu is pretending to be confused or playing dumb with me. How about His Royal Highness is Song Shidu usually doing? If the people around him are incompetent, His Royal Highness will also take out Song Shidu to compare with us. Our family is nothing. There is no status in the East Pavilion, as long as the prince Your Highness is happy. Even if we slaves burn incense, some people don't think so.

Song Nan became vigilant and said lightly, "I'm just doing my duty. It was agreed earlier that I can't be a waiter, but just attack to chat with His Royal Highness to relieve boredom, which also offends people, so I have nothing to say."

Zhang Yong whispered, "That's the reason, but His Royal Highness learned some novel things from you and demolished the flower and bird houses and wine shops that he painstakingly built. How can people get rid of them?"

Song Nan frowned and said, "You mean Grandpa Liu?"

Zhang Yong nodded slowly and said, "Isn't he who else? I heard him talking to you in private with Gao Fengqiu, saying that you don't know the rules and don't do the study. When it comes to the matter of the prince's side, the matter of the waiter's side. Now it's up to you that the prince opens his mouth and closes. How can Eunuch Liu calm down?

Song Nan said, "Is Liu Jin who asked you to tell me this?"

Zhang Yong shook his head and said, "Song Shidu, you see me as too small. Although Eunuch Liu is the most trusted person around the prince, Zhang Yong has no good impression on him. This person is different in appearance and cruel, and I can't see what he has done."

Song Nan hesitated and said, "Is Grandpa Liu such a person?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said, "You are in the palace for a short time. Naturally, you don't know Liu Jin's means, but we all know it. In the East Pavilion, there are many eunuchs who have eaten Liu Jin's losses. There are several people who have died. Most of the things we see are blinded, but Liu Jin saw it There must be a lot of fanfare to show your authority.

Song Nan frowned and said, "Of course, the eunuch of the palace has to deal with the crime. Liu Jin also maintains the order of the East Palace by doing so."

Zhang Yong despised and said, "Dog shit, it's all trivial things. Do you think it's a big deal to overturn dishes or oversleep? Liu Jin beat several little eunuchs for this. Is it a big deal for the maid to secretly pick flowers in the garden and wear them? Liu Jin said that they plotted and killed one of the princes. Is it decent for you to comment on it?

Song Nan took a breath of cold air. Unexpectedly, Liu Jin usually looked so kind, but secretly so domineering. These methods were too vicious and seemed a little perverted.

"Your Highness will allow him to do so?" Song Nan asked.

Zhang Yong laughed and said, "You should know that His Royal Highness is actually a loyal person. Liu Jin has been serving the East Palace since his Royal Highness was eight years old. Now that the year has passed, the relationship between the two can be imagined. Although it is the master and servant, His Royal Highness is affectionate and good for Liu Jin; Liu Jin is also good at asking Tai His Royal Highness is happy, and how many things does the prince know about the East Pavilion? Occasionally let His Royal Highness know, Liu Jin can cover it with clever words. After that, he will retaliate against the informant. Who dares to rebel against him?

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "That's true, but I didn't offend him. Why is he dissatisfied with me?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said, "You just think you didn't offend him. Do you remember the last dispute with Yang Xue? At that time, His Royal Highness was forced by Yang Tinghe to go crazy. Liu Jin couldn't solve it and was scolded by the prince for being incompetent. Later, you gently and skillfully solved it, and the prince said that you were capable, and we didn't have the ability together. I, Zhang Yong, was naturally convinced, but Liu Jin has been holding a grudge since then. Shaking his position in the heart of the prince, how can he tolerate you with his heart?

Song Nan carefully considered Zhang Yong's words and warned herself not to agree easily. There were many conspiracies in the palace. The more the emperor and the prince, the more right and wrong and conspiracy there are. If you act without thinking about it, you will die.

Zhang Yong continued: "Liu Jin's way to punish the prince was to get some novel things such as flowers, birds, fish and insects to let His Highness play, and meet some strange requirements of His Royal Highness. For example, His Royal Highness wanted to be a shopkeeper, so he built a tavern and had the addiction to lead troops to fight, so he summoned the servants to pretend to be thal�i. Prince Ren charged and killed him. Fortunately, he also knew how to use bamboo knives and bamboo swords, otherwise it would be Bai Rao to kill people.

"To say something disrespectful, His Royal Highness is mostly a child, how can he not be happy with him? Since you came here, His Royal Highness has learned these things from you, demolished restaurants and flower houses, and it's his turn to ride horses and shoot arrows, which is not as much as you have experienced. Liu Jin's guidance is more decent, and naturally unhappy. Look, even this medicine has been used now. These drugs are for His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness doesn't know yet. The joy of men and women, Liu Jin is also forced by you. Once the young man gets stained with the female color, he will definitely indulge in it. This is the position of the first celebrity in front of the prince with you.

Song Nan suddenly found that Liu Jin's behavior was a little bad. She really didn't expect that these actions would cause so many disputes around the prince, but it was reasonable to think about it carefully. The prince is the future crown prince. After becoming a big treasure in the future, the eunuchs around him will have more chance to take office. If they don't grab the prince's heart at this time, they will When he came, it was too late to hold Buddha's feet, and his unintentional behavior became that Liu Jin and others competed for favor.

Song Nan frowned and said, "I didn't expect these things. If Grandpa Liu thinks so, I need to explain it to him."

Zhang Yong smiled: "Explanation? Isn't this to cover up? We speak and do things without omission, and it is inevitable to fight secretly. To tell you the truth, the prince treats me well, otherwise I am not qualified to serve the prince's living. The eight attendants around the prince have their own strengths, but Lao Ma and I are on the same route. Liu Jin and Gao Fengqiu used them all the way. But on the surface, the eight of us are brothers and brothers; if anyone speaks of the internal struggle, even opens the window paper, I'm afraid that he will be immediately accused of the prince, and there will be no day in the future.

Song Nan understands what Zhang Yong means. It's okay for everyone to pretend to be confused and secretly fight. If anyone breaks this layer of paper, the contradiction will be publicized. Although others will not admit it, they will angrily scold this person's inner sinisterness on this reason. Under the words of the public, how will His Royal Highness allow him?

Song Nan thought for a moment and asked, "What does Grandpa Zhang tell me what these mean?"

Zhang Yong smiled and said, "It's nothing. Don't think that Zhang Yong is pulling Song Shidu. I just kindly remind you that you can't be harmed, and you can't be guarded. If you block the way of others, how will they tolerate you?"

Song Nanxin said: This is a naked pull, okay? If you can't beat Liu Jin, you want to borrow my strength to win it back. Can I take advantage of it? However, Zhang Yong's words are not unreasonable. Zhang Yong mentioned once when he first entered the East Palace last time that he didn't take it seriously, but this time he couldn't be careless.

But in any case, he will never be related to the struggle between their eunuchs, but can benefit from it. In the past, he didn't take the status of the prince's attendant, but Song Nan finally understands that his identity of thousands of Jinyiwei is also worse than this prince's waiter who seems to have no power and no status. One hundred and eight thousand miles; what's more, the prince will be the emperor. Naturally, the prince's close minister is close to the water, so he can't waste this good position.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Thank you for your advice. Grandpa Zhang didn't have anything to say to Song Nan. When I was poisoned that day, Mr. Zhang also took the imperial doctor to save me. This time, he gave me some advice. Song Nan remembers it in his heart."

Zhang Yongqian said humbly, "What did Song Shi read? It wasn't you to help me last time. I'm afraid I'll be caught in pain by the people of the East Factory. Our brothers are together. Thank you for talking about it."

Song Nan raised her hand and put the porcelain bottle in her arms and smiled, "This gift is always to be thanked."

Zhang Yong blinked his eyes and said, "But take an appropriate amount, or it will break the sky."

Song Nan laughed and said goodbye to the palace.