Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 1* Chapter 165 Killing

(Thank you for the generous rewards and monthly tickets of the leisure ronin brothers, please subscribe!) Chapter 1*

At the beginning of the lantern, Song Nan happily went to the appointment on the spring breeze building. Fang Datong was an old acquaintance in Weizhou. Although he basically had no contact after coming to the capital, he had never seen him after going to Fusi in North Town for several times, but the old man still wanted to meet him.

In a simple box near the corner, Song Nan saw Fang Datong sitting alone in meditation. At first sight, Song Nan thought he had recognized the wrong person. When he first saw Fang Datong in Weizhou, he felt that he was a powerful and shrewd man, but less than a year later, the Fang Datong in front of him looked decadent and bearded, as if It's like a different person.

"Fang Baihu?" Song Nan asked tentatively.

Fang Datong looked up and saw Song Nan. He quickly got up and arched his hand and said, "Soong Qianhu, it's polite."

Song Nan laughed and said, "It's really you. I almost missed my eyes."

Fang Datong looked gloomy and stretched out his hand and said, "Song Qianhu, please."

When Song Nan sat down, Fang Datong poured wine for the two and rubbed his hands and smiled, "I haven't seen you for a long time. Today, I took the liberty to meet you and prepared thin wine to catch up with the past. Look, there are no good dishes in this store, just some ordinary dishes, but I missed them."

Song Nan smiled and said to herself: Chunfeng Building is originally an unknown restaurant. You invited me here, isn't there anything good to eat?

"The friendship of old friends is enough to drink 300 cups, and it doesn't matter if you chew vegetable roots. Don't be polite. Everyone is busy and don't have time to communicate with each other. Speaking of it, I'm also very ashamed."

Fang Datong nodded and said yes, raised a glass to Song Nan. The two drank a glass of wine. Song Nan smiled and said, "Can Fang Baihu still work in Fusi in Beizhen? I went there several times, but I didn't see you.

Fang Datong nodded and said, "Yes, it's just fooling around, but now you are different. Our brothers in Wei have heard the name of Song Qianhu, and the fan of Dongchang has also been tossed by you. Unexpectedly, Song Qianhu is stirred up everywhere. It's really a popular figure."

Song Nan smiled and said, "You are hurting me. How can I stir up the wind and clouds? It's just that people bully me, so I can't kowtrate and swallow my anger, can I? Always think of some strategies to deal with it.

Fang Datong nodded and said, "Yes, Song Qianhu was intelligent when he was in Weizhou, and naturally he was not inferior to others in Beijing."

Song Nan was a little surprised to see that he mentioned the incident in Weizhou. Those deeds in Weizhou had already been promised to stop mentioning them with Jiang Binfang Datong. Fang Datong's old things were mentioned again, which was somewhat unusual.

Song Nan looked at Fang Datong's haggard and haggard face and asked, "How are Fang Baihu doing? Are the parents, wives and children at home safe?

Fang Datong picked up the glass with thick eyebrows and deep lock, drank all the wine, and the empty glass fell on the table again. He sighed, "Don't mention it."

Song Nan was surprised and said, "What's wrong?"

Fang Datong shook his head and said, "I regret returning to the capital. How free I am in Weizhou. Now I have an idle job in Fusi, Beizhen. Although I still have a position of 100 households, I don't have the right to muddle around every day."

Song Nan said, "It's really not easy to get along with, but at least you can reunite with your wife and children, and you don't have to blow wind and eat snow on the edge of Weizhou."

Fang Datong sneered and said, "Wife reunion? Hahaha. That sounds funny to me, you know? My wife knows everything about me in Ningzhou, and I don't know who brought out all the things about my secret concubines in Weizhou. Now my wife has taken a pair of children back to my father-in-law's house. I'm left alone at home, no one brings tea and water, no one folds the bed, no one washes and mends. Look at me, half a miles You can smell it. You frowned as soon as you entered the door just now. You must have smelled my body.

Song Nan was surprised: "How could this happen? Who will give you a sling when they have nothing to do? If you say good words and ask for approval, you may be forgiven.

Fang Datong shook his head mockingly and said, "Forgive me? My Lord Taishan has submitted a complaint and asked the government to divorce me and my wife. I went to beg several times and was chased out like a dog. It was useless to go.

Song Nan said silently, "Don't be sad. Don't be energetic and manage well. I shouldn't have intervened in housework, but why should I be decadent for this matter? Instead, I missed my future."

Fang Datong suddenly laughed and stared at Song Nan and said, "Prospect? You, Song Qianhu, have a future. What is our Datong future? Jiang Bin also got into the position of command and commoner. Now I'm the only one who has done nothing. Do you think it's fair?

Song Nan frowned and said patiently, "Don't abandon yourself. You are not dying. How can you have no future?"

Fang Datong drank a few glasses of wine and seemed to be a little drunk. He looked straight at Song Nan and said, "Song Qianhu, now that I have fallen into such a field and have done great things together in Weizhou. You are now in the sky, should you help me?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "What do you think I can do to help you?"

Fang Datong laughed and said, "How about transferring me to your Qianhu in Zhengnanfang as a deputy thousand households? I know you can do it. Now you are not only the celebrity in front of you, but also the servant of the prince. Many people are jealous. You can definitely do this.

Song Nan frowned and said, "This matter... I really can't do it. It's not that I don't help you. First, I can't speak in front of Commander Mou as you think. Second, the status of the prince's reading is a virtual title. What's the use? Thirdly, there is a clear article in the Qianhu Institute in Zhengnanfang. It is not allowed to promote without merit. How can I break the rules I set myself?

Fang Datong slapped his chopsticks on the table and pointed to Song Nan, "What's the reason? Speaking of which, he won't help.

Song Nan said, "I can't do anything in my official position, but if you are short of money, I can help you. I, Song Nan, never promise that I can't do. You should know this."

Fang Datong looked sideways at Song Nan and said, "Give me the money? Is Fang Datong a beggar? In Weizhou, you and Jiang Bin gave me 20,000 taels of silver. At that time, I thought you were very righteous. Later, when I thought about it, you regarded my Datong as a beggar and gave me some money and sent it away. I did so many things for you, so you did this to me?

Song Nan was a little annoyed. This Fang Datong was a little unreasonable. The matter in Weizhou was obviously the most profitable for him and Jiang Bin. Fang Datong got 20,000 taels of silver and was transferred to the capital as he wanted. Now he is not good at managing and can't get a promotion. His behavior in Weizhou* has been exposed, making his wife and children scattered, but he blames others.

Song Nan said angrily, "Fang Baihu, you are drunk. Let's talk about it when you wake up."

Fang Datong shouted, "Do you dare to go? If you dare to walk out of this door, I will shake all your things out.

Song Nan shouted coldly, "Fang Baihu, I'm afraid you are too outrageous. Do you want to coerce me with the past? It's up to you, whatever you like, but I remind you that if you talk about evidence, just rely on your family's words, you will throw stones at your own feet in the end.

Fang Datong sneered and said, "What's about Weizhou? I'm not that stupid. No one believes what happened in Weizhou. You and Jiang Bin are angry and have important positions. I said that no one really believes it. I won't be so stupid.

Song Nan said coldly, "It's good that you know, so please be sober and don't say these nonsense."

Fang Datong said, "I still want to blackmail you. Don't think you can do everything seamlessly. One thing is enough to kill you."

Song Nan said, "You'd better save it. Threats are useless to me, but let me look down on you."

Fang Datong gritted his teeth and said, "Do I still care if others look down on me? You'd better think about your own situation. Don't worry about me. Let me ask you, have you been proud of a side room recently, haven't you?

Song Nan was stunned and said quietly, "So what?"

"Is your concubine surnamed Lu Qingli?"

Song Nan's brain buzzed.

"There is also a woman named Ye Fanggu by your side, isn't it?"

Song Nan's mind turned sharply and said to himself: It's broken, this guy actually knows about it.

"Hey, what a good ability, Song Qianhu! Liu Zongqi and a brother in the Jinyiwei Yamen in Weizhou were assassinated. The murderer disappeared, and the whole city was not caught, but I didn't expect to be hidden by your Song Qianhu's golden house. If you don't know what to do, you think you will be a hundred times when you come to the capital, but you don't know that you want to face, and the matter of taking a concubine is also blown up. It's extremely heavy, but I saw Aunt Ye Fangxing by the side of the sedan chair. Isn't this God's will?

Song Nan cried bitterly. On that day, she got married and deliberately rented a yard to marry with a sedan chair to show her respect for Lu Qingli. At the same time, she also wanted to put on the stage, but she was too proud and was secretly watched by Fang Datong, which was a big trouble.

"I know that you have many tricks and can handle everything in your hands, but you are so powerful that you can't handle it. Look what this is?" Fang Datong took out a roll of yellow paper from his arms and threw it on the table.

Song Nan picked up the yellow paper and unfolded it. The arrest portrait of Ye Fanggu and Lu Qingli was the arrest portrait painted by the governor of Weizhou and Jinyiwei during the pursuit a year ago.

Fang Datong sneered and said, "I was afraid of being dazzled. I deliberately went back to Weizhou in person and took this portrait in the government office to compare them. I didn't expect that it was really two female thieves, Song Qianhu, as a thousand households of brocade guards, and sheltered the behavior of female thieves who assassinated the general flag of Jinyiwei and the captain was exposed. Only with these two Portrait, your future of Song Qianhu should also be ruined.

Song Nan's face turned pale, Fang Datong smiled with his teeth, grabbed the chicken leg in the plate with one hand and chewed it.