Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 237 Difficulties in People's Live

On the hillside, the women spread the curtain on the grass, held up the umbrella, put the food brought, and sat around and looked at the surrounding scenery.

The paddy fields under the hillside are as flat as carpets, and several large ponds are inlaid in them, like emerald jasper; gradually ripe wheat grows on the hillside near the left, and a large area of mulberry trees grows on the slope that cannot be cultivated. The unknown wild flowers bloom beside them, and the spring breeze makes people warm, and everyone is also happy. Even Dai Suer, who didn't show a smile, rarely smiled and talked and laughed with Ye Fanggu and others.

Song Nan stepped on the rocks to overlook her field at the foot of the mountain, but her heart was full of doubts. This land is indeed as Wan Wei said, the irrigation is sufficient, and the land is also very fertile. Why is the people's life so poor? Is it true that these peasants are lazy as Wan Wei said? This is unlikely. What is the reason for this?

It's okay if you don't come to see it. In such a beautiful place, living with such a group of poor people, Song Nan really can't bear to exploit them. Every mu of stone is half of their income from their work, and it falls into his pocket for nothing. If he is the owner of the land, does he not care about himself? Can the people who have provided wealth live or die?

"What are you thinking, Mr. Song?" Gentle words came from around.

Song Nan turned his head and saw that it was Dai Suer standing beside him with a wild flower in her hand; Song Nan said, "Why don't you play with them? It's rare to come out."

Dai Suer said, "I'm playing. Qingli said she wanted to play with grass. Everyone is looking for flowers and plants around."

Song Nan looked around and saw several women scattered all over the hillside, looking for flowers and plants on the grass, making surprises from time to time.

Grass fighting is the most popular game in spring. It is also a pleasant thing to find unique flowers and plants to compete with each other.

"What did you find?" Song Nan looked at Dai Suer's hand.

Dai Suer blushed and said, "I don't know what this is called. I took it off when I saw it."

Song Nan looked at the flower in Dai Suer's hand, with two small red flowers splitting at the end of the stem and laughing, "I know, this is called a double-headed flower, also called a mandarin duck flower. Look, two flowers grow on the same branch. Do you want to be husband and wife?"

Dai Suer blushed and whispered, "Don't...don't say it."

Song Nan said in astonishment, "What's wrong?"

Dai Suer took a breath and turned away from the topic and said, "You must be wondering why the people here are so poor."

Song Nan said, "Yes, I take profits from their heads, and I feel a little uneasy. People like us are like the gadfly on the ploughing cow, which sucks the blood of others. If the ploughing cow is fat and strong, it's okay. Unfortunately, the sick and sleepy cow can't stand our blood sucking and will die."

Dai Suer said, "Although it's terrible, it's this truth. What should I do? Don't you accept their rent?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "That's no different from giving them money directly. Besides, I don't have such a big family business. I also have to spend money. I can't live without money."

Dai Suer said, "What are you going to do?"

Song Nan said, "You're right. It's better to teach people fish than to fish, but before that, I want to figure out why they are so poor. According to Wan Kui, the farmer's family here has a gross income of 30 taels a year. Why is it so poor?"

Dai Suer frowned and said, "Wan Gui, a slave, doesn't like it. Her mouth is full of whiskers and her words are slippery."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Do you think people are based on first impressions? Just like me, I was not a good person and didn't give me a chance to explain.

Dai Suer looked at Song Nan and said, "If Mr. Song can kill the eunuch on that day, the slave family will believe you."

Song Nan smiled and stared into Dai Suer's eyes and said, "Miss Suer, I will do that, but it's not to make you believe me. Whether you believe it or not, I will only do things according to my own principles. Don't worry that I will deal with you with Liu Jin's life and death. I admit that you are a rare woman. Son, it's attractive enough for me, but you should know that I don't like to trade these things; you can ask the little princess and Qingli when I did an emotional transaction; I just don't want you to think that I'm a principleless person, not a blame you, and everything is left to time to prove.

Dai Suer was a little flustered. Song Nan's eyes saw her heart. Dai Suer did want Song Nan to avenge her father, but the only thing she could trade with Song Nan was her body. The words just now also revealed that 'If you avenge me, I will fulfill your wish'. Dai Suer has nothing to blame herself. If Song Nan really avenged her, killed Liu Jin, and married him as a good destination. After all, Song Nan is a good support.

Unexpectedly, he was recognized by Song Nan. Although Song Nan's words were euphemistic, he refused himself and made it clear that he would not make a deal, which made Dai Suer quite ashamed.

"Go ahead and have fun. I'll go down the mountain to find out the truth." Song Nan looked at Dai Suer gently, stared at her two petal-like lips, and licked her lips.

Dai Suer smiled, turned around and walked away, and said to herself, "What you said is resolute, but the behavior exposes the intention."

Song Nan stayed for a while and waved to Li Daniu and said, "You take people to guard the women on the mountain. Uncle Zhong and I will go down the mountain to do something."

Li Daniel said, "Can't I go?"

Song Nan said, "I'll go to this matter in person. You can't go."

Song Nan greeted the women and wanted to leave, but Ye Fanggu insisted on following them. Song Nan smiled and said, "There is no danger. There is no need for you to be my bodyguard."

Ye Fang said, "Isn't it dangerous? Wan Kui is obviously not a good person, and there are several people in the family who know martial arts. I can see it. What if you can protect yourself if something happens, Uncle Zhong?

Song Nan thinks more and more reasonable, but Song Nan can only scoff at Dai Suer and Ye Fanggu's statement that Wan Yu is not a good person. Women are strange. Once their first impression is not good, it is difficult to change. It has to be said that it is a strange thing.

The three changed into ordinary clothes and went down the mountain. The sun was getting higher and higher. It was already noon. The farmers in the field also washed the mud of their hands and feet and went back to the village, and the curling smoke also floated above the village. The three stood on the road to stop the farmers from asking questions, but both men and women left in a hurry to avoid it.

Song Nan wondered, "What's wrong with these people?"

Uncle Zhong said, "It seems that he is afraid of us."

Song Nan said, "They behaved normally when they came just now."

Ye Fanggu said, "Wan Gui must have made trouble."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Why is it related to Wan Kui again?"

Ye Fanggu said, "Isn't this obvious? After we came out of Wan Gui's house, the people's attitude changed. Why didn't they say that he made trouble?

Song Nan had nothing to say. Uncle Zhong suddenly said, "The old man came over. He just talked to me very speculatively. Don't go this time. I'll talk to him alone."

Uncle Zhong stopped at the end of the field and waited for the old man to come. The old man saw Uncle Zhong blocked on the path in front of him and went down to take a shortcut from the paddy field in a panic. Uncle Zhong was anxious. He went down the paddy field to chase him, but he fell a few times by the mud and grass in the paddy field. At that time, his whole body was wet and muddy; the old man saw it? Forbearance, he turned around and helped Uncle Zhong and said, "Oh, why do you want to do this? Look, you are not a farmer. The mud and water is cold, and ordinary people can't stand it."

Uncle Zhong gasped and said, "Brother, why are you avoiding us?"

The father-in-law sighed, "Don't ask. The old man doesn't know anything. You and your boss will go back. Let's pay the rent every year. What are you asking?"

Uncle Zhong wiped the muddy water on his face: "My young master has some doubts. Don't be afraid. If you have anything to do, just tell me the young master. He will make the decision for you."

The father-in-law waved his hand and said, "No, the old man doesn't want to cause trouble. You pat your buttocks and go back to the city. We are unlucky. Don't ask. I'm leaving."

Uncle Zhong did not give up, followed his father-in-law through the paddy field to the road, pulling his father-in-law's clothes. The father-in-law walked quickly and ignored Uncle Zhong's plea.

Song Nan and Ye Fanggu quickly caught up, but heard a man shouting in the distance: "Dad, why did you get along with these people when you went home for dinner?"

Song Nan and others looked up and saw a strong descendant running along the road at the entrance of the village, with an angry face.

"Let go. My son is coming. My son has a bad temper. If he hurts a few old men, he can't afford it." The old man said hurriedly.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Fa father-in-law, what can't be said clearly? I'm the owner of this field. Is there anything else to hide from me?

The old man said, "My boss, don't make things difficult for us. We still have to live."

Song Nan was still waiting to ask again. The later generation had rushed to the front and said angrily, "What are you doing? What are you doing with my father? My father is an honest man. Don't pester him.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Brother, we just want to know why my field is so fertile, but you are so poor? Is it that my rent has been collected heavily? I plan to reduce some rent after I figure it out. Isn't that good?

The latter said, "Have you received a lot? Thanks to what you said, you can collect one stone and six acres of land..."

The old man said urgently, "Sit."

The latter quickly shut up and pulled the old man away. Song Nan frowned and said, "How much rent did you say I would charge just now?"

The future students don't answer and walk away quickly.

Song Nan said loudly, "If you don't say it today, I will take over the land. You don't want to farm. There are many land farmers who want to cultivate the land."

The old man turned around in astonishment and arched his hand and said, "My boss, you can't do this. A family can rely on these to make a living.

Song Nan said, "Then tell us the truth, or I won't change my mind."