Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 246 Silly Sister Singing

Chapter 246

Song Nan bravely walked to Princess Kangning. Zhu Xiufu smiled and stretched out her hand and said, "Song Nan, carry me on my back."

Song Nan frowned and looked around and saw that the eunuch maids were looking at themselves with a dull expression. Zhu Xiufu shouted to the people around him, "Take good care of your feet, be careful to roll downhill and break your legs. If you look at them again, dig your eyes."

Everyone shivered and hurriedly bowed their heads to drive. Song Nan sighed, came to the bottom of the stone and squatted down and said, "Princess, come up."

Zhu Xiufu smiled and said, "I told you to avoid me, but you can't hide." With that, he jumped from the stone and lay on Song Nan's back.

Song Nan sighed and walked forward with her arms. Zhu Xiufu put her hands around Song Nan's neck and shouted, "It's going to slide down. Hold me."

Song Nan was helpless. She reached back and stroked Zhu Xiufu's slippery thighs and sent it up. Fortunately, Zhu Xiufu's body was light, and Song Nan did not feel very hard. Zhu Xiufu wrapped around Song Nan's body like an octopus and felt extremely comfortable smelling Song Nan's sweat.

The team moved forward slowly, and Song Nan's footsteps became heavier and heavier. The soldiers with heavy objects behind him were blocked by Song Nan. Song Nan had to stop and walk sideways to let them go first, and ordered people to send a message to Wan Zhi and Wang Yong to start camping immediately when they arrived at the site to build the camp before dark.

It was not until the last soldier came to the front that Song Nan slowly followed Zhu Xiufu behind her back. Several maids of honor were driven away by Zhu Xiufu to follow her far away. Zhu Xiufu did not leave Song Nan's body from beginning to end. Song Nan was sweating profusely, and the connection between her back and Zhu Xiufu's chest* was even more soaked. With the bumps of walking, Song Nan felt that the two pills on Zhu Xiufu's chest were grinding behind her, making the population dry and dry.

"Soong Nan, am I heavy?" Zhu Xiufu buried her head in Song Nan's neck and ate with hot air.

Song Nan gritted her teeth and said, "It's not heavy at all... The princess is as light as a swallow."

"Hee hee... Then why do you feel very hard?"

"I'm afraid that the princess will fall, which is caused by nervousness."

Zhu Xiufu smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. Let's walk slowly until dark and tomorrow."

Song Nan said, "There are jackals, tigers and leopards in this mountain when it's dark."

Zhu Xiufu said, "Don't you think so? I'm not afraid with you."

Song Nan was speechless and sent Zhu Xiufu's buttocks up and said, "I can't be distracted. Princess, don't talk to me."

Zhu Xiufu hummed and twisted her body a few times, and the bumps behind her rubbed. Song Nan's scalp was numb and she gritted her teeth.

Zhu Xiufu ate and smiled, and suddenly stretched out her mouth to kiss Song Nan's neck. She stretched out her tongue and slowly slid on Song Nan's skin. Song Nan moaned and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, don't... Don't do this, my legs are soft."

Zhu Xiufu did not answer, and her tongue became stronger on Song Nan's neck*. Song Nan's whole body was tight, and her lower body was as hot, as hard as a diamond pestle. Zhu Xiufu's teasing was too promiscuous, and in public, she was more stimulating Song Nan, which was shamefully hard.

Her legs and feet began to tremble. Song Nan couldn't stand it and didn't dare to scold loudly to attract attention. In a hurry, she held the princess's hand and pinched the princess's buttocks hard. Princess Corning almost snorted and almost shouted.

"Song Nan...you... you are so bold that you dare to pinch... my buttocks." Princess Corning's voice is so sweet.

"I have to do this, or I and the princess will roll down the hillside." Song Nan's forehead was full of sweat.

Princess Corning gasped, "If you pinch me, I will bite you."

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Highness, stop it, okay?"

Kang Ning did not answer, and his teeth gently slid on the back of Song Nan's neck and suddenly bit him. Song Nan shouted in pain and almost threw Princess Kangning down the hillside.

"What's wrong?" The maids gathered around in a hurry.

"It's okay... I kicked it and almost fell." Song Nan has a weak way.

The eunuchs looked at Song Nan sympathetically and said to herself: Lord Song is really suffering today. Your Highness has not left his back for an hour, and even the iron man will have weak legs.

Zhu Xiufu laughed, and Song Nan whispered angrily, "If you mess around again, I will throw you on the ground. If the emperor blames you, I will admit it."

Zhu Xiufu hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I won't bite you. Do you drink water?"

Song Nan nodded. Zhu Xiufu reached out and took a water bag from Song Nan's waist and came to Song Nan's mouth. Song Nan drank a few breaths and gasped. A gust of fragrant wind came. A precious Xiang embroidery handkerchief gently wiped Song Nan's face gently. Song Nan was completely out of it. The princess would be like a nymphomaniac. She will be clever and cute, which is really hard to eat her.

A cool and pleasant mountain breeze blew, and Song Nan was refreshed and accelerated her pace. Zhu Xiufu also calmed down and put her face on Song Nan's back. After a while, she hummed gently.

"I'm in the village, and he is so ugly. Ugly is ugly, the village is the village, and the intention is similar. He is really ugly and won the affection of our village. Like such ugly family members, village spouses are only in the sky.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Xiufu's voice was very beautiful. The song drifted with the wind and was sent to the ears of Zhengde and others. Zhengde said with a smile, "The royal sister's singing is still so beautiful. I haven't heard the royal sister sing for many years."

Liu Jin smiled and said, "The princess seems to be very happy today. This song is really beautiful." Zhengde laughed and said, "The royal sister likes to learn to sing when she watches the play with the empress dowager in the harem. This is a small tune left by Meng Yuan, which is also interesting."

Liu Jin said, "What does the song mean, but I don't understand it at all."

Zhengde laughed and said, "Naturally you don't understand. When you enter the palace, it is difficult to understand the feelings of men and women."

Liu Jin looked gloomy, and Zhengde patted him on the shoulder and said, "Little Jinzi, you don't have to be sad. There are not only men and women in the world. If you have served me for more than ten years, the feelings of our kings and ministers may not be as good as these men and women."

Liu Jin turned sad and said happily, "Yes, slaves are willing to serve the emperor for the rest of their lives. How can the feelings of men and women compare with the feelings of slaves and the emperor's kings and ministers?"

Zhengde smiled and whispered, "Xiao Jinzi, I can see that the royal sister seems to have a good impression on Song Nan. What do you think of Song Nan?"

Liu Jin nodded and said, "I dare not talk nonsense, but Her Royal Highness really seems to have a good impression on Lord Song. Song Nan is naturally good."

Zhengde learned Zhu Xiufu's tune and sang: "Like such ugly family members, village spouses, except for heaven."

Liu Jin said, "Your Majesty, what does it mean? I still want to know what it means."

Zhengde smiled and said, "It's about an eye-to-eye affair between a stupid sister and an ugly man."

Liu Jin waved her hand and said, "How can the princess compare herself to a stupid sister? The princess is smart and beautiful. That's a rare figure in the world."

Zhengde laughed and said, "Don't flatter me. In my opinion, the royal sister is really a silly sister who can't hide her thoughts."

Liu Jin blinked and didn't understand what Zhengde was talking about, but Zhengde was happy, and Liu Jin was naturally in a good mood. Moreover, Liu Jin already had a prototype of a plan in his heart. Of course, it was aimed at Song Nan. Liu Jin wanted Princess Kangning to rely on Song Nan, otherwise his plan could not be carried out.

When the sun set in the west, the brigade finally arrived at the camp. The valley was green and open. The tall trees and shrubs had already been ordered by Song Nan to cut down. The task of camping naturally fell on Song Nan. Shi Wenyi and others were not very shrewd about camping in the field.

Song Nan commanded the crowd to cut down many big trees and splice them to form a floor. On it, he built a huge tent as the residence of Zhengde, and also built a slightly smaller area next to it. That was Zhu Xiufu's tent. After everyone worked together to set up the big tent and spread the blanket, Zhengde and Zhu Xiufu were extremely satisfied.

Then he began to build other small tents centered on Zhengde's tent. The tents with knives surrounded Zhengde's tents. Outside are the tents of Liu Jinqiu Jushi Wenyi and others, the middle circle is the guard circle of General Jinyiwei Han, and outside is the tents of palace maids and cadres, and the outermost are the fans of the East Factory. And the people brought by Song Nan himself, as well as the tents of Hongchou and other soldiers who followed in the fortress.

In addition to the laborious tents of Zhengde and the princess in the middle, the rest of the tents are also very fast. You only need to hold up the tent and lay carpets and bedding on the grass inside, and then you can move in; but even so, when the sun sets, it is too dark.

The bonfire ignited, and the soldiers' food was fragrant, and the Zhengde's tent was also brightly lit. Zhengde, who was happy, ordered people to set up the wine and food they brought, and gathered the heads and brains of the attendants to gather together. Liu Jin was thoughtful, and his entourage was accompanied by musicians and dancers. The candle shadow shook the sound of red bamboo, which actually made a barren mountains and fields. Ling's place has become a happy land on earth. Zhengde repeatedly praised Liu Jin's ability. Liu Jin looked around proudly and said to himself: Who can please the emperor more than me?

At the banquet, in order to relieve fatigue, Song Nan drank several glasses of wine. In his drunken eyes, he always saw Zhu Xiufu sitting next to Zhengde, stare boldly at him with a pair of beautiful eyes. Recalling the entanglement with Zhu Xiufu on the road, Song Nan's heart sprouted a strange feeling and forced herself to suppress his desire. I hope you don't lose your temper.

It was almost two days old. Thinking that he had to get up early to hunt tomorrow, Zhengde reluctantly announced that the banquet would be over. Looking at Zhu Xiufu's intention to pull himself to speak, Song Nan quickly slipped out of the curtain and hated Zhu Xiufu's feet so much that she stamped her feet.