Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 313 Commitment

Chapter 3133 (Xie Huaisha 15, not hungry after eating, 66226633 rewards and tickets, 5,000 chapters.)

The woman is naturally extremely** for some keen details. Although the little princess's conclusion is only speculative, it is by no means aimless.

Song Nan slowly said, "If this is the case, what should I do? If the princess really died because of this, how can I forgive myself?

Ye Fanggu said, "There is still a need for a mental illness. Song Nan should go to see the princess."

Song Nan said, "So what if I see you? I really can't do anything, and I can't give her any promise.

Dai Suer whispered, "Even if it's a lie, it's better than a panacea. Mr. I beg you to meet the princess and talk to her."

Song Nan looked around the people in the room, and everyone's face was filled with eager expectations. Song Nan was moved. In this era, women are originally attached to the existence of men, but it does not mean that they do not have their own joys, sorrows and ideas. They come here by themselves and naturally accept the setting of three wives and four concubines, but they still hope to achieve mutual understanding and your wishes as in future generations, instead of ignoring the joys and anger of the people around them. . How lucky it is to meet these kind women, not because of their own cheating and nonsense, but to be generous and mediocre.

Song Nan secretly warned herself that she should be more restrained in men's and women's affairs in the future. Although she can have three wives and four concubines these days, she is not taken away. Such a thing as a princess has already taught her a great lesson. If she let the princess die because of her inconsiderateness, it will be an eternal regret in her heart.

In the morning of the next day, although there was no need to go to the morning, Song Nan still rushed to the palace early in the morning to seek Zhengde. Zhengde had not got up and went to visit the royal sister last night. After returning, one could not sleep and stayed up for more than three days before falling asleep. Song Nan came early in the morning to disturb him, which made Zhengde extremely angry.

"The emperor said that if there is anything, come back later. The emperor slept late last night, so Commander Song should retreat first." The little eunuch of Qianqing Palace came out to preach.

Where did Song Nan wait? Despite the little eunuch's dissuasion, she went straight into the bedroom and asked for advice through the curtain. Zhengde lifted the quilt and rushed out of Song Nan angrily: "Song Nan, you are too presumptuous. Am I too tolerant of you?"

Song Nan saluted and said, "The emperor is angry. I just want to ask the emperor to visit the princess in Shouning Palace. I heard that the princess is seriously ill and couldn't sleep last night. I miss the benefits of the princess to my minister. If I don't visit her, it's really hard to feel at ease."

Zhengde said angrily, "What's the use of visiting? If you don't tell me, I can't remember what you did to the princess? Does the princess's illness have anything to do with you?

Song Nan was shocked and didn't know why Zhengde said this. Zhengde said angrily, "Don't think I don't know that my royal sister is deeply affectionate with you. I know this very well. After you and the royal sister said something in the apse pavilion that day, the royal sister announced the cancellation of calling you as a son-in-law. After going back, you can't get sick. You tell me, What the hell happened?"

Song Nan couldn't answer. He couldn't tell Zhengde that this was a trap set by Liu Jin for himself, which was to fall into a dilemma, let himself fail the little princess, and let the government and himself turn against him into a vicious trap. He said that Zhengde would not believe these, but made Zhengde think that he was looking for Liu Jin's trouble again.

"Just after the cancellation of this son-in-law, you hired the little princess of the British Duke. Do you think my royal sister is not as noble as the princess of the Duke's Mansion? The royal sister suddenly changed her attitude. At first, I was embarrassed for you and felt sorry for you, but Liu Jin was right. You must have said something to the imperial sister and hurt the imperial sister's heart. You deliberately don't want to be a son-in-law, do you? I'm afraid that the appearance of the royal sister now has something to do with you. I'll tell you that if the royal sister has a long time, I will never spare you. Zhengde roared at Song Nan, and his face turned white with anger.

Song Nan did not move and let Zhengde vent. He knew that any words were regarded as sophistry at this moment. Zhengde's feelings for the princess were very deep. The princess was seriously ill and Zhengde would be angry with anyone. In the morning, Admiral Wan Zhi, the general of the Han Dynasty had already quietly reported to him. In the past two days, Zhengde's grumpy temper, even Liu Jin and others were not been spared. Song Nan has also been psychologically prepared for scolding.

After Zhengde vented, the anger in his heart calmed down a little. He sat in the chair angrily and watched Song Nan standing in front of him without saying anything, and felt a little guilty. There is no doubt that Song Nan was loyal to himself. When he patrolled the border, he saved his life repeatedly, first under the bear's claws, and then from the Wanjun, otherwise he would have died long ago.

Although it is a matter for ministers to protect and save people, without him, he will not have his own present. Afterwards, Song Nan has never been domineering because of these things, nor has he spoiled her. Except for insisting on the affairs of Jinyi Weimen, he has never said a word in other aspects. His inner trust in Song Nan is no less than Liu Jin, who is loyal to himself, seems to be a little unswary to him.

"Song Nan, I'm in a irritable mood. Don't be surprised by my words. I just don't understand. What's wrong with the royal sister? But you don't like her and want to marry the princess of the Duke of the country? If you don't answer, I also know it very well. The female official in the palace reported that the royal sister called your name in her dream at night. Obviously, the royal sister didn't like you, but what you said to her that day. The royal sister is sick.

A cold sweat came out behind Song Nanji. In fact, Zhengde was as bright as a mirror in his heart, but he didn't tell himself that if he didn't come today, I'm afraid Zhengde would never trust him again.

Song Nan thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it's not the time to say these things. At present, the most important thing is to make the princess recover, and the rest will be explained to the emperor later. Whether it is my fault or not, it can't delay the princess's illness."

Zhengde sighed and said, "Well, you can go and have a look. If you are really sick, maybe you are the only one who can be treated; Song Nan, I am such a royal sister, and my father only leaves me and the royal sister. Anyway, I don't allow anyone to hurt her. I hope you can understand this. I also understand that marriage can't be forced. Even if you don't like the royal sister, don't stimulate her.

Song Nan said, "I know that I don't know if it is caused by a heart disease, but now I hope that the princess will have a heart disease, because if so, it can be enlightened and cured. In addition, I have sent people to look for Dr. Li, who once detoxified for me, and when he returns to Beijing, he can cure the disease."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go, come to Shouning Palace to give a word, and no one will avoid it."

An eunuch agreed and hurried out. The foreign minister was limited to the Qianqing Palace, and then the place where the concubines of the inner palace lived and had to be notified in advance to avoid it.

Song Nan left and went north under the guidance of the palace people. After passing the Jiaotai Hall and several round gates to the west, she came to the outside of Shouning Palace. Shouning Palace was the princess's residence. It was originally the most flower cluster of flowers and trees in the palace, but now in Song Nan's view, the leaves and yellow branches here are withered, and the flowers and trees are as psychic, as if You can also feel the withering of the life of the hostess in the hall.

Song Nan entered the hall and walked along the corridor bridge to the apse. The female officials and maids of honor on the road were in a hurry. Some were carrying medicine trays, and some were holding hot water basins, as if they were mourning. The princess had been ill for a long time, and the Shouning Palace also became a pool of stagnant water, and even the air seemed to be frozen.

In the outer courtyard of the warm pavilion in the apse, a female official stood outside the hanging door to greet her. Song Nan met this female official. She was the princess's personal servant, surnamed Cui Minghongying. She was responsible for the princess's diet, living, clothing, travel and other affairs, and naturally included receiving Song Nan.

"Lord Song, please." Cui Hongying still had tears on her face, and somehow.

"Cui Shanggong, please." Song Nan replied in a low voice.

"In the warm pavilion, the princess heard that Lord Song came and the princess was dressing up." Cui Hongying said in a low voice. As the princess's personal female official, she knows the princess's secret well, and Cui Hongying also knows everything about the matter between the princess and the brocade guard Lord Song.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Can the princess get up? This is the image of recovery."

Cui Hongying burst into tears and whispered, "When the princess heard that Lord Song came, she got up with all her strength. During this period, she fainted once, and the maidservants didn't listen to her advice."

Song Nan felt a pain in her heart and couldn't speak.

Cui Hongying said, "Lord Song, please come in. The maidservants are waiting outside. No one will disturb the lord and the princess. Please persuade the princess well. The maidservants...servants begged...please..." Cui Hongying choked again and turned around with tears.

Song Nan slowly stepped on the fallen leaves in the court and walked into the warm pavilion. The two maids of honor silently opened the curtain, and Song Nan lowered her head and walked into the warm pavilion.

The warm pavilion is as quiet as a grave, and the air inside seems to be like a condensed. Every step seems to stir the sticky air around the side, and it is difficult for the bound people to move. Although there is a fragrant fragrance in the room, it can't hide the smell of medicine under the fragrance and the strange smell of life passing.

Song Nan stepped on the thick velvet blanket and walked to the curtain in front of the dressing table with large bronze mirrors. Kang Ning sat behind her back. A maid stood behind her and slowly combed her long hair with a wooden comb. Corning's face reflected from the bronze mirror was thin and concave. Perhaps because of rouge, he couldn't see the original skin color, but no matter how good the rouge was, he couldn't hide this thin face and concave eyes.

Kang Ning closed her eyes and didn't see Song Nan coming from behind. Instead, the maid of honor saw Song Nan's reflection in the bronze mirror. She looked back in shock and opened her mouth to shout. Song Nan quickly stopped her lips and asked her to silence. She walked behind Kang Ning and reached out to grab the wooden comb from the maid's hand. The maid bowed down, and there was only Song Nan and in the room. Both of Corning.

Corning's breathing was almost hard to hear, and she seemed to see the slowly flowing blood in the cyan blood vessels under the white skin of her neck. She was dressed in a big red dress and deliberately wrapped her body in it, so that people could not see her skinny body.

Song Nan gently lifted Kang Ning's long hair and slowly combed it with a wooden comb. This long hair was as rich as before. On the top of the beacon, Song Nan fell asleep several times with her long hair and smelling the fragrance.

"Hmm..." There was a slight sound in Kang Ning's throat. Song Nan realized that Kang Ning was going to speak and quickly listened closely.

"Hongyu, hasn't Lord Song come yet? Can I see people like this?" Corning's voice was weak, and it would be difficult to hear if it hadn't been for the silence in the room.

"Hey... Help me go to bed. It's better not to let him see me like this. I dare not look at myself. If he sees me, I'm afraid he will have nightmares." Corning whispered to himself, his long eyelashes shaking and sliding out two tears.

Song Nan could no longer control her emotions. Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell on Kang Ning's face. Kang Ning shook her body, opened her eyes, stared at Song Nan blankly for a while, and suddenly shook her body and shouted, "You...you..."

Song Nan hugged Kang Ning's body, put her cheek on her face, and whispered, "Princess, I'm here. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Corning tried to raise his hand to cover his face and said, "You... Don't look at me. I'm ugly. You can't look at me."

Song Nan whispered, "No, you look as good as when I first saw you, and it hasn't changed at all."

Corning said, "Really?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Of course it's true. When did I lie to you?"

Corning muttered, "Yes, when did you lie to me? Have you lied to me?"

Song Nan suddenly remembered that she had lied to Kang Ning and promised to propose to the emperor after returning to Beijing. She also said that she had not lied to her. In fact, she was a big liar, and this lie would kill Kang Ning.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, princess, it's all Song Nan's fault. The father-in-law wants to beat and scold, but please don't abuse your body." Song Nan whispered.

Corning's slender and cold fingers slid on Song Nan's face and shook his head and said, "How could I beat you and scold you for killing you? I... I don't know how much I like you, but how can I treat you like that... It's a pity that I came a step late, and we have no fate; you didn't treat me well. You are very good to me, I understand."

Song Nan whispered, "Please don't torture yourself and live well. I know you are not sick. You don't want to live, so you become like this. If you die, teach me how can I live in peace in the future?"

Kang Ning pinched the corners of Song Nan's mouth and whispered, "You're right. I just want to die. Without you, I was born boring. At first, I secretly poured the food into the scum bucket and lied to them that they had finished eating. Later, when I saw the food, I wanted to vomit, and I spit it out... You see, I can only drink some soup these days, and sometimes even spit out soup. I just think about when I can see you. After seeing you, I can close my eyes to death. I didn't expect it to be true. I saw you; I don't regret meeting you at all, but... it's just a little late."

Song Nan shouted, "You can't die, I won't allow you to die."

Corning smiled and said, "We can't be together. You can't live up to the little princess. She's fine. Yesterday she came. I know she loves you as much as I do, so you can't live up to her."

Song Nan said, "Who said we can't be together? As long as you are alive, I promise you to figure it out."

Corning's eyes lit up and said, "Do you have a way?"

Song Nan said, "I will definitely come up with a good way."

Corning shook his head and said, "No, I'm a princess. She is the princess. You can only marry one. You can't live up to her. You and she have already had a marriage contract."

Song Nan whispered, "Believe me, you know I will come up with a way. In those days when we were trapped at the peak, everyone said that we would die, but have you ever seen me say a word of giving up? It's man-made. Although I can't think of a good way at the moment, you believe me, as long as you stick to it, there will be a day to come up with a solution. You are single-handed today. If he has a way, where can I go to find you? Isn't it a lifelong regret?"

Cang blinked and said, "Do you really think there will be a two-way solution?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "I firmly believe that you should not give up. If you live well, I can find a way, otherwise what will I do today? If you ask for death, it will kill me. I can't live at ease all my life. Living is equivalent to being a dead person.

Corning thought for a moment and said, "Didn't you lie to me this time?"

Song Nan raised her hand and swore to heaven, "If you violate today's words, the sky will thunder."

The blush on Corning's face appeared, and she almost fainted happily. Song Nan saw that something was wrong with her, quickly hugged her to bed, leaned against the head of the bed and asked, "How do you feel?"

Kang Ning said, "I feel dizzy, short of breath, and I have no strength all over my body. I'm worried that even if I want to get better, I won't get better."

Song Nan hurriedly said, "You are anorexic after hunger strike. The most urgent thing is to eat quickly to replenish your strength."

Cang Ning said, "But I want to vomit when I see food."

Song Nan said, "You think about our future, even if we vomit, we have to resist. In this way, I asked someone to cook porridge, and I will feed you in person, okay?"

Conning said, "Okay."

Song Nan was overjoyed and hurried out to ask someone to cook porridge and send it in. As soon as she heard that the father-in-law was eating porridge, the whole hall suddenly cheered. Cui Hongying put her hands together and thanked the Bodhisattva for his blessing. At the same time, she was very grateful to Song Nan. As soon as Lord Song came, the situation immediately improved.

The porridge was quickly cooked. Song Nan asked people to stir it in white porridge with brown sugar. At this moment, she can't eat too much. She should focus on soup and sugar to adjust the balance of her body. Song Nan personally held a spoon and fed it to Corning. Kangning leaned on the head of the bed and ate it in one bite. Although her body rejected the food and had to vomit every time, she stubbornly resisted it.

After eating a small bowl of rice porridge, Song Nan asked Kang Ning to lie down and rest. Kang Ning refused to sleep with his eyes open. Song Nan came to her ear and said, "I will come again. You sleep with your eyes closed. I will come to see you tomorrow, but you have to drink at least three bowls of porridge today."

Cangning said, "I can't sleep. You sing songs to coax me."

Song Nan scratched her head and said, "How can I sing music?" But suddenly I remembered a song, so I laughed and said, "Sing and sing. Don't laugh at me."

Kang Ning agreed in a blink of an eye. Song Nan reached out and stroked Kang Ning's face and sang in a low voice, "I'm in the village. He is so ugly. Ugly is ugly, the village is the village, and the intention is similar. He is really ugly and won the affection of our village. Like such ugly family members, village spouses are only in the sky.

Kang Ning looked at Song Nan. How could she not remember that this song was sung by Song Nan when she was on Mashuikou Mountain that day. It was about the story of a stupid sister and an ugly man. At that time, the situation was vivid in her mind, and it sounded different in her heart at this time.

After singing a song, Corning burst into tears, and Song Nan's eyes were also wet.