Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 192 Bright Moon Bridge

(Thanks to Gen 087 Brothers for their monthly pass) Chapter 192

Outside Donghua Gate, 500 or 600 East Factory officers quickly gathered, and various officers quickly reported their movements. Lei Biao and Tan Lu, the second-level leaders, quickly led the Dongchang Tiqi officers to Zhengyang Gate to intercept.

Since Chongjiaofang is in the east of the imperial city and not far from Dong'anmen, several large square areas on the east side of the imperial city are the most powerful places in the East Factory. After Song Nan and Hou Dabiao, who was responsible for the arrest operation of Fan Heng's residence in another place in Chongjiaofang, quickly went east and then met Huang Hui, the general flag responsible for the arrest operation of Renshoufang. Three people added Hundreds of people have risen. With a team of hundreds of people and a large car full of silver walking on the street, the momentum was naturally great, and Song Nan also knew that it was impossible to escape the eyes and ears of the fans of Dongchang.

Soon after, more than a dozen fans on high-headed horses followed. For the time being, they did not dare to do it because they were not strong enough. They only followed far away and sent people to ride horses from time to report the news. Naturally, Song Nan would not stop to pester them. He ordered to turn south along Renshoufang and go straight to Mingshifang through Sichengfang, trying to quickly get out of Chongwenmen and rush west to the agreed place of Zhengyangmen.

But soon, Song Nan found that it was not feasible. As soon as Sicheng Square passed, there were more and more fans following. When they arrived at the Mingyue Bridge on the north side of Mingshi Square, the long street at the head of the bridge was suddenly empty. All the doors and windows of the shops on both sides were closed, and there were no people who liked to watch the bustle.

Song Nan bravely led everyone to step on the bright moon bridge and suddenly found that in silence, hundreds of black-clothed masked men holding soldiers with blades slowly gushed out from the north of the south bridge. These people were like wolves, staring at each other and standing quietly in the middle of the street.

The Jinyiwei flag schools were slightly panicked and turned their eyes to Song Nan one after another. They saw Song Nan standing on the bridge with a grim look and her slender and white fingers on the handle of the embroidered spring knife.

"Wang Yue Fanheng is crazy! This is the capital." Ye Fanggu whispered.

Song Nan sneered and said, "How can people have any scruples when they are about to die?"

Song Nan turned his head and ordered: "Hou Dabiao, according to the plan, you are responsible for protecting the stolen goods and the captured criminals; the rest of the people are assisting, listening to my orders and rushing south."

"Lord Qianhu, who will cut off?" Huang Hui, the general flag, asked.

"There is me." Ye Fanggu has slowly pulled out her dagger.

"And me." Song Nan said in a low voice.

"No, how can this work? Song Qianhu took people to make a surprise, and his subordinates took people to break." Hou Dabiao said urgently.

Song Nan shouted, "What are you talking about? The stolen goods and criminals are the most important thing. Reduce casualties and delay time. This is not far from Chongwen Gate. Chongwen Gate is stationed on the left side of the Beijing camp. They dare not delay any more."

"But, your safety..."

Song Nan sneered and said, "I have taken 100 people to fight against 700 Tartan cavalry, and I'm afraid of these dogs. Don't think you are an easy job. Their target is prisoners and stolen goods. The offensive must be fierce. Don't lose your head here.

Hou Dabiao gritted his teeth and said, "Lord Qianhu, don't worry, I understand."

Song Nan nodded and took a few steps forward. Facing the hundreds of masked men slowly approaching the north of the bridge, he shouted, "We are thousands of households in Zhengnanfang, Jinyiwei. What's the reason for you to block the road in broad daylight?"

A strong masked man shouted in a muffled voice, "Put down your blade, and you won't die."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Brother, you robbed my lines. Damn it, I told you."

The masked man smiled strangely and waved his hand. Hundreds of masked people raised their blades high to accelerate their pace to the end of the bridge. At the same time, more than 100 masked people in front of them also raised their knives to rush to the bridge. Go." Song Nan gave a break, and the Jinyiweiqi School rushed to the south of the bridge. In just a moment, the two conveniences shone on their faces, and the sound of the blades shouted loudly, and they started to fight.

Song Nan and Ye Fanggu did not move. They led more than a dozen good martial arts flag schools to stand horizontally. Facing the momentum of hundreds of masked men shouting on the north of the bridge, they were also scared.

Song Nan's purpose is very clear. More than 100 people intercepted in the south of the north bridge. If it is wrapped, 200 East Factory Fanzi will inevitably be defeated. Only a small number of people can be separated to stop Fanzi in the north, and then follow Hou Dabiao to rush south with * ten flags. The number of people in the south can be basically flat, and the possibility of breaking out is large. Great increase.

But in this way, more than a dozen flag schools led by Song Nan and Ye Fanggu are under great pressure. Although the bridge is narrow and can only stand more than ten people, these dozens of people can block the bridge, but it is hard to say whether they can resist the rush of the fans.

The south of the bridge handed over, and the north of the bridge was also under great enemy pressure in an instant. More than a dozen flag schools summoned up the courage to wave their blades and rushed to the bridge. Only one of them met, and three fell down.

Song Nan scolded a waste and went up with a knife. The red shadow flashed around her. Ye Fanggu came first and stretched out her foot a little on the bridge railing. Her body turned into the air like a bird. The dagger in her hand sprinkled a silver light. In an instant, the four masked Fans were hit by the sword on their faces, and blood gushed and fell to the ground.

Song Nan drank the color and kept waving a steel knife cut off on the blade frame and kicking the man's lower abdomen. The man looked up to the sky and fell down, and the fans behind him hurriedly supported it with their hands.

Aunt Ye Fang fell to the ground and smiled and said, "That's not true. That's how it can be done."

Ye Fanggu learned Song Nan's appearance to hold a knife, but she did not kick it out, but lifted it under the blade of the sword and cut a long blood mouth in the chest of the man in front of her with a stab, and fell to the ground with a shout.

Song Nan shouted, "So it is." Pick up the knife again and cut a double with a knife according to the gourd painting.

Ye Fanggu waved two swords to force back the two people in front of her and said in a delicate voice, "You can teach me."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Thank you for your praise."

The two communicated while fighting, with Ye Fanggu taking care of him. Song Nan killed the wind smoothly. Three people had been cut down between shouting and shouting, but the flag school around him also fell down three or four, and the bridge could not be blocked at all.

On the south side of the bridge, Hou Dabiao took the lead and waved the sharp embroidered spring knife in his hand. Seven or eight people were cut down under the knife, and the Jinyi Weiti on both sides were also cut down a lot, but Hou Dabiao ignored it and took people straight to the south. The fans were originally lined up on the road to block them. When they saw Jinyiwei rush down, they surrounded them. However, the purpose of the flag schools was to highlight. On the contrary, the gap was opened because of the small number of people in the south. Tan Lu, the third leader of the team, recognized the intention and loudly ordered to intercept, but the gap was open, and how could it be stopped when the number of people was similar.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tan Lu looked back at the people on the bridge who surrounded Song Nan and Ye Fanggu and scolded loudly: "Mother, kill those two people, and they are about to run away."

Someone blew a harsh bamboo flute to remind Fanzi in the north of the bridge that the Fanzi in the north of the bridge woke up like a dream. Except for a dozen people who fought fiercely around Song Nan and Ye Fanggu, the rest of them quickly crossed the two and rushed south to support.

Song Nan secretly shouted bitterly. Originally, Ye Fanggu and Gu were blocked on the edge of the railing to deal with the siege of everyone. Although it was dangerous, Song Nan just wanted to delay to buy time. At this moment, when he saw the fans going south to support, he panicked. Oh, he was cut in his left arm and suddenly bloodshed.

Ye Fanggu scolded, waved her sword and stabbed, forced the two back, and helped Song Nan and shouted, "How are you?"

Song Nan said, "It doesn't matter. It's almost time. I can't hold on any longer. withdraw!"

Ye Fanggu said, "I don't know how to be watery."

Song Nan stretched out her hand and wrapped her waist and leaned back. The two fell from the bridge railing more than two feet high. The fans caught up with the first dozens of knives and cut down together. When Mars jumped around, the little stone lion squatting on the stone fence on the bridge was cut off half of its head, but they heard the sound of 'boom' into the water. Song Nan and Ye Aunt Fang and Gu have fallen into the water under the bridge and disappeared.

Huang Hui rushed to Hou Dabiao and shouted, "Wait Baihu, Song Qianhu has escaped. Let's go quickly."

Hou Dabiao shouted, "Okay, send a signal."

Huang Hui took out the bamboo flute with a long sound, and the flag school scattered, leaving behind several prisoners and carts covering their heads in the middle and quickly fled south.

The fans were still waiting to chase. Tan Lu shouted loudly, "Don't chase, you want people and goods. Take them away quickly. After a while, the soldiers of the Beijing camp will arrive."

The fans rushed to the prisoner who was paralyzed in the middle. Tan Lu stretched out his hand to take off the person's mask and suddenly cursed loudly: "Mother, I'm fooled. This is not the person to save."

About a dozen Dongchang Fanzi, who were arrested last night, looked at the scene in front of him with a confused face. One Fanzi also said excitedly, "The three heads are really righteous. For the sake of my brothers, I have brought so many people to rescue them."

Tan Lufei kicked him far away and scolded, "Save your mother."

A military commander gasped and said, "Three gears, what's going on? What should I do?"

Tan Lu scolded, "This man must have secretly sent someone to escort the captured prisoner away from other streets and alleys. Such a move only attracted us to be deceived. His mother is too treacherous; he can't stay here for a long time. He immediately rushed to gather with the second gear and listen to his instructions."

Tan Lu was right. Song Nan was playing a fake trick of dark Chencang. While Ma Haohao of the brigade marched to Chongwenmen, as early as Renshoufang, Li Daniu took seven or eight flag schools and dressed in casual clothes and stuffed seven or eight people tied like Zongzi into a prepared carriage to hide in the corner of the street.

As soon as the brigade passed, the fans followed. Li Daniu ordered the flag school to drive two carriages to run in the opposite direction. When a large number of fans gathered in Mingshifang, no one knew that Li Daniu was running towards Daming Gate with the criminals.


People shouted on the seven or eight streets north of Zhengyang Gate. Lei Biao, the second stall, took nearly 300 pieces of the road from north to south like a comb, forcing another team of Jinyiweiqi School to go around a large circle along the north of the imperial city to the south through Fucaifang, and reported to the team. The movement of Jinyiwei Flag School, their destination is the square outside Zhengyangmen.