Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 286 Add Officials to the Jue

Chapter 2 86

In the excitement, Jiao Fang coughed and came out. Jiao Fang is now a powerful figure in the foreign court. With the support of Liu Jin, Jiao Fang was recommended to the cabinet soon after becoming the secretary of the Ministry of Household last year, and then added the title of Wenyuan Pavilion University scholar. After Ma Wen, the minister of the Ministry of Officials, Jiao Fang got Liu Jinzhi again. He won the position of the first minister of the six ministries, and the position of the minister of the former Ministry of Household was promoted by Gu Zuo, another civil officer favored by Liu Jin.

Two of the six powerful departments of the foreign court are under the control of Liu Jin, which shows that Liu Jin is so powerful. Jiao Fang and Gu Zuo have been quite powerful in recruiting among Wenchen. They often disagree with their first assistant Li Dongyang in the cabinet, becoming Liu Jin's two powerful hands to go deep into the foreign court.

"Dadults, what's the noise in the court? What's so noisy about this matter?" Jiao Fang shook her jujube-like head and said loudly.

"Lord Jiao, I'm talking about big things. Why is it noisy?" Li Dongyang said lightly with his beard.

Jiao Fang stroked his beard and said, "Lord Li, the emperor has sincerely blamed himself. How can we be aggressive as ministers? Do you want the emperor to blame himself and laugh at the world? It's simply unreasonable."

"Lord Jiao, your words are wrong. We are just investigating the person who instigated the emperor to go on a tour, and we are not embarrass the emperor. Shouldn't this instigator be punished?"

Jiao Fang said, "It depends on the perspective. The emperor was almost taken into the Tartars on this tour. It is said that the responsibility should be held accountable for the people who asked the emperor to go on patrol. However, in fact, the emperor was protected by the emperor without any damage. On the contrary, our army took this opportunity to annihilate nearly 20,000 Tartar cavalry. From then on, the Tartars have been shocked. The bird dares not offend my Ming border town anymore. From this perspective, the person who invited him is not only without mistakes, but also merits.

Li Dongyang could no longer keep calm and shouted angrily, "It's ridiculous. According to what you said, it is still in line with the rules for the emperor not to go on patrol this time. Do you still need to reward the emperor for going on patrol? Do you remember the disaster of the civil castle in those years? This time, the emperor was trapped for seven or eight days and suffered all kinds of torture. It was almost a repeat of the disaster of the civil castle. If the entourage hadn't found the dangerous place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, it would have repented too late. Moreover, although the Tartars were annihilated by nearly 20,000 dare, our 6,000 soldiers and horses in Weizhou, several urban guards in Datong Xuanfu, and the slaughter of the people along the way have suffered far more than 20,000. Is this a great victory? What a big joke."

Jiao Fang sneered and said, "Even if the emperor does not patrol, can Tartar soldiers not be protected from losses if they raise troops to invade? How can it be said that the Tsar is going to attack and disturb because the emperor went on a tour?

Yang Tin and he couldn't help scolding angrily, "Lord Jiao, if the Tartars didn't know the emperor's whereabouts, how could they take the risk to invade?" It was because the Tsarist calculated the emperor that he took a great risk to lift heavy soldiers. This matter is exactly *. It's ridiculous that you said that the two are not related. It's really inexplicable.

Jiao Fang wanted to argue again. Zhengde frowned and shouted, "Don't argue. This visit to the border is not anyone's decision. It's my own decision. There is no need to fight. This is the end of this matter. If you still want to investigate, I will issue a guilty edict and promulgate the world. Can you wait to be satisfied?"

Everyone was suddenly speechless. The emperor took all the responsibility for this matter on himself. It was clear that he wanted to protect the person who made the proposal and pursue it further. Is it really true that Zhengde is guilty? That's impossible.

Yang Tinghe said, "Your Majesty, I just don't want this to happen again, but it's not to force the emperor to commit crimes. The emperor's candle shines on the holy light. When I know that our ministers are sincere, I suggest that this matter ends here. If the emperor wants to travel in the future, he needs to be discussed and decided inside and outside the court, and the state governments in various places will uniformly arrange guards to avoid This is what I hope to avoid similar accidents.

This statement is also reasonable. It not only avoids the intensification of contradictions, but also puts forward the demands of the literary ministers. It is clear that this time, it will be forget about this time. If you sneak out again in the future, it will not work.

Zhengde nodded and said, "This is the end of this matter. In short, I have done something wrong with this trip. I already know it."

At this point, the discussion on the secret patrol came to an end. Both sides also understand that there is no good result if they hold on to it. This time, the court is reasonable, and Zhengde has also given face. Everyone should take a step back.

Liu Jin secretly pinched the cold sweat, and the emperor still protected himself. Today, as long as the emperor said his name, he would be in trouble. It should be known that not only the civil servants were angry, but also the nobles must be very angry. The emperor did not give face to the ministers, nor did he give face to the nobles. If he knew it was himself. I'm afraid that both of my ideas will not be willing to give up. Once Xunqi joins, he will be in trouble.

Zhengde sighed and said, "Although this trip is hasty and not very compliant, my original intention is to just inspect the defense of my border town. Although this trip is dangerous, I have gained a lot. I have seen the bravery and loyalty of my Ming officers and soldiers, and I also know the hardships of the border town, which makes me know more about the people around me. When I was in danger, I saw people's hearts, and the 200 guards who served me were all good. Jinyiwei commanded Shi Wenyi and Admiral Qiu Ju all died on the battlefield. Liu Jin, who followed me, was also loyal and inseparable. On the beacon, when there was a shortage of water, Liu Jin left his own water for me to quench my thirst, and I was very moved.

Song Nan heard this for the first time and couldn't help but be secretly surprised. This can no longer be said to be a means for Liu Jin to please Zhengde. At that peak, he may die if he drinks less water. Under that circumstances, Liu Jin can still do so, which also shows that in addition to taking power, Liu Jin is really loyal to Zhengde.

Zhengde is an emotional person. After serving for more than ten years, Zhengde has been deeply in love with Liu Jin. After experiencing life and death, this friendship has been strengthened, which is why Zhengde did not hesitate to protect Liu Jin.

"There is another person who showed great wisdom and courage during the crisis. I was also optimistic about him, but this time he gave me a real surprise. Without him planning, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to return to the capital. You all know who this person is. He is Song Nan, the governor of Fusi Town, North Town, who went with me."

Zhengde looked at Song Nan with emotion, and the eyes of the ministers gathered on Song Nan. There are many versions of the emperor's escape from trouble, but people who have not experienced it do not know its danger. Everyone only knows that the emperor is trapped on the top of the beacon of Xinping Fort. As for how the day survived, few people know the details.

The version of Fusi Jinyiwei in Beizhen is the most credible. Based on this version, everyone knew how Song Nan protected the emperor and summoned reinforcements in time. The imperial court has a new understanding of this impression of Song Nan. This person is brave and resourceful. , worthy of the reputation of great wisdom and courage.

Song Nan walked to the front of the hall to salute Zhengde. Zhengde got up and went down the steps to help him up and personally help him up and said, "Soong Nan, you have made great contributions to your protection this time, and I won't say much. Shi Wenyi, the commander of Jinyi, has been martyred, and the command has been vacant. I have decided to hand over Jinyiwei to you. What do you think?"

The ministers took a breath of cold air, and the emperor would definitely praise Song Nan, which was expected, but it was more or less surprising that he was suddenly promoted to the position of commander of Jinyiwei. Looking back on Song Nan's promotion process, it has only been more than two years since he came to Beijing from Weizhou, and he has risen all the way from a small 100 households. Originally, he had held the position of Fusi Town of Beizhen Fusi Town, which has made many people secretly shake their heads. They all think that Song Nan relied on pleasing Zhengde and attached to Liu Jin to this position, and suddenly became the commander of Jinyiwei. It's simply a rocket-like rise, and you should know that this person is only 19 years old.

Liu Jin drummed his eyes and said nothing. Liu Jin knew about Song Nan's appointment. He also tried to persuade Zhengde to give up the appointment, but he was reprimanded by Zhengde as soon as he spoke. Liu Jin was so scared that he quickly stopped talking. He really didn't want Jinyiwei to fall into Song Nan's hands. Originally, most of Shi Wenyi's Jinyiwei was still in his own hands. If Song Nan took office, she would have completely lost control of Jinyiwei.

Of course, Song Nan will not refuse, but he still has to do it. The most annoying thing about Zhengde is the spoiled and delicate people. Song Nan understood this very well, so he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, how can I take back my order? There are many people in the court who are several times more talented than me. I am young and small in my ability to serve. This position.

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "I have decided that you can't stand anyone? I have confidence in you and hope you will live up to my expectations.

The Wenwu expression of the Man Dynasty was dull. Although Song Nan's name had been impressed by them, no one really thought that this person could quickly become a celebrity around the emperor. The biggest beneficiary of this trip was probably this person.

"The decree is to be promoted to Song Nan as the commander of the brocade guard, and to be awarded the first-class bravely crowned count, and to give him a python robe and jade belt, a hundred taels of silver and 20 pieces of silk." Zhengde announced loudly that Si Lijian and the eunuch planned to read it in the hall.

"Admiral Qiu Ju and Jinyiwei, the former commander of Dongchang, died for the country, posthumously awarded them the title of marquis, allowed their son and nephew to attack the title, and gave them a thick burial. Liu Jin took over the position of Admiral of Dongchang."

"Zhang Lun, the admiral of Fenwu Camp, has made great contributions to the rescue. He is awarded the title of first-class marquis, promoted to deputy governor of the regimental of the regimental battalion, and also leads the admiral of Fenwu battalion and Shenji camp.

"Weizhou Weitong knows that Jiang Bin and the Weizhou guards have been responsible for protecting the enemy and killing the enemy bravely. I feel very much. I was very relieved. Jiang Bin was awarded the title of third-class fixed border count and promoted to the position of deputy commander-in-chief of Datong. All Weizhou guards and students will be promoted to commend them, and those who died in the battle are generously treated. They need to properly deal with their families' livelihoods livelihoods and must not be neglected."

"Datong General Officer Wang Xun, and Xuanfu General Officer Zhu Zhen's rescue was slow. He was intended to be demoted, but I thought that the two of them were heavily in the control of Tartars. It is exemptable. The decree was to reprimanded and fined them half a year to show punishment. This time, each department has its own list of meritorious personnel. Reward."


Zhengde's imperial edict was promulgated, and the eunuch wrote a pen like a jade seal and then read it in the hall. Song Nan, Zhang Lun and others shouted long live to accept the decree and thank you. Some of the ministers felt inappropriate and looked at each other with their eyes and wanted to put forward some objections, but no one was willing to speak first.