Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 309 Compensation

Chapter 90

Before leaving the Guogong Mansion, Zhang Mao specially reminded Song Nan to coax the little princess. Zhang Mao's ** concubine volunteered to lead Song Nan, saying that she had made many trips to the Duke's mansion, but Song Nan had never been to the queen's place, and she did not know where the little princess's boudoir was.

"Aunt...this way, please." **'S concubine twisted exaggeratedly* and pointed to the cloister leading to the little princess's residence.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Walk in the aunt's head and follow behind."

The concubine covered her mouth with a fragrant silk scarf and smiled. Her body twisted gracefully in front of Song Nan. Song Nan swallowed and stared at the huge two petals in front of her. The concubine obviously knew that Song Nan was staring behind, which twisted more exaggeratedly.

"I heard that my uncle is really handsome. Our princess is very lucky. If she is a slave, she will be very happy. How can she compare with others?" My concubine was tired of talking as she walked.

Song Nan couldn't help looking at the attractive buttocks and coughed, "The princess lost her temper yesterday?"

"Well, I smashed a lot of things and didn't eat in the morning. I'm really jealous. After a while, you have to coax her well. Our princess is good at everything, but she has a strong temper, hee hee."

Song Nan said, "Thank you for your advice. That's my fault."

"Tut, my uncle is really good-tempered. Is the slave family so old? The aunt called me, and the slave family was called old by you. Can't you call me sister?" The concubine looked back and smiled, with a pair of watery eyes.

Song Nan was shocked. Zhang Mao is still old. It seems that she can't satisfy these wolf-like concubines. How dares openly hook up with herself; call you sister? Nima, you are Zhang Mao's concubine. If you are famous, you should call your grandmother.

How dare Song Nan hooked up with her? Although this concubine is full of amorous feelings and is only 20 years old, it doesn't matter if she thinks about it blindly. If she really wants to hook up with her, Song Nan won't do it. Obviously, she will suffer a loss.

Song Nan looked at her nose and didn't dare to say much. From time to time, the concubine flirted Song Nan. Song Nan frowned and stepped down a path leading to the drooping flower door. Suddenly, the concubine was about to fall down with a crooked voice. Song Nan quickly reached out to help him, and the woman followed Song Nan like a winding snake. His arms swam up his body, and his arms hooked Song Nan's neck and hummed repeatedly.

Song Nan hurriedly pushed her, but the woman couldn't shake her off as if she were sticking to her body.

"What are you doing?" An angry rebuke came from the door of the hanging flower. The two turned their heads and saw the little princess standing there with surprise and anger on their faces.

Song Nan quickly shook off the woman and explained, "She... she twisted her foot..."

The little princess opened her eyes and grabbed the woman's neck. She slapped her a few times and said angrily, "There are many bitches in the house. It's okay to flirt with your brother on weekdays. My sister-in-law doesn't care about you. Today, even dares to flirt with your future uncle. How can you forgive you?"

The woman was so scared that she shouted, "Grandma, spare her life!"

The little princess shouted, "People come, like flowers and moon, dragging her to fight."

Two maids ran out of the hanging flower door. Song Nan almost fainted at a glance. The two maids had a big waist and a round waist, and their faces were full of horizontal flesh. Their arms were thicker than their legs, their big noses were wide, and their appearance was amazing.

came like a flower on the moon, and an eagle overturned the woman to the ground like a chicken. I don't know when two bamboo boards were added in her hand. According to the seductive *, it was a crackling. The woman's cry attracted a bunch of servants and maids to watch. I was shocked to ask what happened.

The little princess crossed her waist and scolded angrily, "What are you looking at? This is the end of the foxen hooking up. Be careful. If anyone lives impatiently, I will fulfill her.

Everyone was scared like birds and beasts. From last night to now, the little princess has been like choking medicine, and more than a dozen servants have been beaten. It seems that this is another bad luck.

Song Nan was surprised and embarrassed. Zhang Mao's concubine in the Duke's mansion was indeed bold. Hearing the little princess's tone, even Zhang Lun dared to hook up. The little princess was also fierce. These were all grandpa's concubines, and they were unambiguous.

Song Nan whispered, "Oi, don't kill people and let the old man know that it doesn't look good on the surface."

The little princess looked at him and said, "Are you heartbroken? I'm going to tell Sister Ye and Miss Lu about this. You are not growing up.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "I have nothing to do with this aunt. Where do you think?"

The little princess said angrily, "Eating the bowl and thinking about the pot, you and grandpa, as well as your brother, and even the men in the world, are all virtuous."

Song Nan was speechless and pulled her into the hanging flower door in a low voice. The little princess shook off his hand and pointed to the woman and said, "After beating hard, the housekeeper sold her to the brothel. Doesn't she like to hook up with people? It's her intention."

"Good!" The maidservant with arms as strong as a cow answered in a rough voice with her nostrils.

Song Nan was a little angry. This woman had nothing to do with her. The little princess obviously grabbed this matter and was angry with herself. This didn't work. If she indulged with the little princess this time, how could she Zhenfugang in the future? Isn't it going to be a strict wife?

"You're in a bad mood. I have to leave in advance. I'll come back after you calm down." Song Nan turned around and left.

The little princess said angrily, "How dare you."

Song Nanli also strode away. The little princess shouted, "Red Dog, if you dare to leave, I will die to show you."

Song Nan turned around helplessly and said, "What on earth are you going to do? What's going on? I know that I have nothing to do with women, but they want to embold me.

The little princess put her back and said, "What about Dai Suer? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Song Nan frowned and said, "So you are jealous of Dai Suer."

The little princess said angrily, "Am I jealous of her? What is she? Isn't it just able to play the flute, write poems and draw some pictures?

"That's a flute."

"It's the flute. I said the flute is the flute." The little princess twisted her body and burst into tears.

Song Nan's heart softened. He originally sought peace with the little princess for this matter, and there was no way to make trouble. He just didn't know why the little princess was so disgusted with Dai Suer, and he usually didn't see any conflict between her and Dai Suer.

Song Nan turned around and pulled the little princess into the hanging door. The little princess twisted her hands and feet. Song Nan hugged her and walked on her shoulder. The little princess shook her legs and struggled.

"Put down, Miss." Ruhua rushed up with a mallet thigh and shouted like thunder.

Song Nan looked at her big fat face and big nostrils, and her heart was really a little embarrassed.

"Go away, what does it have to do with you?" The little princess spoke on Song Nan's shoulder.

Ruhua was a little confused. Obviously, she saw that the young lady was struggling and refused to save her, but she was scolded. She didn't know what was going on. She had to scratch her head with her big radish-like fingers and continue to beat the woman with a bamboo board.

Song Nan carried the little princess straight up to the small building. The curtain of the house on the second floor was covered with a down velvet blanket. Looking at the furnishings, he knew that it was the little princess's boudoir. Song Nan put the little princess on ** and pressed it and reached out to take off the little princess's clothes. According to experience, there is only one way to deal with the unreasonable troubles of the little princess.

The little princess was shocked and said, "What are you doing? This is broad daylight, and Grandpa is still in the house.

Song Nan took off her clothes and said, "I'm here to make amends. Naturally, we should be sincere."

"I don't want your sincerity. I'm not angry anymore." The little princess shouted.

"That won't work. If I give gifts, others won't accept it." Song Nan gritted her teeth and slapped the little princess**'s buttocks.

The little princess shouted and her body was a little weak. After Song Nan stroked her, the little princess had no strength at all. Although she struggled hard, she was stabbed by a * and immediately came down honestly.

"You... will... ouch... bully me." The little princess gasped and hugged Song Nan's back tightly, and her white legs tightened Song Nan's waist.

Song Nan was silent, like a diligent old scalper constantly cultivating. The little princess's complaints were pounded into her stomach and hummed with satisfaction as Song Nan's sprint.

With the little princess screaming and the rain, the little princess fell into Song Nan's arms with her lazy, sweat and wet hair. Song Nan hugged the little princess's body behind her and slowly stroked a pair of uprights with her hands on her chest. The little princess hummed, "Are you satisfied this time?"

Song Nan kissed her and said, "Why are you so angry?"

The little princess hummed, "Who told you to be so kind to her? As soon as the front foot left, the back foot went to chase overnight. Is Dai Suer better than me?

Song Nan pinched her buds and twisted them in her ear and said, "You are a big woman. Be more generous. Where do I like Dai Suer the most? It must be green glass with oil and vinegar; Dai Suer has nowhere to go. Can't we see her being filled into the leopard room?"

The little princess said, "Oh, forget it, I know that you are obsessed with peach blossoms, and it's useless to be angry. ...Don't touch that place... Ouch."

Song Nan bit her earlobe and said, "Today, you deliberately stained me with this matter. I'm very unhappy, and I'm going to punish you for this."

The little princess pouted and said, "I'm just angry. This fox is too bold. Sooner or later, you will be hooked to bed by her."

Song Nan pinched her chest and said angrily, "You are still talking nonsense."

The little princess turned her head sideways and provoked, "What can you do?"

Song Nan smiled and overturned the little princess. Despite the little princess's plea for mercy, she stood up a big gun and entered the harbor. For a moment, the mountain shook, and the whole building seemed to tremble.

The little princess was originally jealous and schewing to be angry. Song Nan's tender love had already made the little princess happy. Although she was reluctant to admit it in words, her heart had already been thrown away.

Song Nan ate something with tea in the little princess's boudoir. Suddenly, she remembered something and asked the little princess, "Sir, Dr. Li is still in your house."

The little princess sat in front of the dresser in a thin skirt to take care of her long hair up to her waist. Her small body became more and more round and attractive, and she gradually had the amorous feelings of the little woman. Hearing Song Nan's words, she turned over and said, "What's wrong? What are you looking for a magic doctor? Do you still want to thank him for saving his life?

Song Nan sighed and said, "Today, I heard in the palace that Princess Corning was ill and could not get up in bed. The emperor was very worried. Although I didn't know how the condition was, it seemed to be a little dangerous. I wanted to invite Dr. Li to help the princess see the disease."

The little princess bit her lips and said, "The princess is really pitiful. She is a good person. Naturally, she has to help find a doctor when she is sick, but Dr. Li went out for a tour of the mountains and rivers more than ten days ago. The magic doctor never said hello when he went out. Our house never interfered with him. How to find him?"

Song Nan pouted and said, "It's unfortunate. I don't know what the princess is. I always feel very uneasy."

The little princess got up and came to Song Nan's side, holding Song Nan's forehead and said, "I know that there will definitely be no feelings between you and the princess, but I'm very happy that you can not be a son-in-law for me; the princess's profound righteousness to fulfill you and me, let alone we can't stand by. Why don't I go to the palace and see how he is for you? ?"

Song Nan nodded slowly and put his arms around the little princess's waist and said, "It's good that you can think so. The princess knows that I have a white-headed appointment first, so she relieved me. You should also go to the palace to thank the princess. At the same time, ask about the princess's condition and ask clearly, so that we can do our best."

The little princess nodded and leaned gently in Song Nan's arms, with a sad face.