Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 173 Night Talk

Chapter 173

The night was dark, and the lights in the imperial city went out. In the courtyard of the Qianqing Palace, Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of Zhengde, who had just ascended the throne for three days, was standing quietly in the shadow of the flowers and trees in the courtyard.

A group of eunuch maids stood far away and stood in the porch. The emperor ordered them not to disturb them. They had to follow them far away. For the teenager who changed from the prince to the supreme of ten thousand times overnight, he suddenly had extreme awe from the bottom of his heart. The person in front of him was no longer the prince in the East Palace before.

Liu Jin's figure came from the front door in a hurry, followed by a man behind him. Liu Jin turned around and whispered to the man. The man stopped and stood. Liu Jin bent down and bowed behind Zhu Houzhao and whispered, "Your Majesty, Song Shide is here."

Zhu Hou moved his body and said, "Xuan."

Liu Jin bowed and said yes. He hurriedly turned around and made a gesture to Song Nan in the porch. Song Nan stepped forward and wanted to salute. Zhu Hou said, "Don't be polite."

Song Nan thanked and raised his head. He saw Zhu Hou's young face showing a sad face that was not commensurate with his age. He was also haggard. He could see that the emperor in front of him was also experiencing the pain of losing his father like the son of a commoner.

"Song Nan, my father is gone..." Zhu Houzhao whispered in a hoarse voice.

Song Nan could feel that Zhu Houzhao was suppressing his emotions and comforted him softly: "Your Majesty, my condolences."

Zhu Houzhao sighed and said, "I'm very upset. Let's go with me."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhu Houzhao turned around and said to Liu Jin and others, "Don't follow me. I'll just walk outside the hall to breathe."

Liu Jin said, "I obeyed."

Zhu Houzhao slowly walked out of the hall. Song Nan followed silently. The two walked slowly along the flat and open palace square. The fragrance of flowers in the flower beds floated silently in the dark. In the night, there was no sound except for the lanterns of the night guard in the distance.

The two walked to an open platform. Zhu Hou stood on the railing and turned around and said, "Song Nan, do you know where this is?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Zhu Houzhao said, "This is the place where the father's platform summoned the ministers to discuss matters. The father has worked hard all his life and never slacked down on government affairs, so that he accumulated hardships became a disease. Occasionally, he suffered from the wind and cold and became a serious illness. He was funeral at the age of 36. God is really unfair."

Song Nan whispered, "Your Majesty, don't be too sad. The emperor is tired and it's time to rest."

Zhu Houzhao said, "You're right. My father is too tired. Do you know? When I was a child, my father often took my hand to walk around the imperial city at night, and sometimes went out of the palace and wandered around the market. My father told me all kinds of stories. I really enjoyed traveling at night with my father.

Zhu Houzhao's face showed a smile, and his eyes were blurred. It seemed that recalling the past made him feel very happy. Song Nan was surprised that there was such a secret between the royal father and son. In the eyes of outsiders, the former emperor should have a serious and old-fashioned smile on Zhu Houzhao, but he did not expect such a warm one. Curtain.

It's not easy for Song Nan to interrupt. I don't know the purpose of Zhu Hou's words. These things are probably not known to outsiders. If he knows it, it's actually not good.

Zhu Houzhao whispered, "I remember once that my father and I passed by the Sixth Section Gallery. I asked my father where this was, and his voice was a little louder. My father hurriedly asked me to whisper that it was the Sixth Section Gallery. There must be someone on duty and could not disturb them. I asked why, and my father said... Once they are shocked, the memorials of advice will be piled up on the desk tomorrow, and he will definitely say that our father and son's night trip is a matter of leaving the cabinet.

Song Nan was silent. He felt a kind of anger in Zhu Houzhao's words. What was anger, but he couldn't feel it for a moment.

Zhu Hou looked up at the sky and looked at the starry stars and muttered, "Maybe you are right. My father is indeed tired. For so many years, he has been dealing with big and small affairs every day, civil and military officials, military affairs, which is not laborious, which is not energy-consuming, and the father can't stand it. "

Song Nan whispered, "Your Majesty, take his position and seek his government. All the hard work of the former emperor is for the sake of the society. For the sake of the people, the former emperor should also be happy."

Zhu Houzhao sighed and said, "All I know is that my father is the happiest when I travel at night. My father said a lot and walked around my neck. I was also very happy. But when I saw my father during the day, I couldn't see any happiness on his face, just like two people. ."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, if you have something to gain, you must lose something. It makes sense that the ancients say that the moon is cloudy and sunny. The emperor should not immerse yourself in grief. You should know that you are already the emperor, and the country and society of the Ming Dynasty depends on you to stabilize it. You have no choice."

Zhu Houzhao sighed and said, "Yes, I am the emperor. Will I follow my father's old path? Will I worry about big and small things every day, worry about my behavior, and worry about the ministers' words?

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Wei ministers dare not speculate about what kind of person the emperor wants to be. Wei ministers can only say that everything takes the overall situation first. When the emperor ascends to the throne, he must comfort the hearts of the ministers and let everyone support the emperor wholeheartedly."

Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "I will, but I may not live a lifetime like my father. I have thought about this thousands of times. I only told you today, because I have never regarded you as a minister and regarded you as a good friend."

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, don't say that. Weichen dare not do it."

Zhu Houzhao said, "There's nothing to be afraid of. Do you want me to be alone? I know that you will never oppress me with great principles. You are knowledgeable, know a lot of novel things, and are also good to me. After relieving me several times, I think you are very good. I just want to ask you to become friends with me in private and talk to me, okay?"

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "The emperor is wrong about love. Song Nan is naturally willing."

Zhu Houzhao said, "I have ascended the throne, and your official position as a prince's attendant has been handed over, but I still want you to be by my side. I'm going to make you an official so that you can enter the palace at any time. As before, what kind of official do you want?"

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, you can't do this. Weichen doesn't want to be slandered. The minister's identity is Jinyiwei. Although the outer square flag school can't enter the palace, you only need to add a title to enter and exit the palace. There is no need to grant more official positions, so that some people will not talk about it."

Zhu Houzhao thought for a moment and said, "That's right. I will mention it to Mou Bin tomorrow and ask him to give you an identity to enter the palace, so that it will be easy for us to meet. Don't forget that the grassland of Long Live Mountain has been leveled, and you still want to accompany me to play golf."

Song Nan smiled and said, "How can you forget that it's getting late? The emperor should rest early. There will be an early morning tomorrow."

Zhu Houzhao sighed and said, "Yes, it's really annoying to have to deal with government affairs and listen to those people's words."

Song Nan smiled and said, "If the emperor doesn't mind my abruptness, I will tell you a secret to pass this boring time."

Zhu Houzhao asked, "What's the secret?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "If the emperor feels that they are talkative and can't stand it, he might as well count their beards and keep them to make them feel that you are listening carefully. Of course, I don't want you to ignore state affairs, and you should listen to major affairs carefully."

Zhu Houzhao laughed and said, "It's a good idea to count your beard and eyebrows, and then think about what it's like to pull them out one by one with tweezers. It's fun."

Song Nan was shocked. How much Zhu Houzhao hated these courtiers and actually had such a stubborn idea.

"I feel much better after talking to you. Let's go back, or Liu Jin and Zhang Yong will be wordy again."

Song Nan said, "I can't blame them, but I know that the people around you are now attracting a lot of attention, and no one dares to have a difference. I don't know how many people are staring at them secretly."

Zhu Houzhao frowned and said, "Don't talk about it. I'll be worried again when I say this."

Song Nan smiled and thought that the troubled days are in the future. Zhu Houzhao has just ascended the throne and is not on the right track yet. The whole inner court and foreign court are all a team left by the new emperor. The former emperor's will order three cabinet ministers to assist him. Zhengde is young. I don't know how long the inner court and foreign court will be in the future. Think about these things. It's all annoying. How can Zhu Houzhao not understand this?

Song Nan knew that the temporary tranquility in the palace was about to be broken. Liu Jin had revealed some ideas on the way to invite herself to the palace. At present, the situation is the most chaotic time. Everyone is waiting for an opportunity. When this opportunity comes, it will be the end of peace, and a storm is coming.