Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 227 Breaking into the Shangshu Mansion at Night

Chapter 2 27

Qinweiqi School ordered food in the opposite shop. Song Nan ate something and closed his eyes to refresh himself in the public room. When it was dark, Sun Xuan came to Fusi Yamen in the north town with four attendants in plain clothes.

Wan Zhi and Wang Yong seemed to be very familiar with the four attendants. It goes without saying that those four people were also the characters of the 13th Taibao of Fusi in Beizhen.

Song Nan also changed his casual clothes with his men and took the cover of the night to go to Anfu Square in Xicheng. After nearly half an hour, he arrived outside the mansion of Ma Wensheng, the head of the East Ministry of Anfufang.

Sun Xuan knocked on the door and handed over the door sticker. The doorman went in to inform him. After a long time, he came out and replied, "Master is asleep. Lord Sun will come back tomorrow."

Sun Xuan was still waiting to explain. Song Nan waved his hand, and Wan Zhi and Wang Yong rushed forward to open the door. The two doormen shouted, "What are you doing? What are you doing? In broad daylight, this is Shangshu's mansion.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I'm offended. I'll apologize to Ma Shangshu in person later." He turned his head and said to Sun Xuan, who was still stunned, "What are you doing? Go in."

Sun Xuan squeaked his mouth andly, "How can this... beg others?"

Song Nan sneered, "Isn't it possible to ask for it if you don't see people?"

Sun Xuan had no choice but to follow Song Nan into the gate. The two flag schools stayed at the door to prevent the Ma family's servants from going out and sue to the officials. Ma Wensheng's mansion was not big. There were more than 20 people living in the Ma family in the three courtyards. The noise in front of them quickly spread to the backyard. Several servants rushed into the front yard with guys and stood He stared angrily on the steps of the front hall.

Song Nan arched his hand and said loudly, "Lord Shangshu, Sun Xuan and Song Nan, the governor of Jinyiwei North and South Town, came to visit him. Just because of the urgent matter, please par with any offense."

There was a cough in the hall. Under the dim lantern, a young man helped an old man appear in front of the hall. The old man was angry, coughing and panting. More than a dozen people under the stairs raised his fingers and said angrily, "How bold, the brocade guards are indeed rampant, and even the old man's mansion is forced to break in. Has your husband committed a felony? If you don't give an explanation, I will definitely report this matter to the emperor tomorrow.

Sun Xuan hurriedly said, "Lord Shangshu is angry, but he has no choice."

Ma Wensheng said angrily, "Don't do this. I, Ma Wensheng, have nothing to do with you, and I never associate with you. What do you do when you come to my mansion? Get out of here!"

Sun Xuan frowned and looked at Song Nan. Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Ma, calm down. It's not right for us to break through. After saying that, Lord Ma will fall in love tomorrow. Please punish me. It's easy to say, but please listen to us first."

Ma Wensheng said coldly, "I don't listen to your wordy. Your Jinyi guards are not good to my officials. Now the scandal is well known in the court. What else can I say?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Ma, it's business for me to come here today. Don't be confused."

Ma Wensheng was stunned and laughed and said, "What a big tone. I know you. You little North Town Fu Sizhen actually talked to the second-grade member of my court. How dare you ask who you rely on? I'm very old, and it's really rare to be arrogant.

Song Nan sneered and said, "I have seen it before I have seen you. I rely on the emperor's momentum. The emperor instructed me to investigate the fraud case of the Ministry of Fu of the North Town. You are the secretary of the Ministry of Li. I won't come to ask you who?"

Ma Wensheng said angrily, "It's official time in the daytime government, but at this moment, it's outside of official business. What do you do when you come to my husband's house in the middle of the night?"

Song Nan said, "You have official business and spare time. I, Jinyiwei, don't have this. In addition, I will come to give you face in the daytime. I'm afraid it's your Ma Shangshu's faceless."

Ma Wensheng laughed angrily and said, "What a big joke. You have framed our officials, and now you have given us face."

Song Nan shouted, "It's not that funny, Lord Ma, the subordinate has sufficient evidence to prove that Lord Ma is not qualified for the position of minister of the Ministry of Officials. If you don't want me to remind you in private, then we will defend in front of the emperor in the hall tomorrow."

Everyone, including Ma Wensheng and Sun Xuan, was stunned. Song Nan actually pointed the finger at Ma Wensheng and said bluntly that Ma Wensheng was not qualified for the position of minister of the Ministry of officials, and incompetence was also a kind of dereliction of duty, which was directly pointing to Ma Wensheng's dereliction of duty.

Marvin trembled angrily and pointed to Song Nan's nose and scolded, "Ignorant and arrogant child, don't think you can do anything wrong if you have the support of the inner court. Sooner or later, the emperor will understand the intentions of your sycoaches."

Song Nan sneered. Until now, she is still classified as Liu Jin's party member. The eyes of these literati are very blind, and the stubbornness and preconceivedity of the literati can be regarded as insight.

"Lord Ma, let's not talk about what kind of person I Song Nan is. As a minister of the Ministry of the Ministry of Public Affairs, you turn a blind eye to the undercurrents in the Ministry of the Ministry of Public Affairs. It is said that Lord Ma is 80 years old, and it is time to go home to retire at such an old age. Why do you prefer not to the stack, which makes the Ministry of the Ministry of Li smoke and is smoky, but it is not used by others. Know yourself? Lord Ma, you'd better resign by yourself tomorrow morning.

"Hit!" Ma Wensheng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The boy's mouth was too cheap. As the elder of the Three Dynasties, Ma Wensheng thought that the older he was, the more he became. However, he became a faint person of the corpse vegetarian meal. Although he was old, his temper was very fierce. Ma Wensheng roared and raised his crutches to beat Song Nan.

Song Nan said, "Gentleman doesn't do anything. Lord Ma is going to be a villain."

Ma Wensheng was furious and pointed to Song Nan's nose and said, "If you don't make it clear today and return my reputation, I will fight with you for your life. No matter who is behind you, you will either die or I will live tomorrow morning."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Sure enough, I'm old and strong, but I'm less than 20 years old, and I don't want to live with you. If you live enough, I don't live enough. Lord Ma, it is unreasonable. You will never bow your head if I don't give you evidence today. We might as well go into the hall to talk, so that I can show you the evidence and convince you.

Marvinsheng said angrily, "Okay, let's see what you caught." After saying that, he stamped his feet and turned around and walked into the hall. The little man followed him closely, but he was pushed far away by Ma Wensheng. Although he was old, his bones were hard, and his strength was also amazing.

Song Nan squeezed Sun Xuan's eyes. Sun Xuan sighed secretly, "In order to sit down and talk with Ma Wensheng in detail, the method you use is not very good. I'm afraid Ma Wensheng hates us to death. How can the rest of this continue?"

While thinking about it, Song Nan had already stepped up the steps. Sun Xuan had to frown and keep up. Entering the hall, Ma Wensheng stood on his staff, neither looking at the seat nor asking people to have tea, completely resisting people thousands of miles away.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Ma has lost his demeanor."

"I, Ma Wensheng, never talks about his demeanor with traitors. What are you talking about? Where is your so-called evidence? Why don't you show it to me?"

Song Nan didn't want to talk to him. He spread out his arms and took out a cowhide file and threw it on the table and said, "Lord Ma, look at it yourself."

Ma Wensheng snorted, reached out to take the file and looked at the seal, which was covered with the lacquer marks of the upper and lower lines of the official door that he was familiar with. So he opened the seal and took out a stack of paper. After only a few glances, he turned his head and sarcastically said, "Old man Yulu, I don't know why you came here with this official's resume examination resume? This is what Sun Xuan took from me. Is this the evidence of your so-called incompetent old man?

Sun Xuan was full of expectation to turn into cold. What the hell did Song Nan do? These files were the physical evidence handed over to Fusi of Beizhen. It was he who took people to get it from Ma Wensheng. Now the above evaluation has been denied by Cui Xiu and others. What does this mean?

Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Ma, isn't this enough? Are the circles and comments on this file your handwriting?

Ma Wensheng sneered and said, "What? I circled the candidates according to my resume. This is my power and responsibility. What's wrong with it?

Song Nan laughed and said, "You can look carefully. This is very important."

Ma Wensheng took a closer look and said, "Yes, it's true that I'm doing something. What on earth are you going to do?"

Song Nan said, "Okay, now that it has been confirmed, it will be easy to do; I would like to ask Lord Ma, what is the procedure for submitting this assessment file?"

Ma Wensheng snorted coldly: "The vacant officials will be selected by the Ministry of Officials, and then the resumes will be examined and reported separately. After being written by the officials of the Ministry of Officials, they will be handed over to the servant of the Ministry of Officials in charge of this matter and presented to the old man to decide the final candidate."

Song Nan said, "That is to say, this file is actually only written by three people, written by the librgrapher and then to Cui Xiu, and then to your desk, right?"

Ma Wensheng said, "That's it. Song Zhenfu asked in such detail, did he intend to come to our official department as an official? However, it's a pity that my Ministry of Public Affairs doesn't want people who fail the imperial examination.

Song Nan counterattacked, "That's not true. I'm ashamed to associate with a group of sour and corrupt people. In my opinion, the official's government is just an old fool with a group of boneless things crawling inside and outside."

Ma Wensheng was about to get angry again. Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Lord Ma, this file is fake. Can you see it?"

Ma Wensheng was stunned and frowned, "Fake? Don't be talkative. I approved it on it.

Song Nan sneered and said, "Why don't you say that you are stupid? You don't know whether the file submitted is true or false at all, so you just criticize it randomly. What is not that you are stupid?"

Mar Wensheng said angrily, "A lot of nonsense, why is there a fake in my official department?"

Song Nan said, "Cui Xiu and your Zhao Shili have denied that the handwriting on this file was written by them. After verification, the handwriting on this file is not theirs. You can't even recognize the handwriting of your scrimen. Aren't you confused?"

Ma Wensheng said in astonishment, "The handwriting? How can I pay attention to their handwriting?"

Song Nan shook his head and sighed, "I'm extremely confused. Someone faked a resume file and reported it, but you were ignorant and were fooled by applause. What is this not dereliction of duty? Lord Ma, do you admit that your old eyes are dizzy?

Ma Wensheng was stunned for a long time, moved to sit in a chair and shook his head and said, "It's impossible. Forgery* is a felony. Who has so much courage? It's all your guess. You're talking nonsense.

Song Nan sneered and said, "Zhao Shuli and Cui Xiu have also been released. Because of the handwriting on this file, the handwriting on this file is not written by two people. Some people say that this is the hand and foot of the Fusi government office in Jinyiwei South Town to bite Sun Xuansun to suppress it. In my opinion, this is exactly in your official government. Someone deliberately set a trap for Lord Sun to drill in.

Marvin has sweated, and no matter who did it, if this file is indeed fake, there must be a conspiracy behind it, and his old-eyed dizziness actually criticized the fake file. This oolong alone is enough to make people impeach his 'old and dizzy' incompetence.