Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 273 Tricky

(Thank you for the monthly pass of Qianli Pursuit, Leisure Ronin, Bobby75222) Chapter 273

The rain of arrows covering the sky like flying locusts shrouded the peak, but Song Nan had been prepared for a long time. When the rocket stopped yesterday, Song Nan gritted his teeth and consumed more than 20 pieces of shrapnel to widen several places along the pit wall. More than ten people hid in the pit, and another group hid under the mountain beam in the north, allowing the Tatars to shoot desperately. There is no harm at all.

The Tatson seemed to be fierce and shot for nearly half an hour without interruption, but he did not send the Tatron soldiers to climb up and attack, which made Song Nan very confused. When the arrow rain stopped for a while, Song Nan secretly climbed to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Suddenly, he found that the Tatar soldiers were pulling north. This discovery made Song Nan ecstatic.

Song Nan quickly informed the news, and everyone was also surprised. Liu Jin said happily, "The Taran is going to retreat. It must be that our army of reinforcements has arrived, and the Taran is afraid."

Zhengde cried with joy, "Well, the reinforcements have arrived, and we are out of trouble." Everyone cheered and filled their chests with happiness, leaving tears of joy.

Song Nan silently looked at the Tartan soldiers who pulled out their camp and retreated under the cliff, but was very puzzled. If the reinforcements really arrived, it was acceptable for the Tartan soldiers to return them. However, in seven days, except for the soldiers and horses of Weizhou Guard, the reinforcements everywhere should not be so fast. If it were cavalry, it was still possible, but unfortunately, whether it was Datong Xuanfu The land or the capital regiment camp are all mixed arms, and it can't be so fast.

Another suspicious thing is that the rear army of the Tatans withdrew, and a large number of soldiers and horses in the fortress were also pulling out one after another, but the southern camp in the valley several miles away did not have the image of withdrawal. Maybe it prevented the Ming army from covering up at the time of withdrawal, or maybe it was deliberately selling some flaws. In short, Song Nan felt that something was a little wrong. Strong.

"Lord Song, why are you not happy at all?" Wan Zhi grinned and came to Song Nan. He was a little surprised to see Song Nan's eyebrows locked.

Song Nan said, "Wan Zhi, I don't think it's that simple. Not to mention whether the reinforcements of the brigade will come or not, even if the Tarans retreat, why the military camp in the south has not moved?"

Wan Zhi squinted and suddenly smiled and said, "Your excellency, the most taboo for the army to chase the enemy in chaos. The south camp is obviously not moving is to prevent the Weizhou soldiers and horses from taking advantage of the situation to attack. The Tatans are not stupid, and they don't know anything about the art of war. They think that we just need to inform Lord Jiang of the withdrawal of the Tatari soldiers. This is a great time to attack.

Song Nan was puzzled, but he was speechless to refute. Wan Zhi shouted and collected the arrows shot up with everyone. There was only a set of warning and signals to transmit the enemy's situation in the Ming army. He raised fireworks as an early warning for the enemy attack, and the fireworks rose and went out. These three times were the signal for the alarm to lift the enemy's retreat, which was the Ministry of War. According to the prescribed signal, Wan Zhi wants to use this signal to convey the news of the secretly retreat of the salams.

Song Nan frowned and silently looked at Wan Zhi and others busy, and suddenly shouted, "No, no, the scallion is playing with the shade."

The busy crowd stopped looking at Song Nan in astonishment. Song Nan said hurriedly, "The Tari are seducing Jiang Bin to take advantage of the attack; do you think that if the Tari withdraws in front of us, we can think of passing the message to Jiang Bin? Nanying doesn't move just to make this fraudulent plan more realistic. If Jiang Bin sees the Tart retreat, he does not dare to attack rashly, because he does not have enough troops and will never dare to take risks. In case the whole army is destroyed; and the signal is sent by us, Jiang Bin will never doubt it, and he will not hesitate to attack, which is exactly what the Tart wants to take advantage of us.

Everyone scratched their heads and looked at each other in congrue.

"Lord Song, the Ttars are not so sinister, are they? The Ttars are all barbarians who drink blood. Will they think so deeply?" Liu Jin was watered with cold water by Song Nan and said unwillingly.

Song Nan sneered and said, "Don't you have a head as a salam? If the Tata are not shrewd, how can smart people like you and me be trapped here? Those who are regarded as fools will die miserably. Even if the sarots really retreat, we can't take this risk. Obviously, the reinforcements of the brigade have not arrived. Otherwise, whether the soldiers withdraw or not, our Ming army will launch an attack to save the emperor.

Liu Jin said, "You are too careful. The good opportunity to pursue is was let go in vain. The emperor has been trapped by the tarrans for seven days. How can he let the tarrans pay the price to relieve his hatred."

Song Nan said angrily, "What do you know? If you are careless, you will kill thousands of people in the Weizhou army, and it will be too late to repent.

Liu Jin was a little embarrassed by Song Nan. Regardless of what he thought in his heart, Song Nan turned his head and said to Zhengde, "Your Majesty, never send a signal to Jiang Bin to pursue. If the Talicans really evacuate, we can still get out of trouble. When the emperor reaches a safe place, we can mobilize troops and horses to pursue."

Zhengde forked his hand and said, "Well, I seem to be happy for nothing."

Song Nan said, "Be careful."

Everyone had to stop and sit down and watch the Tatar soldiers retreat one after another to the north of the mountain pass. The valley and ravines were ravines. After the Tatar soldiers withdrew from the mountain pass, there was no trace of them. Only the yellow dust and smoke rose, and half of the sky was covered with yellow dust.

In the afternoon, the Tatar soldiers and horses in the southern camp also began to pull out of the camp and evacuate. Sure enough, Jiang Bin's Weizhou soldiers and horses did not take advantage of the situation to attack. They did not know whether the Tatari were ambushed or not. They only sent hundreds of cavalry to swim in the front to observe. The Tatron did not seem to care about their peeping at all, and finally 5,000 soldiers and horses also swaggered out of the mountain pass.

After the Tartars evacuated, the valley suddenly became empty and lonely. Everyone stood on the top of the beacon and stared at the messy eyes all over the ground. For a long time, people didn't know what to say.

"Congratulations, emperor, Hexi, emperor Hongfu, caused by the power of heaven, the Tsars fled by looking at the wind, and he is really the king of divine power." Liu Jin suddenly knelt down in front of Zhengde and kowtowed in tears.

Zhengde was at a loss and looked at the people: "This...is the end? Did the Tari leave like this?

Liu Jin said, "Didn't you leave? Facts have proved that Lord Song was too worried. The Taran was photographed by the divine power of my Ming emperor and fled in dismay.

Zhengde was surprised and said, "Well, can I go back to the capital under this damn beacon?"

Liu Jin said, "Isn't it? Jiang Bin, a fool, hasn't come to pick him up yet, and he is still trembling and dares not send troops over. He is simply as timid as a rat. What are you still doing? Hurry up and make a beacon and send a signal for Jiang Bin to lead the army to pick up?"

Several officials with knives quickly lit up the pile of arrows. When the fire burst, they sprinkled gravel and limestone to emit yellow smoke, and then repeated it three times after extinguishing. Soon, they saw smoke and dust rising in the south. More than a dozen Ming soldiers waited for the flying horses to check, and soon after they rode back.

Half an hour later, the Wei army led by Jiang Bin appeared in the south of the valley. The army ran forward, and soon reached five or six miles away. The flag of the army fluttered in the wind, and the soldiers' blades were dazzling. At first sight, when they saw so many Ming soldiers, Zhengde's eyes were wet, and the people beside them also cheered. Leap up.

"What are you doing if you don't protect the emperor?" Liu Jin scolded.

Everyone quickly cleaned up the badly damaged stone steps, and seven or eight people guarded them and escorted Zhengde down the beacon step by step.

Song Nan stood at the top of the peak with a confused look, frowning into a pimple. Dai Suer gently pulled his sleeves and said, "Sir, go down."

Song Nan silently took her hand and slowly went down to the middle, and suddenly stopped and shouted loudly, "No, emperor, turn around quickly; the Taran has a trick."

The people who were about to reach the ground were stunned and turned their heads back. Liu Jin scolded loudly: "Don't talk nonsense. Song Nan is as timid as a rat. The emperor, don't care about him. You guys are stunned and help the emperor and princess."

Before the words were finished, a noisy horseshoe sound was heard. Dozens of horses suddenly gushed out from the dead corner of the wall, and then dozens of tartar soldiers rushed out of the broken stone houses in the fortress. One by one, they rushed to Zhengde and others who had already set foot on the ground. Then, a tartar on the wall whined and blew the trumpet. The horn, accompanied by the low and long sound of the horn, the hoofs outside the north mountain pass rumbled to cover the sun, and the Tatar soldiers returned. Thousands of cavalry rushed forward with lightning, and the long knives held high like a forest, shining brightly in the sunset.

The sudden change, and everyone was stunned. The Tatans actually set up an ambush and left an ambush in all the blind corners, waiting for Zhengde to set foot on the ground. Moreover, the Weizhou Guard Army was already five or six miles away, and a large troop of Tatson cavalry rushed to attack. There was no way to avoid it, so they could only fight with the Tatans.

It's all over.

Song Nan's heart was watered like ice water. After struggling for so many days, he finally failed. Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses in Weizhou are all over.

There was almost no room. It was impossible for Zhengde and others to climb back to the peak. Song Nan picked up Dai Suer's waist and jumped down regardless of the danger of the stone steps. He almost rolled down several times. Thanks to the pull of the guards around him, he arrived safely on the ground and was cut blood by the gravel.

Song Nan shouted loudly regardless of his injury: "Protect the emperor and rush out and follow the reinforcements."

Wan Zhi and others came to their senses and responded loudly. In a loud shout, the guards pulled out the shot bombs and bombed them repeatedly, and then bombarded several Tatsars who rushed to the front of them off the horse.

Song Nan shouted, " Grab the horse."

A personal guard grabbed the reins of a horse and pulled it back. Several arrows penetrated his body, and the personal guard shouted and fell to the ground.

Wan Zhi roared, and the fire gun knocked down the two aiming archers, rushed forward to pull the horse that wanted to escape, and did not forget to take back the dead guard's fire gun and put it in his waist.

Song Nan shouted, "Wan Zhi, help the emperor get on the horse. You escort the emperor to turn with Lord Jiang, and we will drag the zars for you."

Wan Zhigao shouted, "Your excellency is still your escort to the emperor, after the humble decision."

Song Nan scolded angrily, "I'll kill you again."

Wan Zhi had no choice but to bow his hand to Song Nan and came to Zhengde and said, "Your Majesty, please get on the horse and escort the emperor out of here."

Zhengde panicked and said, "What should I do, sister? Song Nan, what about the princess?

Song Nan shot down two zarons and turned around and shouted, "The emperor will go first, and the princess will give it to Weichen."

Zhengde knew that it was useless to fight. He stepped on Wan Zhi's knee and climbed on the back of the horse. Wan Zhi turned over on the horse. Song Nan shouted, "Brothers, aim at the archers in the front and let it go!"


Seven or eight torches roared at the same time, which made people dizzy and tinnitus. A row of famous Tatans in the front were knocked down. Taking this opportunity, Song Nan stretched out her hand and slapped the horse's buttocks and shouted, "Go."

Wan Zhi shook the reins, and the horse flew out. Several Tatar soldiers tried their best to stop them. Wan Zhi's embroidered spring knives were cut down repeatedly and knocked down the two Tatar soldiers to the ground. The horse rushed out and ran out. After running for dozens of steps, it smashed the gap of the south wall blocked by branches.

The huge impact force made the horses stout on the hillside. Fortunately, Wanzhi's riding skills were very good, and he tried his best to stabilize the horse and urge the horses to gallop down the hillside.