Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 183 Flying Thief Couple

Chapter 183

Xu Zhi went out of the palace and returned home full of resentment. After discussing countermeasures with Wang Yue and Fanheng, he not only did not solve the problem, but also increased his trouble.

Wang Yue shook his hand and asked Fan Heng to find a way. Although Fan Heng angrily scolded Wang Yue for his injustice, he was not soft in allocating money and goods. In view of the fact that there were only more than 100,000 taels of silver left in the internal transportation warehouse, in order to make up these 500,000 taels, Wang Yue symbolically took out 50,000 taels, Fan Heng took out 150,000 taels, and the remaining 300,000 taels. It fell on Xu Zhi's head.

Xu Zhi fucked Wang Yue and Fan Heng's ancestors for eight generations, and he took the least. In the past seven or eight years, it was only five or six million taels of silver. As far as he knew, Wang Yue got at least one million taels, while Fan Heng got more, less than 1.5 million yuan into his private bag.

Take Wang Yue's birthday at the end of the 17th year of Hongzhi as an example. It took more than ten days to invite the troupe to entertain guests, and more than 100,000 taels of money was spent on all kinds of hospitality. This money was charged into the official accounts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under various names. Fan Heng changed his clothes and weapons in the winter of the East Factory every year, and he can't swallow it every year. Tens of thousands of taels.

A pair of boots, the outside shop purchased less than three dollars, and on the account of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it became three taels of silver and a pair, more than tenfold; there are more than 3,000 people in the East Factory, each person for two pairs, which is a balance of 13,000; what kind of underwear, hats, military blades, food and clothing, all these uses, When it came to reporting the account, they all turned over several times and ran up, and a lot of silver fell into their pockets.

The swallowed silver is to be taken out now, which is like cutting meat. Xu Zhi is even more unjust. He didn't get much in total, but he was asked to bear most of the money. The anger in his heart can be imagined.

In a secluded alley in Yongfang outside Xiyuan Huangcheng, Xu Zhi's outer house was located there. Not many people knew it. On the surface, it was just an ordinary person's house. When he bought this house, Xu Zhi also called his cousin to come forward in order to prevent anyone from knowing it.

Xu Zhi entered the door and came to the firewood room in the backyard with a candlestick alone. He stretched out his hand to play with the dark place under the ear wall. After a few rattlings, a hole appeared on the ear wall. Xu Zhi bent down with the candlestick and got in, picked up the steps down, reached out on the flat ground and lit the lamp on the wall with candles. The room suddenly became bright.

On a row of wooden shelves, plates of silver ingots are placed on the shelves. Because the silver has not been moved for a long time, it has been covered with dust and cobwebs.

Xu Zhi looked at the silver in the room, and his heart was like a knife. This silver was moved by the mouse after working hard for so many years. The small silver ingot in the innermost was still cast in Hongzhi's early years. After nearly 20 years, he was not willing to use it. Xu Zhi's greatest comfort was not money, but every When he entered the secret room and looked at the silver, his heart seemed to be injected with a force. He would stay here to talk to the silver and take them as his children's words. For a period of time, he even had to wipe the silver every day, often until dawn, but he was not tired.

Now, these precious pimples are going to be sent out, with a total of more than 400,000 taels of savings, and they plan to go out of the palace to buy a place to buy a village for retirement in the future. Now, decades of struggle have basically turned into nothing.

300,000 taels of silver were sent out in vain, and the matter is far from over. Liu Jin threatened that the 500,000 taels of silver may not be enough. If Liu Jin wants silver, Wang Yue and Fan Heng will still let themselves take them out, and then all their family money will be gone.

Xu Zhi's heart ached, and the old tears moistened his eyes, and the muscles on his face twitched and scolded, "Fan Heng, Wang Yue, you two old eunuchs are too unrighteous. Obviously, you have the most fished the most, but you hit the idea on me, the ancestors of 18 generations."

Xu Zhi also knew that he could only agree to them. Although the imperial horse supervisor is also a powerful department of the inner court, and the nominal superior ceremonial supervisor is not allowed to lead the imperial horse supervisor, but this is not the case. Compared with the imperial horse supervisor and Si Lijian, he is still small. If it weren't for the 3,000 forest army that holds the imperial horse supervisor in his hand, he will be afraid I'm afraid that I'm not qualified to follow Wang Yue and Fan Heng like the leaders of other internal prisons.

Now I regretted it and followed these two guys. Later, they still suffered their own losses. These two old eunuchs would never suffer their own losses.

Xu Zhimu stood for a long time and reluctantly looked back at the room full of silver. Early tomorrow morning, he will send someone to move the money into the palace. Since then, more than half of the room has been empty, and his heart has been empty.

Blowing out the lamp in the secret room, Xu Zhi raised the candlestick and went out of the secret room. He was much older. He silently closed the door of the firewood room and walked along the path to the bedroom. When the breeze blew, the flame of the candlelight jumped a few times. Suddenly, something in front of him emitted a dazzling flash. For a moment, Xu Zhi felt a coldness on his neck. A voice sounded in my ear: "Don't move, don't make a sound, or I will kill you with a sword."

Xu Zhi was so scared that he shivered. The candlestick in his hand fell down. A dark shadow copied the candlestick and stuffed it into Xu Zhi's hand. Another voice said with a smile, "Mr. Xu, take the candlestick, but you can't see the way clearly if you drop it."

Xu Zhi took a cold breath and looked up. A man and a woman stood in front of him. The woman was very beautiful, but with evil spirit between her eyebrows, holding a short sword on his neck, with the corners of his mouth bent, and a cold face. Looking at the other person's appearance, Xu Zhi almost screamed.

"You...you are not... Song..." Xu Zhi pointed to the man in black.

Song Nan stretched out her hand and put her smile on her lips and said, "Eun father-in-law Xu, it's better not to make a loud noise in the quiet night, so as not to cut your old neck."

Xu Zhi was shocked and said, "What do you want to do?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Let's go into the room and talk. Although the firewood room is not a good place to treat guests, Song Nan doesn't pay attention to these, so I forgive you for your rudeness."

Song Nan stretched out her hand, grabbed Xu Zhi's arm, pulled Xu Zhi into the woodshed, closed the door, stretched out her hand to move two broken chairs in the pile of debris, and sat on the broken chair, making a creaking sound.

"Eunuch Xu sits down, this is your outer house. Do you want me, an outsider, to be polite to you?"

Xu Zhi licked his lips, looked at the inseparable dagger, and bent down to sit down.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Duke Xu, you and I often meet in the palace. I have long wanted to meet Mr. Xu, but you are so powerful that we don't have a chance at all. Well, when I visited in the middle of the night, I turned over the backyard wall two feet high and came in. How rude it is. I hope you can forgive me.

Xu Zhi calmed down and said in a low voice, "Song Qianhu, you are really rude. You entered my house in the middle of the night and put a knife on our neck. Are you still a court official? It's like a bandit who robbed a house.

Song Nan laughed and said, "That's right. It's like a pair of flying thieves entering the house, but even we are flying robbed the rich to help the poor. What you do is to do for heaven. Your Duke Xu's work is more unbearable than ours. Don't pretend."

Xu Zhi said angrily, "Be presumptuous. If we tell the emperor about this matter, I'm afraid that your whole family will be killed and don't know anything, but our family has always been kind to others and will not investigate your guilt. Are you short of money? Our family can subsidize you with dozens of taels of silver. Don't do such a thing in the future. It's not a They are all as talkative as I am.

Song Nan patted his legs and smiled and said, "Eunuch Xu really treats us as a thief who robs houses. Well, even so, but dozens of taels of silver can't get rid of us."

Xu Zhi said, "How much do you want? But don't be greedy. I'm just a poor person in the palace, but there is no oil and water. You have found the wrong way.

Song Nan stretched out three fingers and said, "This number."

"Three hundred taels? Well, we still have 300 taels of silver.

Song Nan smiled and shook his head.

Three thousand taels? This is too much. Song Qianhu, we know that you work hard outside, and there is no oil and water, but you can't be an official and a thief at night. I'm going to smash the pot and sell iron for 3,000 taels.

Song Nan did not answer and shook his head again.

"Thirty thousand?" Xu Zhi shook his head like a rattle drum and said angrily, "Toad yawning. You'd better kill me."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "Wrong, it's not 30,000, it's 300,000."

Song Nan got up and reached out and groped in the hollow of the corner of the wall. The secret door Glara rose, revealing the hole in the secret room. Xu Zhi opened his mouth and was stunned.

"Don't say you don't, don't say you're poor. There are always four or five million taels of silver here. I only need 300,000 taels, which is cheap for you."

Xu Zhi turned pale and said, "You...how do you know...this secret room?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "I have been a night owl for several days in a row. By the way, Grandpa Xu really loves silver and will come once a day. I don't think I can do it."

Xu Zhi was dizzy. This guy actually came to his home every night. It's ridiculous that everyone in the family didn't know anything. He must have come to the secret room and was secretly peeped at by him.

"Not only do I know that you have hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in your secret room, but I also know how you got this silver. After so many years, when the mouse moved silver from the inner carrier, you don't think it's hard or long. Your death is coming." Song Nan sneered, and every sentence plunged into Xu Zhi's heart like a cone.