Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 195 on the Fengtian Temple

(Thanks to Xiaobai Xiaotian Brothers for the monthly ticket) Chapter 195

"Get up and talk." Zhengde Road.

"The emperor is not allowed to play, and I can't wait to get up." The ministers said.

"If you don't get up, I won't play." Zhengde Road.


I don't know when the chicken's egg and chicken's skin will end. Li Dongyang took the lead in his eyes, and everyone also got up one after another to wait for Zhengde's answer.

"I understand that you are a country. I don't protect Liu Jin, but the matter of Liu Jin and others is not a matter of urgency. At present, there is a major event that needs to be solved urgently. Liu Jinzhi will discuss it in advance. Please make a decision on this matter for me first."

Zhengde felt that it was time to throw a blockbuster to transfer the target. Although according to the agreement, he had to wait for Song Nan to bring all the evidence of the crime into the palace to launch it, Zhengde couldn't wait. The ministers were aggressive and could no longer allow himself to wait.

"Your Majesty, it's a matter. The emperor hasn't agreed yet. How can we discuss another matter?" Korean won't give up.

Zhengde's face turned pale and finally said angrily, "Do I even have to ask you for your consent after discussing anything? You are holding on to these trivial things all day long, but you are unaware of the major events in the palace. Liu Jin may behave improperly, but there are people in the internal affairs office who are more hateful than Liu Jin. How much do you know?

The faces of the ministers changed greatly. Han Wen glanced at Li Dongyang and saw Li Dongyang slowly shaking his head. He knew that Li Dongyang did not want to push too hard, so he bowed down and said, "The emperor is angry, but I don't know what happened in the palace?"

Zhengde said, "Liu Jin, please tell all the adults about the loss of the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Is there a deficit in internal transportation?"

The ministers were in an uproar. The previous day, the cabinet was still discussing the reduction of the annual allocation in the palace, which felt that the Ministry of Households allocated a million yuan per year to the carrier warehouse to spend a huge amount of money. During the Hongzhi period, the annual use of less than 400,000 yuan in the palace, and the rest were all lay in the carrier library to sleep, and the use everywhere was poor, and still wanted to be in the palace. Some of the internal allocations were taken out for his use. Unexpectedly, the emperor actually said that the internal carrier warehouse was in deficit. How could this be possible?

Liu Jin bowed to Zhengde and said, "I obey the decree." After saying that, he raised his head and walked forward proudly and said, "Your adults are worried about the country and the people. Liu Jin is very impressed. Liu Jin only knows that he can make the emperor happy in his spare time, but I didn't expect you to be so angry."

Xie Qian shouted, "The emperor wants you to state the loss of the internal transportation warehouse, but he did not ask you to defend your fault. Your deeds have been determined, and there is no room for you to refute it."

Liu Jin sneered and said, "The emperor didn't give permission to play, but Xie University scholar made a conclusion. What else does the emperor need to play? What a joke."

Xie Qian consciously lost his words and snorted coldly and did not answer.

Liu Jin arched his hand and said, "Well, it's not the time to talk about whether I, Liu Jin, am guilty or not. The emperor just said that the internal carrier warehouse is at a loss, as if you don't believe it."

Han Wen frowned and said, "The Ministry of Household has allocated millions of silver to the warehouse every year. The emperor has always been thrifty, and the use of the palace has never been overspent. After I took office, I have made statistics. The internal transportation warehouse accumulated more than 10 million taels in the Hongzhi year, and the expenditure was less than 50%. That is to say, there should be about 5 million taels of silver in the warehouse, that is, no appropriation for several years. , and it won't be a loss of silver.

Liu Jin smiled and said, "Our family is just a slave servant beside the emperor. I don't understand what you said, but one thing we know. I can admit that I built a leopard house with money, but our family just asked the emperor to agree to allocate 500,000 taels to repair the Guanghan Hall and Qiong. Huadao road facilities, but so far, our family has not got one or two of these 500,000 taels of silver. Later, our family learned that we could not give these 500,000 taels of silver in the internal transportation warehouse. It turned out that someone in our palace's internal affairs office emptied out millions of silver.


"How is that possible?"

"Can't you get 500,000 taels?"

"Someone dares to embezzle the treasury bank of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

The ministers were very surprised and talked about it.

Li Dongyang said slowly, "Epa Liu, who dares to stretch out his hand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Li Jin sneered and said, "Li Shoufu, is it possible for us servants to ask this? You should ask the people who hold the power of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this matter. Why did you ask me?

Everyone's eyes turned to Wang Yue and Fan Heng, who were standing beside Zhengde. Wang Yue and Fanheng's face was pale and he couldn't wait to rush up and tear Liu Jin.

"Prince Wang, is Liu Jin's words true? How to explain the internal carrier? Li Dongyang asked in a low voice that although the civil servants decided to secretly support Wang Yue and others, if Wang Yue and others were related to the deficit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Li Dongyang would never go to this muddy water. Originally, the alliance with Wang Yue had violated the arrogant code of conduct of civil servants. If it hadn't been for this to suppress the new emperor and won the first place in the game with the new emperor. Win, to lay the foundation for the future right to speak, he will never interfere in the affairs of the inner court.

Wang Yue sighed, calmed down, and slowly stepped forward and said, "Since Grandpa Liu said about this, our family must also clarify that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not in deficit. As far as I know, the Ministry of Internal Affairs currently has nearly 800,000 taels of silver, which is not unable to allocate these 500,000 taels of silver; but our family can't bear to see the treasury bank being arbitrarily by some people. Profligate, the emperor is blinded by the slang ministers, and we ministers have the responsibility to check it.

Li Dongyang said, "80 million taels? This also seems to be very different from the statistics estimated by the Ministry of Household.

Wang Yue said, "The household department is only an estimate. How accurate is the estimate of the household department used by the imperial court every year? Isn't there a lot of oversolding every year? Our family does not say that the household department is incompetent, but that there are thousands of items purchased and out in the palace. It is often white money to go out, and the money that is not close to our eyes is silver, which seems to be surprising, but the summary is always appalling. Taking the pollen money of the concubine in the palace, Hongzhi has reached more than 400,000 taels from eight years to today. Who would have thought that 30,000 to 40,000 taels of silver will be spent on this item every year?

The ministers silently calculated that there were two or three thousand women in the imperial concubine palace. Although the late emperor did not care much about women's color, the female officials were fully compiled according to the regulations. The elderly of the previous dynasty had also been raised in the palace, and the number of people had not been reduced much. In this regard, it was only more than ten taels of silver per person a year, which was not much worse. Less.

Wang Yue said again: "Why don't you spend money on food and clothing? If you don't know the price of firewood and rice, all the use of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has accounts to check. Some people insist that the loss of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is that some people are greedy for money. Our family can only say that this is a trap with ulterior motives. The purpose is just to divert the attention of your adults and confuse the public.

In terms of the buzzing of the ministers, there was a chaotic sound in the court. Wang Yue's words were already very clear and direct. Liu Jin mentioned this matter just because he wanted to be dying, and the emperor must have been deceived by Liu Jin.

Liu Jin glanced at the ministers with a fierce light, and everyone felt a trace of chill in his eyes. Although he was only a slave around the emperor, Liu Jin's momentum was very much like a powerful minister.

"Have you talked enough? What can the accounts explain? How can I, Liu Jin, talk about such a big event? I have a certificate, Grandpa Xu, tell you and the emperor, what do you know?"

Liu Jin pointed to the corner, and Xu Zhi, who hid behind more than a dozen big Han generals, was exposed to the eyes of everyone. Xu Zhi's face was pale and he couldn't hide, so he had to bow to the hall under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes and kneel down and kowtow to Zhengde.

"The slave Xu Zhi knocked to see the emperor."

Zhengde said, "Xu Zhi, tell me everything you have seen and heard, and you should know everything."

Xu Zhi trembling and whispered, "I obey the order."

The eyes of the ministers are focused on Xu Zhi. As the eunuch in charge of the imperial eunuch, Xu Zhi is the third person in the inner court. If there is really corruption in the internal affairs office, Xu Zhi will certainly know that if Xu Zhi holds evidence in his hand, then this matter can be over the clouds.

There was silence in the hall. Fan Heng coughed abruptly and suddenly said lightly, "Dir Xu, you dare to say it. No matter who it is, my inner court East Factory will arrest him, but if you have no evidence and falsely, it will be you who will die. The emperor will not tolerate you falsely slander others without evidence. You can Think about it."

Xu Zhi's face was gray. Fan Heng was warning himself not to talk nonsense. As far as the current situation is concerned, Xu Zhi is really hesitant. The targets of the ministers are Liu Jin. Liu Jin sees that he is not sure. Although he was restrained by Song Nan and confessed to the emperor, Song Nan is just a small thousand households. Today, he is not He is not present, and the emperor obviously seems unable to control Liu Jin's matter. If the emperor can't even save Liu Jin, how can he save his life?

Moreover, Wang Yue and Fan Heng are as stable as Mount Tai. Maybe they have made some arrangements in secret. Although they know their affairs, they have no evidence in hand. Wang Yue and Fan Heng will deny that the account books of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are not leaking. They have to think carefully about where to go.

"Xu Gong, has someone in the treasury of the internal affairs government secretly swallowed the treasury and filled the money?" Liu Jin asked in a low voice.

Xu Zhi's face is entangled, and his heart is constantly evaluating the current situation. If he says that there is no evidence to prove it, he will definitely die if he can't defeat Wang Yue and Fanheng. However, if he reverses his confession, the emperor and Liu Jin will be offended. He is also unable to die. How should he choose?

Wang Yue said again, "Eunuch Xu, we also remind you that our family has heard that your Duke Xu has been greedy for 300,000 taels of silver in the name of changing the three thousand battalions of the imperial horse prison, but our family has never caught the wind and shadows. We secretly checked your imperial horse prison and found that there was no such thing. It can be seen that rumors harm people. If I hadn't been indiscriminate, your father-in-law Xu would have been discredited long ago.

Xu Zhi's heart lit up. Wang Yue reminded himself that his 300,000 taels of silver had been put into storage. There was no need to worry about it. Song Nan lost his silver, which was just an opportunity for him to get out. Even if there were tens of thousands of taels of silver deviations, it could also be said that day. If there are mistakes in the accounts for a long time, the crime will be much lighter. At this time, why fight with Fan Heng, Wang Yue and others?

Xu Zhi made up his mind and said dumbly, "I have nothing about the treasury of the internal affairs government..."

Xu Zhi wanted to say four words that he knew nothing about. How smart Liu Yue was. As soon as he spoke, he shouted that it was not good. Looking at the outside of the hall, Gao Feng's figure suddenly flashed outside the hall. Liu Jin suddenly interrupted Xu Zhi's words loudly and shouted, "Your Majesty, before Xu Zhi tells the truth, I want to ask the emperor to participate in the case first. Zhengnanfang Jinyiwei Qianhu Song Nan went to the hall to show his feelings.