Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 279 Panchang War 3

(Thank you for the flowers, three yellow teeth, star sacrifice, lion demon and other brothers for giving a lot of monthly tickets. Thank you for the rewards that you are not hungry)

The bald man had already wanted to attack the remnants of Weizhou soldiers who dared to go down the mountain to intercept, but when he learned the news of the arrival of the Ming army reinforcements, his first thought was: withdraw quickly!

Especially after witnessing the destruction of the two thousand cavalry who came to aid the Ming army and were blocked, Tu Meng realized that it was the elite main force of the Ming army, and it was the cavalry of the brigade. The mobility was not inferior to his own Tatar army, which was a little big deal.

The situation is in a dilemma. No matter how bald people hope to withdraw from this valley quickly, they have to be cautious. Panic withdrawal is a taboo for soldiers. The other party is an elite cavalry, and they can easily take advantage of the chaos of retreat to disperse the formation of the army. The consequences are unimaginable.

Although hesitant and irritable, soon, the news brought by the fleeing soldiers made the baldness rekindle the fire of hope. Although the reinforcement of the Ming army was elite, its number was only 3,000 to 4,000. In addition, the 2,000 remnants of the Weiming infantry in Weizhou were only 56,000, and he still had 15,000 iron horses on hand. He is not afraid at all. If he fights head-on, he will win a lot.

The only concern is that I don't know how many reinforcements the Ming army will follow up and where they are. In case the Ming army's reinforcements arrive in half, it will be difficult to get out of the quagmire.

The bald army can urgently hold a meeting of lieutenant generals to solicit opinions, but the opinions of the Tatari generals are very different. Some advocate immediately attacking the Ming army in front of them and defeating the triumphant division after a great victory; others advocate that after thousands of cavalry are cut off, the main force will immediately withdraw from the Great Wall passing and return to the territory of Tatar, so as not to be assisted by the subsequent Ming army. The army procrastinated and couldn't get out.

After weighing it over and over again, based on the opinions of several tribal leaders, the bald man chose to withdraw his troops. Although he really wanted to fight this battle, he could not take the elite risk at hand. The military strength of the Tatar Kingdom is really limited, and the price it has paid in the process of unifying various ministries is not small. The male population of Tatar countries has also declined sharply. At present, the whole Tatar has barely 100,000 combatable soldiers, all of whom are his sweethearts.

In this act, he captured the little emperor of the Ming Dynasty and mobilized a total of 40,000 troops. The battle of the two wings and the losses here have killed and injured nearly 10,000. Although the casualties of the Ming army are not less than this number, the Ming army can't afford to fight. If this battle is lost, the main force will suffer devastating consequences. The Ming army If there is a large-scale crusade, it will be a question whether he, Dayan Khan, can continue to sit down.

Considering all kinds of constraints, the baldness can finally decide to withdraw, but there is also a suitable way to withdraw. It is dangerous to evacuate the gourd-shaped pass of the Great Wall in front of the Ming army. The baldness does not want to be beaten by the Ming army with a hanging tail and can't fight back, so he came up with a plan to cover people's eyes.


After the infantry's battlefield was cleaned up, the 4,000 cavalry brought by Zhang Lun moved forward and were ready to go. They closely monitored the movements of the Taran army and were ready to attack and meet the enemy at any time. Although some generals suggested to take advantage of the situation immediately, Zhang Lun was not overwhelmed by the victory of the first battle. He had to wait for the subsequent fighting camp and magic machine. After the infantry of the battalion arrived, they were willing to take action. 10,000 horses in the Fenwu battalion and 3,000 firearms of the magic battalion and the Taran had a fighting power. More than 15,000 cavalry of the Taran were not a piece of paper.

Only in one case will Zhang Lun choose to attack immediately, that is, the withdrawal of the Taran, which is also the consensus of Song Nan and Zhang Lun.

Zhang Lun and Song Nan stood on a grassy slope together. Looking at the movement of the Tart barracks several miles away, Song Nan grabbed a dry pancake in her hand and chewed it. She didn't eat enough for seven or eight days. Now she feels like she can't eat enough. After a while, she has eaten three or four pancakes.

Zhang Lun frowned and looked at the movement of the Taran barracks in the distance and looked at Song Nan and said, "The Taran soldiers don't look flustered at all. They are really difficult opponents. I thought they would withdraw or attack us, but they didn't move at all. They really calm down."

Song Nan swallowed the last mouthful of dough cake, rolled his eyes, and burped, "The harts don't know each other. They know that the young master will not escape, but they have suffered."

Zhang Lun glanced at Song Nan and said, "Are you joking me? After receiving your letter, I rushed here day and night. There were many people along the way. If the Tatans forcibly attacked, it would be difficult for us to stop it. It will take at least an hour for the infantry to arrive. I don't want to fight with the Tatans now.

Song Nan smiled and said, "I understand that you will need ten days to arrive. You are faster than I thought. Before leaving Beijing, I will ask you to prepare for rescue. Although the young master doesn't think so, it turns out that the little father-in-law still trusts you."

Zhang Lun sighed, "Yes, before leaving, you asked me to transfer troops to station in the north of the city. I did think you were making a fuss. It turned out that you were right. This time it was extremely dangerous. If the emperor was captured by the Tatans, the world would be in chaos."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Master, is this great contribution given to you by me this time? It's a great achievement for you to lead the army from the capital to help. I don't know where the reinforcements of Datong and Xuanfu are, and the Beijing camp has appeared this time.

Zhang Lun smiled and said, "Don't be obedient. You don't need to remind me. Anyway, remember that you are good this time. You still have a conscience. My mouth is not as sweet as yours, and I won't say anything sweet words. I will compensate you in the future."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What compensation should we talk about? As long as the little father-in-law doesn't see me, he will be satisfied. If I say that I have something to ask, I only ask the little father-in-law to complete my marriage with my sister and persuade my husband to raise his hand."

Zhang Lun said, "I'm afraid you won't object this time. Song Nan, you are very good. You are not only have some skills, but also good luck. It's a bad thing for the emperor to be attacked, but you have benefited from it. You are so lucky that I have to convince you."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Is this luck? I don't want this kind of luck. I almost died on the beacon. Who wants such luck? I'm just preparing for a rainy day. When the emperor goes out to patrol the border town, I naturally have to consider the worst situation. I also want to greet you in the hope that once there is a change, you can be rescued in time, which is called preparedness.

Zhang Lun curled his lips and said, "In the final analysis, it's still a big luck. If the Taran doesn't come, it's useless to be prepared."

Song Nan laughed and said, "I feel like I want the emperor to be attacked. I can't stand it."

Zhang Lun looked at the enemy camp in the distance and said, "Let's not talk about these, the current troubles have not been solved yet. Maybe if the Tarians go crazy and attack with all their strength, you and I will die here. What's the credit?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I don't think so. He is afraid that subsequent reinforcements will haunt them. He will definitely not take the initiative to attack. He doesn't know that your young master is also worried that he will fight to death."

Zhang Lun sighed and said, "Yes, 20,000 people besieged a beacon more than ten feet high but couldn't take it down. How stupid should this man be?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Little father-in-law, it's not me to hit you. You can't take down the beacon with 20,000 soldiers and horses, because I'm here."

Zhang Lun rolled his eyes and said, "You're just lucky. 20,000 people can't attack it. I can go home and hold my child for retirement."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "If you see the steepness of the beacon, you will know the difficulty. There are no climbing equipment such as ladders. It is difficult for people on the cliff more than ten feet high to climb up. What's more, there are people holding firearms above. Are you going to attack and watch? At first, a few days of baldness could trap us, but later, we found that we had dry food and water that we couldn't be trapped at all, so we were in a hurry to attack. More than a dozen attacks killed and injured thousands of people. If it were you, what should you do?

Zhang Lun said, "What kind of firearm can be so powerful."

Song Nan took down the double-bomb gun at his waist and showed it to Zhang Lun. Zhang Lun frowned and said, "What kind of fire gun is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Song Nan took it back and inserted it and said, "I can only tell you that this thing can be fired continuously without ignition. The strike distance is 30 steps, covering a radius and a range. There are 23 pieces of this object on the top of the beacon. If there is enough ammunition and enough food and clean water, I can't climb up after staying at the peak for a year."

Zhang Lun was stunned and said, "So awesome? Where did it come from?"

Song Nan said mysteriously, "If the young master is interested, you can help me ask the court to allocate funds to make this thing in batches after returning to Beijing, and I can also share it with the young master."

Zhang Lun pinched his chin and said, "Don't tell me that you made this thing privately. The Ministry of War can't forgive you."

Song Nan laughed: "Can't you forgive me? I'm afraid they will beg grandpa and grandma to beg me.

Zhang Lun didn't think so and felt that Song Nan was bragging, but Song Nan did guard the beacon for eight days. This is unquestionable. It can only be attributed to the stupidity of the Tarots. Zhang Lun was quite unconvinced and said to himself: If I besiege the beacon, the day and night attack will be exhausted. Are you afraid that you can't take it down?

While talking, the two suddenly heard the long horn in the enemy camp and quickly took a gazebo to look at it. However, seeing that the dust in the Tasartan barracks was very high, the black cavalry began to gather in front of the camp and were actually offensive.

Zhang Lun was shocked: "The Tahs are going to attack!"

Song Nan was also stunned. He just thought that the Taran would not take the initiative to attack, and he was hit with a big mouth in a blink of an eye.

"It seems to be about to attack."

"Quickly, send me the order and prepare to meet the enemy." Zhang Lun had no time to ridicul Song Nan's misjudgment and rushed down the soil slope. Song Nan frowned and followed him to the front, constantly thinking about the intention of the Harang.

Do the Tata soldiers really want to die with the Ming army? This is a little strange.