Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 175 Lie Down

Chapter qi

At dusk the next day, Song Nan came out of the government office and walked not far from the end of the alley. Suddenly, four or five big men gushed out from all around and surrounded Song Nan in the middle. Song Nan looked at the costumes of these people and had a number in his heart. These people were all guards of the royal palace. Needless to say, it was the incident of cooking rice in the bamboo forest yesterday, and the little princess fell down. It's not ambiguous at all. It's a showdown so soon.

Sure enough, Zhang Lun, who had not seen it for many days, came out from behind the broken wall with a gloomy face. His eyes almost spewed fire, and his hand also held the handle of the knife, looking like he could cut people with a knife at any time.

"Good night, little father-in-law." Song Nan arched his hand and saluted: "Why does the little father have to bother so much to see me?"

Zhang Lun Tieqing's face, grabbed Song Nan's collar and pulled Song Nan into the corner and roared, "You despicable, you are so shameless!"

Song Nan pretended not to know: "What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Lun pulled out a knife and put it on Song Nan's neck and roared, "You still pretend to be garlic. Do you believe that I cut your dog's head with a knife?"

Song Nan said coldly, "Little lord, if you have something to say, what are you doing?"

"You son of a bitch, have you forgotten the warning I gave you? It's so shameless to dare to damage my sister's body. I'm going to take you to Grandpa and let him kill you.

Song Nan held Zhang Lun's hand with the collar and twisted Zhang Lun's hand off. Zhang Lun pressed the knife on Song Nan's neck and shouted, "Do you still want to resist?"

Song Nan said, "Grandpa, since you all know about this, I don't want to say anything. The man and women between me and your sister are happy. I can't control it for a moment. I can also understand your anger. If you want to kill, kill, and if you want to cut it, you can cut it. Don't say that I'm despicable and shameless. I didn't force your sister."

Zhang Lun trembled angrily and scolded, "It's clear that you did it on purpose. I thought you were a man, but I didn't expect to seduce my sister to do something. You are simply a beast."

Song Nan said, "Animals? Didn't the little father-in-law and his wife also do something they shouldn't do before they got married? I'm a beast. What is the little prince?

Zhang Lun was stunned and said, "Nonsense."

Song Nan smiled and said, "I won't talk nonsense. Next to the temple, in the pine forest, the sky and the fish and water*, dare you say that you haven't done it?"

Zhang Lun was stunned. He really couldn't control it before he got married. Liu went to the Temple to burn incense with his mother. He secretly hooked her out and took Liu's first time in the pine forest next to the temple. How could Song Nan know about this?

After thinking about it, Zhang Lun understood that the little princess must have told Song Nan. The little princess must have been talking from Liu's mouth. The two sisters-in-law were close, and even Zhang Lun was jealous when she said some intimate words. It was difficult to guarantee that Liu would not leak anything.

"You are despicable, I... I had a matchmaker with my wife, which is nothing. What's between you and my sister? Are there the words of the parents' life matchmaker? It's clear that you lied to my sister and doesn't understand. I can tell you that you can't achieve your goal. I will never forgive you this time.

Song Nan said, "You always think of people so badly. We really love each other and the little princess. With your opinions and other prejudices, you insist that I have other intentions. I also want to have a matchmaker to talk about my parents' orders, but did you give me a chance? Now that something has happened, I naturally know that it has done something wrong, so can't I let you slaughter it? Little father-in-law, he cut me a hundred times with one knife.

Zhang Lun was hateful and angry. He wanted to get a knife, but if the matter was really so simple, the girl made it clear when she confessed to herself last night that if Song Nan died, she would also follow the martyrdom and said that she had become a good thing to seduce Song Nan, but she didn't want to marry him. Xu Yande. With Zhang Lun's understanding of the little princess, she could do it. She hated the girl for being too stubborn and chaste, and she didn't want to die for this matter.

Even without the little princess's words, what can happen after killing Song Nan? Can you bring the chastity of the girl back? Moreover, Song Nan's words after his death will also damage the reputation of the British Mansion. Naturally, it will be a matter of death to seduce the princess of the Duchy of the People's Republic of China. There will be no trouble killing Song Nan, but others will ask, "Why did the young prince kill Song Nan?"

What can it do? It's not the little princess that Song Nan made up the Duke's mansion.

Such a dialogue will naturally spread in the streets and alleys. Thinking of this, Zhang Lun can't do it easily.

Zhang Lun smashed his steel teeth, waved a knife and cut the wall, and the mud crumbs burst out: "Song Nan, Song Nan, I think I'm not bad for you. Why do you harm my sister so much? Smear my country? Why? Huh?"

Song Nan whispered, "Little prince, I have no idea to be against you at all, and I don't want to blackmail the Duke. How many heads do I have? Your sister loves me, how can I harm her? I can't figure out why you didn't promise us and obstruct this matter in every way? Is it because my poor position is not high enough and not heavy enough?

Zhang Lun said, "You know, do you still need me?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "How do you know that I must be under people in the future? When I first came to the capital, who could have expected that this Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei government would become my government, and who would have thought that I could go in and out of the imperial city to meet the emperor anytime and anywhere? Everything is possible. Why can't you be optimistic about my future?

Zhang Lun sneered and said, "Do you still dare to mention the matter of entering the palace? Now no one in the court secretly says that your pope is playing with strange things and playing with the emperor. There is no difference between monarchs and ministers. If it goes on like this, you can wait for death. I don't want my sister to be beheaded by the house with you.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Someone said that?"

Zhang Lun sneered, "Are you afraid that you still think you are proud in the dark?"

Song Nan frowned and thought for a while and said, "Little father, I'm very sorry for my sister and I, but if my behavior implicate your sister, that's definitely not what I want. I promise you that I will not do anything harmful to her in my life. I will be responsible for your sister. Of course, the premise is that you can convince your husband. I agree to our marriage; I want to check what you just said. If it is true, I will correct it immediately.

Zhang Lun spat and scolded, "I don't know why I'm so soft-hearted with you, a dog thief. I'm determined to kill you with a knife, but I can't do it when it comes to the end. If Grandpa knows, I will definitely scold me for being soft-hearted and can't do much."

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Little prince, you are not kind-hearted and soft-hearted. You are clear-headed and love your sister, so it's good for your face. If I, Song Nan, don't marry the little princess in a glamorous way, I won't be sorry for your brother and sister's love for Song Nan. Tell me, how can I treat the little princess Marry me."

Zhang Lun said, "Our government is the best noble family. The main person who marries the small county is at least the Marquis of Xunqi. If you can be awarded the title, I will work together to persuade Grandpa to marry your sister to you, but it may not be easy for you to be awarded the title."

Song Nan said, "That's what I said. If I can be knighted, I will come to ask for marriage. At that time, the young master can't refuse."

Zhang Lun sneered, "Do you think it's so easy to be crowned? Military merit, do you understand military merit? It's strange that you can win the title of knight in the capital. Can't you win the title of knight all your life? My sister has to wait for you for the rest of your life?

Song Nan said, "Give me two years. If I can't be knighted, I will leave the princess and the capital by myself. I will never have any contact with her again and teach her to die."

Zhang Lun squinted at Song Nan and said, "You are a toad sneezing, and I don't know where your self-confidence comes from. Have you been awarded the title for two years? You think it's beautiful."

Song Nan said, "I can only do my best. Who told your government to have such a strange request? I have to do my best for the sake of the little princess. Otherwise, won't it teach you to treat me as an abandoned person from the beginning to the end? I rely on my own ability to save you from thinking that I want to borrow the power of your British government."

Zhang Lun said, "I hope you can succeed, but before you still have to think about how to protect yourself. The inner court is fighting endlessly. You have caused some people's dissatisfaction in it. No matter how to protect yourself, it is difficult to protect yourself."

Zhang Lun spat angrily and left. Song Nan bowed down and gave him a respectful gift. His heart was full of guilt for Zhang Lun. He messed with his sister, but he couldn't kill himself. This grievance alone was enough for him.

In fact, Song Nan has long understood that the Duke's mansion allowed the little princess to deal with him, that is, he was sure that he did not dare to be presumptuous and wanted to stabilize the little princess with a relaxed attitude, so that she would not be dead, and she must be secretly trying to solve this matter. The little princess said yesterday that the marriage negotiations between the two families were almost reached, although not Knowing what means they will use to make the little princess marry into the Duke of Ding, but how could Song Nan be willing to let them succeed? What's more, if the little princess took the initiative to give medicine, Song Nan would naturally not even have the idea of resistance.

However, Zhang Lun's words passed on two pieces of news to Song Nan. One is that Zhang Mao doesn't seem to know about himself and the little princess stealing the forbidden fruit. Otherwise, how can today's matter be so peaceful? Zhang Mao and Zhang Lun are different. For the reputation of the Duke of other countries, they may not even care about the life or death of the little princess.

The second is what Zhang Lu said that the minister of the DPRK complained about his behavior. Obviously, as Zhang Lun, it is impossible to know the thoughts of the cabinet scholars and courtiers. It must be the news from Zhang Mao. Although Zhang Mao does not often go to the six departments of the cabinet, Zhang Mao, as the head of Xun Qi, has some Zhang Mao can't be kept in the dark.

Song Nan was a little depressed. Although the inner court was tense, it didn't rain, and she provoked coquettishness for no reason, which was a little unexpected.

Song Nan felt that it was famous and it was difficult to make a judgment in a hurry, so she decided to investigate first.

(Thanks for the reward of 66226633 brothers)