Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 239 Bombing

Chapter 2san jiu

The sound of the copper basin sounded in the dead village. Wan Dabao ran in the village alley while knocking on the bronze basin and shouted: "Fathers and villagers, go to the village entrance to gather. The new owner has something important to announce. The new owner said he wants to reduce our rent. Old and young men, go to the entrance of the village..."

The people were frightened and went out of the house to ask each other with big eyes.

"Is Dabao crazy? After shouting like this, does the thief Wangui still want his life?

"It is said that the new owner wants to reduce our rent. Let's go and have a look."

"Bah, what's the use of reducing it? It's cheaper with the surname Wan.

"It's hard to say that Dabao is steady. If it hadn't been for a turnaround, he wouldn't have shouted so much. Let's go and have a look."


The people talked about it, some didn't believe it, and some secretly rushed to the entrance of the village.

Song Nan stood under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village and saw the uchs shrinking and greeted them enthusiastically and let the people sit on the ground. More and more people gathered. Three or 400 men, women and children came. Although less than half of the villagers, they had exceeded Song Nan's expectations.

The crowd is restless, with complex thoughts in their eyes. Some don't believe, some expect, and some are at a loss. Many people don't come with hope, but are purely worried that if they don't come, they will offend the new owner.

Song Nan stopped Wan Dabao, who passed the entrance of the village, mentioned the tapping of the copper basin in his hand, and the buzz of the people stopped abruptly.

Song Nan said loudly, "Fathers and elders, in Song Nan, the field you cultivate is my private property of Song, and I am your employer."

The people were silent and said to their hearts, "It doesn't matter to us, cats and dogs don't want us to pay the rent."

"This is my first time here to check. I thought you should live a good life as my tenant farmers, but I didn't expect that many things that I don't want to see have happened. I know that someone has added rent to you to make you poor and have enough food and clothing. In view of this, I want to announce a few things to you."

Song Nan glanced at the whole audience and said loudly, "The first thing is that from today on, Wan Kui will no longer be the stewmer of this village. I will choose another suitable person to take care of the land for me, and there will never be any additional rent. You can relax."

The crowd was in an uproar, and the people's faces were happy. Some people actually cried excitedly. Song Nan waved his hand and was about to continue talking, and he heard someone outside the crowd shouting, "Song Dongjia, don't you need to discuss this matter with me first?"

For a burst of **, a burst of scolding came from the people, and the people quickly separated, and more than a dozen families gathered around Wan Kui with a gloomy face and strode from outside the crowd.

Several family members beat the people around them with sticks, and suddenly there was a cry.

Song Nan's face turned cold and said lightly, "Wan Kui, what are you doing?"

Wan Gui arched his hand and said, "I would like to ask Song Dong's family what they want to do. If you come to my Wanjiazhuang, I will stay deliciously and serve you in front of the saddle and behind the horse, but you come with me. Why don't you allow me to be in charge?"

Song Nan sneered and said, "I'm afraid you're crazy. I'm going to take care of my field, and I'm going to be threatened by you?

Wan Kui shook her head and said, "I dare not threaten you. Just ask Song Dong's family to give me a thin face."

Song Nan said, "Bah, will I give you face? Who are you?"

Wan Kui said, "Of course, the villain has no face, but the Song Dong family always has to give Mr. Liu's face. The villain heard that this land was given by Mr. Liu to Song Dong's family. Except for this 1,000 mu of land, the surrounding tens of thousands of mu of land are Mr. Liu's property. My steward also agreed by Mr. Liu personally. I told you the truth. Well, the reason why I didn't visit you is that I went to see Euke Liu's house after the Spring Festival. Euke Liu told me in person that your land was given by him, and there was no need to say hello to Song Dong's family.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Mr. Liu?"

"Yes, Liu Jin and Grandpa Liu, you don't know each other, do you?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Do you have anything to do with Mr. Liu?"

Wan Kui said proudly, "I didn't have the chance to get to know him, but who told me to have a good son? My son Wan Biao is the captain of the East Factory, and he is somewhat thin; my father naturally borrowed my son's energy to talk to Eunuch Liu."

Song Nan nodded and said, "So it is, but you are mistaken. This land was given to me by the emperor, and it has nothing to do with Grandpa Liu; and this land is mine, and no one's words don't matter. Not to mention Grandpa Liu, it's just Ma. I take it as fart when the bulls and horses come to talk. Look at this land deed. This is my land, and my words are the most useful.

Song Nan took out the land deed and waved it, with a look of sarcasm on her face. Wan Yu said angrily, "You don't even give Grandpa Liu's face? Then you're really going to finish. I'll go to the capital immediately to convey your original words. I don't know what the Liu Gong Guild thinks.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Don't be busy going to Beijing."

"Are you afraid?" Wan Kui said proudly.

Song Nan said, "I mean, you don't need to go to Beijing in person. The men will take you to Beijing. As the governor of Jinyiwei Town, I now suspect that you bully the fish people, deceive the owner, increase the rent without authorization, force people to kill people with rent, and rob * good women. All the major crimes have been exposed, and I took you to Jinyiwei for trial."

Wan Kui changed his color and said, "How dare you, this is my territory."

Song Nan said, "So what? Be obedient and arrest, or you will be charged with one more charge, which is resisting arrest.

Wan Kui said angrily, "I'm afraid you don't want to live out of Wanjiazhuang."

Song Nan said, "You have another crime with the intention of murdering the Jinyi guard."

Wan Kui scolded, "Fuck your mother's little son, what are you doing? I took them to the master. Have you seen those women? I will be kind and let you have a good time at night.

More than a dozen family members rushed up with the guy. Ye Fangjiao waved her sword to meet the enemy, but heard Song Nan shouting, "Fanggu retreat."

Ye Fanggu didn't know, but she still retreated to Song Nan's side. Song Nan looked coldly at the family who rushed up in front of her and shouted loudly, "Think clearly that the young master is a brocade guard, but if you want to touch me a hair, it will be a mortal crime."

Wan Wei laughed and said, "Your official position can't scare me here. Master Shilizhuang is heaven."

The families shouted wildly and waved sticks and machetes to rush to Song Nan. Song Nan sighed, "I can't live. I'm forcing the young master to kill. Just try your firepower."

The family rushed to Song Nan and suddenly saw Song Nan pull out a strange thing with two dark iron pipes from his waist and point the black hole in the iron pipe mouth at him. They didn't know what it was.

However, the family members didn't take it seriously. Just now, several beautiful women with Song Nan brought with them were seen. They were as delicate as the people in the painting. After Song Nan left, several families secretly squinted and set off several fire hands. Just now, Wan Yu said that they could enjoy it at night. It didn't matter. This boy is serious.

The people stared at all this, and some people were blindfolded and sighed. I'm afraid that this new owner can't escape this disaster, and Wan Dabao also regrets not falling. After this, Wangui dares to kill in public. I'm afraid that there is no fear. I'm afraid that Eunuch Liu is a bigger official position than the new owner, and this time it will harm the new owner; since I'm also in trouble. It's better to slip away and escape with my family.

Before Wan Dabao moved his footsteps, there was like a thunder in the sunny day, and a loud 'boom' sound was deafening. A yellow smoke rose in front of Song Nan, and he heard endless screams. The smoke dissipated and the four men who rushed to his head lay on the ground, with blood all over their faces, especially their faces. , small holes bleed out one by one, and the situation was extremely horrible.

'Boom', another explosion, the people who had not yet figured out the situation quickly covered their heads and faces. After the sound, another four or five family members fell into a pool of blood.

Song Nan pulled down the barrel of the gun, took out two bullets from his arms, closed the barrel with a click and shouted, "Kneel down and hold your head, or let you taste peanuts again."

Wan Hui stood and looked at the crooked * bloody family members as if they were dreaming. They couldn't believe that they would be knocked down by Song Nan in an instant. The remaining five or six families had lost their souls, and the guy in their hands fell to the ground slowly and fell to the ground without resistance.

Wan Hui woke up, pulled out his foot and ran back. Song Nan waved his hand, and Ye Fanggu flew out, with her feet on the body on the ground, and fell over several people's heads and fell in front of Wan Hui; Wan Hui's face was like earthy, reaching into her arms as if she wanted to touch the blade; Ye Fanggu flew up and kicked him in his stomach, and Wan Wei bent down in pain. It fell to the ground like shrimp.

Song Nan shouted, "Wan Jue is rampant. He resists arrest and wants to assassinate the imperial court officials. There is no need for interrogation and there is no mercy to kill him."

Ye Fanggu raised her dagger when she heard the words, and Wan Kui shouted loudly, "Forgive my life, forgive me." For the sake of Grandpa Liu..."

"Kill..." Song Nan shouted.

Aunt Ye Fang's sword fell, and the tip of the sword gently scratched under Wan Gu's fat chin, and then jumped back quickly. Blood spewed out, and her body was not stained with a drop.

"You just don't mention Liu Jin. If you mention Liu Jin, let me kill you faster." Song Nan whispered to himself and did everything. Song Nan didn't want to make such a hasty decision on Wan Hui's life and death, but at the thought that after taking Wan Wei, Liu Jin would definitely get in the way. Perhaps the emperor would take advantage of Wan Hui in vain when he was bewitched by him. He simply killed him directly with Wan Hui's refusal to arrest and intention to kill himself. The rest Let's talk about it later.

The people were silent, and the killing in front of them happened in an instant. No one expected such an end. I don't know who suddenly shouted, "Well killed, Song Dong's family is angry with me."

"It's good to kill. I don't know how many people this beast has harmed." The people burst into tears and raised their arms and shouted.

The grief and anger and humiliation that have been suppressed for many years are finally released. This Wan Jue is not only the crimes known to Song Nan. In this village, he is the local emperor. The villagers are bullied by him, and his wife and daughter are humiliated by him. All kinds of crimes are heinous, but no one can do anything about him. At this moment, he is killed by Song Nan, which is naturally a gratifying act.

The sound of horses' hoofs, and several horses rushed to the ground, followed by several carriages. When the Song family on the hillside heard the sound of gunfire, they quickly came to check. When they saw the situation in front of them, Dai Suer screamed and almost fainted. It didn't matter to the little princess and Lu Qingli. After asking about the passage, the little princess shouted, "Good kill it well, Song Nan, I will replace them. You testify."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Do you still testify? The villagers present witnessed it with their own eyes. Besides, what if there are no witnesses? Who can move me at all?"