Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 283 Return to Beijing

(My cousin has been visiting his family for several years as an official in the capital. Today, he accompanied him all day. The update is late. I hope you can forgive me.) Chapter 283

The valley entrance under the sunset was bloody, full of broken limbs and blood stains. Blood slowly penetrated into the grass stems, and the ground of the whole valley emitted a faint red light. The smell of fishy and corruption filled the nose, and the middle people wanted to vomit.

The soldiers silently cleaned the battlefield, carried away the dead bodies, and collected scattered blades and armor materials. Jiang Bin and Song Nan also joined them; the bodies of the enemy and mine were separated, the bodies of the Tatars were piled up and poured on fire oil and burned, and the bodies of the Ming army were placed on the side of the valley, with more than a dozen rows of corpses. In a few miles, most of them were soldiers of Weizhouwei. Weizhouwei's six thousand horse infantry came to rescue. At this moment, less than 400 people survived, and almost the whole army was destroyed.

Jiang Bin stood next to the dense body with a big knife, with twisted and painful muscles on his face. There were more than 300 surviving officers and soldiers of Weizhouwei standing beside him, with painful and dull expressions.

Song Nan walked slowly in the gap between the bodies with a cloth towel, wiped the blood stains on the faces of the dead soldiers with a cloth towel from time to time, and closed the eyelids of the soldiers who had not closed their eyes, and her grief and guilt were unspeakable.

After sorting out the bodies, Song Nan came to Jiang Bin and more than 300 Weizhou soldiers, suddenly knelt down in front of everyone and shed tears. Jiang Bin hurriedly said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Song Nan said, "Lord Jiang and all the soldiers, please accept Song Nan's worship. In order to win this battle, I have to suggest that the Weizhou guards and horses act as the former army to block the tarrans, but this move made the Weizhou guards and horses almost completely destroyed. I feel guilty. I can't stand you."

Jiang Bin came forward with red eyes and helped Song Nan up and said, "Brother, we are ready to join the army for such a day. Your suggestion is not wrong. If not, how can we win today? Get up quickly."

The Weizhou soldiers also cried one after another: "Master Nan, get up quickly. This matter has nothing to do with you. Master Nan is the pride of my Weizhou Guard, and Master Nan is also doing this for the overall situation."

Song Nan wiped away tears: "I'm not the pride of Wei. You are the dead brothers. I want to ask the emperor to bury the dead brothers and leave their names here, and their families should also be properly settled. Don't worry, they will not die in vain, and you will not bleed in vain."

Under the leadership of Jiang Bin and Song Nan, everyone knelt down and kowtowed to the bodies of the fallen soldiers in the Weizhou Guard. They sprinkled water instead of wine on the ground and sacrificed the heroes of the warriors.

Zhang Lun led his army to look at all this from a distance. Suddenly, he threw down his horse and knelt down to the ground. Tens of thousands of troops behind him also knelt down to pay tribute to the fallen warriors.

In the early morning, the gate at the north gate of Weizhou City opened, and the lanterns lit like day. The people in the city stood by the road, stretching ten miles to welcome the triumphant soldiers.

There were no cheers and laughter. When a body wrapped in white cloth was pulled into the city by a horse, the people beside the road made a suppressed sound of crying, and then turned into a cry in the whole city. The shocking cry resounded through the city, and no one cried and no one moved.

Zhengde stood at the gate to greet him with tears. Behind him were dozens of cabinet ministers who rushed to Weizhou from the capital and the supervisors of the inner court. Zhang Lun Song Nanjiangbin rode into the gate. After seeing Zhengde, the three of them bowed down immediately.

"Zhang Lun (Zong Nanjiang Bin) kowtowed to the emperor!" Three people said in unison.

"Fal flat, three of you have worked hard." Zhengde hurried forward and personally picked up the three people.

"In this battle, our army annihilated more than 12,000 Tatar cavalry, captured 2,000 people, captured 3,000 horses, and countless weapons and armors. This is known to the emperor." Zhang Lun said in a loud voice.

The situation of this battle has long been known to Zhengde and his ministers, but at this moment, it is still inspiring to hear Zhang Lun's personal report.

"Our army lost 6,300 people, of which more than 5700 people were killed in the Weizhou army, and nearly... the whole army was destroyed." Zhang Lun's voice faded, and the last few words were also difficult to spit out.

Zhengde sighed and said, "I know that this time Weizhou Wei's rescue is the fastest and has made great contributions. Weizhou Wei and Jiang Bin knows that he leads the troops well, and the Weizhou guards are all loyal to the country, and I will not forget them. Where is Liu Daxia?

Liu Daxia, the minister of the Ministry of War, made his debut: "I am here."

Zhengde said, "You should immediately send special personnel to give a generous gift to the fallen soldiers in this battle, so that the families of the fallen soldiers should be properly settled. In addition, the position of Wei Jiangbin in Weizhou should be adjusted, and the meritorious personnel should be adjusted and promoted, and rewarded. This matter should be handled quickly."

Liu Daxia said, "I will obey the order and do it immediately."

Zhengde nodded and looked at Jiang Bin and said, "Jiang Bin, I will give you an explanation. You are very good."

Jiang Bin shouted long live and kowtowed and retreated.

Zhengde then looked at Song Nan. Song Nan's whole body was tattered, and his face was dark and full of dirt. He stood aside and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Soong Nan." Zhengde shouted.

"I'm here." Song Nan replied in a low voice.

"Come on, put your arms into the city with me. It's great that you can come back alive." Zhengde did not intend to hide his feelings at all. He did not hide his gratitude to Song Nan in front of the ministers and soldiers and civilians, and reached over to take Song Nan's arm.

Everyone looked sideways, and Song Nan hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, please, and then I will follow."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Well, I will open the way for the triumphant soldiers. This is the only thing I can do for you."


A few days later, the buried of the fallen soldiers in Weizhou City. Zhengde personally led the ministers to worship the heroes, and accepted Song Nan's suggestion to order the lives of the fallen soldiers in Weizhou City with a monument engraved. The Ministry of War stayed in Weizhou to deal with the aftercare pension and the promotion, while Zhengde and the civil and military ministers were fighting for the Wu camp and Under the escort of Shenji Camp, he set out to return to Beijing.

This man was almost captured by the Tatson when he left Beijing, which triggered a war of tens of thousands of people in Xinpingbao, killing and injuring more than 20,000 people. I don't know if he is regretful. From the appearance alone, Zhengde does not seem to feel that there is anything wrong with leaving Beijing without permission.

The ministers remained silent, but they could obviously feel their suppressed emotions. Zhengde slipped out of the capital without saying hello. Three days later, an inner court eunuch went to the cabinet house to read the imperial edict, and the route of the edict was completely different from the actual route of the tour. Later, he was almost captured by the Tartans and stabbed the sky. Big leak; although the result is still satisfactory, this behavior has exceeded the bottom line of the ministers.

The emperor's move has crossed too many boundaries, which is completely an irresponsible attitude towards the society. What's more, he doesn't pay attention to the ministers of the court at all, just leave, and deceives the ministers to deliberately give the wrong route, which is intolerable; but the emperor has not returned to the capital. The ministers maintained restraint, and some advice and reproach after returning to Beijing were inevitable. For the performance of the emperor's increasingly coming out of the cabinet, the civil officials must ask for an explanation.

Song Nan felt this, but he could understand the anger of the ministers. Zhengde's trip was Liu Jin's proposal, and he did not stop it at that time. He did not expect what happened later, which caused the serious consequences of the destruction of the whole army of Weizhou guards and horses. Song Nan has always been depressed.

On the way back to Beijing, Song Nan has been hiding in the car to recover from her injuries, except for visiting Wan Zhi and Wang Yong, who are recovering from injuries. Wang Yong's injury recovered quickly, but Wan Zhi was seriously injured this time. He was hit by several arrows. When he turned over and fell off the horse that day, he also broke a few ribs and almost couldn't survive. Fortunately, the imperial doctor of the Tai Hospital came to Weizhou with the ministers, and then recovered his life. It took at least half a year to fully recover, which was also a great blessing. .

Xunqi, an official who came with him, also came to visit Song Nan. Song Nan understood their intention. This is to worship the mountain in advance. Although the emperor's tour this time was earth-shaking, the result was still satisfactory. The Tatars were greatly damaged. At least in a few years, they should not want to challenge Daming again. For Song Nan, what he got There must be many benefits. Zhengde's attitude explains everything. If it hadn't been for Song Nan's adaptability and preparation, Zhengde would have been bald and taken to the big account of the Tatans.

Public opinion in the Ming court, the government and the opposition are boiling. Under the siege of tens of thousands of people, they led more than 30 guards to protect the emperor and princess from danger. This credit can't be described in a big word. No one can imagine how this can be done. If it hadn't been said by people who had personally, others would have taken it as nonsense; Even if there is a description of someone who has experienced it, most people still think that this is not what Song Nan can do, and can only attribute all this to the word God's will; God bless Daming, God bless the emperor, this is the answer to this matter.

It is certain that everything that happened on this tour will make many people unlucky, such as the soldiers and horses in Datong Xuanfu. Two days after the First World War, the two armies of the two places came to rescue. Their fate is worrying, but there must be many people who have benefited. As the saying goes, those who have not made a fortune without bankruptcy, don't do it. How do people send it?

In the first few days, people were busy with the aftermath and naturally could not consider these. With the gradual stabilization of the situation, as the capital was getting closer and closer, the undercurrent in people's hearts began to surge and accelerate. It was time to queue up to appreciate the board and eat fruit. Who eats sour food, who eats sweet, who wants to be big, and who wants small. Whoever gets a whip and who gets a reward has become something that haunts everyone's thoughts, and it will soon become clear.

At noon on June 27 of the first year of Zhengde, Emperor Zhengde went on a two-month tour and finally returned to the capital. The moment when the emperor's car entered the palace gate, the people of the world breathed a sigh of relief and could finally live a stable life.

The journey was laborious, and Zhengde decreed to rest for three days. Three days later, at the beginning of July, the court discussed the inspection at the beginning of the morning. The upper and lower officials did not make a fuss this time, and they were also tossing along the way. They also needed to refresh themselves to welcome the early morning three days later.

Song Nan had already sent someone to ask Zhengde for leave when she entered the city, and was greeted back home by a group of Song family people outside the west gate.