Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 307 Sorrow is greater than death

Chapter 37

Zhengde took Liu Jin and others into the East Warm Pavilion of Shouning Palace. The pungent smell of herbs and a heat wave came to his face. Zhengde couldn't help reaching out and covering his nose.

A group of palace maids saw Zhengde coming and bowed down like panicked rabbits. Zhengde frowned and waved her hand and asked, "Why is it so hot in this room? Why don't you open the window to ventilate and dispel the smell of medicine?

The two imperial doctors kneeling at the table hurriedly said, "The emperor forgive me. The princess's body is cold, so she has a charcoal fire to dispel the cold and dampness."

Zhengde was stunned and moved his eyes to the corner of the room. He saw two pots of charcoal burning red. No wonder the room was sweating hotly. It turned out to be because of the charcoal fire.

Zhengde stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain and walked to the inner room. Knowing that Zhengde was coming, Zhu Xiufu struggled to get up, wrapped in a thick quilt, and only showed his head. His face was pale and thin, and said feebly, "The emperor is coming. I can't come to bed now. I can't salute the emperor."

Zhengde almost burst into tears and quickly stepped forward to sit on the edge of the bed and stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Xiufu's body and said, "Sister, don't get up and lie down to raise it. How can you get this? How does the royal sister feel?

Zhu Xiufu curled up and whispered, "Your Majesty, don't worry, it's just a disease."

Zhengde reached out and held Zhu Xiufu's thin palm and rubbed her thin palm and said, "What do you want? You can say whatever you want. I will send someone to get it for you."

Zhu Xiufu shook his head and said, "I don't want anything. I don't know if this disease will be contagious. The emperor still doesn't come here. I know that the emperor cares about me, but the emperor himself should also take care of his body. The emperor has to work hard for all the court."

When Zhengde saw Zhu Xiufu's appearance, he had an ominous feeling in his heart. His heart was sour and difficult. He said in a hoarse voice, "The royal sister is good to raise. Then I ordered the world's famous doctors to come to the palace for treatment. I can't watch the emperor's sister be terminally ill."

Tears dripped from Zhu Xiufu's big eyes and whispered, "Thank you, emperor."

Zhengde got up and said, "The royal sister will take care of it. This is my edict to find a doctor."

Zhu Xiufu nodded slightly and gasped weakly. Zhengde took a few steps and turned around and said, "That's right, Song Nan asked me to bring a message to say good to the imperial sister. He said he would ask a famous doctor to treat you outside."

Zhu Xiufu's eyes lit up and asked, "Soong Nan? Is he here?"

Zhengde said, "I was afraid that you couldn't see strangers, so I didn't let him come; and it's not convenient for him to go in and out of the harem."

Zhu Xiufu said, her body softened, and her eyes became dim. After a while, she coughed violently. The maids on both sides hurried forward to beat her back and rub her chest, and took hot water for her to drink.

Zhengde couldn't bear to stay any longer. He turned out of the inner room and came to the outside yard. He ordered Liu Jin to pass two imperial doctors to ask angrily, "What's wrong with the princess? What do you eat? At first, you said it didn't matter, but now you have dragged a living person like this for months. I'm going to cut off your head. What should such a quack doctor do?

The two imperial doctors were so scared that they kowtowed like garlic and begged for mercy repeatedly: "Your Majesty is angry. We have never seen such a disease for decades. We can neither see the cause of the disease nor find the lesion. It seems that...but it seems..."

Zhengde was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked over a white-bearded doctor in front of him and scolded angrily, "What seems to be? Hesitant things, say."

Two imperial doctors look at me, but I look at you, but I dare not go on.

"Try to me, are you deaf?" Zhengde said angrily.

Liu Jin also screamed, "Do you want to die? What kind of disease is it? Why don't you answer the emperor's question?

The white-bearded doctor gritted his teeth and crawled a few steps and kowtowed: "The emperor's anger, and others also speculated that the princess's illness is slowly losing weight, and people are also gradually depressed, and there are no lesions on the body. We feel like we are looking for death. There is no idea of vitality, and medicine is useless."

"What?" Everyone was stunned, and Zhengde raised his feet and kicked the doctor's chin. The doctor was suddenly full of blood and couldn't speak.

"Good doctor, you talk nonsense if you don't have any skills. I'm so angry. It's simply nonsense." Zhengde cursed and looked around. Seeing a maid holding a teapot in her hand, she immediately grabbed the two imperial doctors and smashed them away. The teapot broke and the boiling water splashed everywhere. The two imperial doctors suddenly wailed loudly, but they did not dare to move.

Liu Jin hurriedly grabbed Zhengde and said, "Your Majesty, why do you have to be angry with them? I ordered someone to pull out of the Meridian Gate to cut it. Let's see who dares to deceive the emperor randomly.

Zhengde said, "Yes, someone, pull it out and cut it. All the imperial doctors in the imperial hospital rushed here for diagnosis. If there is any more nonsense, they will also cut it. In addition, I will immediately summon the famous doctors in the world to go to the palace to see the princess.

Several guards couldn't help dragging the two imperial doctors out. The souls of the two imperial doctors flew out of the sky, and they were so scared that they couldn't even make the sound of begging for mercy. There was a ratt in their throats, and their bodies were paralyzed like mud.

Zhengde walked out of Shouning Palace with a gloomy face and cursed as he walked. Liu Jin followed him to persuade and comfort him. He returned to the study of Qianqing Palace and sat down. Finally, he was a 16-year-old teenager and burst into tears.

Liu Jin panicked, handed a silk scarf to let Zhengde wipe her tears, and said, "Your Majesty, don't mess up. Princess Corning's illness will get better."

Zhengde choked and said, "I can't get better. I can see that there is no vitality in the royal sister's eyes. The imperial doctor can't see where the disease is, and he can't save it. How can he live?"

Liu Jin said silently for a long time, "Your Majesty, the princess's illness is strange. I don't know what kind of disease she has. How can she be so dangerous? Will she offend someone and be cursed by someone? Otherwise, how can she be so evil?"

Zhengde said with tears in his eyes, "How could it be? The royal sister is lively and charming. No one in the palace likes her. Who can she offend?

Liu Jin nodded and said, "That's right. If she is cursed, there should be signs of pain. The princess is kind and has not offended anyone. She thinks too much about it."

Zhengde said, "Just in case, you invited the godmother to check inside and outside Shouning Palace to see if there is any harm."

Liu Jin nodded and said, "I obeyed; emperor, there is something that I think is very strange, and I don't know if I should say it."

Zhengde said, "Is it about the royal sister? Say it."

Liu Jin said, "Exactly, but the maidservant is just a specul, if she is wrong..."

Zhengde said, "I don't blame you. Aren't we trying to save the royal sister?"

Liu Jin said, "The maidservant said bluntly; the cause of the princess's illness has not been found for a month, and the maidservant felt very strange about this matter; last night, the maidservant lay in ** thinking about this matter and inadvertently remembered something."

Zhengde said, "What's the matter?"

Liu Jin said, "Does the emperor still remember that Lord Song talked with the princess in the apse the other day?"

Zhengde looked up and thought, "You mean the day when the emperor suddenly announced that she did not want to recruit Song Nan as her son-in-law?"

Liu Jin nodded and said, "It was that day, didn't the emperor feel strange? Forgive me for talking too much. For more than a month when we went out to parade, the princess's situation with Lord Song was seen all the way. Although the maidservant did not understand the feelings of men and women, he could also see that the princess liked Lord Song from the bottom of her heart, and the emperor also saw it.

Zhengde nodded and said, "I naturally see it, otherwise how can I match them? My royal sister likes Song Nan, and Song Nan is a suitable candidate, so I will consider this matter."

Liu Jin said, "Yes, after returning to Beijing, I volunteered to talk with the princess and Song Nan. At that time, the princess's joy was also seen by the emperor. The princess personally told you that she would choose Song Nan as her son-in-law, but why did the situation suddenly change in a blink of an eye? After talking with Song Nan, the princess suddenly said If you don't like Song Nan, how about announcing that this matter will not be mentioned again? Don't you think it's strange?"

Zhengde frowned and said, "I was also very abrupt at that time, but since the royal sister said that she didn't like Song Nan, I didn't ask much. There are many talents in the world, and I always slowly find the right person for the royal sister."

Liu Jin said, "But on the second day after this incident, the princess said that she was not feeling well. Since then, she has been calling the imperial doctor to see a doctor and delaying the current illness. Does the emperor think it's a little strange? Anyway, I think it's quite strange.

Zhengde said in astonishment, "You mean that the royal sister's illness... has something to do with Song Nan?"

Liu Jin hurriedly said, "I just speculated in private. You think that in all these abrupt places, the princess suddenly changed her mind, and then she fell ill the next day. Song Nan asked to be hired by the Duke in a few days. We didn't know at all in advance. The maidservant always felt that it was a little strange. With the pure benign son of the princess...servant...servant..."

Zhengde shouted, "What's the hesitant? What do you want to say?"

Liu Jin slammed and said, "Your Majesty, there is a disease called 'heart disease' in the world. Although this heart disease is invisible and can't be diagnosed by the imperial doctor, it does exist. I was wondering if Song Nan said something to the princess that day to make the princess sick, so I told the emperor that she suddenly didn't like Song. Nan, and then the depression in her heart became ill, which led to the current situation? Of course, all this is the guess of the maidservant, and it may not be known.

Zhengde opened his mouth in a daze. After Liu Jin's analysis, the fragments in Zhengde's mind were also stringed together, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it made sense.

"The maidservant felt that the princess's illness was probably caused by Song Nan, and I don't know what Song Nan said, which broke the princess's heart and caused the princess to do so; the culprit may be Lord Song."

Zhengde shook his body and patted on the table and said, "Does Song Nan really dare to play tricks under my eyes? If the imperial sister's illness is really caused by him, but there are three short stories, I can't spare him.