Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 276 The Great War is imminent

Chapter qi

Zhengde ran his horse, and Jiang Bin rushed to the rescue with 200 cavalry. When Jiang Bin led people to surround Zhengde, Zhengde almost fainted.

"Your Majesty, it's too late to rescue me, and the emperor is shocked." Jiang Bin wants to take people off the horse to worship.

Zhengde waved his hand and swallowed his foam and said, "Don't say more, go and save the princess and Song Nan and Liu Jin."

Jiang Bin looked at the thousands of Tatar cavalry rolling in front of him and hesitated, but instantly dispelled his concerns. His men and horses could no longer avoid a head-on encounter with the Tatar cavalry. The two sides met for less than seven or eight miles. Even at this moment, it was too late to order the withdrawal of the troops, and it was better to fight desperately. At this time, he ordered a group of cavalry loudly. Escort Zhengde to evacuate to the south, and took the cavalry to pick up Song Nan and others.

After a while, a horse galloped, and Liu Jin and Qian Ning continued to run south without looking back. Jiang Bin didn't even have a chance to ask questions. Looking forward, two miles away, a horse was chased by dozens of taels and was running this way. Jiang Bin squinted and recognized that the person on the horse was Song Nan. He quickly roared loudly: "Brother Song Brother, brother is here to save you.

Song Nan was blocked by the four riders in front of him and had to avoid it in a circle, but in this way, he was caught up by the Taritans behind him, so he had to run to the edge of the valley, hoping to widen the distance not be entangled by the Tata.

When the Ttar chasers saw hundreds of cavalry of the Ming army coming to reinforce, they also knew that there was no hope of capturing them alive, so they ordered to shoot them. At that time, the flying feathers shot randomly and were whistling around Song Nan and others. A moment later, the horse was hit by an arrow in the buttocks, and the horse fell to the ground with a long hissing sound. Song Nan and Dai Suer and Zhu Xiufu were thrown off the horse. Fortunately, the grass was soft and the fall was very painful but did not hurt the bones.

Song Nan quickly pulled up the two women who fell and ran to the valley. Song Nan wanted to get into the hillside ravines or between the long grass by the valley, so that she could avoid the pursuit of the Tatar cavalry. After all, the reinforcements in front came to meet them, and the Tatars did not dare to waste time getting off the horse and climb Mans's methodical walking pursuit.

However, the three ran very slowly. Zhu Xiufu and Dai Suer almost fell step by step. Not to mention running, it was even a problem to walk. In a blink of an eye, several salams had already arrived, and they were still dozens of feet away from the hillside by the valley.

Song Nan sighed and pulled the two women to stand and face the salam soldiers.

"Princess, Song Nan is incompetent and can't save you." Song Nan sighed.

Zhu Xiufu leaned close to Song Nan and was not afraid when it came to the end: "Song Nan, I don't blame you. You have tried your best."

Song Nan turned to Dai Suer and said, "Miss Dai, the emperor just promised to get rid of your slaves, but I didn't expect that we would die here. It's really unfair to you."

Dai Suer slowly shook her head and said, "Mr. Song, don't talk like this. The slave family is very grateful to you. The slave family's heart was dead when their parents passed away. God let the slave family meet you. Finally, it was not bad to the slave family. Before I died, I had a calm and happy life."

Song Nan sighed, took their hands and silently pinched their hands and pulled out the fire from their waist. More than ten people slowly surrounded them. Seeing Song Nan picking up the fire, they stopped and arrows aimed at Song Nan and others. A tartarman shouted loudly, "Put that thing, or I will teach you ten thousand arrows to pierce your heart."

Song Nan ignored it and stretched out her hand to cut her hair and said, "I can't let you fall into the hands of the hand of the hand of the hand. There is still the last bullet in this fire. Princess, Suer, I'm going to do it."

Zhu Xiufu and Dai Suer burst into tears and stood side by side. Dai Suer said, "Do it, just don't look at our faces. I don't want to die too ugly."

Song Nan said with a wry smile, "Okay, turn around."

The two women slowly turned around and faced the cliff, supporting each other; they heard the trigger click behind them, followed by the chirping sound of the fire rope, and the two women clenched their palms and closed their eyes to wait for the roar.

"Boom!" The explosion was deafening, and the shocking screams also sounded at the same time. The two women were knocked to the ground by a strong force behind them, but strangely, there was no tingling of iron * into the body. At the same time, Song Nan's low shout sounded in her ear.

"Buried your head and don't move."

The two women lay on the ground tightly and felt Song Nan's body pressing on their backs, and there was a loud sound in their ears. Then the sound of horses' hoofs vibrated, and then bursts of shouts filled their ears. After a jingling, someone shouted in a rough voice, "Brother Song, princess, where are you? Are you all right?"

Corning quickly turned over and shouted, "I'm fine. Who are you?"

A tall figure came in the mist, and a dark face was full of anxiety and surprise.

"Your Highness, Jiang Bin came late to save me. Please forgive me."

Zhu Xiufu asked anxiously, "Where's Song Nan? Where is Song Nan?

Dai Suer beside him cried, "Mr. Song, wake up."

Zhu Xiufu found that Song Nan was lying beside him, with two feather arrows inserted on his back, and blood flowed out.

Zhu Xiufu was shocked and shook Song Nan's face and cried, "Song Nan, Song Nan, wake up, don't die, don't die."

"Cough..." Song Nan coughed with blood foam in her mouth.

Everyone was overjoyed. Zhu Xiufu rubbed Song Nan's face, tears fell on Song Nan's face, and said happily, "You're not dead, you're not dead."

Song Nan said weakly, "Don't rub it. If you rub it again, you will really die."

The two women smiled with tears. Jiang Bin stretched out his hand and hugged Song Nan and shouted, "Brother, I'm late. I'm sorry. You've suffered."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Cough, my heart hurts very much."

Jiang Bin hurriedly took off Song Nan's armor to check the wound, but saw that Song Nan's armor was still wearing a furry bearskin vest. Two feather arrows penetrated the bear's skin, but only half an inch, which was simply a skin injury, so he was stunned and said, "What are you wearing?"

Song Nan coughed and said, "Fortunately, Suer forced me to put on this bearskin vest, otherwise my life would be gone."

Dai Suer cried with joy and was glad that her decision to let Song Nan wear a bearskin vest was when she left the peak.

The two arrows only entered the back heart wound for about half an inch. Just now, Song Nan wanted to marry the princess and Dai Suer, but suddenly saw that Jiang Bin's cavalry had reached a distance of hundreds of steps, so he was determined to protect the two women to escape. At the moment of the fire, Song Nan suddenly turned around and bombarded four or five Tatars nearby, and then fell on the two women to protect them. The Tatars shot randomly, and two arrows were shot in the back. If it hadn't been for the double obstruction of armor and bearskin vest, this close-range strong bow would have been enough to pierce Song Nan's body.

Everyone quickly retreated south. On the way, Song Nan saw Wan Zhi, who was full of flesh and blood, and hurriedly ordered people to rescue him. Wan Zhi's body had several arrow wounds and several bones were broken, but there was still a silk spirit in his nose, which made Song Nan overjoyed.

When everyone returned to the formation of the Weizhou army, the cavalry of the Tasan Brigade were already four miles away, and the iron hooves of more than 5,000 cavalry in the front team were trampled on, and the turf in the valley rolled up, roaring and shocking the sky.

Jiang Bin quickly ordered people to send the princess Dai Suer Wan Zhi and others to the rear, and he ordered to stand up to wait. Song Nan drank a lot of water and killed him and did not want to retreat. Anyway, if the army is defeated, it is still impossible to escape. It is better to kill the enemy in person and kill one by one.

Jiang Bin can't resist him and no longer persuade him. There is a fierce battle with no chance of winning. All he can do is to resist and buy time for the emperor who retreats to the south. The enemy's 20,000 cavalry and his own side's only less than 6,000 cavalry mixed soldiers can only be seen by the number of days.

The hoof rumbled, and the tide-like Tatar cavalry enveloped the gap in the valley like a huge dark cloud. In the face of such a terrible posture, the soldiers of Weizhou Guard also turned pale. Although they have experienced many battles, most of them are defensive battles and small troops. How can they ever seen such a large regiment fight? .

Even Jiang Bin has never personally commanded such a big battle. Except for often being trained in the Datong General Military Mansion and listening to Wang Xun and the generals of Datong's various guard stations talk about the tactics against a large number of Tarot soldiers, the real actual combat experience is zero, but Fortunately, Jiang Bin already knew that he had to deal with the Great Tasars when he came to rescue. The main force has already figured out the materials and methods for the war.

"Prepare for the bow!"

"Prepare for the fire!"

"*Hand formation!"

"Kword and shield soldiers! Hook sickle gun! Listen to my orders."

A series of orders were issued, and the soldiers quickly organized a formation, and the archers and more than 100 bird gunners bent their bows and aimed with arrows and arrows.

"Brothers, I, the Weizhou army, have not been defeated for many years, but we have eaten small meat and clear soup. Today, there is a big piece of fat meat in front of us, and we need to eat enough. Today, the emperor supervised the battle after the battle. Song Nan and Song Zhen, who went out of the Weizhou army, was seriously injured but met the enemy with us. Don't humiliate me, do you hear me?

The soldiers roared, "I understand."

Jiang Bin looked at Song Nan and said, "Brother, say a few words."

Song Nan nodded, stood up and stood on the saddle and glanced at the dense Weizhou guards. He said loudly, "Brothers, I, Song Nan, am from Weizhou Wei. I know the virtues of our brothers in Weizhou. I usually laugh, but I will never drop the chain at critical times. For the Ming Dynasty, it is my duty to expel the Tatars. Responsibility, not to say much, the emperor watched after the battle. Whether we are cowardly or heroes depends on your choice. The generals and princes of hundreds of thousands of households did not fall from the sky, but wanted to fight for their lives. I only asked everyone, do you want to be crowned as emperors and glory ancestors? Do you want to be famous and respected by the people all over the world?

The soldiers shouted thunderously, "I want!"

Song Nan roared, "If you want to kill the Tartars, kill them without leaving any armor. If you kill them, they will cry for their father and mother, and they will regret coming to this world. Let's live together! Death, we will die with you!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Thousands of soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and their noses stirred and gasped. Song Nan's words made them hot-blooded, and the timidity in their hearts were still there, but they were melted by the blood flowing all over their bodies.

Song Nan smiled and looked at the soldiers with tears in his eyes. He knew very well that no matter how powerful the spiritual power is, there is no chance of winning in the face of the absolute disparity in strength, but it doesn't matter. A vigorous death may be fate, but it is also a supreme glory.